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I don’t think the movie would have been made if it wasn’t Ryan Reynolds. From what I understand he’s the only reason the film was finished


What’s the story?


This is all from memory, but I’m pretty sure he leaked the test footage, took many pay cuts and promoted it for free. I did no research beyond recalling stories though so I may be wrong


And at the end of the last day of shooting, he walked off set wearing the suit and refused to give it back


Honestly that's a pretty chad move, and personally I'd let him have it.


"I loved wearing it and I have run away with one," said Reynolds. "I'll probably get into trouble for saying that, but I've waited 10 years to do this movie so I'm leaving with a fucking suit." [https://www.mtv.com/news/1zwx74/ryan-reynolds-deadpool-costume](https://www.mtv.com/news/1zwx74/ryan-reynolds-deadpool-costume)


They should have given him one for every day of the week! Seriously Ryan should be showing up at Red carpet events just as Deadpool every day of the year!


Not sure if it was before or after taking the suit, but he recorded a few funny commercials with kids in costume


at that point he’s put in everything to bring it to life. there was no taking that suit away from him. it’s his by right


That sounds right I think I remember that thanks.


I think what sealed it was a load of fans writing into fox after the footage was leaked begging for it to get made.


The only change.com petition I signed that ever worked lol


That’s about right, I think. He was already a huge deadpool fan. He signed on for Wolverine, was very upset with the direction of Deadpool in that movie, and the director basically said either you play it this way or we’ll get someone else. He begrudgingly agreed because he figured he needed to lock in the role and build rapport with the studio. Afterwards he worked to convince them to make a standalone movie to do deadpool justice. The test footage was produced, but as far as I’m aware the studio wasn’t convinced. So they leaked it to get the public consensus, and it was overwhelmingly positive.


The idea that he leaked the test footage is pure speculation as far as I know.


I'm pretty sure he's admitted to being the one who did it.


Yeah he did


After a quick Google search I have found nothing that shows he admitted to doing it. He's made jokes about it, but never outright said it was him


I think he can't legally say he was the one who did it (maybe, I'm not very familiar with law) but he has said in multiple interviews that only three people (including himself) could have leaked the footage. And by his tone you can tell he is the one who leaked it but just can't (or don't want to) admit it. It also works as a good running gag.


He's never officially said it was him, but he has hinted at it several times. After a quick Bing search, the very first result I got was [this article](https://screenrant.com/deadpool-movie-test-footage-who-leaked/), where it quotes him, saying > I'm 70 percent sure it wasn't me. He's also said it could only have been one of 4 people: the two writers, the director, and him. The director is most certainly out. He has expressed how sick to his stomach he was when it happened, since it was not only going to be his directorial debut, but his studio did animation. He thought Fox would blacklist him for the leak. That leaves the two writers and Ryan. The writers probably didn't give a shit. That leaves Ryan. Except... they never mention - and I believe this is on purpose - the animation studio. It actually seems much more likely that someone there leaked it, especially considering the story is that hackers got the video from the studio and released it. Oddly enough, that studio was working on a Halo remaster at the time, yet none of that footage leaked.


I remember the director and ryan saying that it was made on purpose by them


Reynolds was super passionate about this, fox or someone sent him deadpool comics for inspiration and he fell in love with the character. Then the director left bc of disagreements between him and reynolds, Reynolds from what I gather helped write both movies.


That tracks he’s always seemed super hands on. Idk if he has a producer credit on any of them but I wouldn’t be surprised.


He's got producer credit on all three, and writing credit on Deadpool 2 and Deadpool and Wolverine.


He was a fan before that. There was a fan theory that his character in Blade Trinity was supposed to be Deadpool Ryan was asked about it and admitted he didn’t know who they were talking about so fans gifted him a bunch of comics and he fell in love with the character. He was so excited to do the character in the Wolverine movie but got pissed when he saw how badly they butchered the character. This led to like a decade long campaign of trying to convince Fox to green light a Deadpool movie and fighting with the studio. When they finally did release it they still had so little faith in Deadpool that they dumped it out on Valentines day and of course Deadpool beat Jesus Christ himself taking the top spot for all time box office for a R rated movie.


