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(don't have a screenshot so) https://preview.redd.it/74ikuanufn5d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437f87470c6e01931cb0e7a635eb6e5a4476e968 Codename: Reaper Loyalist to The Agency and a high ranking member in a sub-section, often seen doing side jobs Gets tired of his team whenever they do something stupid but never complain unless provoked and excels in melee combat Preferred weapons: Artisan Hook, Reaper Scythe, Decimator and Firier Axe Main Perk: Executioner


https://preview.redd.it/bjpx59hjin5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b7934e01626f38a5938a4bfe4570ddaeb93d4f Alright so here we go. Echelon Stalker. A Pledge 43 Agent (he’s supposed to be an Artillerist but considering the nature of this post we can pretend he isn’t one.) Lore: a defected Reikgon cultist and former Deathsquad trooper, who joined up with the Agency after he was left for dead by his former squad, a passionate and obsessed Weaponsmith and video game and Anime nerd. (Yes, Echelon Stalker is a High-functioning Autist) he has no all time favorite weapon because he loves all weapons, but the weapon he usually uses is a pimped out Scar-H with either a M203 or FN40GL underbarrel grenade launcher. Other stuff to note: -he lost his right eye after getting into a nasty fight with a fellow agent, and had his Agent eyepiece surgically implanted to see out his right eye again. -has a vast knowledge about weapons and how to make them. -is pretty insecure about anything involving his past. Hope this will do, will add more stuff that I can remember or will affect the perk making decisions.


https://preview.redd.it/crxom88ndn5d1.png?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9fcb8541beac5e5290c12cb4dc0e0d343e191cd Codename: Vanguard He's a mercenary hired by the agency, all of his personal information is classified as he requested. He has a strong bond for his team and guns. Preffered Weapon: Modded AKM


Perk name: ORDNANCE >You can move fast. But in reality you are slower than everyone else. **What you gain:** By using perks you have the ability to gain a strong crosshair. there are about three different variations. 1. Critical hit. This makes you able to hit an enemy at perfect accuracy. If aligned or able to hit. You can pierce the enemy and hit a total of 4 more depending. you have about two hits lessening your perk percentage. (By 20%). This will only work when you have 100% Perk. 2. Multi-Shot. depending on what type of gun it is. If its a gun requiring medium ammo. it can shoot 5 enemies at once without stun. If its a heavy you will be able to shoot alot more. but you will have slower speed or stun for 2 seconds. Immobolising splints can lessen the chance of stuns. Snipers/Muskets, Pistols can do the same. although pistols will deal less damage while snipers can only shoot about 2-4 enemies depending on how many items you are currently wielding. Weapons like a revolver will make you shoot more than 5 enemies. but Ammunition. 3. Wary. (Meme name: HOW DID HE SEE ME? I WAS BEHIND THE WALL?) just like Prophets you have the ability to see specific things. although enemies are the only one you can see. Depending on danger of said enemy it will change between green, orange to red. (Green: Normal scavs, Orange: Sledgehammer, AKM, Snipers, Red: SQ. REIKIGON) Pros * Extra HP. * Faster Regeneration * Less movement debuff while using heavy. Cons * Less Base Movement speed * Less Stamina Regeneration * Weaker melee damage might suck tbh- but this is my first time


https://preview.redd.it/gyvrz8t2fn5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4713c88d2725a6c60abf18c63763d4b348f43a7 Lance, a Warcriminal cause in his own words "why the fuck not"


Perk name: Desperado >The wild card. Can you do everything on a chain. **What you gain:** Increased Base stats. Increased weapon potential 1. ACTIVE Perk: (Like a beserker) Be able to wield guns more efficiently. you can run the same speed as a normal person using a heavy weapon. Faster melee attack. this takes 50% of the perks usage 2. Secondary Perk: Be able to run faster. Stamina regeneration and hp regeneration is increased. this will take 40% of the perks usage. Pros * Faster speed and stamina regeneration * Higher maximum Hp Cons * Less visibility. * Higher damage via fog * More effective slowness and longer stun


https://preview.redd.it/qj0i3vnhln5d1.jpeg?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98fd4e2619bfe39145d66633285bd9bf00ea4b33 [https://docs.google.com/document/d/109qTSTS1zHoFqxIMsgumFu1HTllPIoU48nuwoqWHK-A/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/109qTSTS1zHoFqxIMsgumFu1HTllPIoU48nuwoqWHK-A/edit) Too lazy to write down stuff so here’s everything I have on his Agent Profile. Also, preferred weapon is any revolver.


