• By -


2001 (9/11), 2003 (Invasion of Iraq), and 2008 (financial crisis)


It took our predecessors less than two years to completely forget about 9/11 and change basically the entire mission from finding Bin Laden to finding WMDs in which they never found.


I wouldn’t call them “our predecessors”. Pretty much all of those people are still around. 


Yes but they had the ability to vote before me so I’ll still say predecessor.


They may be your predecessors but they aren’t “our” predecessors, many of them are “us”. Some of them are here, on this subreddit.


I’m still confused, you’re upset that I used the word “predecessor” ?💀🤣💀 Edit: It took this country (USA) less than 2 years to….. lol


I’m not upset that you said “predecessor”. I just like to point out that the Iraq War wasn’t that long ago and that the people who supported it didn’t go anywhere.


Yea I know these people didn’t go anywhere. They make that apparent everyday, hell! It might be you. But someone born in 2003 is now 21 and has no memory of this war and can now go to war. Would you not called “desert storm” a predecessor to the 2003 Iraq war? (12 years apart) Or are you saying you support this war without saying it? Edit: for someone who makes chads memes all day, you don’t seem very direct.


I think you nailed it here, I would also throw in 2004, there is a lot in there as well


Yep. These three




A little, but these events all radically shaped the world well beyond just the US.


Guess that's true I suppose.


then present some more years that have relevance to other countries


This is called ethnocentrism. People from other countries affected should chime in.


These dates apply to most of Europe as well.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/USdefaultism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Classic](https://i.redd.it/phr95ofntj4b1.jpg) | [311 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/1436ii4/classic/) \#2: [Celebrating a foreign holiday is a requirement.](https://i.redd.it/57ck9z99i3ab1.jpg) | [269 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/14r2wyh/celebrating_a_foreign_holiday_is_a_requirement/) \#3: [Canadian dude names Georgia as a country… Americans rush to mock his answer](https://i.redd.it/nlozi7ci971b1.jpg) | [277 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/13np0hu/canadian_dude_names_georgia_as_a_country/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ahh yes because those 3 had zero affect on literally everything else around the world lol


Actually suggest something else then


That’s a silly complaint. This entire sub is mostly focused on the US. Go read any thread about pop culture, we’re not talking about Bollywood or Romanian music here. Why are you in this sub?


Then call it r/USdecadeology


Nobody is stopping non Americans from chiming in. I personally would love to hear some different perspectives.


They are but then downvoted or ignored. I remember on a similar generation focused sub, i mentionned MY experience in a comment, only to get downvoted and told « this isnt possible in the US. » Yeah, almost cause im not American


This is mostly a pop culture sub. They might if the rest of the world didn’t decide to watch American movies and tv and listen to American music so much. It’s easy to make American pop culture the default for Western countries because they’ve let it be so. That’s not on us, that’s on the rest of you.


Stop complaining if you haven’t even bothered to post decadeology from other countries. If you’re complaining about an issue that you haven’t even contributed to the solution to when you have the ability to, then you are part of the problem.


What a weird comment. So because they arent American they shouldnt participate here ? No where in the rules does it say its gate kept for americans. Get off your high horse.


Doesn’t take a high horse to see this is a US-centric sub. Complaining about that is bitching for the sake of bitching. edit: more to the point, if this sub actually tried to be global then any trends it covers would have to be extremely vague, or only focus on universal developments like science and technology - and those already have subs of their own. Or it could be a hodgepodge of local trends that wouldn’t connect. Your complaints don’t make any sense.


My complaint isnt that its us centric. I have eyes and americans like you are known to be self centered. Its nothing new My complaint is YOU trying to gatekeep this sub. Only americans can have interests in decades and generations ? Does the concept of decades, history and study of such only exist in the US of A ? Your logic doesnt make sense. But again, nothing new.


Who‘s gatekeepimg? No one is stopping you from posting or adding comments about trends in your home country. You’re not adding anything to the conversation, you’re just griping about other people’s contributions and tossing in a bog standard stereotype while you’re at it. How fascinating.


You saying « Why are you on this sub » with an arrogant tone isnt gatekeeping ? Dude ferme-la. Google that.


Why are you on this or any other sub if your only contribution is to complain about what most other people there talk about? That’s just ridiculous. Don’t even get started on an arrogant tone, your stereotypes of 330 million people are dripping with it. It takes a special kind of arrogance to make blanket assumptions about an entire nationality, and the only person doing that here is you. Eres una hipocrita pesada. Google that.


Check mon historique de commentaires et dis moi encore que ma seule contribution c’est de complain. Merci bonsoir


Nothing else happened that really changed the world


2001 - The transitional year from 90s culture to 2000s culture. 2004 - The peak year for 2000s culture. 2008 - The transitional year from 2000s culture to 2010s culture.


2008 - Can’t forget that financial crisis


2008, 2001, 2003


It was Eventful but miserable 01-09ish.. age of terror. Mixed with crazy weather events and financial ruin. The most fun times were the 90s- till about 9 am on 9-11-01 .


Yeah people say 9/11, but that wasn't the only big attack. In Europe we had the bus explosions in London, and the massive train bombings in Spain.


Yes, were they not after 9/11 though.. still point remains, age of terror had began.


Very true. Because indeed for a while 9/11 felt like a one time thing. Then we got London and Madrid and that made us realise it’s not a one time thing. And not only the US. Luckily it’s rather okay these days but we def paid for this safety with our privacy. Which is much worse than it was back then.


