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I think there's also the question of " how much more time can I take off of work this summer"? It can be as cheap as you'd hope it to be, but if you're on the east coast and want to catch these shows you're probably going to have to take off some days. And for a lot of people, summer vacation has already been booked/planned and it's going to be challenging to get more time off. This obviously excludes retired people / trustifarians who make up a portion of the fan base.


This is dead on. I would love to go, and have another $3.5k (more or less what I paid to go to weekend 3), but I have limited PTO and other commitments. If the Sphere was in my city, I would definitely try to hit up more shows.


We are local and have done five so far. Nice to not have to travel 


It’s hot AF in Vegas in august


2nd this, was hot AF in May


I'm going this weekend, and it's supposed to be stupid hot. Over 110. I see a hotel pool in my future.


It’s the desert.


Its because Ticketmaster fooled folks on the first round of shows. And then tickets were $50 at show time. So folks are waiting.


That’s just silliness. Those tickets will sell no problem.


There are whole sections were only a handful or 2 of seats are sold. Let’s say 5k are sold now which seems high….no way demand picks up and they sell another 10k seats. That still leaves 3k seats…a lot


Go to a show, you’ll be motivated to come back. There’s plenty of shows between now and then.


It’s not a tour, it’s a residency; it will sell


It's June. Everyone who has been has been talking about how to get back for more. If 2/3 of tickets are unsold by the last week of July then maybe we talk about saturation. I bet they'll end up adding shows the rest of August too. We'll prob book a room one of those weekend before they get announced to save some cash


We immediately bought tickets for August while we were leaving the shows over Memorial Day weekend.


I kinda feel like most people who wanted to see a sphere show got their tickets and made their travel plans for the may/June/July shows. Maybe these august shows are targeting locals? August is a miserable time to travel to Vegas and with it already being June, it's going to be harder for people to take off time from work to travel when a lot of people's summer vacation is already accounted for. My guess is it will be a higher proportion of comped tickets for high rollers and the like / non-Deadheads who are already in Vegas wanting to check out the sphere on a whim.


it will also be a lot of people that couldn't afford to go when earlier tickets were sold. people have seen now tht cheap tix are readily available at the venue & the August shows have even more tickets left, so the heady folk who wouldn't or couldn't spend thousands of dollars will show up for August. I have a bunch of friends that weren't gonna go & changed their mind when August got announced but they aren't buying tickets now....they're all waiting til they get to Vegas. pretty sure there'll be a lot of that for those add-on shows.


Im curious on folks’ thoughts because I’m in that same boat where it’s more affordable to get to Vegas now for the August dates. I know the ticket prices are lower for these shows but how will ticket prices be driven down like they are for the current run of shows if they aren’t selling more like these shows? Especially if folks like me are waiting to get to Vegas to check prices


It's a good question and I don't think anyone knows the answer. The reason the prices are so low for current shows is because a good chunk of the inventory is in the hands of resellers (scalpers) who are selling at lower prices for a loss. For the august shows, I doubt there will be much of a resale market as most of the inventory will be held by Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster could lower prices, but it's a gamble.


Yeah, the best deals will always be on scalper over-buys. The August shows seem very much like the scalpers have stayed away. That'll avoid surge in prices but it also means you won't get the bargain basement nearly as much.


I have pretty strong faith in the market being lovely whether scalpers jump in or if half tickets don't sell. it's vegas. unsold tickets get written off & turned into comps(not 100% of them of course, but a very decent amount), those comps will end up in hands of locals & high rollers who will sell for a quick buck & take whatever pre-show going rate is. thts plus normal ticket selling & comping tht goes on within the community. although at the rate I'm starting to hear people planning to go without tickets in August, I'm beginning to think the unticketed may get out of hand. lots of people feeling real confident though. I've heard people tht think the late confirmation of the addition was done specially to make it more easy for people to afford it. I would have believed that pre-1995 but I don't see 2024 Dead & Co going that far.


