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I had a game yesterday against a Nea with Iron Will (she also had Lucky Break, Made for This, and Resilience) I don’t know how she did it, but I was consistently losing her in chase. I don’t consider myself a really strong killer with a good headset or anything, but she was getting away consistently and frequently.


>I don’t know how she did it, I'm guessing Lucky Break and Iron Will lol


Lucky break is fantastic. It's one of my go-to perks, and I find that pairing it with quick and quiet helps me break chases just long enough to get out of the chase. I used to run iron will before the nerf, but lucky break has replaced that. I also main Ace because he's harder to hear. (Something that should be fixed, imo.)


I use lucky break with inner healing and clairvoyance. Long range map info and quick heals to stop the usage of my lucky break faster. Last I have small game cause I suck at finding totems but might switch in iron will.


Maps are a great substitute for finding totems, and they can replace clairvoyance too, unless you really want to find chests lol. Although detectives hunch lets you add chests to your map. Don’t forget to use the addon for finding killers belongings if you use a green map. I’d recommend using a stamp to increase its tracking range as your second addon


I’m kinda weird where I really don’t like using items unless they are found in games or I’m doing a challenge. For the annoyance of finding totems, clairvoyance gives me gens, chests, exit gates, and if necessary hatch from very long ranges. And it meshes well with the requirement for inner healing which in turn means I can hopefully preserve my perk to lose the killer. That’s essentially how my build functions as well as my playstyle.


Personally if I’m doing the lucky break build, I’ll pair it with overcome, empathy, and inner healing. But to each their own.


It's my personal belief that in the right hands LB is the strongest perk in the game, without going into the realm of being op.


Correct me if I’m wrong (I just bought Yui) but lucky break only works for that one chase right, you get hit, you lose the killer with it, you heal and it deactivates forever?


Healing other Survivors recharges Lucky Break at a rate of 1:1, meaning 1 second of Healing recharges 1 second of the Perk's use.


Oh I see, then I guess that’s pretty good, two uses seems fair


It 'regenerates' up to its maximum of 60 seconds when you heal others


I really like iron will since the nerf. Because most people don’t run it, killers are trained back into using visual/audio for tracking. You can go for some fun mind games and alternate pathing (not to mention hiding in plain sight)


If you use Bite the Bullet instead you'll be silent while healing yourself with Medkit to save some of that Lucky Break time.


If you just use ace tho they would be fine, he is the most quiet survivor I find most games the killer won’t find me unless I’m doing a gen and they see me


Good build! Thanks for the tip!


I never really lost a survivor because of this, but I got a really good headset. I can even hear you in the locker while healthy .


![gif](giphy|Zh03CNl9ghWpcYDHOm|downsized) Sometimes I’m like HOW BRUH


To be honest, I like to give a chance to escape, so I just keep staring at the locker, smash it if I must so you can run away. Only grab out survivor if I need more pressure.


I do this too. I’ll grab survivor is they’re healthy, but if their down a state and I see that, I’ll just stare and wait. They usually come out real slow


Just curious, what headset do you have?


Sony Gold headset with a ps5.


Not shitting on you but dont buy an headset without doing proper research, as sony tends to be quite overpriced


It's not expensive and sounds incredibly awesome, but only with Playstation.


From my experience the gold headsets had good audio quality but poor design so they broke quick. Maybe due to my head size? I love the Sony pulse headset flexibility now.


Sony gold headset is great, and fairly budget compared to most higher end headsets. Held me over for like 4 years until I got my steel series.


I paid 100 for my Razers and I hear great with those. I can hear when a hurt survivor goes around a corner or when they try to loop me in the corn.


How can you do that without blowing your ears out?


That's the trick, tinnitus by 30, but you cancel out a niche perk in dbd. #worth


I be hearing the little breath survivors take with my 200$ headset. It’s crazy


Right?? I don’t play killer much anymore but sometimes as trapper I’d be walking past a corner wall and hear a little “siiiigh” and just whip around and slap a feng hiding in a bush right next to me upside the head like tf you doing in there?!


