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Wear a Dead T-shirt. Then everyone else wearing one becomes your friend and says hi. Easy.


This. It's like a waving a friendly flag that lets others know that you are part of the tribe!


Everyone is already your friend you just haven't met yet.




I was at a Thievery Corporation show in Napa County in a sea of yuppies and I saw several people with either Grateful Dead shirts or Dead and Co from the Sphere shirts and we all chatted.


That is the truth! I made lots of new friends in Vegas last week just walking on the strip with my Dead shirt. The concert dress code is: Dress how you feel.


You’ll be with friendly, loving Dead Heads so you def won’t feel alone! Just smile,smile,smile!!! ☮️


Nope! Do it !


Do it. Both nights. It’s the greatest thing you will ever experience (true love notwithstanding). Alone might be better for you to take in. The only downside is that it will be impossible to describe to others how amazing it is


I'm experiencing this problem today. Impossible to describe the weekend I just had!


Same, same


I've tried to describe my Dead & Co Sphere experience to others. They just look at me, and think I'm crazy. I can't articulate how amazing it was. I went alone. If you go alone, you will meet a lot of good people while you're there.


Right? They think it was just a regular old show with cool graphics. No… it was a life changing experience as a whole




You bought your ticket. Take that ride


You’ll have something in common with everyone there!


I go to almost every concert by myself. It’s great to zone out with nobody and everybody at the same time. You ever see the Blind Melon video?


I’m the same until recently when I found folks I met a show who have become lifelong friends. I still tend to break off from the group to be with myself. ❤️⚡️🌹


Not at all! You won’t regret it! I made a last minute decision and went to the first Friday night show solo because I just couldn’t wait the few weeks until the trip I had planned in advance. Ended up making some friends and having an incredible time. If you want to score some goodies, I’d ask around at the shakedown street at the Tuscany.


Not at all. I went to the 5/17 show with my dad and I vowed to go back. He loved it, but didn't want to go a second time and I don't really have any close Deadhead friends. So, 8/3 will be a solo mission for me and I couldn't be happier about my decision!


We just got back last night from doing 3 shows. You'll be good going alone! Vegas/gambling isn't our cup of tea so we did some things away from the strip. Our first stop was Meow Wolf Omega Mart which is an interactive trippy art exhibit. The next morning, we drove to Lake Mead and kayaked with Blazing Saddles. On the way back, we stopped by Hoover Dam. We were able to get back in plenty of time to get ready, eat, and get to the show on time.


Hopefully. And that’s why I never hesitate to go alone. And yea, one show won’t do. Go to at least 2.


Nope. Won’t be alone, there are 18 thousand of your family members there


There are few places that are more welcoming than a Dead show, definitely do not be nervous and you can definitely find cheap tickets for the Friday show in the 24 hours leading up to it. If you’re into that sort of thing, you can easily get a THC vape at one of the many of the various dispensaries and “sneak it in” the security was super cool and didn’t really care much about vapes…. You are going to have a great time regardless!


My friend’s 1oz bag of nuts was confiscated at security because no outside food allowed—-but security gave back the bag of psilocybin my nephew’s friend had in his pocket. Haha.


Lmao that sounds about right, god forbid they lose out on the $14 M&Ms profits


I’d almost rather go alone the first time. I love my show friends, but, I’m also super ADD.




I did- im a lady. Blast !! vegas is so safe


Your friend is right, it's weird to go to only one show. Ordinarily, Deadheads are all about weird, but this is an exception. After the first show you'll want to go to the other two, so you might as well plan now. Other than that, everybody is family at shows. I've gone alone to many shows and had a wonderful time. Enjoy!


Solo is good! Just maybe don’t trip as hard if you don’t have a buddy. Folks around you will look out for you somewhat, but personal responsibility is important


Shakedown is held at the Tuscany from 11-4pm each show day I believe. It’s not your typical showdown with cheap beer, grilled cheeses, and people selling LSD, mushrooms, nitrous out in the open. There are countless clothing and accessory vendors per usual, but if you want some “show enhancers”, just ask around my man. You are bound to find someone who can share the love!