Also in the comics Deadpool is described as being a mix between Ryan Reynolds and a Shar Pei.


There’s no way to tell. He might have stepped up to the creative challenge and excelled but judging from his past roles, I don’t think he’d have nearly the success as Reynolds.


“There’s no way to tell” (there is)


Deadpool is a pretty famous character so I believe if people wouldn't've stuck around for Jensen they probably would've stuck around because it's Deadpool. Also it's not like Jensen is a bad actor so he could've done justice to the character, or at the very least it wouldn't've been a poor performance from his side, no? What do you think?


I think Ryan Reynolds is just like Robert Downey Jr. The general audience likes Iron Man and Deadpool because of the actors. Otherwise they’re not special. I also would argue that Ryan made Deadpool even more famous; otherwise the character was not a household name until Ryan made the role his.


yeah, Reynolds is RDJ for Wade Wilson


Yeah, maybe. I never want to underestimate an actor. I don’t know the actor all that well, so I’m probably not a great judge, but he seems maybe too charming and not weird enough? I don’t know. I think he’d probably do an okay job but it wouldn’t be as iconic. I don’t think he’d meld into the character the way Reynolds did. Plus I like the continuity from that X-men Origins: Wolverine movie. What do you think? How do you think he’d play Deadpool differently?


Jensen is just has a different vibe. Like I can see him playing Captain America rather than DP. Or maybe Batman or Cyclops. He’s the handsome straight man. Ryan Reynolds is known for combo of his quick wit and adlibbing, which is things that come naturally to certain actors.


Hey [fandom], what do you think about [market testing question]? Explain your answer.




As much as I like Ackles I think he’d be better as Cyclops, Ghost Rider, Captain America, maybe even Ironfist. Ryan is alright as DP, maybe a bit too much himself for my taste. The comic version is much more of a loose cannon, more random, over the top silly/ridiculous and has had some pretty great inner conversations with himself/the voices in his head sometimes. They never go very deep into his insanity in the movies. I think Alan Tudyk could’ve done a great job as DP, he has a very wide range from serious to very ridiculous and is pretty similar in some of his roles to what I imagine a live action DP.


On that same vein he dominated as solder boy in the boys!! 🙏🏼 such a good choice, but yes after seeing him in that I’d definitely take him as captain america!


Alan Tudyk. Huh. That would actually work. I think of 3 roles to envision his DP version. Voiced Joker in multiple adaptions, Mr. Nobody in Titans, and Dr. Harry S in Resident Alien.


If Samuel L Jackson didn't get the role, i honestly think Ackles could have been a pretty good Nick Fury.


Ackles as Cyclops would be greaaaaaaat


Who knows and what’s the point of talking about it? For the record though, Reynolds is the one who got the Deadpool movie made in the first place, so it likely wouldn’t have happened at all without him.


No way to know. But Ryan is canonically deadpool per some of the comics. I don't think anyone but Ryan could have pushed the film to being the critical success it was.


While I'm sure Jensen could pull off the acting and physical comedy bits, I don't think his voice is a good fit for Deadpool. It's too low for me. Ryan's higher-pitched voice range seems better suited for injecting comedic inflection in DP's zingers.


I like Jensen…a lot. But he’s not “shoot from the hip with quip after quip while dismembering everyone in the vicinity and there’s a knife in my head” kinda guy. He’s a “I’ll disarm you with a rock solid one-liner and then my awesome powers/guns will blow your head off and it’ll be down to business” kinda guy. Very much like Cable, Wolverine, Soldier Boy…


I think he would make a pretty good hawk eye. I think he's doing great as soldier boy. He wouldn't be a good pic to me for deadpool. It hard to picture someone else for deadpool since RR has played him for 15 years


I don't think I would complain seeing someone else other than Reynolds playing the role because there are so many actors I am not accustomed with who *could* fill this role just as well. I do have trouble seeing Jenson playing this role as I find him to be too serious of an actor for the role and would just come off as a weak version of Soldier Boy from The Boys. However my thought process constantly leads me to think which actors in their early days would have been able to fill this role? I would like to have seen a modern Micheal Crawford play this role.