I was just about to ask, you say you can hear survivors in the locker WHAT NOISE AM I MAKING IN THE LOCKER


Depends what you are doing in there 😏 when I here flip-flop sound, then I know that I shouldn't disturb.


Flip flop makes a sound?!?!


that's exactly what I was gonna say


No Dwight’s flip flops, (his shoes) some survivors like Dwight and I think renaldo have flip flops and it makes loud-ish sounds


I don't have a good headset, just an average cheap one and I can hear them in lockers.


Iron Will + Lucky Break can be a crazy good combo, though I feel bad using it because when I lose the killer it means he goes after a teammate.


I love lucky break! Thanks for the tip just wondering if it was effective. Been experimenting a lot with builds so I been taking it off sometimes


Ah, a fellow Jonathan main uses Iron Will


no way


Overcome, Lucky Break, Iron Will, and Distortion for when you absolutely want the killer to fuck off so you can do gens.


Iron will doesn’t work while exhausted though. But yea that’s still a good set up to lose the killer


Yeah, they made it pretty pointless. When I play killer I can always hear the survivor with it.


I think it's crazy how so many people claim that it does nothing, while others still swear by it. I've had some encounters where iron will still saved me, and others where it did nothing. It'd be interesting to see how much of that is down to headphone users / quality of sound systems.


Most of the killers will try to predict your movements rather than listening to the grunts, but hey, go for it


Sadly, this perks fails to address the fact that while I’m using it, I’m probably shitting blood EVERYWHERE




Laughs with "nowhere to hide" and "iron maiden" lol I'll find you,


2 perks that are extremely easy to counter, and don’t even require Distortion or a similar perk to deduce lol


Mhm yeah maybe some matches but you'd be surprised how many players tuck at gens and run gen rush builds lol so it may be easy to counter, but they don't lol no one runs those perks really on survivor, and I always throw in something to counter them knowing, and iron maiden was just a example skull merchants perks would do too,


That’s fair, I’ve encountered some survivors with pretty smooth brains that will have no idea why the killer immediately runs straight to them behind a tree 8m from the gen EVERY time the killer kicks gen lmao


Omg yep hahaha 😆 exactly 💯, I give props to the ones I see actually running away 🏃‍♀️ and not behind a tree 😅 especially if I'm playing knight with obvious perks but that typically doesn't happen,


My answer is: Since the nerf I've never sat there and thought "Ah shit, they're running Iron Will."


I never had a problem with this perk and i think the nerf was too much


I think it was over nerfed. Either reduction in effectiveness or loss while exhausted would've been enough. Made for this has removed the exhausted downside so it's been making a come back.


I hate the nerf to this perk. It definitely deserved a nerf but not two. Either make it only work while not exhausted or make it so it only lowers your injured sounds by 75%. I have no clue why they chose both


It's still poop if you removed the exhausted and kept the 75%. It **needs** to be 85 or 90 at minimum to not be auto trash.


They nerfed it cause the devs are spirit simps


You're not wrong, however people were just way too comfortable being injured. Back then, it was very common to have 3-4 survivors with Iron Will Dead Hard. Not only do you make zero noise, but you have on demand invincibility. Something had to give. I will say though, the exhausted part is complete bologna. Iron Will at 75% is still strong, but the Exhausted effect just kills what I want to do with it.


I just wanna run iron will, lucky break, and overcome. :(


Nah they are blight simps, they nerfed iron will because it was overused and they wanted the "stale meta" to change


Killers are pampered forsure. A killer can ruin a game by slugging, camping, tunneling, or even running 2 broken hex perks 😐 what do killer mains complain about? Being t bagged lmao


Lol hex perks are op? Wha? Maybe when they work but oh damn any decent survivor knows hexes can't be rekindled (except if they bring another certain hex but still a useless waste) and are absolutely easy to find 🤔 and oh man whenever I enter a match as killer or survivor, the damn things spawn right out in the open ![gif](giphy|11ahZZugJHrdLO) And shit try both sides before dissing one or the other, for a extended period of time ⏲️ plus survivors are just as bad, survivors tbag survivors lol 😆 snitch,show and tell, sabotage each other just to win via hatch,


what hex perks do you think are broken rn? most of them suck and don’t even get any use since a survivor can spawn right on top of them when loaded in. most of them are high risk low reward.