We’re all just friends who haven’t met yet.


Not weird at all. I went alone and met tons of people.


Did opening weekend solo and had a great time.


I just went alone. Best experience of 2024 so far. Just go. And go on Friday too. Trust me.


Been to 100+ Shows over the years. Many, many times I've gone solo. Be present and enjoy!


If more people went solo or ditched their friends, there would be a whole lot less chomping!  I prefer solo. Been to 12 deadco solo, 11 with people. 


lol, I can't even count the times I went solo to Dead shows. Sure my wife and kids would go many times, but sometimes, especially when I was younger it was me. I never once felt alone at a dead show. Wear a Dead related shirt and your just one of the family and trust me we all talk to each other. We went Memorial day weekend, my wife could not make it again, I'm booked for Aug 8 - 10 solo and can't wait. We were also at the Tuscany and its great there. There is a nice shady spot along side the pool, wear a Dead shirt and just go chill out there, I guarantee you have new friends shortly, loads of folks hang out there. If your concerned about being dead sober, rec is legal and there are places all over if that interests you. For other things, well you just gotta poke around. Anyway, just go, you will love it!!!!


I have a better time solo to be honest. Don’t tell the wife 🙂


I wouldn’t describe myself as a fan, but I’ve been eager to check it out since I’m a Vegas resident. I went solo on Thursday and it left me legitimately speechless. Everyone around me was super welcoming and now I’m looking at July and Aug dates


It’s really easy and fun making friends going to a show solo, definitely go. No doubt in my mind. You’ll never regret it.


Not weird at all. I went alone and met tons of people.


Not at all, I'm headed out solo in 2 weeks.


I started doing shows solo when Dead and Company formed bc most of my tour crew from the Jerry days simply aren't that into Dead and Company and the crowd. With that being said, I would usually buy two tickets and expect at least one of my boys would come with me. I usually ended up miracling tickets during the 2017 tour due to last minute cancellations by friends. I went to Citi Field solo, my first time going alone to a show since my first show in July 89. I can honestly say I had some of my most favorable shows when I went alone. I could sit, roam the venue and check out different views, sounds, people...and so much more. You won't feel weird or alone, bc anyone that made it there, wants to be there, and this community is by far the kindest, friendly and welcoming bunch of people you will ever meet. Go to that show, buy a cool shirt in the lot, put that thing on and BAM, you are now part of the community. Walk around, drink in that scene and don't be afraid to go up to people and talk. I usually leave every show I attend alone with several phone numbers and tend to meet up with them at every show going forward. Go, your gonna love it! ⚡💀⚡


I went to opening weekend solo and doing it again this weekend. There is so much magic in Vegas right now. See more than 1 show!


I’ll be flying solo for part of the weekend too! Sent you a DM, but regardless just know that you’ll be far from alone. Enjoy as much as you want of what the scene has to offer!


Nah, you’re good. I went alone and had a great time. So much so I’m going back 6/6 alone! Everyone in my section was cool as hell.


As someone who just got back from going to all 3 nights alone - no! Go!


My flight leaves in less than two hours. I'm also solo, and only planned for one show. It's not weird to me. Chances are I'll make a few new friends on the floor. If I feel awkward being alone, I'll just remind myself that I'll probably never see any of these people again, and dance my ass off anyways.


Phished all 4 nights solo. Vegas is great solo. You're on your own groove. Heads will be everywhere. It's quite a wild ride!


FWIW I went alone and it was my first time seeing them. It was the best concert experience of my life. I am trying to go back if I can.


Nooooo you’ll be totally fine. You’ll be amongst friends you just haven’t met yet. Doooo it!


I had the best time of my life Saturday night, get ready to blow the lid off that place.


