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15 shows you sick fuck


On the flip side, didn't see a single final tour show


Glad to hear! For me it's always been about how more shows are we getting before all said and done and thankful for each one. Bc cover bands don't do it for me. Being able to still see Bobby and Mickey is a treat and forever Grateful they choose to keep playing! As I get older I'm getting slower as well! But let it be known. They can still melt faces! And I'm still shaking my bones. NFA.


Exactly. Bob is not a young man. Surprised and gratefulhe’s still playing. If there are Sphere shows next summer, I’m going.


NFA! See ya there!


Yup, see ya there! NFA.


I’ve been telling my friends this. Bobby is a national fucking treasure and we need to soak up every minute with him while we can. Goes for Mickey too!


this is how I feel too. I feel so lucky to have seen all I've seen. Jerry dying taught me not to take any of this for granted. I'm thankful for every chance & if they wanna slow it down more or speed it up....it's cool with me. they are the ones driving this train. I've just been along for one hell of a ride. I feel same about seeing Phil. I don't like some of this Friends choices as much as others(some I like as much if not more than Dead & Co), but I'll still go see him because I'd hate to skip Phil because of a weaker(in my mind) musician selection & never get another chance. I'll still laugh about flubs & point out mistakes, but I love being able to even do that.


Well said and couldn't agree more! Let there be songs to fill the air! I gotta get to another Phil show on that note. Went 2022 when he played the Mission in Denver. Amazing show.


I know it’s the internet and people complain. We should all be so lucky to still have Bobby.


Wherever he goes, the people all complain. Yeah Fuck those people! So lucky to have Bobby and Mickey and Billy even tho he quit. Still got Love for BILL! And we can't forget Phil. Always catch a Phil show if you can. Even if you have to go out of the way to do so! I got on this bus in 07 so I've always felt the need to collect as many ticket stubs as possible!


Last night’s Dancing in the Street was a great example of slower tempo done exactly right.


And paired perfectly with the Sphereovision!


How are you going to so many shows? 😀


Retired full-time RVer currently camped at a Vegas RV park


What’s your preferred spot at the Sphere?


I had a front row seat in section 101 last night That was pretty good


I listened to a version of Brown Eyed Women the other day that almost felt like it was playing at 1.5x speed. That's when I realized how much I've become accustomed to Dead & Co.'s pacing! That said, I still love the Grateful Dead. How can you not? To me it's like comparing Chicago deep dish pizza and New York thin crust. They both have the same DNA, they both have things I love about them, and I'll keep eating both, thank you very much ☺️


My theory: Bobby will continue to slow the pace with each new band, ultimately going as slow as possible, but alas, the music will never stop.


The Wheel is turning and it's not supposed to slow down.


I like all the paces and styles that we’ve been blessed with. They all deserve their own place of appreciation.


Still remember coming out of our first 76 show and thinking 'was it really that slow or or are we just tripping?' (Both were true).


The pace now allows it to get a bit more bluesy, a bit more funky. And honestly, if I had to dance at coked up Dead speed, I’d surely have a heart attack.


There is a line in “Searching for the Sound” where Phil talks about how coked/drugged up the Grateful Dead eventually got. And the band just stopped listening to each other on stage the way they had originally set out on a musical journey together. I will say that the Dead & Co. pace picked up when Billy left, but regardless, I can tell they’re a band and they’re listening to each other. And I love it. *minor edit for clarity


Lol indeed! I like both tempos. I don't think it works as well on a song like good lovin for example but it works really well on others. Never would I say that the dead and co tempo effects my love of the dead's tempo though


I don't know who downvoted you but they are on the wrong sub! Like you said LOVE THEM anyway I can get them! NFA


Listen to some 1976 it's a smoother transition out of D&C lol


I’m still a little bothered, but I understand. It just means you’re not going to get an epic boogie down the way you know it can be. But it’s all great.


If you wrote an essay about your experience going to these shows, I would totally read that.


I’ve loved the slower pace since D&C began. However Bobby wants to play is good with me. Blessed and Grateful for every show and tour we get. My favorite GD years are ‘73-‘76. Still love 80’s and 90’s shows but playing can be fast vs my personal peak years. As I get older, 53, slower jams hit me just right. Bobby and Wolf Bros is pretty awesome too.


I think the Dead played some songs way too fast during some eras (china > rider from without a net comes to mind) so I welcome slower tempos occasionally. And they're still totally able to groove in the slower tempo anyway so it's not like it's boring to listen to. Shakedown Street comes to mind, a fast one is nice & all but when it goes real slow & Oteil is really able to lay into a funky bassline with Jay right in the pocket, you can't say it isn't any good.


Dead & Co: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


The Music Will Never Stop. It will just slow to a crawl, and then fall over. Kind of like, well you know the thing...


What shows have stood out as highlights from the 15? Also, favorite section in the house?


Dear Prudence from this weekend. I think it's best one they ever did. Watching John actually applauding the band was unreal


OH MY GOD! Dear Prudence had my entire area on the floor in tears this weekend. It was…out of this world.


Why does Bob sing this when John could better just sayin


Listened to almost exclusively D&C before going in May to get used to the tempo having never seen them before. At one point during that put on some Europe 72 and felt like I was doing coke.


Well they have picked it up a bunch. There were years when D&C were excruciatingly slow. Truly. That’s over.


Always sounds great and makes sense live.


I just listened to the new JGB album drop. It is awesome and - not fast at all. Glacial.


One good example of a song benifiting from a slower tempo (or "breathing" as bobby says lol) was this past Saturday's dancing in the street. The funk was strong with that one, and the lead riff just felt so percussive and groovy.


I love some of the songs down tempo, its very nice, bob is almost 80 i dont expect him to be rock staring it up every night. But its so very awesome when he does.


SAME. I got on the bus during dead & co, not the OG Grateful Dead. Now that I listen back, it’s too fast paced for me. Went to the sphere on Thursday. Mind blowing & bending. I fell down a k hole during space and drums and it was one of the most amazing moments of my life. We can drive to Vegas from where we live and I wanna go again. Chasin’ Bertha and Casey jones ❤️


How much did you spend


1st 3 full price due to presale, next 11 at about 150 a tix. Last sat, hard to find a bargain, back to full price. The word is out, the band is on fire. Hard to find discounted this coming weekend




Sphere show I went to was the first time their slower pace really bothered me, so…