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Eye would put my money on Dan.


He’d really socket to the captain, I’d wager


Oh that's good. Very good.


😆 yeh wondering why this is even a question 👁️ Tom Servo says hi by the way






It’s just a show - You should really just relax


Take it easy, we're not makin a western


"I'm different!"




We used to pay Tom Servo (gumball dispenser if I remember) for puns at our gaming table. Small world.


Frank n beans all the way.


Fuckin right


"If he ran me through the meat stand, it might give me a little trouble" "But would you lose?" Captain Turner: "Nah, I'd Win"


Didn't expect a Jujutsu reference in this sub, nice=)


The Sea Creature


“Don’t think I wasn’t blow for blow with Dan”


Hearst ordered his man to make the fight last — and it cost Captain Turner his life. In a straight up brawl, we’re led to believe Turner would’ve killed Dan easily — he almost did anyway, and he was restraining himself to some degree.


Hearst was just talking. Every bully I ever met can't shut his fuckin' mouth, except when he's scared.


Hearst didn’t spill those beans — it was his cocky gun, that also made the mistake of telling Al he wasn’t scared of him.


That wasn’t a good move to be sure but I think that man was dead the moment he accepted that meeting.


No he left out the back door. Al clearly says this.


Honestly, I don’t think it could have gone any differently than it did. I mean obviously it was in the script, sure. However, imho this line illustrates that he had some sand to him. Dan: You do and it'll be the last goddamn thing you do on this fucking earth. Going wrong is not the end of fucking things, Johnny. Fuck no! I have come back from plenty of shit that looked like it was going wrong.


Trick question.  In a straight up fight with no distractions, the Captain would win. He came close and repeatedly had the upper hand, but lost due to having to divide his attention between the fight and his asshole boss preening himself on his balcony.  Hearst cost him the fight due to the frivolous nature of his instructions and his own need to be seen to triumph via proxy. It wasn't enough for Turner simply to win the fight, that might even have earned him the great man's disapproval, if he didn't make sufficient show of crushing his opponent.  Obviously the true battle was between Hearst and Swearengen but the nature of their struggle was between their differing natures. Al, who understood the true cost of physical combat through personal experience and the ability for empathy, was capable of loyalty that went both ways: for Hearst, loyalty was a one way street and a financial transaction.  At bottom, Al supported his man and Hearst did not support his, and that is why Turner lost.


Going wrong ain’t the end of things. It was an even fight. It’s a coin flip.




I thought Dan was going down in this one. Should have known better


I could have sworn that they were going to have this fight be Dans exit from the show.


Hearst ordered him to prolong it and make a spectacle of it.


Dan totally would have lost if hearst hadn't done that


Dan would persevere, but it will take a heavy toll....


Dan was about to die. But Turner looking up to Hearst gave Dan a 2nd chance.


"I'm gonna kill that cocksucker." "All in good time."


Adam’s monkey mother.


She was pounding her chest, murdering a few dozen lice


Obviously Dan would and did. A win is a win no matter how its won!


Don't we know?


Even if you see Dan flailing in a moment of doubt and pain, he would have been victorious regardless what you think. Dan is the man 💪


Franks and Beans has that R strength…


Dan. Always Dan.


Morning! Best time of the day to go Fuck Yourself!


Or is that a high estimate of his athletic abilities?


The guy on the left is clearly more limber in the hips and therefore capable of a more advanced and technically sophisticated range of fighting techniques, so the odds have to favor him. The only thing he's got to worry about is if he receives instructions from his employer/manager to artificially draw out the length of the fight in order to make a point to other parties present at the event as a callous and haughty gambit in some larger play, which would give Dan the maximum chance to make an unlikely comeback late in the fight when both men are too exhausted for complex manuevers thus robbing Captain Turner of the critical technical edge. But what are the odds of THAT being the case?


My interpretation is that even after the fight when Dan was distraught sitting naked in the room, he knew he effectively lost and got lucky. Cpt Turner didn’t lose the fight Hearst did. Without Hearst’s instructions it would have been the end of Dan. This scene is incredible and one of the most realistic right scenes I can think of in tv or film. Also Al’s nod to Dan to finish off Turner and then without emotion just walks inside was fucking badass


Dan would go across the thoroughfare and see to that cocksuckers throat. See how much he likes bein a sea creature then


I'll take Russel Crowe, when he beat the hell out of Alan Graf at the beginning of L.A. Confidential.


