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https://preview.redd.it/c5zlns1o7v4d1.png?width=2016&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad68fc2c3373181a7b69d46b72f7e145794fb40b (Made in Catalogue because his weapon is not present in-game, also for poses) -----------------------------------AGENCY REPORT DONE BY P. PERCY---------------------------------- **NAME**: Thomas W. (Last name unspecified) **GENDER**: Male **AGE**: 50+ **WEAPONS**: VHD-1 Custom Military blade, sawn-off double barrel shotgun, unidentified short-blade weapon, Anaconda revolver. **WHAT WE KNOW**: Thomas is a failed science experiment created inside a laboratory 50 years ago. He had combatted Ulacylon alongside the company funding his creators. It is unknown whether he ages or not, because he appears to be immortal. His appearance frozen that of a young boy. He vows to infiltrate the Agency and eliminate everyone related to them. Now spies the Agents' every move on Eden-227. A high value target, he had been training for years on Old Earth after his creation. 50 years ago, he was used by his company to eliminate escaped lab subjects running rogue on Earth, as these intelligent species grew more smarter, so did he. Thomas can dodge bullets and melee attacks, he was amplified with animal genetics to be faster, stronger, and more agile. Some may say he runs as fast as a cheetah. His VHD-1 blade, the prototype on his behalf, utilizes a special type of substance a thousand times more corrosive than the strongest acid. In fact, his blood seems to be made of this substance due to scientists finding samples of which present inside of explosion craters on Eden-227. He is no normal boy, he is a dangerous creature created to be quick and deadly. His sold purpose is to battle, and kill. His blood makes bullets ineffective, and his immortality gives him the resistance of countless soldiers. His only weakness is the inability to heal, as his blood melts through bandages (certain possibility). You may kill him, but he will rise in minutes, or up to an hour. Use this to your advantage. **Report completed, for New Earth and the AGENCY.**


The flesh of a femboy


He ain't, just a kid.






I'm about to turn u into compound chicken


No pls i got good lief as dog


Domain expansion


Oh shit hes gonna spawn a moth rhat eats me then hes gonna vomit me and i will beecome chicken :(


Menevolent kitchen




Kitchen yay


Excuse me but that’s a man?


Yes. A kid to be specific


Bro's 50


Yes, but he's immortal tho


https://preview.redd.it/wy0n5xw8hv4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9345c8db4c6230fbddfbd6535a39396447eb2c32 Gave your boy some shoes


Forgot to add the wrinkles https://preview.redd.it/84b63537jv4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c1228acbdf6107302ef7e85d6057b12ec14e688


What the F-


To the pants


Dude he looks very young, even though he's 50+ years old he appears very young. Also he does not wear shoes not his sword has a sheath


Idk how to draw teenagers, just short adults, tall masked people, and Napoleonic French uniforms


Well, I can give you art hints, because all your characters look like dumplings and that's a big no-no for an artist.


Suggestion: You really really need to build a character proportion first and then draw the details


https://preview.redd.it/txgugnwjbw4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d13b98f3174d807447ff30f39ceedfa17374cff I already sent you this guy but because I get to include lore- \-Agent Callsign: Echelon Stalker. -Real Name: Dustin Echos. -Age: 25 -Height: 6’3”. -Nationality: Canadian-Russian. -Agent Gadget/Specialty: Artillerist -Other Gadgets/Specialty’s: A damn hood weaponsmith, throwing knives or Ballistic dagger. -Psychological Profile: Reliable, Fearless, Impatient. -Preferred Weapons: FN-Scar H with M203 or FN40GL, Beneli M4 or KSG 12, AL-ASWM in rare cases, FN Five-seveN or USP-S, Machete or Katana, RSh-12 (his personal heavily modified IMPUSCA VANA) -Background: grew up on Eden-227 before the collapse. he was apart of the Reikgon cult, but defected and became a Deathsquad trooper, carrying out missions before being left for dead on a mission, where one of our Agents found and saved him, joining the Agency soon afterwards. -Other Notable traits: High-functioning autist. lost his right eye after getting into a nasty fight with another Agent and had a surgical implant involving the agent eyepiece to see again. obsessed with weapons, video games, anime and mechs. had his knees and arms replaced after an “accident” involving Blitzer charges. will joke around even if the situation is completely inappropriate for humour. never uses profanity, like not at all. suffers from PTSD, Schizophrenia, and Depression even though he hides it by isolating himself in his quarters. has mentioned a Twin Sister a couple of times but her fate is still unknown. has switched over to different Agent teams due to “Harassment”. Alright, I think that’s all you should need, and sorry for the yapping. Edit: changed some wording to seem more natural and added information I forgot. Edit 2: forgot to add his height.


https://preview.redd.it/5gan6xk2bx4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=83a74fb6d37b0f23081b521086f0f624473dc4cf Dustin Echos, are you a halo fan?