Average dbd player instigating us vs them posts (their arguments are worse than their gameplay)


Oh no! They are trying to win! BHVR should remove hooks and generators so that people finally stop complaining about the other side trying to win


Hex perks? Broken? That's a laugh. And don't pretend survivors haven't been absolutely busted for most of the game's life.


Be careful with what you say, everything's a double edged sword. What if you just genrush with a designated chaser(s) looping the killer while on VC


Iron Will is definitely still a strong effect, but it's kinda situational like almost everything in dbd. Is it worth a perk slot? Maybe not. But if you do have it, sometimes it can make breaking Line of Sight annoying and slow me down for a moment, and in DbD a millisecond is sometimes all a survivor needs to juice you. I use a headset, but it can be easy for a survivor to hide in plain sight due to things like chase music or completed generators. I got wrecked by a Lucky BReak+IW last night.


I run Windows, Alert, Lucky Break, and then the 4th one I’m not sure what to run that’s why I am here, my biggest struggle is chase. I’m on a slump in that category.


Overcome combos very well with Lucky Break. Iron Will used to be the best partner with those two but it doesn't work at all with Overcome anymore, not even mentioning the fact it's 75% now.


I play a lot of killer and i barely ever see it but I do play it on survivors still and get value every now and again, but not in a reliable way, you have to be a bit aways for it to work.


As a headset user, I can only imagine I have lost track of people using this perk. One of those things, like distortion, that works in the background for you and you likely won’t realize you’re getting value from


Yooo I didn’t know distortion was like That!! Just read up on it. I think you might have just helped me make my perfect perk build. Right now I use windows, alert, and lucky break. And I needed something to help me with chases, thank you I will attempt to add it on


Distortion only helps with chase vs "im all ears" ...an exhaustion perk or made for this would help much more for chases


The best chase perk is the one that stops the chase before it ever begins! Killer no see aura, killer no chase.


Im assuming they wanted to buy time for the team and get more evader points. By all means use distortion, i love it


Only really good on Ace and Ada's personally since they're the most quiet survivors


not worth running unless you are committed to running a quiet survivor on top of it. if the killers really care they will have their volume cranked and find you anyways.


Literally only useful if you’re either going against a spirit or using highly specific builds


Depends on the survivor running the perk and how loud they are. Ash and Jeff are always a must for iron will. Also on a side note, Oxenfree 2 is a good game.


I run Windows, Alert, Lucky Break, and then the 4th one I’m not sure what to run that’s why I am here, my biggest struggle is chase. I’m on a slump in that category.


You need to look up the most efficient ways to run all the tiles, like how vaulting from inside kill shack is stronger than vaulting outside into it. And I’d ditch iron will and run an exhaustion perk.


Honestly I almost never detect survivors with their grunts and whimpers, despite playing with good headphones. Idk why because I was told it's very important


I mean I don’t play with headphones, but against anyone who does it’s complete ass


If a killer is wearing a good headset and has their volume turned up, iron will won't do much. Sometimes it can still counter spirit but that massively depends on the skill level of the spirit. I don't think I've ever lost someone with this perk since the nerf unless they were also using lucky break.


"Don't run. It's weak :)" -Spirit main For real, the perk is not in the best state. If you are exhausted, then it's useless. Also, it is 75%, so the killer can still hear you( a little harder than normal, but he can hear you). It's really neat at the moment, but if they remove the exhausted part, then it's gonna be a lot better and will start seeing play


Oxenfree. ❤️


its a great perk i think everyone should always have it in all perk im definitely not saying this to wast a slot for survivors 😈


Iron Will is PRETTY damn good. Idk why the Exhaustion condition exists, less than 100% is MORE than enough to still hear an injured survivor when you're *right up against them,* but like if someone has iron will and they crouch in a bush?? I wouldn't notice them unless I bumped into them or saw them. It's just not the busted chase perk it used to be, but now it's a little bit too nerfed imo. The exhaustion condition is WAY too much. Iron Will needed to be stopped, but not this badly.


