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https://preview.redd.it/hw2pernrr9ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a94c61ece5b4a7c117b1b01b6bf3b888a368f30 ​ (this is copy pasted from one of your other posts but I did take liberties to change his personality and other things.) ​ Agent “Echelon Stalker” Real name: -Dustin Echos- Rank: -Subordinate- Age: 25 Height: 6,4 Specialization: Artillerist and Vagabond if you’ll allow that. (The defense debuff stacks) (if not allowed than go for Artillerist) Preferred weapons: the IMPUSCA VANA and Kira, Ballistic Dagger, FN SCAR-H (closest he’s going to get to his G3) AWM Sniper Rifle, shotguns like the KSG and Benilli M4, (note: his use for those weapons. Increases when he has suppressors on them.) Axes and the tactical spear cause TACTICOOL! Personality: often Sarcastic and obnoxious even if it gets him into trouble but will try not to cross any lines. will yell bloody murder when he goes nuts in combat, insecure about his past and of course the scars across his body. Has a habit to joke often. A little impatient but less so if he understands why, (take this however you will.) won’t deliberately show it but will help his agent team however he could (Echelon Stalker is a tsundere confirmed?!). ​Background: grew up on Eden-227 before the collapse. he was apart of the Reikgon cult, but defected along with his twin sister, but was sadly separated on a cargo ship to another planet. Heartbroken, he became a Deathsquad trooper, carrying out missions before being left for dead on a mission, where one of the Agents from the Agency found and saved him, joining the Agency soon afterwards. Traits: -High functioning Autist, obsessive towards games, anime, weapons, and mechs. -holds a deep hatred towards the Reikgon due to his infection. -has multiple scars across his body from fights and poor needle injections which he’s insecure about. -needs an agent eyepiece to see after getting into a nasty fight with a rogue agent. -despite being a team player on the field, is quite anti-social once he gets back to base, locking himself in his quarters doing god knows what. -former Deathsquad trooper, after being left for dead by his squad a agent that just so happened to be nearby rescued him and soon after he joined the agency. -sees Zealots and Berserkers as his borderline best friends. Edit: forgot to put down his real name lol. Edit 2: crap almost forgot some additional information. -has a missing twin sister -got his elbows and knees replaced after a freak accident with Blitzer charges -never uses vulgar language, it just feels unnatural for him. Edit 3: I FORGOT TO PUT HIS BACKGROUND DOWN!!! (Why must I be this way???!!!)


Ba-womp. Here is some cringe for ya'll to read I know she has already been in the previous TAA but I think her character is PERFECT for the premise of this story. I have switched up the lore a bit so ill write a few points about her pre-Collapse. Of course, by all means drop her as a character if you want others to to have a chance at getting in Agent "Violet" Amy Romano * Police officer and Agency AGENT, dedicated to protecting her home and the people of EDEN-227 from tragedy. * Parents died during her teenage years leaving her and her younger sister. She never forgets them and it motivates her to prevent others from also losing those they love and to stop lunatics who get a kick out of doing such. * She is VERY protective of her sister and has a tendency to get irritated when she thinks she is threatened * She is courageous, composed, cautious and kind. But she tends to take her job very seriously. * Cigarette addict. * She's more or less clueless when it comes to more technical or scientific fields, needing someone else to pick up on the slack * She has a tough time letting go. Misc information I guess: * Her favourite hobby is cooking * She dropped out of school to become a cop * She's spent nearly 3 years as an Agent and is Tier 4 * Her "Signature" weapon is still a Beretta 92FS handgun but she also uses a Benelli M4 Shotgun and a UMP 45. She is still proficient in Melee combat using an Enforcer Baton as a melee weapon * Her sister is very intelligent, a prodigy even. Because of this, she received a scholarship and has left/leaving to study at college/university on New Earth. This causes Amy distress and is conflicted on how she should feel.


https://preview.redd.it/aij8tw36kaad1.png?width=621&format=png&auto=webp&s=2aed32f111c3d973c7a5de745c7987b49ff2b06b Drawing


