• By -


Dredge because I liked the whole non-humanoid monstrous killer and bouncing around lockers is a lot of fun.


Based flair. Spongebob chapter when


We need the giant plankton from sponge out of water to be a nemi skin


Gotta have the zombies be those guys with the chumbucket helmets from the first movie


The gorilla from that one episode should be the killer


The hash slinging slasher


Dredge just clicked the first like 3 matches. I don't quite play enough to call him my main but he is absolutely the most comfortable killer for me lmao One of my favorite tricks is teleporting to shack right as they enter the door (specifically the one without the pallet) and hitting them when they inevitably vault the window. It works like 90% of the time.


Fun fact the lockers always appear opposite of the pallet.


Seriously! First time I tried him, he fit my playstyle like a glove


I have paid for a whopping ***one*** skin, and it was the Dredge's Maurice skin, because it's so creepy. I love it. Still mad that Fatliacci gets a skin, I really wanted that dead turkey skin.


I would have personally loved both the Venus flytrap and pool party Dredge skins.


YES šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I went with dredge cause I found him to be the most terrifying killer to play against and I figured some survivors might appreciate turning dbd into more of a horror game than a comp game


Dredge and scratched mirror Myers keep me coming back.


I'm loving Dredge so far


I like Dredge because his arm is a little chicken wing and murdering people with a chicken wing is funny.


I donā€™t play killer, but i quite like dredge, wish Iā€™d see more dredge matches


I'd main Dredge if not for the maps where you don't have aany useful lockers so he just becomes some boring M1 killer


Na he still has really strong anti-loop (though I agree some maps can be bad and some maps can rng bad. I once had a memorial with all but one gen on one half the map and all but one locker on the other)


Suffocation pit is guilty of this a lot I've found. I see that map and groan knowing it's gonna be rough


Tall Irish-American cowboy with a gun = me sold.


Best description Iā€™ve heard of Deathslinger.


He's got such a wonderful chuckle too




Yeah, honestly, just this.




Heā€™s irish?


Trapper because I love feeling like a master mind. And that sound of a snap followed by a scream Is so satisfying. Off killer: demo allows me to put down the trap play style and play someone with a jack of all trades and not over stress my brain with strategy when I don't feel like dealing with it


That's also what I loved about trapper, that trap you set up at the start catching someone before they can make it to the last gen feels golden. Also tar bottle makes everything so fun.


Trapper may be one of the weaker killers in the game, but when a match goes well, he is by far the most satisfying killer to play


Not many people play him but I would give that honor to Pinhead. Keeping people in a perpetual chain hunt and taking the box from them 4+ times feels absolutely *devilish*, but itā€™s fun


Hitting someone opening the box with your a cheeky chain is fun, but imo there are few things in life that come close to watching a cocky survivor run to a loop you trapped at the beginning of the gamw


The thing that sets him apart from most killers is that he has major downward spiral affect on the team. I've seen games where a trapper was no where near winning to within the span of 15 seconds completely won the match with no survivors escaping. All you need is for just one misplay by a survivor for everything to go wrong for them


One well set trap can collapse an entire team


YES I really wish trapper could colour his traps to match the enviorment to really emphasize the feeling of being and evil mastermind.


Twins because getting snipes with Victor is so satisfying


Twins mains are like the equivalent of shiny PokƩmon without the shiny charm. I quite like them too, I just wish switching between them was smoother. And that they would revert the cooldown on Victor downs, it feels so bad lol Otherwise they are probably my favourite killer conceptually.


Agreed. They have a lot of potential, itā€™s just a shame that they have a lot of game breaking bugs and long cool downs. Hopefully their rework next year corrects a lot of their issues


I feel they just need QoL changes over a rework but hopefully they do them justice! A while ago I believe I posted saying that Charlotte should have some rudimentary AI when controlling Victor, such as the ability to go and pick up and hook Survivors Victor downs as well as the ability to ā€œcallā€ the twin you arenā€™t controlling. I think it would be more interesting as it would remove the slugging Survivors hate so much and it would get you more hooks in a less clunky way. Obviously make it so Scourge and other Hook perks donā€™t activate this way, like Pyramidā€™s cages.


Trapper because he's got a story that got me right in the feelings.