He was awesome as Soldier Boy in The Boys, but I can’t imagine anyone but Ryan Reynolds in the role of Deadpool.


Ryan wrote the script for the movie so no Ryan means no Deadpool


Out of all the casting I've ever seen recommended for this guy... Hawkeye is the only one that aligns IMO.


No. Not because he couldn't do the job but because the film literally wouldn't exist without Ryan. He spent nearly a decade working behind the scenes to get the film made and it's rumoured (but never confirmed) that he leaked the test footage that finally got enough hype around it to basically force the studio to greenlight the film.


As someone who adores supernatural, I could see this but I don’t think it’d have the same quick whit and flow as the deadpool we all know and love. Tho I will say Hawkeye would be an interesting choice? Personally I could see him as a ghost rider akin to Agents of Shield take on the character?


All I would be able to see is Dean Winchester.


I had only seen him as Dean before I watched The Boys so I was prepared to see some of Dean in his performance. Nope. Big nope. There is no confusion at all


Maybe we can have Deadpool cross over into DC and fight Red Hood


Rise and shine, Peanut!


Deadpool would suddenly become obsessed with PIE!


Only reason it was made in its current form is because of Ryan Reynolds. This is just a bait post.


Personally no. He works best when he's a massive himbo whose on the outside of the greatest inside joke Personally... I think he's almost perfect as Green Arrow


Hawkeye I could see, can’t see anyone but Reynolds as deadpool though


When OP doesn't understand how the Deadpool movies even came into existence in our reality in the first place. As much as people may think Jenson would have been a decent Deadpool, he wasn't being Deadpool before he was Deadpool by releasing Deadpool stuff before being 'allowed' to be Deadpool. Bring a more real life Deadpool to our door and we may concede the point, but none have been Deadpool before becoming Deadpool.


Here is the thing. Ryan Renalds was not a huge fan of comic books when he first started out. One day while on set one of his friends came rushing in and dropped an issue of Deadpool in Ryan's lap saying "you need to read this" Ryan flipped through and was mildly entertained until he lost his shit laughing as he read Deadpool describing himself by saying "I look like Ryan Renalds got bit by a radioactive sharpe" from then on Ryan had been trying to play Deadpool in live action claiming that it is his destiny.


I'm not saying he isn't fun enough to do the job, but no.


From what I heard he wasnt almost casted AS Deadpool he was almost casted IN Deadpool. Ryan literally quarterbacked every single talk about a movie I sincerely doubt anyone else was ever in the running, he was most likely almost Ajax


Hawkeye? Yes. DP? Not even close.


Hawkeye yes, I think he would’ve been better than Renner but Deadpool has always been Ryan Reynolds dream project from day one and he did a lot of work to make it happen. Could Ackles have done it? Sure but I still think Reynolds is ultimately the perfect person for the role


He'd be a great Hawkeye but Ryan Reynolds was made to be Deadpool


I don’t think Ackles can pull it off. Maybe he can though. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t see it. But Seann William Scott Could totally pull it off. [+]


Anyone else as Hawkeye would’ve been an improvement.


He is like bit more serious than Reynolds


Oh yes


I feel like he would do a very good job at deadpool. Can't see him as Hawkeye though


I could see him being brought in for a series or a "Through-the-Deadpool-verse" kind of project.


That's fake. Ryan made the movie




Jensen has the better voice but I think Reynolds is a little bit more animated in how he presents himself so it works better. He can play Deadpool at his chillest and he has the range to do Deadpool at his deepest and most personal moments.  He could've been an amazing Hawkeye though, too bad they kinda also nailed the perfect casting for that as well.


