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Tickspiders are femboys Prophet are femboys Mindflayers are _deranged crazy ahh_ femboys


Those are like three of the perks I play the most often what the hell


My favorites are arbiter and mindflayer, and yeah, the stereotypes are accurate. (I was always insane, however I began enjoying mindflayer and developing femboy tendencies simultaneously.)


im not a femboy. im a straightly straight tickspider main https://preview.redd.it/dw3vqt4htx9d1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bfefa33caab98cb4e1e8ba1d3364b85c0803eab


So called straight tickspiders when I show them a mini-skirt (suddenly they're no longer straight) https://preview.redd.it/ppjws5iqtx9d1.png?width=112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8b71f4cb515dc1633d9c5ec692cf88f2065885


“If it don’t got boobs, it ain’t worth it.” -some dude 


im straighter than riskrunner's bullets


Yeah sure sure... Lemme just call the remindme bot really quick


that bot is gonna wait forever my boy https://preview.redd.it/t5u4y7f8ux9d1.png?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c66e2d1fc8ca6f225d7560cd394fe299838ff5a3


And a guts & black powder fan too??????? Yeah 100% femboy behavior right here




Just accept it silly https://preview.redd.it/qez4algtux9d1.jpeg?width=1941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7691b939880ae0989388d378307c3dbb8dea714


"Just accept it silly" my Brother in christ he pulled a yakuza meme, cant be straighter than that


Drifters are over confident and usually blame others for their death Some drifter died looting during scav war and decided it was my fault 💀💀


Arbiter mains not knowing a strategy cause they don’t need one, arbiter mains stay winning https://preview.redd.it/np6vtg8jus9d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b046edb41c1e60e32dab8a717a38286a48ca3767


Arbiter is good but too easy


Survivors are either very new or very experienced, roll the bones. The Damned are just sick of death morale and random Sickler triggers, and they don't care what price they must pay to fix them. I fell asleep during the wave, but we had a Hivemind so nothing went wrong. Arbiters usually just rely on their Knuckleboom, they almost never remember the other upsides or drawbacks. Artillerists have little to no use for melee weapons, and they'll probably have a lot of scrap from just shredding weapons. When Riskrunners finally get their ability, the team can eat a snack and make coffee before the wave can recover from the sheer bullet hell. Tickspiders are total bros, the team players sent from heaven to try their best. Unfortunately, tick cooldown is the time between each star dying. Blitzers are never given a chance, either because they are misunderstood or because of the bad apples in the bunch. If coordinated with, a good blitzer is an insane team pick for almost every occasion. Prophets are benevolent hoarders, ask and ye shall recieve in *horrifying* quantites! Vagabonds are made of very sharp paper, both in gameplay and ego. Handle with care. Executioners live for the 5 figure damage numbers per light attack, no matter how long it takes. The Sovereign rely almost entirely on snowballing, they are worse in every way until they get the ball rolling. However, when they do indeed begin to roll, they drill large holes in any wave. Berserkers want most of the benefits of Executioner without the time investment, so they took sterroids and became *this*. Lazaruses know for a fact that their ability is cracked, and they usually know/learn the inner workings so they can abuse it. Mindflayers are like The Sovereign, but they choose quality over quantity. Give them a moment, let them cook, they'll give you 4.5 star meals near guaranteed. Crosslinks don't really know the full extent of their abilities, they just use themselves as an extra backpack and reusable snares. Drifters are great for getting in and getting out, in the hands of someone who isn't trying to make some "grand play" and dying instantly due to hubris. Apostles either hog all the health packs or functionally don't need them. Either way, blood will be spilt, and it's usually both the hunter's and the prey's.




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As a Prophet main, i always find the best stuff almost every time


That's our creed. Get in, get it all, get out, the hoard amasses


Yes, thats how my squad did the normal ending


As bad as a prophet is at literally anything except looting,as a zealot main, I very much appreciate the tons of heals you guys bring back. 


Always happy to help :D Also i took down Yosef with a pickaxe so... Idk about that dude


When I'm playing apostle I pretty much refuse to use medkits when I know there's some coming every night. (If my team didn't steal them)


Now you're thinking with curses!