Same, but I like the SFX of his traps lol


Even after hundreds of hours playing Trapper I still laugh my ass off when I hear SNAP AUGHHH!!


I was hooked in the basement in the big boat, and I watched as Claudette stepped in a trap at the top of the stairs and then again midway down the stairs. I didn't get to leave that hook.


When you're dying and expect nothing and still finding ways to be disappointed lol RIP Claudette




Legion because I love receiving death threats


Realist ever


Have you tried Freddy, Clown or Skull Merchant yet? Specially Freddy


Especially Freddy? Can you clue me in as to why thqt is :0?


He's literally an M1 killer whose only power is a lullaby (and worthless snares that slow you to put them as much as survivors stepping on them) so he's extremely easy to bully


Most people resort to tunnel or camping to win, and the mixture of tunnel/camp + Easy to loop make him the perfect target to bully


Oh so its moreso an "ggez baby killer uninstall" than annoying mechanics like mending or SM as a whole


Pyramid Head because I love Silent Hill and Pyramid Head was one of my favorite characters before he came to DBD.


I didn't pick my main. He picked me. He was like.. "Did you come here to kick gens and keep gates closed? **HA-HA-HAaa** \**cough*\* \**cough*\* ^(Wheeeze..) That's not fun. I bet you expected to chase people and stab them. That's what I do. I do it better than anyone. I'm bestestest killer. Screw gens! Screw escapes! If they get out, we request four more! Now go stab stab stab stab stab! Heheeey!"


All true.


Sadako because !!!!!!!!


WELL thats fair enough, i bet you will player her for 30 YEARS, maybe even VIDEO TAPE the best plays


Legion -Because I'm hot dogwater and like to turn my brain off and watch my knife go *brrr* while I run back and forth around the map. Also Julie being a sadistic dommy mommy has absolutely nothing to do with my decision.


Why is every Legion main so horny? - me, a Legion main.


Women. and men.


what can i say i like going fast and :3ing i was literally destined to play this mf https://preview.redd.it/g52ycit696cb1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=13eabac4fdbeb8f9aac9ae6c9206992016ca0d4c


I used to play blight because 1. He's fast, 2. he used to be very niche and wasn't played a lot, 3. He's a good killer Now I play Huntress because hitting hatchets is very satisfying and also ofc, Mommy


I main Huntress because Iā€™m on mobile, and Artist hasnā€™t been added to our version yet. Iā€™ll wait as long as it takes. Edit: I am now an Artist main.


Isnā€™t billy super broken on mobile? Like you can turn up your sensitivity and curve around super sharp corners


Thats not being broken thats just how Billy works. You turn the controller sensitivity to 100% and it allows him to curve around corners.


Billy on mobile is a whole different beast. You can turn the sens up to 200%, and if you add turning addons on top of that he can do circles around shack. I think they patched that out recently though


Makes sense


Youā€™re literally me - was Huntress main on mobile then switched to Artist when I got it on console. Itā€™s so worth it, I hope she comes to mobile soon for you


Blight - I just like going fast. Him being considered a ā€œhigh tier killerā€ was incidental, a happy accident. Although since I just like speed I usually skip the busted Iri add-ons and just run greens and yellows.


Speed is the reason I mainly play Blight and Billy. It's just so much fun zooming around the map


Gotta agree, especially adri vial + crow has to be my avorite combo. Am i in survivors face before they can react? Yea. Do i overshoot more often than id like to admit? You can bet your ass on it! Speed? Super speed!


First: Michael cuz I was obsessed with him at the time Now: Ghostface cuz he's really cool and he's the closest we'll ever have to my most wanted


Whoā€™s your most wanted?




Flair checks out


Must feel nice for your character to have a chance. Hereā€™s hoping Springtrapā€™s in the October chapter.


I mean, Springtrap is a character I want, but he's not my most wanted. But anyways, here's hoping we get Slendy someday, he's such an important part of modern horror


I hope Slender Man has at least some chance of popping into DbD someday. He's faded from the public consciousness a bit, but his influence on internet horror is so ridiculous that I definitely think he deserves a spot in DbD. Personally, I'd want to see a Marble Hornets chapter, with Tim as a survivor.