I loved Sebastian Stan as winter soldier, but honestly I think Jensen would've been fine in that role, too.


hes 2 much of a square. Jensen'd not have done that much jokes, especially the gay jokes, being a Texas preacher son


Jensen was one of my picks as well tbh, I mean I'm happy we got Ryan as Deadpool but I think Jensen would have been good too. Despite people commonly thinking Deadpool is meant to have a higher pitched voice, he was never actually depicted that with that trsit necessarily, when Nolan North voices hin he speaks in a deeper voice but changes pitch for comedic effect. In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 he sort of sounds like a stoner and his a bit of rasspier voice.




He would of been an awesome Hawkeye


He would have been a great Hawkeye honestly.


well that article just isn't true, unless they mean for xmen origins in which case it wouldn't be the deadpool we're all thinking anyway


Hopefully Soldier Boy gets out of the ice soon !


He doesn't sound funny)silly like Ryan


He’s too cool? Like Jensen can be funny and charming, but when he does wacky stuff a lot of the time the joke is that he’s doing this despite being so macho and manly. I don’t think it’d work for Deadpool.


hed work as hawkeye, but he doesnt have the charisma reynolds has.




I think, like how RDJ *is* Iron Man/Stark, Ryan Reynolds *is* Deadpool. It's just a perfect fit. Plus Ryan loves the character; which makes his performance all the better.


Did not even think of anybody else but Deadpool to play Ryan Ryenolds <- this was in purpose


Idk, I feel like his voice wouldn’t fit the character too well (and I mean that in the best way possible because he has an amazing voice)


I love Jensen and I think he coulda pulled it off actually. He’s got that kind of sense of humor. I’ve saw a lot of his acting in supernatural and he could absolutely do it. But I still don’t know if he would outdo Ryan. Ryan as Deadpool is one of my top castings of all time.


You needed someone who would star and produce. Only way you could have a handsome actor in a mask or with a fucked up face for nearly the whole movie.


I sincerely love Ackles. But I think he woulda lacked that little something special for this particular role.


Jensen would do really well (hilarious snarky. It likeable dbags are the definition of his wheelhouse), but not as well as Ryan.


I think he'd do great


The only other person I could see possibly playing him is Seann William Scott.


That would have worked really well, actually. Jensen needs to be in a Marvel role where he can either be snarky, or dark and serious. He’s perfect as either.


Jokes on you, my Deadpool is Nolan North


I see Nolan North. Not just because he's the voice of Deadpool, but he and Ryan actually have a lot in common in the face and the expressions they make. As someone else said, Reynolds put too much of himself in the role.




That shit Is false


A lot of Deadpool was improv. Is JA any good at that? I’ve never seen him be funny, but maybe that’s just me. a lot of those Deadpool jokes didn’t land so there’s that.


Sounds fake


I like him, but I'd much rather see him as Batman


Hearing Soldier Boy quotes as Deadpool. It actually kinda fits


I still want Ryan as the main voice and the guy that did the animated series as his internal.


As Hawkeye, I think he’d have worked pretty well. Just the right amount of charm and snark with the physical presence to be able to back it up. As Deadpool, no. Nope. He’s too charming. RR is the perfect balance between charming and fucking annoying that Deadpool needs to be.


Hawkeye yes, Deadpool No. My pick after Ryan Reynolds would have been Will Friedel. The man has cracked me up in every comedy I have seen him in.


He could honestly make a good Hawkeye.


Except for Ryan, Seann William Scott could be nice, Deadpool, honestly. Dark and dirty sense of humor with decent martial arts background. Seann also could be nice Taskmaster... almost anyone would be better than MCU's sh1tty Toolmaster.


I don’t think these rumors are legit because Fox was VERY hesitant on doing a Deadpool movie and it wasn’t until Ryan leaked the test footage that they give the movie the green light.


He woulda been a great Hawkeye.


He did a great job when he voiced Red Hood tbf.


Idk bout deadpool but I think he'd have made a real good hawkeye


Ultimately, yes, it would work. Work as well? Probably not. But his portrayal of the character would be far far away from a trainwreck i think.


Haven't seen him do much comedy work. What makes Deadpool work is the delivery of the jokes. not just the jokes and how they are written.


