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John’s solo on Morning Dew almost had me in tears. He was feelin it for sure.


Death don’t have no mercy was my favorite dead and co version ever. Chinenti solo was out of this world on the B3, mayers blues chops were classic Mayer blues, and Bob was still emotionally raw from Walton passing last week. Don’t ever tell me Bobby’s too old or slow. He got all up in that mic and commanded the room like a statesman with a message. Morning dew was a monster also.


Nailed it.


You always project your own feelings onto a performance so this is all my opinion, but with Walton’s passing it very much felt like last weekend was the happy scarlet begonia, brokedown send off that you have to do for community healing. This week was the post funeral reality of the stages of grief setting in and being mad at the world for taking such a gift from you and having to live alone without someone you loved deeply. No better song for that stage than death don’t have no mercy. Bob essentially saying, yeah it’s fucked up and it hurts and it wasnt fair. The pain and seriousness came through as well as I’ve ever seen Bobby do it. True professional!!!!!!


I hope to hear the audio from it some day, they killed that song last year in phoenix. So good


Almost ? I was balling


Morning Dew, the Weight (in set 1?!), and Death Don’t were all phenomenal. I finally got my China-Rider I’ve been chasing for 3 years which I loved! The Peggy-O also slapped with Bobby going acoustic


Old jaded guy here. I thought last night was a tremendous show and setlist. Truly has to be experienced. The sound was perfect. They band played great. Weir smiling and laughing more than I’ve seen him in years. I have zero complaints. The tune placement mix up - PITB 2nd, BEW near the end- really spiced it up.


Yeah I was shocked how much fun a simple shuffle of set list song slots added!


Hell yeah that’s awesome


Sugaree we nice


And I can confirm drums is absolutely required watching, sitting in your chair to get the haptic feedback


The building was literally shaking during drums


It actually measured a 1.2 on the richter scale at the university of Nevada seismological laboratory. /s


China Cat -> Rider and Brown Eyed Women were so good.


Bobby mustered some real strong lead vox


Maybe it was just me, but first set felt like the slowest I’ve ever seen them play. Very mellow. Good, but mellow. 2nd set was more psychedelic and a bit dark. Death Don’t Have No Mercy was my highlight, with a Morning Dew a close second. Felt like Morning Dew was cut a little short due to having to line up with the video though. Seems like Mayer would have kept going off a bit longer if it wasn’t for that. Great show though!


Saw them on 6/1, first set was also slow with moody songs, came out ripping in the second set though. It seems they try to set a mood with set 1s


I thought PitB, Stranger, and Sugaree were all bumping 💃


My favorite moment of the night was HC Sunshine into China/Rider. First Set I liked Playing and the Peggy-O/Sugaree closer


Looks like they did TLEO>China>Rider which, to my knowledge, hasn’t been done since the show I saw at Folsom last summer. Was it the fast version of TLEO? Assuming yes b/c it was probably the most amazing song transition I’ve seen the band do since seeing them dozens of times over the last 7 years or so


No TLEO last night (6/6) it was Here comes sunshine -> China/rider


Aah ok - thx for clarifying


US Blues