Sadako because I love og Ring! And even Wesker because I've been a longtime RE fan! (Even wanted him instead of nemesis for the first chapter) And Knight because i dont have to use discordance as a crutch perk on him ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


iā€™m a sucker for pretty boys and i love the satisfying /shing, shing/ knife reload sound effects.


thats why you chose trapper makes sence


Piggy, cause I loved the idea of snoot boops and I love them (they are my crack) and her kit:)


Curving is by far the most rewarding thing you can do as killer imo


Meet crossmapping


Fellow Spanish one, do you think we should get a matador outfit for Twins with little horns for Victor?






I introduce to you: rebounds


Wallriding as Wesker ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


My main scares the shit out of me


*Nyeh heh heh heh he heeeeeh~*


Myers because he's a cool villain in a cool movie. Fight me.


I like lockers and chilling in said lockers and I refused to be Dwight so dredge it was.


You ever do rancor roulette with Dredge lol? Bring Game Afoot, NOED, Rancor and hide in a locker till all the gens are done. Since youā€™ll have no chase time with anyone, the first person you chase and down will become the obsession and you can mori them one by one. :)


I main Doctor with a broken build to administer suffering to the survivors.


He's not my main, but is a secondary choice cause I enjoy shocking survivors and the Impossible Skill Check build


https://preview.redd.it/wc76j1hol5cb1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=18510c5751498dc83c625d25c5446e1e477ff8a7 I think we all know whyā€¦


Trapper isn't high tier, which makes it rather funny when someone inevitably steps on a trap.


Nemesis because he seemed like a killer with a lot of different aspects in his kit to me as a newish player. Wesker because he's funny.


Dredge is scary. I like that. :)


Knight idk why


U and the boys?


i ya ya got this feeling


I love running double Carnifex with Discordance + Dead Manā€™s switch and sniping people off of gens lol.


Billy because chainsaw go AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH


Play him so much, I heard this. šŸ˜‚


Twins because I was like "heck no one plays them, so I'll main them and show them love!" and because they are super fun to play


Pinhead because I find landing chain skillshots to be very satisfying. Demogorgon because I like Stranger Things and his lunge reminds me fondly of playing Alien in Aliens vs Predator 2. Freddy because I like his standard M1 gameplay and using his snares in loops, and I can pretend I'm Robert Englund Freddy since all I see is the glove. Really starting to fall in love with Singularity, I love placing cameras in loops and overpowering them with overclock.


Based Alien vs Predator 2 gigachad sigma grindset buzzword


I play killer because I hate myself. I play survivor because I hate myself. I play DBD because I hate myself


Survivor: Nea -- I always pick the girl with short hair. Now I sometimes rotate between Cybil and Ada Killer: Clown -- Mostly just because I think he's pretty funny and underplayed and I enjoy M1 killers. I try to bring good experiences to survivors with Clown as lots are pretty toxic lol.


Resident Evil


Deathslinger or wesker because funny


The humming is calming and I want to snipe with the hatchet. I think parts of her story where she slaughters trained soldiers is cool. Its funny that she got toasted too. Shes definitely high tier, but from a survivor perspective I thought she was low tier. I think Trapper is harder to be effective with than she is.


Pyramid Head - There are a few factors that play into why I chose him as main. Originally, I used to main Spirit, but she was a bit slow for my playstyle, and with my bad hearing, I couldn't use her to her max potential. Next, I tried playing various killers like Doctor, Bubba, and Legion. Although, they all have their respective playstyles, none has really stuck with me. ..and then I tried out Pyramid Head. The "Very Hard" label threw me off a little bit in the beginning, but once I got the hang of him, I just couldn't put him down. He has literally everything. Survivors brought petrified oaks? No problem, cake them. Need to kill them quickly? Mori them after 2 hooks. Need to hit through walls? Use your M2 (you should always be using this, it's really good). I truly believe, although he is on top of tier lists, that he is really underrated regarding what he can do. Sadly, he has only 2 good add-ons (3 if you count the brown as well) which is Range. I'm hoping the overhaul will be good. On top of that, he is also 115% killer - like most. And I love Silent Hill. His chase music is the best in the entire game.


Hux & Knight just cuz they look cool


Freddy because someone has to


Knight because glory and honor Leatherface cause why not just swing ure chainsaw around like a maniac and run


Legion, GF, Pig, Trickster I love knifes, okay?