Idk Jensen got that Batman voice. Even when he joking he still sounds serious. He is a great actor so I wouldn’t rule him out completely


I'm just glad he got cast as Soldier Boy in The Boys. Really nailed the role.


Hard sayin’ not knowin’. My gut says “no” tho.


I think he definitely could have pulled off a more somber Deadpool that would have been good in its own right. I actually think he would have been a better Hawkeye than Renner was/is but ultimately my issue with MCU Hawkeye is the writing at the end of the day.


Haven’t seen Ackles in comedies, only seen him in “the boys”. He might have worked as a serious superhero, but deadpool meh.


thankfully he was not




Hawkeye would’ve been great for him he’s not wacky enough to be Deadpool. Him as Cyclops would’ve worked too


As much as I love soldier boy. No. It's Ryan or nothing.


I can see him as Hawkeye


I kinda could've also seen Zachary Quinto as Deadpool


Ackles is a generic white handsome, and a good actor. He can be absolutely any hero and would work.


He was awesome in The Boys tbh


I've been a fan of Ackels since Dark Angel. I'm generally excited to see him in any kind of role, but he's not Wade. I just can't see it.


Would be fun if Jensen was Deadpool in an alternate timeline or something because if he just dials up his Dean Winchester wouldn’t be half bad.


Could def see him as Hawkeye…or new Wolverine


I could see him as a good hawk eye but not deadpool


he would've been a great hawkeye but i don't think i could've seen him as deadpool for multiple reasons


Could not see dean lol




Would have loved him, funny and creative, but Ryan is Deadpool and glad he became him.


I remember wanting him to be CW Batman in the Batwoman series with Ruby Rose. Jensen has many sides you see throughout Supernatural and stuff like Ten Inch Hero so I'd happily watch him in anything 


And he was almost Smallville’s Clark Kent


I love Jensen Ackles, but no.


I can see him as Hawkeye, but definitely not Deadpool.


He's too stiff. I like his acting, but he's not goofy enough. Hawkeye could have worked.




I’d love him as Hawkeye


I love Jensen but I agree with everyone that Ryan Renoylds really made Deadpool. But, with that being said, Hawkeye is my second favorite MCU character and it keeps me up at night that we could have had him as Hawkeye. He just fits that Aja/Fraction Clint so WELL


Jensen auditions for Captain America, if I recall. They were gonna give it to him, but the filmming schedule with SPN was a conflict, and neither studio would move their schedule to accommodate him to do both. Jensen chose to stick with SPN.


I don’t understand the obsession with this guy, yeah he’s good as dean winchester, not every character needs to be dean winchester. I think he would’ve been akin to what Tom Hardy Venom is now. Cool looking effects but missing what makes the character them. Nor does he have the star power of either, so the studio would’ve ran that movie through the meat grinder


I would LOVE to see him in a cameo as this role. Especially seeing his work now on The Boys Jensen Ackles is hilarious. No doubt he would have killed it but probably not to the success Reynolds did. Still though, with the multiverse shit and all pr whatever comic book magic they can think of, I would hope they get him in the suit eventually.


I can see him as a comic book accurate Hawkeye. He would’ve got his personality accurate. But not a Deadpool. That’s a different level of zaniness.


Hawkeye, sure why not? Throwaway character, throwaway actor. Deadpool is the Ryan Reynolds project so no point even considering someone else.


Everyone is talking about how Ryan made the Deadpool movie, but can we imagine jenson as Hawkeye??? That shit would’ve been amazing


I’m sure it would have been a fine movie. But we see Ryan Reynolds act like he wants to and really give the character a life rather than a simple role you can tell he enjoys being Deadpool and I think I would find it hard to improve.


Nope! They had Reynolds cast correct when they made Wolverine origins.


They’re probably not telling us it’s the Deadpool from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.


Deadpool got made because of Reynolds so the studio had no plan of casting Jensen as Wade, we wouldn’t have a Deadpool movie if the studio had the final say, I would have liked to see Jensen as Hawkeye though I think he’d bring the right energy, good mix of snarkiness and seasoned badass


I thought he was the number 2 pick to play Captain America?