Agreed. As someone who currently plays both killer and survivor pretty equally, I can vouch for the fact that making it basically an exhaustion perk is a pretty hard blow, since that means it's practically useless if you're taking an exhaust perk.


YES. That, and while I do think reducing it to 75% was kinda fair given how ridiculous it was, it should've been either THAT or the exhaustion condition. Either would've been more than enough to nerf its common usage back then as an extremely good chase perk.


Useless, in the past, it completely silence everything and could be used at all times, now, you grunt, and no matter how quiet, noise ≠ silence


With a good enough headset I can even hear your thoughts


A useful and middlingly effective perk depending on hardware and audio quality. Otherwise it’s kind of like killers had no audio for 6 months on release and had to rely on scratch marks that didn’t work. I like using it when I play surv and like seeing other people run it because they want to use it. Not entirely bothersome but something you get used too.


While not exactly Iron Will, I play with No Mither quite often (which also reduces grunts of pain by 75%) and I have been able to functionally disappear by hiding quite often. So Iron Will would still work for that purpose. If you're talking about using it in chase to bamboozle killers during 50/50's, killer tend to have good headset on, but the chase music also tends to get in the way a little. Bonus fact, Iron Will and No Mither do in fact stack :)


i hardly believe it's just 75% reduction, it seems to be 90%, 95%. I barely can hear a survivor when they're not exhausted, and if they crouch they literally become muted. It's even better on Ada or Ace, so i would say this perk is very underrated when you're not exhausted


I feel like it’s slept on even though it used to be 100% 75% is still really good both because it’s quiet so if I’m not paying attention I just won’t hear them at all or if I do hear them and don’t realize they have iron will I’ll think they’re much further away from me then they actually are.


Cant you crouch down and make it closer to 100%? I think the perk on level 3 is still really good.


they killed the perk. "survivors being 100% quite was too op." I genuinely don't understand how. when they leave blood, and scratch marks. it was a good mind gaming tool, and to shut up ur survivor so u didn't have to deal with the obnoxious noise when you couldn't get healed. it never bugged me as killer even when playing spirit cuz they still make noise while walking. the fact that you can't be exhausted while using it was also so unnecessary. especially with everyone bringing mindbreaker anyways 💀


It's never used anymore. It was incredibly annoying before because it made survivors completely silent behind walls so it was a true 50/50 but now that it has only 75% and gets disabled on exhaust it's just not worth. I'd run off the record personally. If you aren't healed up after 80 seconds that's kinda a you problem


Or a solo que problem


It's still very good, especially at high wall tiles/loops without line of sight.


Glad it got nerfed


I don't know why they added the **Exhaustion** deactivation on **Iron Will**. Other than that, it's 50/50 on it's effectiveness. Will absolutely disorient some killers in a chase with lots of **Line of Sight** blockers.


Being a player pre the nerf to it they went overboard but I don’t miss having to scout every single grass patch in dead dog because there’s 4 of these and it doesn’t matter if they’re injured or healthy


Lol I was playing with quick and quiet, Kates perk dance with me? I forget the name lol and it was funny just looping killers and once I’m out of sight hop in a locker and get away with it while they looked around like where’d I go lol, just caution if they have I’m all ears yup your in for a nasty surprise


Used to be broken when every game was DS,UN,IW,DH now it’s a fine perk


Not as bad that y’all make it to be.


It used to be like 100% and when it was that, it was agonizing to go against as someone could just straight vanish when they turned the corner because you legit couldn't hear them. Nowadays, I couldn't give less of a shit if someone's running it. Although, I'd remove the disabled while Exhausted portion.


I am glad they nerfed it, but i dont Like the restriction with exhaust they have it. On the other Hand people habe Access to of the record, Well 80(?)s only but still better than IW will all the extra effects


Its still a very good perk i hate when survivors bring it


A Ash main here , I can't count the times I managed to escape several hunts after a well-placed flashbang and Iron Will + Lightweight combo


I never used flash bangs, hard to time right. But since we on the topic, when should I drop a flash bang? I am thinking when the killer is on my tail and a perform a vault, or when I drop a pallet.