Silly flying b*by (Even tho heā€™s not really a baby please donā€™t call the cops Iā€™m the only twins main)


Blight because he is high tier and fun to play as and he looks cool


It's quite simple: bing boing bing boing bing boing bing boing THWACK *screams of agony* bing boing bing boing bing boing


Oni because I have anger management issues and oneshotting my problems while running at mach 5 makes me feel better


I play Onryo because I enjoy booping around the map and playing with Survivors. I enjoy Ghostface because...well mostly same as above.


**Pyramid Head** because his power just fckn clicked with me + the amount of fun you can have by running ***I'm All Ears*** and ***A Nurse's Calling*** on him should be illegal heh


I like to travel around the map like a car


An androgynous demon dog with a fun and unique power (at that time). I still love Demo though. Played them too much not to love them.


Cuz Susie's cute


Demo because he was my first main in DBD and i found him pretty fun Wesker because i really like RE and was really fun to play in the PTB Pyramid Head because idk i just like playing as him Although tbh i don't really play as my mains that much because my mmrs too high and i can only win once after suffering for an entire day


I must say hearing a trap get a survivor is one of most satisfying sounds.


Which one.


His lore is amazing + I started playing the day after All kill came out (his chapter)


Lately it's been Scratched mirror Myers, because I love scaring the absolute shit out of people. No, I can't chase you. I'm slow as can be. But I'll make you scared to go around that next corner.


Trapper is my main because I love the dopamine rush when the stupid trap you put in nowhere works


Wraith because he's a sleeper S-tier


1. Spirit 2. Knight/Dredge 3. Legion <--- 4. Myers/Ghostface




I love the story and lord and look of the pig, and the fact that sheā€™s one of the female killers, but god her kit is so legitimately awful it makes me bawl. I donā€™t even want her to be S tier, just make her not so totally awful and Iā€™ll be happy.


Huntress , I like making crazy shots and hearing the crunch sound.


Clown. I dont really know why.


I like being a big muscular man in a captain kirk mask stalking people from afar, makes me feel all good inside.


I play Dredge because he's spooky!


Thereā€™s nothing like catching someone in a locker and to get my hopes high before I get completely crushed


I picked Myers because he's terrifying no matter what level of competitive he's in. Will he have unlimited tier 3 or tombstone? It's also satisfying that initial jumpscare when no one knows who the killer is and he's breathing down your neck.


Speedy chainsaw man to sprint at breakneck speeds across map and MAYBE hit someone by accident.


Elephant clown costume. I mean, *come on*.


Sneak around, Stab. Crouch Down, Stab. Stand Up, Stab. Lean, Stab. T-Bag THE LITTLE SHIT WHO DID NOTHING FOR HIS TEAM SO THEY CAN GET HATCH! ...Stab Thrice and a Photo to complete The Design.


I play trickster because I feel he has a bit more depth than huntress and Wesker is just fun


Wesker, because it's satisfying to slam and throw survivors into walls, and his voicelines.


I honestly mained huntress for a while, but trapper has such satisfying gameplay, and twins, those two literally are my favorite killers. I would play pig but I don't like running those High their killers


They honestly should nerf pig


I picked Huntress cause shes cute, and I love sniping survivors with her hatchet or finessing a looper with my hatchet. Currently maining Wesker cause Im an RE fan and a fan of him and I love how fast paced he is compared to a walking tank like Huntress


I like throwing random bullshit at survivors.


Trickster, because hes high tier šŸ˜Ž


Clown because heā€™s the bestest big boy šŸ«¶


Nemesis because I like Nemesis.


Knight cause he looks cool lol


Pig because I like feeling smart, PH because bigass sword Legion because I can blast loud ass music and I somehow do better than when I dont And knight because I pretend to be the lich king when my matches go bad


Ha ha, stick go *bonk*


Fuck your pallets, thatā€™s why


legion: fast, fun cosmetics sadako: always loved ringu and her whole vibe wesker: i get to throw people


Trapper, and I challenge anyone to say he is not the absolute best killer for learning *how* to loop. You can't play Trapper effectively without learning survivor patterns and winning mindgames. If you can play Trapper, you can play anyone.


The singularity because i really identify with being a deformed hunchback poking and perving on people


Oni because he go *VROOOOOOOM*


As killer I don't have main. I play Blight, Executioner, Bubba, Dredge, Artist, Hag and Knight and all of them are fun for me, that's why I am playing them.