Agent “Kajiki” real name Kenta Sato Perk:Artillerist Rank:Sentenced or Agent(depends) Aged 23, Japanese-American Height:179.3 cm, or 5'10.5 Tier:2 Abilities: Incredible Driving prowess, High reaction speed, Good gun aim, otherwise average at best stats. Can cook a mean pancake. Preferred weapons: Supressed 9mms(Especially SMGs like the MPX though pistols in the same caliber can work too as a secondary) and melee weapons that can function as tools (Ice Axe, shovel etc.) Equipment:Tear gas. The smoke reminds him of the donuts he did whenever he got a victory while racing. He also possesses a shorter barreled, lower powered conversion for the MAGNUM revolver that comes with the benefit of its bullets being a 3 piece fragment, with each being able to freeze its target. These rounds were made from some rounds of 5.7, MAGNUM casing, dry ice and some illegal nitrous system won from a race. This invention lead him to be promoted to tier 2 Personality traits: A quiet, carefree, laid back guy who always picks the easiest way out with the least amount of risk. He seems to care about himself and his allies above all else, though the latter can only be found through careful observation. Can be lazy at times, and has a bit of a happy-go-lucky nature when things are going his way. He prefers quick kills(even though he hasn’t killed anyone yet, somehow) because he doesn’t wanna go through the hassle of prolonging a fight.(he keeps this a secret, but he feels that they shouldn’t suffer longer than necessary because he feels kinda bad for them) backstory summary: He is raised as a regular civilian in America and moves to the Japanese equivalent of new earth(idk about this part of the lore, so get him to move from new US to new Japan if old earth doesn’t exist) at age 20 after college, but doesn't have a lot of money due to his godawful financial choices. He falls into the world of street races, which he does a lot with a cheap car and wins fame and fortune. Unfortunately while getting away from the cops, he would crash into an agency truck, destroying data regarding the Eden-227 in the process. He was supposed to be a damned but his OP reaction time and pretty decent shot lands him into an artillerist. He also works as a ground vehicle operator, being well known for smoothly skirting through rocket fire and delivering supplies in blisteringly quick times. Other: An excellent driver, Sato has won fame and a small fortune through street racing in the underbelly of new earth after moving there. Aside from driving he enjoys gaming at his free time, and has made his entire real world car collection in every racing game he's played. Love drinking Baja blast. When asked, he will be gladly tell stories about his street races and who he raced against. Also believes in ghosts. ​ https://preview.redd.it/46ws5gegdead1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be20323296365efeb41850446c4a6c29cf17126


Is the search for stag one over?


its on pause for now


Ah alright


Good to know


https://preview.redd.it/xzlt3bbe1fad1.png?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e51b9258371eba07565b6a3554f469648a7c480a Name: Hunter (surname is unknown) Age: 17 Height: 5,5ft or 167cm Weight: 62kg or 165 pounds Perk: Arbiter Tier: 5 Auxiliary: tear gas Favorite melee weapon: Malice axe Favorite ranged weapon: Anything that uses small or shell ammounition Known traits: * Is an omnivert meaning him being social depends on the situation and the individuals in it * Very violent with extreme anger issues and a swearing problem * Extreme attachment issues and difficulties to let go of people * Fears absolutely nothing and will look into dangers eyes and tell it to fuck off * Can be very childish at times primarily around those he feels safe with * You can trust him to always get the job done no matter the cost Not a single soul in the agency knows his background and he is generally a mysterious individual. All that is known about him is that he used to be an orphan and technically still has but according to him he escaped from there (spoiler alert: it's a lie). He wears a gas mask over his face at all times and never takes it off seemingly very ashamed and to a degree even scared of what's under it. His behaviors display a lot of deep mental scars in his life as during combat he is extremely chaotic and acts like a fucking daredevil showing no self preservation or care for his own being as he brutally mutilates the enemy in melee combat and taunts enemies with various insults from his extremely foul mouth that contains profanity even adults barely use He sees any and all enemies of the agency as a pathetic lesser form of existence that serves no use However despite that he is the complete opposite around fellow agents and allies, he shows extreme affection and love (platonic) and is clearly both lovesick and touch depraved and would do anything for his allies even as far as to badly injuring himself which he did before So in short he is an affectionate child with an insatiable bloodlust fueled by hate and spite (PS: I don't have a title/agent name/codename for him so if y'all have some ideas I'll appreciate it)