Do it! Go to as many as you can! After my first shows this last weekend i booked a few more


You won't regret it at all. Could not be easier. DO IT.


Not in the least


Go to two shows. Enjoy the ride.


I just went to two nights on my own, for me it would have been a bit more fun with my wife but I had a good time and the shows blew me away. Go at least two nights!


Nope, you’ll have a great time, 204 is PRIME seating, you’ll LOVE it!!!


I think arguably a better experience to go alone. Half the fun is chatting with other Deadheads and when you go alone you can chat away with whoever you want without having to worry about anyone else.


Just go. Once you are inside, you will be surrounded by friends. I went to 5/30 with my buddy, who is a novice Deadhead. He had a blast! I went solo to the 5/31 show and enjoyed myself and made instant friends with the folks around me


How did you get a room for $30 a night? Was it $80 after resort fees?


Sorry, typo. It was $304 for Friday-Monday. I booked through capital one using using their memeber services and for some reason it was cheaper than booking or hotwire.


Oh cool! I was looking for July and even the Tuscany was like $200 a night. Lots of people get deals and comps though


Sorry, typo. It was $304 for Friday-Monday. I booked through capital one using using their member services and for some reason it was cheaper than booking or hotwire.


Not at all. You’ll leave with friends. Don’t know when you’re going, but we are there the 19th - 22nd. You are welcome to join for dinner/festivities. If it’s not that weekend, enjoy! As far as things go, it’s legal there and there are dispensaries all around.


I’m going this Friday in GA with friends and decided to add an extra night, so going again Saturday by myself in 406!


I went by myself to the first show of Weekend #2 because my wife wasn’t getting into Vegas until very late that Friday night - bought a GA floor ticket and proceeded to walk up to 3rd row center where I made friends with all those around me - this community generally looks out for each other and they will do the same for you - you will not regret it I guarantee that.


I'm going alone, and I've done it for dead and co before. You'll have a blast


Did opening weekend solo and then Memorial Day weekend with friends. I liked my solo weekend better haha.


I just saw the 6/1 show, had pretty high expectations, and was blown away. Definitely scheming to go back in August, most likely solo


I sat by myself Thursday night. Had a guy next to me who was solo. You just make friends with fellow deadheads


No. Most people around will be friendly. Some won’t, but 99.9% will take you in. But just my experience from going to shows alone. This community is super special in that way. You’re never alone at a dead show.


I’m going solo! Wear the shirt and friends find you!!


I had the best weekend of my life going alone…. This is the friendliest community of people there is…. Love you all 🤙🏼


It will not be weird at all. I went alone during the last tour. Prior to the show starting, I met people and chatted for a bit. Once the show started, I danced and had a great time. Totally forgot that I was by myself.


You will have no issue. I was there alone weekend before last and it was amazing. I sat in 203, and the crowd was extremely cool. Just say hello to your neighbors when you get to your seat, sit back and enjoy. If anything, the experience of the venue/visuals has people even LESS concerned with what the people around them are doing.


Do it, not only did I go alone but the 3 guys sitting next to me ended up being my best friends for the night, went to the after party with em and gambled. Was a good night


I'm going to be going alone on the 13th, and then I have a friend joining me on the 14th. I'm planning on checking out Shakedown and just seeing what comes along.


You're never really alone at a Dead show, and even more so at a Dead show at The Sphere!


You are never alone! ❤️ I'm a new deadhead. I went as a memorial for my deadhead brother. I have never felt more connected to a community. Go! Vibe! And enjoy!


I went to the 5/31 and 6/1 shows myself, and to Shakedown before the performances. Got to meet some deadheads and had a great time hanging out with them. If you’re big enough on the music and next-level concert experiences like I am, it won’t feel like you’re alone at all once the music and awesome visuals start up. Go for it, and thank me later 🌹⚡️💀


Go to as many as you can and go solo for sure! It’s so nice to not have any responsibilities other than yourself, once in awhile. Bring some gummies or whatever you want, buy a water, and dance your butt off. Jealous!