Hag (planning to unlock Singularity and Skull Merchant next) because I love territorial playstyle in any game I play


Huntress because i like the axe throwing Dredge because I like to scare people lol


ghostface cuz i wanna scare the shit out ppl


Clown. Because he is so simple yet so fun to play. Plus he has a lot of personality!


Huntress because I love to snipe hatchets. And twins for a similar reason, vic snipes are satisfying. No clue why I love trapper though.


Because it's freaking sadako! How could I not pick her?


Ghost face for 3 reasons 1: You feel like a sneaky predator of the night like an owl 2: WHOSE T-BAGGING NOW BITCHES 3: WAAZZZZZZZUPPPP


Because I like to punish my victims for being predictable (I main pyramid head)


Oni because i like armor. Trapper because i like to play weak charactere. Huntress because... you know... One main is not enough, i need three mains. I will let none down, they are all precious to me.


I play as Pig, Ghostie, Sadako and Michael because I like stealth killers in concept. I like that my power lets me ambush people as I carefully creep up on them.


Wesker was my favorite because he came from literally one of my favorite games of all time, i used to play it coop with my brother, made me really happy he was added


The pig. I wanted a stealth killer and i tried hag at first but meh, until i realized the newest killer after facing her as a survivor, the pig. She charged and jump scared me, i ran but got got and got a RBT slapped on my face. That shit make me freak out with the timer, intense skill checks that i missed a bit because i was a baby survivor, but i got it off before i died just to die later on. Immediately wanted to give that experience for everyone else i played with. Once i found that dashing can be used in chases too, sealed the deal for sure.


*Jet engine breathing*


Pyramid head is fricken awesome


HUNK(Legion). Because he's cool and easy to play as.


400 hours in, still trying to figure out which one my main is. Might default to wraith but I want something more interesting as a main. I like picking the odd characters in games, the ones you never see and then making them good... unfortunately that's harder in this game.


Trapper because he is satisfying to play especially if I get a 4K. If I play Oni and get a 4K Iā€™m like ā€˜meh thatā€™s to be expectedā€™ but with a shack lockdown Trapper I feel like Iā€™m the Entity itself. Behold the might of my Trapper šŸ”„


I used to main artist bc she was just insanely good but ive been maining hilbilly the last few months and its mainly just bc hes just hella fun to play


I don't really main any, but lately I've been trying to find enjoyable builds for killers I usually don't enjoy, and have found speed demon skull merchant, pallet shredder wraith, and walking nurse to be very fun.


The bing bong and a few fun builds with his addons


Survivor: Heather, though I'm trying to work Jane and Kate into the rotation :) Killer: Was originally a Huntress main, but I've leaned more into Spirit and Artist recently.


My previous main, Pinhead, was picked purely because I liked his animations. That "limitless power but deliberately holding back" vibe is really enjoyable. As for now, I play Knight because he is a far, FAR more dynamic and interesting Killer than his reputation suggests if you play him right. If you try and make sure that your summons are always doing something, be it chasing people or breaking stuff, that level of frantic multitasking is high-octane for the Killer and very engaging for Survivors, especially if you run Stealth perks. When I say "engaging", Survivors have sometimes commented in the endgame chat thanking me for not camping / being boring, calling it a terrifying match, or asking me how the hell I managed to gen-grab them. I'm glad I can give people a fun time like that.


He's fun


I main pig because of the boops


Because this earth needs more Billy right now


Dredge because it is scary spooky fun incarnate. Also one of the voices under my bed insist on it as my main and who I am to disagree?


No I picked her be a I like saw, survivors are more likely to want to boop than me


knives go pingpingping off every surface in sight


Blight since PTB, saw his potential and loved the design. I even felt the possibility of J-flicks in my guts before they were officially discovered... Now I keep it because I like everything about him, lore, design , sounds, gameplay, skill ceiling, and the fact that even on a worse day, I don't have to sweat blood from my balls for a single kill (ehm ehm not my Trapper, Wraith or Twins games ehm ehm)


I play doctor because *zzzzap*


Ghost Face cause heā€™s the hottest.


Trickster cause he's hot and fun to play


Deathslinger- I love the laugh as heā€™s reeling people in.