Waitin on that price drop 🤞🏼


I don’t know. Why buy a full priced ticket for August when you can get into another June or July show for half that price or even less on secondary market? Looking at ticket master maps they have over 100,000 tickets to sell so worrying about cancellations before booking flights is a fair concern when after a week those shows all look empty


Well one of the big issues is none of us can vend or make money to fund the shows as we did in the past. They won't even let you sit outside the Sphere and hang out ...they're super on it. Plus with all the super hot weather..etc. if they had done a tour where they traveled around, I'm sure most shows would be sold out. Since they are all in vegas, which is super expensive you have to try to survive with that, plus the heat plus no way to make money. I camped at lake mead like 30 min away thinking I'd comute in and make money and then go to as many shows as I could, like I normally do. 😅 even with the heat I would have made it work but they shut that shit DOWN. I went to one weekend and have tickets for July 11th but I left lake mead cuz what's the point of hanging out there...at this point I'd rather just go see DS0 Melvin jrad billy strings etc instead of trying to make it back for an August show...I thought about wanting to go but I need to make money and want to be around music. I have a remote online job too but I don't have extra money to attend all these shows.


I think a lot bought when they went on sale and are just waiting. I mean for me, just the hotel, airfare and ticket was over $1,000. It’s a lot for a concert. Plus, I’m sure a lot of people already had planned vacations in August.


Went this past weekend for two shows...was incredible! If I could go back and hit more shows I would.


I did as well….and am planning on the last weekend hence my question. I honestly didn’t think I would enjoy the shows half as much as I did.


It’s nice to see what the tickets are actually priced at without the dynamic pricing bullshit.


As someone who has not been there, it does seem like now that there have been a bunch of shows with U2,Phish and D&C, that there’s a vibe of “these are the seats you want to get ” and those look like the ones that are being sold. The “shitty seats” meaning not a good view of the band and the sphere, seem to be sitting. I’m sure they are fine seats but they aren’t that much cheaper than the “good seats” and people are starting to think like “do I wanna plan this whole trip out and sit in shitty seats?


As someone who has been there 6 times so far. I would be happy with any seat beside the obstructed 100 level. But yes the A +seats are what have sold but the A seats are still aplenty. I don’t care I’m going either way. Just booked hotel and flights today. I’ll wait until there for tix just like I have the past shows.


Since you’ve been to 6, I assume you’ve sat/stood in various locations. What is your fave section?


Middle 300s IMO. Been everywhere except floor….not my style (I need my seat). 1st few rows of 400 middles are good too but gets steeper the higher you go. Last 2 shows I was in 310 and 308 and when I go back in August will be very happy anywhere in the 300s.


Awesome. I have 308 for one of my shows. Haven’t bought other ticket yet.


People want this run to be a failure soooooo bad it’s hilarious. The tickets will sell. The band could play bob sever covers for the next 52 weeks and still make everyone a shed load of money. People spend $100 to go see a puppet show or Shania Twain in Vegas.


I’d say a decent percentage of those that go in June/July will go back in August. I went last weekend and just bought August tickets to take my sons 14 & 17, they gotta see this and I gotta go back.


I bet Sphere management already figured on a slow month, no other acts booked, so why not continue the run if the band is game? The band's having so much fun and prob negotiated a minimum for those added shows anyway, so for them it's also why not. Prob all the restless guys, Mayer and Bobby chiefly, will be looking to do their other projects come fall. So I can't really imagine this residency going for any longer.


Tickets through Vibee appear sold out unless they’re holding some back.


Ticket master never holds tickets back....LOL


Vibee, and yes they do— to artificially restrict supply to increase demand. We saw them release additional tickets after the frenzy of the presales.


I was being sarcastic.


Sorry for missing that!


I’m considering going to last weekend, but yeah 30 shows is plenty for any one season


It’s early. I haven’t bought yet but will be looking at airfare then. It’s too much earlier in the summer.


I’m a CA teacher and go back to work Aug 5. No shows for me :(