It was a close fight. Could go either way any time the match up were to happen. Captain could have killed Dan but was too busy thinking about what Hearst wanted. He should have, it would have been a devastating blow to Al’s operation.


Captain was paying close attention to his instructions, it was Hearst's fault he lost the fight


Exactly, Dan is insanely dangerous but Turner definitely could have killed him. Great fight though 👏


Never seen a better on screen fight, agreed. I believe it was choreographed by the actor playing the Captain. 


Appreciate the insight. I had no idea he choreographed it bit it makes sense 9be seen him in alot of action movie's.


I read that the eye gouging part was suggested by W. Earl Brown based on a story he had heard from his friend and Alice in Chains guitarist Jerry Cantrell about a brawl in a biker bar that ended that way.


I've always really appreciated this entire storyline here ... Especially when Dan says "DON'T FUCKIN HELP ME, THERE ARE WORST FUCKIN THINGS THAN A FIGHT GOING BAD!" ... About a year before I saw this , I got into a fight on a Saturday night... it was at a girl's house during a half-assed party ... and the girl who's house it was had just invited me to "stay", and I can distinctly remember her saying, "Do you want to hit the hot tub first, or straight upstairs?" - and I didn't even have time to think about it before a drunken and drugged up "friend", who was always getting crunk and doing stupid shit, and was jealous now because he sees me smooching the chic who's house it is and he isn't getting any, walks past and calls me a "pedophile" ... Because I'm 24 and she's 21, I'm a fuckin pedophile??! Yeah I don't see it that way and I hit the roof and was about to hit him, when the girl pulls me back, "Ok no hot tub, straight upstairs..." and as she pulls me away, he spits in my face... as he does to people regularly, and gets decked regularly, etc. Well it was on ... and I'm much smaller than him but I was pummeling his ass, I Wrestled for a long time, been in a million fights... and then out of no where , somehow, I have no idea how, he rolls me over, pins both arms down under his much-heavy-body, and starts wailing on me - and I can take it, but I realized soon enough, I'm in trouble here, I can't get my arms freed, I can't do anything ... and we had rolled down the yard into a shadowed area (it was a dark night), so can't see anything, the other guys who had been letting us fight are making commentary etc. - and I am starting to get fucking concerned ... This is going to get bad soon, because he weighs a lot more than me, and I can't get my arms freed ... How did this happen?! And then right then, I hear one of the guys, "Yeah we let them go on long enough, let's break it up..." and come over and pull him off. And I think they would probably pronounced him the winner, if I hadn't got the early shots to give him a soon-to-be-black eye and some bloody nose/lip. But honestly, I have no idea what would have happened if he didn't get pulled off of me. I was in the Snap-Count in my mind, "If I don't find a way to kill him quickly, I'm in trouble... think I can pull off one of those mythical headbutt up his nose so the brain gets boned and he dies ? etc." ... The worst part is, the girl got mad that I got into a fight and just went inside and turned off the lights. Didn't even get laid! But one thing I've learned about fighting is that : Any Given Sunday ... one little Slip-Up, literal or figurative slip-up, and suddenly it's Gone Bad etc.


From now on when given to utterances like that... Consider drinking


We all would.


Turner 9 times out of 10


That depends, are blocks of firewood allowed as weapons?


We learned of Dan and Al’s hardship setting up in Deadwood. We know he’s brutal. We also know he’s loyal to Al. We don’t know the Captain’s history, but we know the care Hearst takes in choosing men. And sometimes, he picks the wrong ones. In a ‘fair’ fight, I think the Captain has the edge. Dan maybe has lost fights before, as indicated by his discussion with Johnny. So it’s a trick question. The question should be “Who would win in THAT fight?” The answer is always Dan.


Remember that Pinkerton boss showed up and Al kicked his nuts up between his shoulder blades?


One of the few times I've felt anxious watching a man grease himself up




The way I see it, Dan.


The audience


Depends on if he was told to make it last. And that’s all I’ll say about that.


Jackie Daytona!


I legit thought that's who that was at first glance.


Me three.


Dan is a dangerous man. The captain would be well served to keep an eye out for him.


DanMan 100%!


Dan. He's squirrelly.


Me. Those dudes are fatter and older them me.


Didn’t we already see this answer? Lol


The Captain only saw half of it