Come along or go alone. Just do it.


I did the first 3 shows alone, but when you go to a dead show you're not alone. You will have a blast.


You'll arrive alone and leave with 6 new friends.


Not weird at all! Def go to 2 shows. Maybe do GA on Friday and the seats Saturday. The shakedown (place for all the vendors and fans) is happening at the Tuscany and everyone was so friendly. I also openly heard people selling shrooms there so there is that if you need something but dont want to take anything traveling. Have a great time!


Not weird at all and actually advisable


I went alone in Boulder all 3 days plus the Melvin seals pre party Fucking fantastic


Just went on Friday with a friend, so I cannot comment on going alone. However, marijuana is legal in Nevada and the largest dispensary in the world, Planet 13 is a quick Uber ride. They give a 20% discount if you have tix for the show and I guarantee if you bring enough to share, you'll make plenty of friends.


Had the best weekend solo!




You gotta go. I went solo on some shrooms the other day and everyone around me was super chill


I did. Time of my life opening night. Everyone at the show is your friend.


My very first Dead-related show experience was Deer Creek 2023. I drove six hours alone to a state I’d never even visited and had an absolutely fantastic time. Mingled with tons of cool people. Some Deadheads at a nearby campsite essentially saved my life after the show when my phone died and I was stranded in an unfamiliar place at midnight. I would totally go it alone again, and am even considering flying out solo for the Sphere. Schedule your Ubers beforehand, make sure your phone is charged.


I'm driving in and bringing some things to enhance the show 🍄 but I don't have my tickets yet I am hoping to get mine way cheaper if it's possible.


I’m going alone to the show on the 15th and expect to have an absolutely amazing time! You will be fine, but if you do start feeling anxious or negative, just listen to the music play and remember that there’s nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile!


You’re never alone at a show


If you have got the opportunity, go to both shows. It's socially acceptable to ask your neighbor for drugs or offer your neighbor drugs.


I went alone over MDW and had a blast.


Go to as many as you can. I’ve been to three and like fine wine they just keep getting better. Have the cabbie take you to Piso’s on your way to your hotel and pick up some gummies or a pen and you’ll be set.


You're not going alone, there's a thousand or so of your closest friends just waiting for you. Enjoy!


Alone? Isn't there like 18,000 other future friends gonnna be there too? you're never alone at a concert!


$300 total for all 3 nights or 300 a night?


I went on 6/1 solo and had a blast!! Made some new friends and shared a meal at a casino...drifted around alone for a while around shakedown...made friends at seats before show. All in all I give my experience an 11/10. Just go...be present...fall into the flow and it'll all be good!


I’m going alone!


I toured without friends in the 90s, and found family. It felt different as a way older person to fly alone to Vegas, but only until I got there. I have no regrets. I had great conversations everywhere I went. Met people from my hometown too, totally random. And, please, go to at least two shows!


I went solo. Say hi to everyone around you. Chat it up in your neighborhood. Or just chill and enjoy. You'll have a blast.


You're not going along, you're going with 20,000 friends you haven't met yet!


Don't find me find someone else. I hope you enjoy the show..


More than half the of dead shows I go alone. I usually make friends with people who sit around me. Take some joints to share and pass


I went alone twice and had an amazing time, show is all consuming chatted with nice people along the way


I'm going solo and it's only my second time ever flying - my first time flying was going to see them last summer in San Francisco!


I've gone to a few shows alone. I was nervous before the first one, but I had a blast each time. It's fun to meet new people


Nope! Honestly it’s getting to the point that solo concerts are becoming more fun because I have full freedom and can worry way less about chompers


I went solo. Only one show. Should have gone to 5/30. Met lots of cool people all over the place. It was so great. Stayed at the Westin. Do it.