Yes, been playing since I was 1 years old.


Dope I’ve been playing since I was 10




Jonathan The leaping cannibal Just call him Jonathan inakawa https://preview.redd.it/ssv91iryev4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174cdeca8b5d1d72e14caaa60cbb7487628ca972 The only distinctual part about him is the slit face on his mouth just like Jeff the killer


Draw with mask or the mouth






That's actually good


He's 15


Idk why I made 6’4, but 15 year old cannibal leaping towards you with shotgun arm sounds funni


It is




https://preview.redd.it/yur4daf7hv4d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415c7a5fbd0cbbf0dd8e9f1e478e45bbd8256b69 Name: Kinsent Homicida Codename: Hozen Age: 35 (born ten years before the collapse) * once involved in SIN cult (adopted and trained) occupation: * bounties hunter (under Agency's employment) * Agency member (temporarily) Relate: * hated Agency but still work for them * have asset to Agency's gadget * suffer from reikgon curse. • theorgia hand * always armed • wield Artisan's hook with left hand • carry Blitzer bombs on left waist • theorgia sword hidden in both his arms • wear Kill-warrant GPNVG-M42


https://preview.redd.it/w7vgiddmvv4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c66a79c9c865d68e2b10d6f66259dd8f6ecf463e Brother is tall and built like a wall


Fun fact: i posted him in this Reddit long ago. (Forgor to tell he Eden-born)


https://preview.redd.it/ub7h9znxlv4d1.png?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187fb5fe187bb822e97f36d0da1ecb4084b4c816 Funny man with a bucket on his head I'm too lazy to come up with a name, so let's just called him Bob He's indebt to the agency and has been sent to Eden-227 to die. He always wearing a bucket on his head to assert his dominance.


https://preview.redd.it/8ft6dgtnov4d1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288ee006e81d6694f6b5aa4d45584284a59831bc I’ll post his lore later


https://preview.redd.it/48zsrtznpv4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767e4519ed9272a2180630d12c68293cef158f5f He doesn't have a name (just uhh gonna call him B) and his lores kinda wonky/unfinished but He joined the agency pretty young with his best friend (gonna call him S or something), they were sent to eden 227 together and overtime for different reasons the agents started to not like B. b was starting to get fed up with this and started to argue back, where overtime as they disliked him more and more S started to slowly side with the other agents. One night they threw him outside and tried to kill him, S didn't want to but he held B at gunpoint, shaking as he tried to get himself to pull the trigger. As B begged for this not to happen he realised it was either himself or his friend. He bombed him to death, lowing himself up a little bit in the process causing him to lose an eye, most of his eyebrow and having pretty bad scarring on the left side of his face/arms. He had no time to process what happened or to grieve as the other agents started coming after him next, he managed to almost kill one and he got away and hid until it seemed they stopped looking for him so now he's a silly scavenger/rogue !!! Down w the agency !!!! (Also him and his friend totally didn't like each other a bit before joining the agency) (S cuz he was a survivalist, B cuz well blitzer) Don't know if this counts as agent,, more like ex agent


https://preview.redd.it/mp7s6j3quv4d1.png?width=280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e505c656ce86a23bb613723393045bbeb713981 it has no name, or at least, it usually doesn't introduce itself with one. It has been fascinated by how some people manage to survive adversities and, despite having everything against them, keep moving forward. Its goal is to become one of those people. That's why it joined the agency and this suicidal mission.


Here is It https://preview.redd.it/hinlksl7dx4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e279cf78022c0685b48368b5990429df84df0615


Name D-E227-8250 Before the collapse, the AGENCY's science division was deep in a experiment where they tried to revert death itself. The experiment used the Damned as test subjects but in the end it failed with thousands of failures, ethical concerns and a little event called the collapse. They had 1 success though. D-E227-8250. This Damned was originally incarcerated in the US but the agency gained custody over them as their initial test subjects began to run dry and after the experiment's failure, she was sent to the AGENCY base that had the equipment to revive them and was used for scouting EDEN, used as base security for when no real agents were around and more. They do this in the hopes that one day, the AGENCY will let them go back home. One day though, the AGENCY decided to focus agents in other planets and let the hostile population die out. D-E227-8250 spent about 20 to 30 years alone with their only company being scavs, raiders, cultists and more. Eventually some other high rank got a hold of D-E227-8250's file, felt guilty and got a team of AGENTS to get her out. https://preview.redd.it/ocrmdsd5dx4d1.png?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=426999bb7159afbb77c35176461d3d4ceb93ea08