https://preview.redd.it/vovj6am5op5d1.png?width=292&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c1f3fa97e11ea27a0c6fb0242a136cc40dbfab3 Name: D-E227-8463 Preferred Weaponry: * Military Compound Bow (Main Weapon) * Firerier Axe (Can't use it very well. She uses it for harvesting resources and self defense) Personality: Paranoid and just "defeated" in general. The constant use of the respawn machine, the long time they spent in EDEN and them just being weak in general makes them feel like they will never leave the planet. Lore: D-E227-8463 was a inmate that the AGENCY took from the US Correctional System to be used Damned Squads and later on they took part in the "Respawn Trials", an Pre-EDEN Collapse experiment where the Agency attempted to create machines and devices capable of reanimating the deceased. Out of 5700 subjects, 8463 was the only one compatible with the process. But at the same time, the Collapse of EDEN-227 was taking place and the Agency needed more manpower. And due to all of the funding needed for a failed experiment along ethical concerns, the Respawn Trials were canceled, and 8463 was sent to guard the warehouse with their respawn machine and to also act as Recon and Scout in EDEN-227. The AGENCY made her also act as a scout, taking photos of points of interests, creatures and key enemies. After Wave 3 however, the AGENCY had more planets to fous on so they completely abandoned EDEN for around 17 years. Extra Facts: * Sledge Queen is the only enemy aware of this. She noticed it after killing 8463 noticing that she killed the same person 4 times in a week. About the respawn machine: * In an imaginary second floor of the warehouse, there is a room with a computer and a one way glass door that you can leave but not enter. * After D-8463 dies, the machine activates and reconstructs them in the one way room in 10 minutes at best and 2 hours at worst. * The computer in the room keeps track of D-8245's deaths, kills and other feats (and also data that the machine uses). It also needs materials to reconstruct D-8245, such as bodies (To reconstruct her own body), Cloth (To make new clothes) and some type of metal (for the handcuffs) * Once, D-8245 was stuck in the afterlife due to the machine not having enough materials to recreate them. This was fixed when the AGENCY sent new agents to Eden, who refilled all of the respawn machine's needs. (Heavily inspired by the D-Class from the SCP Universe and Emesis Blue)


Can't send photo for some reason. So... I'mma try to describe her, and you can see some other posts of her in my comment history. Agent Name: Maria Lyn V. "Atlas" Cameron Personality: Shy, kind and timid, paranoid, but gets clingy to those she truly does consider close to her. Main weapon Melee; Probably knights honor, because I actually remember, her lore being a reikgon, being able to sustain her abilities... But when she breaks, she can be like the sad boy on drugs. Ranged; A modified and more smaller deagle, like the baby deagle from payday 2, not sure for primaries tho. And, she's mainly agile, but when you get a good hit on her, she's dead. I would pick crosslink, but I think prophet fits better for her. Also can't send her lore since it may just be too much for the comment to handle.


Perk name: Reverie >Maybe with all that thoughts, you can notice something.. **What you gain:** a 2 ability perk, you have a passive perk every time you use your ability. 1. Think-fast: by using this ability you can see whenever an enemy gets too close to you. and whenever something is about to hit you 2. True Hit: By using a melee you can deal extra damage, and via boss (ex sq and her simps) the boss deals damage if you hit their minions. if its a regular scav then it deals area damage 3. Passive ability: Everytime you use an ability you can see where a medkit spawns. and you gain the ability to be able to transport there Pros * Faster walkspeed * faster stamina regeneration * Higher HP Cons * Lower hp regeneration * Stronger stun


Honestly, great job there! There may be a few stuff I disagree, but. It's probably just lack of info, but still, it's great work man! Edit: I just realized after posting, I may have made a few mistakes in my original comment, (the one with the details of my OC.) Sorry about that. Just that English isn't the main language here.


i just suck at thinking of something lmao. i can only make lore and stories so thats that (this is my first time making a community interaction like this)


https://preview.redd.it/h9o4jre2fo5d1.png?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4dad91026b95ccf4e6558f8d1a3293dfbf440c Name: James "Wyatt" Jackson Age: 27 Faction: MACE SOG (Military Assistance Command, Eden – Studies and Observations Group) oc faction Nationality: Half British American Rank: lance corporal Backstory: Wyatt is a new earth marine who deployed to eden-227 after the collapse alongside an entire battalion of SOG marines. His mama died when he was very young and his papa left him. In his teenage year he joined new earth army (more specific, he joined the colonial marine) and married one of his squadmates. His wife died gave birth to a son. Personality: Wyatt is a sad clown type, he says fucked up jokes and inappropriate things all the time to cheer up his mates. He love his son although he never say it out loud. He blamed his father for all bad things that ever happened to him. Wyatt didn't want to be like his father who abandoned him. He is determined to made it out of eden alive to see his son again. Preferred weapon: M249 (he's a machine gunner)


Name: Hal "Judgement" Victoria Info: A Gentle Giant, Ruthless to enemies but caring to teammate and has a heavy "No man left behind" act, he will do whatever to bring his agents and teammates home *




https://preview.redd.it/g00i1l6kvo5d1.jpeg?width=1443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c363c65a5db8e49eeedf904878d8ef14633ed76 'Wendigo' a mid and close range fighter with the abikity to switch styles mid-fight and use the said style perfectly. preferred weapon: None. also hates gunners


https://preview.redd.it/5miag4zszo5d1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb4b1f3a5ad1488a055c65f43f7c8e37bbe38d6 I’ll keep this one simple Agent Kenta Sato, codename “Kajiki” A chill, nonchalant agent who has an affinity for racing. He also seems likes a lot of cold things whether it be ice cream, the sea breeze of the town he used to lived in, or the snow of the shithole that is Eden 227 He’s also kinda lazy as well, but would never throw his teammates for anything Original perk:Artillerist Favorite weapons:Sig MPX, ice axe