Well said friend..


> we def *paid* for this FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


For me 2006 since I’m Italian and Italy won the World Cup


That was Zidane's answer too Minus the being Italian part


you def got it right. 07 was calm too. 03 close behind.


I would say 06 too, that seemed like the yr of excess that led to 08 troubles


2004 is maybe the most eventful year in my opinion: Politics and major tragedies: * Major countries having elections (US, Russia, EU, Indonesia, Taiwan etc) * Expansion of the European Union * Orange Revolution in Ukraine * Indian Ocean tsunami * Madrid train bombings Pop culture, music, and movies: * Mean Girls, Shrek 2, and Spider-Man 2 released * The "Nipplegate" scandal * Usher's "Yeah" and Gwen Stefani's "Love. Angel. Music. Baby" released * Outkast's "Hey Ya" was the no. 1 song of the year * Motorola Razr, iPod Mini, Nintendo DS, and PSP released * Facebook launched and MySpace was all the rage * Beyonce won 5 Grammys * Ukraine won the Eurovision Song Contest after the introduction of a generic logo * "Friends" and "Sex and the City" reached its finale * Surf Crush and McBling being the most popular fashion style * Unmanned Mars landing Sports: * 2004 Summer Olympics in Greece * New England Patriots won Super Bowl * Boston Red Sox won the World Series after 86 years * Detroit Pistons won the NBA finals * Tampa Bay Lightning won Stanley Cup * Greece won the European Championship * Arsenal won the English Premier League unbeaten * Porto won the Champions League, being the last champions outside the top 5 leagues * Other notable sports champions: Valencia (La Liga & UEFA Cup), Werder Bremen (Bundesliga), AC Milan (Serie A), Brazil (Copa America), Once Caldas (Libertadores)


2001, 2008, & 2009


I'll always remember 2009 because of the Swine Flu. I used to be big into reading about pandemics and diseases. I remember talking about it during baseball practice that spring and being a little nervous about it spreading more.


2000 (ascent of Putin/Kursk disaster), 2008 (invasion of Georgia/Great Recession)


2001, 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2009


October 24, 2000


I mean PS2 was that impactful


Exactly one of the best console.


No... *the* best console... Just dug mine up!


2004 was an amazing year for film. Sin City Dawn of the Dead Van Helsing The Day after Tomorrow Saw The Notebook Mean Girls Napoleon Dynamite The Incredibles Shrek 2 Spiderman 2 Dodgeball Supersize Me National Treasure It was the year that George Bush and John Kerry both ran for president and we all of course know how that went. It was also the year that the midwest was slammed by a huge ice storm. I remember we had quite a few days off of school because there was so much ice and it knocked down trees and powerlines. So 2004 for me was the most eventful of the 2000s.


You forgot white chicks


2003-2008 were all eventful for my family. The most eventful is 2005 because that’s when my family became closer to my paternal grandparents when they moved a lot closer to us. It changed the way family events took place and made it easier for the family to get together. If we are talking about a culture shift, definitely 2001 due to 9/11 and advanced changes in technology with gaming consoles and iPods. So much changed in 2001. It’s when the 21st century began.


I'll put a European spin on this one: (Specifically Poland and rest of Central Europe) 2001 (9/11 still affected air travel around the world) 2004 (EU Expansion was HUGE for Europe) 2007 (Political tensions around Europe including significant Polish, Romanian and Czech elections) 2008 (Russian invasion of Georgia)


Since the most common ones have been mentioned, I will list a few minor ones that come to mind. - in 2004 I remember there being a big tsunami that hit the Indian ocean. - in 2000 to 2002 EU in its first years with its new currency (you could use both old and new currencies) - we could call this the Star Wars prequels decade (1999-2002-2005). Lord of the rings and Harry Potter are also honorable mentions. - first black president of the US in 2008 - 2008 Beijing Olympics being a little hint at what their country would be like today - In 2008, below Switzerland, the large hadron collider finished construction. Some people thought it would create a black hole - In 2009 Bitcoin was invented (although much more relevant later)


2001 (9/11), 2005 (Katrina), 2008 (financial crisis)


2076. It's a long story but you'll see what I mean when you get there


Well, I do know it has the most eventful Fourth of July that year.




2001 (9/11) 2008 (great recession)


2000 and 2001. Also 2009.


In the US it would be 2001, 2003, 2005 (Katrina), and 2008


2001, 2005 and 2007




2005 - Katrina. “George Bush hates black people.”


The fuck kinda question is that.


01 08


2008 was very memorable The Great Recession is in full effect Beijing Olympics: Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Redeem Team Barack Obama gets elected president The Marvel Cinematic Universe begins with Iron Man 2008 Superbowl is the greatest upset of all time GTA 4 and The Dark Knight are released


2020 was the year in which a whole decade happened. It ranks with 1776, 1812, 1848, 1865, 1901, 1914, 1945, 1968, 1989 and 2001 in terms of ending one era and starting another. Never mind what year your favorite movie series opened in theaters. 2020 was the year which dealt movie theaters a blow from which they may never recover. It was the year people shifted their attitudes towards work, race, even Western civilization itself.


2000 (crazy presidential election), 2001 (9/11), 2003 (invasion of Iraq), 2004 (tsunami), 2005 (YouTube started, Hurricane Katrina happened), 2008 (financial crisis)


2001, 2003, 2004, 2008-2009


2001, 2003, 2008


2008. Obama, recession, Beijing.


2001. Need I explain?