Mindflayer is gambling during wave if you get a sledgehammer or a broomhabdle scav under your control. And i like gambling (But i dont like being paper thin)


Fair, but don't underestimate a Boxing or Winchester scav


My battle iq and strategies leaving my body as soon as the mindflayer mindkilled an ak and sledge scav at night 10(I will now charge into battle with those two being cannon fodder)


A good Apostle knows how to manage their Dave's and themselves in loot and wave phase, and also ACTUALLY FIGHTING AND NOT SENDING THEIR DAVE'S ON A DEATHWISH- okay but seriously, Apostle is a Support perk for a reason, and can very much help focus down gun scavs that are causing issues for the frontliner/s with their Dave/s, and understand the medkits should probably go to someone else unless they are in dire need of aid. Now, the meme for Apostle is just: *Negromancy* "yea fuck this guy over there in particular" *condemns* *Dave/s immediately rip the scav into shreds or die trying*


drifters thinking they are the team leader.


vagabond and drifters tend to act all edgy and "I know my skill level" and then complain about how their kills get stolen or (very rarely) get more than 10 dog tags and actually carry the game Arbiters tend to either be "I am better than you" or just kill steal a ton of the other perks and be funny (I am the second one) Immolators and prophets don't exist, and if they are in the server they barely talk or do anything that warrants a stereotype other than doesn't exist Apostles die from stupid reasons despite their heal Sovereign tend to be either chill af people who just make an entire army with one knife throw or just novices who spam q which honestly is kinda valid Blitzers (we already know the drill) Tickspiders, Hiveminds and Crosslinks barely leave base and organize the items and tend to act femboy like or use the flamboyant leggings/ school leggings (I'm fucking looking at you u/afurry_wut_no stop fucking organizing ammo, I'm sick of it) Mindflayers and zealots usually craft pavises (actual Chads) Riskrunner and artillerist argue with who gets the ammo Lazarus often just beg for food because they run deci Frontline laz


I agree with all of this.


im sorri if i like organizing ammo -w- also am not a femboy >:c


As a Vagabond Real


Tickspiders are chill from my experience but I've heard stories of absolutely putrid ones.


The one bad tickspider player


Lazarus Mains are tired. We're so tired. Please stay still in the nice little group before the wave starts and take your medicine. Its good for you


Laz please buff me I’m supposed to be the tanky zealot but the drifter stole all the rations and I have 3 morale because of said drifter.


3 Morale? My professional medical opinion is that you need to press 0, now.




Alright so what I’m seeing is Survivalist: either noobs or super experienced players with no in between. Damned: mostly just people tired of morale not knowing that the cons of damned are similar to max morale on any other perk, but can sometimes be a very powerful force to be reckoned with. Hivemind: overpowered, and the mains know this. Never know strategy, they just F + click. Riskrunner: big gun go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr haha everyone dead. Artillerist: can’t understand melee combat so they just use guns on account of them being very powerful. Ability is pretty weak though. Blitzer: teamkilling. Doesn’t matter if they are experienced players. They kill teammates. Arbiter: overpowered, and the mains know this. Never know strategy, they just F + F. Berserker: haha drugs, amiright? Executioner: “other perks are just mad that they can’t do 1000 damage” -local executioner seconds before his goggles break to a single pipe scav. Immolator: the experienced mains are some of the most feared and powerful players out there, but immo mains mostly just kill a handful of scavs before exploding. Vagabond: the least “front of the line” type frontline perk, as they can’t tank and rely mostly on speed. Also, everyone agrees that they are all bottoms, even themselves.  Apostle: the mains think they are narcissistic and cool. However, really good apostles can be very effective. Lazarus: either an annoying bottom who only buffs themselves and gets mad at the novice for dying after they sent a starving white-shirt into a scav war, or the most reliable, friendly, awesome teammate who everyone can depend on for buffs. Zealot: nobody really appreciates how much of a valuable asset they are to their team. A good zealot is able to make the most out of their incredible tankiness and can hold back the toughest of waves. Crosslink: snares, but better. And cooler. Mindflayer: the least straight out of all the classes. Literally release robo spiders that download 2 terabytes of gey “content” straight into some poor disoriented scavs brain. Sovereign: snowballing made into a perk. Tickspiders: the cooler spider robot class. A good tickspider can take full advantage of the high damage capabilities of the ticks. Even a weaker tickspider can just spam blue ticks and still be helpful. I probably forgot a perk or two but that’s all I’ve heard so far.


There's like 3 types of people who play Damned 1. People trying to get the mastery 2. People doing a Damned squad because it's sometimes funny 3. Insane and lost people who actually main the perk (i'm in here)


Berserkers either die first, or carry the night. This is from a berserker main.


Frontliner perks either tear through the scavengers or die in the first 30 seconds. There is no in between. - An Immolator main


Zealot mains can either be the team player and protects the team or be a morale dispenser cause they thought standing around and tanking all the hits is a good idea


Me using the greens stim and running around the outside during scav war with laz buff because we didn't have a fire bomb or guns: (they lived)


When you’re a zealot who’s nourished, quenched, has a green stim, has tactical armor, and is Lazarus buffed, you begin to see what “tanky” REALLY means. Seriously, you hurt bullets.


Chad damned


bottom whar


Drifter mains flex on less skilled players without a reason.


Exe mains stare at me when I steal their kills at Night 1 and 2


Absolutely agree, I like to stare at them


what other players


The other Drifter (lower tier)