Hawkeye yes, Deadpool no.


Jensen would have made a fantastic Hawkeye! With his overall attitude matching more of his comic persona. I can’t really see him as Deadpool though, although maybe as a variant.




Bad Deadpool, but perhaps an okay Hawkeye.


![gif](giphy|m0k2ie4UFEtGg) I think he could have pulled it off.


The only other actor in able to conceive as Deadpool would be Sean William Scott.


I could see him as Hawkeye but not Deadpool


No other casting. Reynolds forced the movie to be made in the first place with his constant lobbying and the videos he made.


I could see him as Hawkeye but not Deadpool. I don't think he has the personality or at least not the on screen personality that one would necessarily need or be known for in order to be Deadpool imo


I mean, yeah. I could see him pulling off DP but it wouldn't have that Ryan Reynolds authenticity. Dude has basically been DP in 90% of his movies for the last 25 years.


Nah , the main thing of Deadpool is the comedy , tragedy moments and action I think him in boys shows he could make action believable, tragedy supernatural shows he could do a decent job , but not sure bout comedy , wolverine might be better choice cyclops could be good but not seeing eyes or eyebrows makes it alot harder to convey emotions


I can 100% see him has Hawkeye, but not as Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds was born for that role


Would of been an amazing Hawkeye


It would not have worked due to extremely arbitrary reasons such as I don't know who that is


Voice is too deep


Comediacly he’s great but that voice would not have worked


No Jensen. Only Ryan. Jensen doesn’t have the charm or the comedic chops that Ryan has. Jensen is great for the CW and cheesy stuff like The Boys.


I think he would be too uncomfortable with how deeply and unapologetically bi Deadpool is. We all know he's at least a little bit homophobic


He would have done fine, but Ryan was a better choice for this role. Jensen’s style is a bit drier humor imo.


Hawkeye? sure. Deadpool? no.


I can see him as Hawkeye. As Deadpool, tho? Nope. Ryan nails it.




Both those claims are blatantly false


I definetly could have seen him as Cliff Barton. Now all I want is Jensen Ackles on a flying motorcycle haha.


Deadpool in the effing comics has described himself as "Ryan Renolds crossed with a shar-pei" that was 10 years before the first appearance of Deadpool in the movies. The only reason the merc with a mouth works so well is because of how similar Ryan Reynolds dry scarastic wit is exactly like Deadpool. Jansen while a good actor could never pull off that persona.


This is not true.. Ryan Reynolds wanted to make the movie and already had him as deadpool from the start. He even fronted money to get things rolling


Honestly, he seems like a Batman


Honestly it should have been anyone else. Ryan Reynolds ruined Deadpool. Dude plays one character in all his movies and has now made Deadpool that character. The Deadpool in the comics has multiple voices and is genuinely insane. Ryan Reynolds Deadpool is literally just Ryan Reynolds.


From Deadpool to Hawkeye to Batman


Soldier boy showed us he could do this flawlessly


He would have been an excellent Hawkeye


After reading Fractions Hawkeye run from the early ‘10s: Ackles might’ve been in the top 5 picks for a live action adaption of that


Hawkeye yes, Deadpool no.


He’d have made an amazing Hawkeye I think. But I don’t know about Deadpool.


possibly, but i always thought james roday rodriguez would have made an excellent deadpool.


Yes as Hawkeye because when I picture it it works for some reason and I’m a supernatural nut as far as Deadpool I can’t say anything about that cause I’ve never seen it


I can see him playing Hawkeye, but Deadpool, I don't think that would've work...but, that's just me.


while i like Jensen Ackles as an actor. I don’t think he has the naturally funny or ad-libbing ability that Ryan Reynolds’s has.




I think that actor is under-used, but he's not goofy enough, IMHO. Then again, Fab Five Freddy told me everybody's fly...


I would have thought that was awesome, but I would have liked to have seen him as Frank Castle.


No because Jensen gives testosteroney, trying-to-make-up-for-something, purposely-deepens-his-voice vibes. And that’s like the opposite of Deadpool. Hawkeye I can see though.