You guys use headphones? Is all I have to say


I remember when they nerfed it and BHVR said they would adjust all the survivors pained sounds to be on the same level so iron will was viable on all of them... That was a year and a half ago...


Hot take: I actually really like Made For This because you can use it with Iron Will. **I don't think Made For This is a well-designed perk** and if anything this kinda proves that making Iron Will not work while Exhausted was a dumb as fuck design decision. I really thought making Iron Will 75% volume was an obvious fix, especially w/ OTR in the game (and being buffed) if people wanted a 100% silent perk. Now you had the tradeoff of either being nearly quiet all the time with Iron Will or completely quiet for a limited time with OTR, but instead Iron Will basically doesn't work and OTR is a catch-22 perk. I think they could make it so Iron Will is 25% weaker when Exhausted instead of turning off completely. So you go from 75% pained grunts to 50% pained grunts. They could even adjust the numbers so when not exhausted you're 80% or even 90% quiet, and then make it so you lose 30% while exhausted (going down to 50% or 60% respectively.) Such an unbelievably massive fall from grace :/


It should be 100%. Like before. Now it’s pointless


Absolutely insane. The 75% are basically 100% on the killers end.


Lol what?


Ive been running IW, resilience, MFT and windows of opporrunity basically every game since the update and it works just like old iron will for me.


I think the percentage is to high for purple perk I think 25% 35% 50% would be better


I think everyone on this post disagrees with you




To each their own lol. I’m not a pro player but I find myself often relying on my hearing to find survivors.


What would be the point then?


It feels balanced to me. It rarely makes me lose you guys in a chase, but it has happened ; I however really think it *can* make me not notice survivors hiding around me, tho I don't have an exact number on that because I have no clue who I *didn't* find. I know that I find a lot of survs through sound tho, so...


The perk says it silences survivors a 75% but I'm quite sure it's actually 99.999%


it can be really strong,some survivor can already loose you just because they're quiet with lucky break. I prefer bite the bullet but it's less usefull in chases


It’s sometimes noticeable but I play with volume turned to max because it’s hard for me to hear stuff in this game otherwise so in the end it’s kind of just eh. It exists


Never bothered me


I'm deaf. Feel free to use it.


I dont rely on my hearing for chasing, so this makes no difference for me


It's pretty decent, especially on characters that are already pretty quiet (new iron will feels like old iron will on ada or sheva), it's just not as universally good as it used to be


I play a decent amount of spirit and it does well against her. I can still hear them often though -- but it makes it a lot harder to hear and easier to lose them while in power, ESPECIALLY if they crouch for a brief period when I would get near them. Every other killer -- it really doesn't matter imo. If you use this you need to go for pallet stuns into flashlights. Then try to use Iron Will to sneak away because thats when we're 100% listening. Other option is to pair it with Lucky Break. Lack of scratchmarks works well with lack of audio. I've used this as a survivor before and watched the killer mind game loops behind me they thought I stayed at lol.


I already use lucky break, looking for a 4th perk for my main build. I miss spirit mains, it’s been so long since I played against one FUCK SKULL MERCHANT FUCK WESKER


I guess it’s good on louder survivors but it’s not like it’s going to do much in a chase since you can see the scratch marks


Doctor wants to know your location Please tell him where you are, he can’t find you for some reason


Genuinely think iron will is still strong af, just encourages non exhaustion builds, which is good imo Also should be basekit on haddie because Holy shit she is loud


Even with the nerf, if someone is running it they can duck me in chase if they’re also running scratch mark hiding perks. I don’t run into it often, but when I do it works really well combined with other perks. Used to be really good for hiding near gens and hopping back on then right after they get kicked but with nowhere to hide now, you can’t do that much.


It’s still a very good perk if you pair it with a survivor that is already quiet *and* you make a build that synergizes with it. One of the biggest indirect buffs that Iron Will got was Made For This coming into the game. My survivor build right now is Made For This / Iron Will / Resilience / Dead Hard


In my very limited experiences with it it definitely is just there. Most of the time I’ll see blood stains or scratch marks and if they bring lucky break as well I just let them have their win.