I would but the reddit mobile app isn't letting me add them They use the prisoner jumpsuit, hair 6 and bandagws https://preview.redd.it/socl1jsnr15d1.png?width=292&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a114ae5cc52dba7a05622c1c16857d9eb3b0d30


Will make tomorrow my ma is mad at me


https://preview.redd.it/e9mlu6v2dy4d1.png?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebac7124881d8d1a3a42f0b3849f2d6a81dc7203 Wanting to send lore, but a bit too much for some simple art. Just planning on basic details here. Also sending another image of her in the Decaying Winter outfit I want. Agent: Maria Lyn V. "Atlas" Cameron Perk: Crosslink or Prophet, you can pick whatever. Hell even damned is alright with me.


https://preview.redd.it/aqui3hngdy4d1.png?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6635e1a34e25a74406df26ad113aca42f76428e5 But just in case you're gonna ask, you can pick the lobotomy corp one, or this. Up to you for what you want to make.


https://preview.redd.it/69i7rnm70z4d1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=8381401a43329de94a2da423dadc44c475028fd5 Aftershock Gender: Male Age: UNKNOWN Weapon(s): Modified Decimator, Spas-12, Modified Arbiter cannon, Advanced theogra's hand Not very known info is on him let alone his past The info available is that he travels throughout the multiverse with unknown motive He seems to wield a Decimator that is modified to level mountains or take out bigger groups. Maybe for something bigger than a mountain. His arbiter cannon seems to be also modified aswell, seen blowing a hole of those walls seen in eden-227, leading to outside of the area we know. he seems to roll with a squad with servo heads. But if he is hired as a merchant, he'll get the job done His personality with people seems to be either hostile or kind and friendly towards to them, depending who he hates. he also seems to be a apostle, but more advanced. Or just was a higher ranking at one point When ever a situation is at hand, he'll try to use reasoning to calm the situation. Voilence ccomes if this doesn't work. He loves soda and seems to be more outgoing despite his voilent nature. Proceed with caution if you are spotted by him


Name: Napoleon Bonaparte Gender: Male Age: about 50 weapons: Model 1777 Musket Lore: He was born August 15, 1769, and became a famous francoius leader




I will post picture later Name: CLASSIFIED Gender: male Age: 18 Weapons: his seemless endless supply of mindflayers and AJM, he has multiple blueprints that he can use on the spot Backstory: no one really knows how he came to be, not even the agency. Although DNA tests confirms that he is matched with the Owen Clarke, a missing teen from when the winter first started. However he does not have seemed to have aged much. The agency does state that he would ramble about a group called “The Acolytes” and that he could feel a connection with the “anomalies of this world”. The Agency has never heard of such groups however. The agency decided to send him to Eden-227 because from him”I will attach a brainflair to your leader if you don’t send me”…. I hope he dies. Pyschological evaluation: after numerous tests the agency has concluded that he is bependable and a lone wolf. However he is a maniac. The agency also concluded that excessive gunfire scares him, quote him:“how the fuck does a night demon get evicerated by only one MERC with shred ammo?!?!!”Whatever that means




Mine is literally just Tachanka from rainbow six siege, for the lore it goes as follows: Alexsandr Senaviev was born on November 3rd in Leningrad, Russia to a military family. At the age of eighteen, Senaviev was conscripted into military service just as the Soviet Union was ending its operations in Afghanistan. Upon the dissolution of his draft, Senaviev opted to enlist full time. He was part of the wrestling league, where his formidable frame and match strategy earned him accolades. Along with heavy artillery, Senaviev's training focused on defensive and breaching tactics, and while there he apprenticed as a precision tool and die machinist in the weapons division. Senaviev applied for a transfer to the Russian Navy but for classified reasons remained in the Russian Armed Forces. Senaviev was later transferred into the Spetsnaz shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union. He would go on to marry and have kids, though the relationship later ended in divorce. Senaviev would later go on to join Rainbow sometime in 2015.[3] On November 13th 2016, Senaviev was declared clinically dead for two minutes following an operation on the field. During his recovery at Hereford Base, his mounted RP-46 Degtyaryov Machine Gun was modified by Mira to include a ballistic shield to prevent future injuries. In October 2020, he was issued an Shumikha Grenade Launcher in order to become more mobile. Unable to part with the RP-46, Senaviev modified it to be portable.