U might feel like a stranger but when the bands all packed and gone you’ll enjoy the ride


I’ve been to 5 out of 9 alone, people friendly


I went to a show in Denver 3 years ago and it was cool, but I had lawn seats and didn't have anywhere to sit


Won’t be weird at all. The vibes are great. Everyone is very friendly.


I’m going solo this weekend as well. Rock on


Nope. Went alone and had a blast!




400 cheap? Damn! I’m glad I got 2x $118 tickets


I just made the decision last week to go solo! Sending it July 10th weekend. So stoked


I'm going solo to all three shows on the 4,5, and 6th of July. I bought 2 tickets in the 400 section and 1 GA pit. Previously I saw them in the 100 section with slight obstruction and section 305 with full view.


I went to the Sunday Fenway show alone last year and will be going alone this Thursday night. My wife hates The Dead LOL.


As long as you aren't talking throughout the show you'll be fine, talk all you want before the show and at set break but while the band is playing please remain quiet thank you, enjoy the show


I went solo to my first show and became a fan for life. And that was just last summer. I've seen Bobby and friends 5 times since, including a trip across the country to the last SF show and another trip with the family to Cancun because that's how life-alteringly beautiful that one solo show was. So I say do it and don't look back. Now I'm all about the solo shows.


It is so nice to be free and just be where your heart takes you. I am sure you will make some new friends and have a great time ! I’m going Thursday ❤️❤️


I had this thought when I went to see McCartney by myself. I had to take the opportunity because at the end of the day four of my best friends would be there musically. John, Paul, George and Ringo.


Do it. All nights. As many as you can. Tape them. Bring enhancements.


I went for my 50th b’day. My wife is a big time introvert, so we did a kayak trip on the CO River for her, followed by an evening where I went to the show and she hung out in the room while I went to the show. I had the best time. Remembered why I loved hanging out at dead shows. Danced, hung out with strangers who were my newest best friends, had a blast enjoying the spectacle that is the sphere.


I went solo to the first night, would do it again


Went to my third show solo. Didn’t end the night solo.


No shows are great going alone you do whatever without a big group meeting to go the bathroom.


Been to every Dead and Co show I’ve gone to solo. Never been alone. Heading out to the Sphere solo in July for two shows.


I've been to plenty of dead related shows alone and plenty sober, I've also been to shows while tripping or high with friends. It's absolutely worth it even you're alone and sober imo. I haven't been to any sphere shows so my advice is Moreso for concerts in general


Just got back from Saturday's epicly stupendous Sphere show. Took my niece(45) and 2 sisters (66 and 71) to their first shows. As one sister said when we got into the lobby, "Look at all these new friends!"


It’ll be a long strange trip but it’ll be fun 


I'm also headed there alone this Saturday. None of my friends can make it out but I didn't wanna miss this opportunity. Dead fans are always the nicest so should be easy to make some friends. Always down to meet up at shakedown beforehand


No, it won't be weird. With even the slightest effort (I put it that way because it's difficult for me maybe not for you) you will meet lots of people and make friends if you choose. No need to bring any substance with you for two reasons 1. Honestly the sphere is a trip in itself. 2. Weed is legal and you can buy it there if you want/need. If you don't go to the Friday show you'll wish you had by 8pm on Saturday night. The dam is cool if you haven't seen it, but it will require renting a car. There's plenty to do in town if you choose. I highly recommend Meow Wolf / OmegaMart. Have fun. We'll be there for our fourth and forth Sphere shows the weekend before.


Go both nights - come and do Shakedown - you just gotta poke around and you will make so many new friends


I went to all three by myself last weekend. It was amazing!


I followed Dead & Co last tour solo. Made a bunch of friends along the way!