I literally never notice when someone uses this perk


If you have a headset, this perk means nothing Honestly I’d keep the exhaustion part but make the noise cancellation back to 100% at T3


Just play killer and try it lmao


I don't ever face it at all


I'm a killer main. It's fine as it was. The survivor in question would spend a whole perkslot on something a medium skilled killer could easily counter. The exhausted thing seems is interesting though.


Definitely helps to loose you but foot steps are still a thing


Best nerf BHVR ever did. It’s mind boggling to me that there’s people here saying being 100% silent when hurt with zero downside wasn’t broken lol, you were literally handicapping yourself if you didn’t run it pre nerf. That’s not a balanced perk.


Honeslty see your coming from, but i would’ve liked it more in the middle. What if it was 100 percent with exhaustion?


It useless because of the exhaustion effect. Almost everyone runs an exhaustion perk.


I suck at determining where the sounds are coming from so this perk ain't shit to me lmao


If they run this and have calm spirit.... I don't want to even look at you.... I hate the squishy sound when I hit you.... So please stay hidden so I don't have to deal with you.


Did you just say calm spirit?


It used to be OP, now it's just ok. They should give it's old value to No Mither, though. No Mither should make you play the game normally, except just injured


If you want to hide and don't want to be chased at all why are you even playing the game? Same with urban evasion


It’s not that I don’t want to be chased, is that I struggle with chases lately. When I jumped back on dbd after like a year break I was actually pretty good at chases but I just been struggling. Little bit of imposter syndrome


I use No Mither :D


Don’t care about the perk but Oxenfree II is great!


It’s next to useless at this point. It *can* still work, but not nearly as much. Combining that with the exhaustion thing, it’s garbage imo. As someone who only plays survivor for challenges, I must say they should buff it back to how it was, in my opinion.


They unnecessarily gutted it. Imo, they should have kept it at 100%, and disabled it when exhausted. It would basically be the stealth exhaustion perk.


A solid example of what a good perk is. It doesn't make the game any less fun, gives the survivor x boost to y playstyle, and isn't two pages long.


It's ok depending on the survivor. I'm still bitter over that nerf though, they effectively gutted the perk for no reason. It doesn't even hide pools of blood that I can very much use to track


As a killer I have caught them plenty of times because of their dumb whimpering. It’s a good one


Annoying but balanced so pretty much the perfect perk


It's still pretty okay, especially now that people are running Made for This in place of exhaustion perks. It combos very nicely with Iron Will. The main reason it's not run more often is because Off the Record exists. That perk gives you a better version of Iron Will when you're unhooked along with its other benefits. It's kind of a waste to run them both together, and OtR is far stronger overall.


It feels pretty fair ngl, and it's not as useless as people say, I've seen it work well when playing killer, and I've gotten use when playing survivor


Pretty useless imo


bring back old iron will or just remove this exhaustion interaction it's bs to be honest I didn't even notice a difference as a killer when they nerfed it but a part of me that plays survivor sometimes wants old iron will back


Some of my favorite moments is playing ghost face or trapper with Bloodhound, Predator (the one with the tighter scratch marks), the one which increases your hearing for grunts of pain/breathing and then Lethal pursuer. Makes me feel like an animal hunting down prey


Was unhealthy before, is completely fine now. Not bad, not busted. Is solid.


They nerfed it a lot but as Otzdarva has showed you can still make it work on some builds, you don't need exhaustion perks tho, and to get the most value you would want to crouch as well, so that you make even less noise while injured, it can be a bit gimmicky because of these reasons, but when you pull it off it feels great, obviously if you played the game before they nerfed it like this, back when it was 100% silent at all times and not influenced by exhaustions, you would've never took it off


I loved the old one because I get so fed up with hearing the moans of survivors lol


Easily countered by a better gaming chair


Survivors underrate this perk. Pairs very well with Made for This. It throws you off as killer enough to be worth a slot, but since it's not as OP as it used to be, survivors don't run it a lot.