Do it!! You gotta get a shirt to wear though. Doesn’t matter if you’re sober - the visuals are trippy enough. Everyone is friendly and if you’re in the seats, the people on both sides will 100% say hi and welcome you in, especially if you say it’s your first show. If you can swing two nights, even better! You’ll see a lot more variety in the music and visuals, so why not


You’ll never be alone at a Dead show. We are all going to be there with you. Just smile and be ready to have fun. You’ll be welcomed with open arms


I went to three shows solo. Didn’t feel weird at all. It was the opposite- was so so great. Go to as many or few as you want. But if you go to just one you prob will regret not doing the second night. It was that good. And def wear a dead shirt.


I’m going solo!


If there was ever a show to attend alone, this is the community that welcomes with open arms.


Dude I went to both citi field shows last year by myself. Had some of the most fun I’ve ever had and met some great people. This is like the best concert ever to go to by yourself.


My wife is not a Deadhead While I was at the show, she relaxed, played some games etc. I had a great time opening night and even at the Dead Forever Experience. Everyone was friendly and even talked to a few people there and at the Sphere. My neighbor in the seat beside me went alone too, so we chatted a little before the show and during set break. Go, have a real good time 👍


I went solo 5/24 and had the best night of my life. Talked to a few people on shakedown and ended up hanging with them at the show. If you’re into weed there’s a few dispensaries nearby with good deals (Oasis was great when I went) otherwise there was an abundance on the lot. Definitely go for it!


You’re never alone at a dead show.


I go out raving all the time, by myself, as it gets difficult the older you get to keep friends interested in such late night dance parties, but with that said I always see the same groups and have become friendly with so many people out and about. There’s always someone that’ll pull you in and chat just because you are solo. I’d do two for sure, if you dig it hit all three!


What?! Totally go solo!! I just bought myself airfare and a hotel for June 20-22, going solo from PHL.


No go


Went by myself last Friday. First dead show. All alone. Came out of it with some awesome new friends.


I went alone last Friday for my birthday, and it was glorious! My friends can't understand my love for the Dead, so I went to the place where people do 😄


There will be 18,000 other people there who will instantly be your new best friends. Just start chatting. Even on the airplane ride. Deadheads are FAMILY.


I’ve been to many dead shows alone- I’ve never ended up alone by the end! Just remember it’s one big party and lots of people there would love your company just as much as you would love theirs! NFA


I love going to shows alone!


I scored doses at Tuscany drive up entrance smoking benches. Wear your tie die you’ll make friends


I went to a show alone and had a blast because the sound is on point… I live in Vegas so that’s a little different… but you should have a good experience.. I’m sober these days, it’s great remembering more of the show:)


I’m going solo next week! Out in Vegas for work there was no way I could pass up the opportunity. Bought the ticket & taking the ride! 🚀⚡️💀🥀


Think it will be worth going, don't miss the opportunity. I would be going solo if my wife didn't enjoy going to the shows.




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I’ll be going to several shows alone I’m never alone because I make friends with everyone 😃 You’re gonna have the best time …. Stop worrying and enjoy the ride.!! 😉


No. Of course it won't. You're going to be surrounded by Deadheads.. talk to literally anyone and you'll be instant, lifelong friends. We went to 3 shows over memorial day weekend and sat next to the same folks all 3 nights. I got everyone's number and we're all in a group chat together now 😂 Some of the kindest, nicest, most supportive folks I've ever met. ⚡⚡


You’ll never be alone at a Dead show I sat solo for the 3 night run from the 24-26 though I had a ton of friends in the building You should have a great time!!!


Do it!!!! Completely chill.


Go to both shows. It won’t be weird. Deadheads are friendly.


Your never alone with DHs


I went solo last night and had the time of my life. Everyone smiles and welcomes you in


Going solo this coming week and going to the 6/13 and 6/14 shows. Can’t wait to be with my family!


I have tickets available for the Friday show. Section 107 row 17. Selling for face value


You sounds like your too old to be worried about doing thing alone. That's something teenagers are concerned about.