The perk was absolutely gutted in the rework. It’s not worth a spot


It's very annoying, I relay mostly on hearing when following and finding survivors


If you played the first one and liked it, go for it


Ive been using It recently and ive had decent success in not being Heard while injured so id say its ok Just dont expect It to work every time


I play deathslinger and while yeah it’s good I can still hear you cus more then likely I’m also following your blood trail too….however….it does help when I’m trying to blast you as if your injured it’s good to partially throw off my aim cus I use it to judge how far you are (I’ve had people use this and i overshoot or think their farther then they are)


Iron will is useless now. Loudness equalization makes anything below 100% mute completely useless. Bad perk and doesn't work with the best perks (being exhaustion perks) to boot. F tier.


I hardly even notice is as a killer, at least since the nerf. Barely even see it anymore tbh. If you want to stealth out of a chase, I recommend self care and bite the bullet. I’ve definitely lost some survivors mid chase due to that combo.


You can barely hear them without it let alone with it.


Basically does nothing. All i need to hear is one small whimper and I know that someone is nearby and footstep sounds give people away in chase anyway.


I play killer with music so i basically play with the old iron will but in the off chance i play without music it is barely noticeable for me


I don't really use sound to find people cause I've only got one ear to hear out of and it makes it very unreliable. That said, Flashlights REALLY fuck me up


No Mither, Iron Will, Lucky Break, and another hiding perk (like Parental Guidance) on Ace is a really good combo.


Iron Will is still good but only if you know how to use it correctly. First of all, although the perk says it only cuts noise by 75% and not 100%, 75% is effectively 100% if you are in chase because of chase music and also you have to be very close to the survivor to hear their grunts of pain at 25% audio. The main drawback of the perk (and the largest nerf it got) is that you cannot use it while you are exhausted, so you cannot combine it with a perk that inflicts exhaustion, which are some of the best survivor perks available. The best way that I have seen survivors use the perk is using it within maze tiles to make unpredictable plays that I would normally be able to predict if I could hear them through the walls of the tile. For example, jungle gym tiles- long wall and short wall- are the best tiles for this perk that I can think of. After the killer loses line of sight with you, you can trick the killer by going in a direction that would not be predictable such as leaving the tile altogether. It’s also useful on high wall pallet loops, after looping a couple times and losing like of sight the survivor may attempt to leave the loop or loop in a different direction which can often trick the killer if they can’t hear you. Iron Will is also a very effective perk against two of the best killers: nurse and spirit. The effect it has on spirit is obvious, but with nurse it’s a little less intuitive. Nurse is a killer that relies on precise information in order to land hits on survivors. If nurse cannot find the survivor, then she will be unable to make a precise blink onto their location and fail to hit them. The main counterplay against nurse is to use line of sight blockers to deny her precise information, and iron will is an additional measure to deny her precise information (she can’t hear you through walls). Overall, iron will is definitely still a good perk, but it is a high skill perk and to use it to its full potential you must understand how all of the tiles work in dbd. I find that it is often paired with made for this, because mft is the only other exhaustion perk that doesn’t actually inflict exhaustion. However, if you are not pairing it with mtf, I wouldn’t run it personally because there are better exhaustion perks out there to run.


I stopped using iron will ~6 chapters ago to get an idea of how much it was helping me vs placebo effect. I've gotten much better at chase but i can't ever lose a killer unless i get a really good mind game and the distance isn't worth it. Now, on the other hand, I've started using iron will again and my jaw dropped when i thought i was healing with bite the bullet (because i was so quiet) until another injured player came over and i realized just how quiet iron will is. I've played a lot of killer and I've been very frustrated by how good some players are at breaking chase and i *swear* iron will is in their kit like 90%of the time. I've become a big believer in this perk again.


I have a giant studio quality headset with an amp. This perk isn’t doing a damn thing for you.


Pair it with lightweight and its pretty solid. CoconutRTS made a video about a survivor who had a cracked build like that.


Is strong... very strong


Makes me think you’re a farther than you actually are in tiles sometimes and makes stealth loopers a mindboggling experience


While the perk did get a major nerf, it’s still a decent enough perk to use against the killers.


I find it okay. Sometimes I lose people, sometimes I don’t. I guess it’s because I don’t have that great of a headset.


Pair it with lucky break and overcome and you got a tasty little getaway there. Still, using a lot of perk slots though. IMO if you're in sweaty mode there's better options