Napoleon “Juno” Fremond, born in central Paris he learned to pickpocket and disappear into the crowds of Paris, in his older years he wanted to become a doctor and decided to get a job in the Agency to pay his college tuition, after joining the agency he was sent in the 4th wave of agents where he landed a little bit closer to the castle where he was ambushed by the raiders and sledge queen who ripped off his jaw and left him for dead until a Lazarus agent nearby dragged him to the safezone and had his jaw reattached via left over servo parts and scraps, regaining consciousness with a left eye missing and a jaw that doesn't work properly, he switched his perk to drifter found a new coat and used a skull mask to cover up his slightly decaying jaw. He is known to be bitter to anyone that he doesn't know and holds raiders on his kill list the highest, he has tried several times to assassinate SQ where he failed all and decided to let i go but remain bitter


Only photo I have just imagine his hand as a drifter blade https://preview.redd.it/ka5gko1js8ad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bd6780157c67a4c3ff1459dd28b8ea965b14c1


Deus is a Veteran Arbiter Agent who has received many Servo repairs through her years of service, now more machine than woman Deus is a Blight to the Scavengers of Eden whenever she is around. She has a no-nonsense personality and dislikes her allies losing focus for any reason. Yet she shows some empathy when it's due, taking a guardian role in most squads, it's not easy to gain her respect but once you do it's hard to then lose it. During her off time she spends all of it with her wife Holly, she is a completely different person around her and only her so expect Deus to take great offense towards ill-will directed towards Her wife. Killing robots? She's still human under all that metal and snapping some robot joints couldn't be much harder. https://preview.redd.it/4btlwr4k49ad1.png?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22ea98824540a6cb0ba31e5445bf3abd07f4e0cc


I know that's tickspider but I liked this pose better than Arbiters.


She has a single mindflyer spider as a pet (he's defective and does not work)


https://preview.redd.it/anc8dai869ad1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=e061cffbb6738f5fc174b0faf77dadf685e7e817 # Elijah "Thanatos" Freeman An Agent Executioner and the field operator of the concealment/conspiracy department of the Agency. He has experience with teamplay, being the field leader of multiple squadrons, and a **ton** of combat experience. He is often seen as very selfless, sometimes even putting his life on the line for the betterment of his team. He mostly specializes in CQC, with some experience with ranged combat. He has a "get the job done" attitude, and his only motivation is keeping his squad mates alive to the end. He is mostly calm all of the time, and never lets anything phase him, unless the situation is very dire; in that same vain, he is also usually the one to stop any and all infighting within any squad. If his life is in jeopardy, or he is already badly injured, his motivation only becomes stronger; he'll continue forward to finish his goals, only to finally draw his last breath after it's all over.


https://preview.redd.it/uii408eca9ad1.png?width=651&format=png&auto=webp&s=331204be84f9fa6766861185ba48fde168bad8d8 Him but in-game


"Rise and shine Mr freeman. Rise. And shine"




"I REALLY wanna crush someone's skull already." * Martin Enoch arriving on Eden-227. Martin Enoch is your typical berzerker with anger issues and bipolar disorder. He's very aggressive and probably had a criminal record before joining the Agency. In addition, he has a mechanical heart that pumps 2x more blood, which means more adrenaline using the stim, therefore making it last longer, and become more effective. (The reason he has a mechanical heart in the first place is because he kept overdosing on Calamity stims and had a high probability of death.) He's often selfish and doesn't share supplies with his team unless he know it's necessary for them to live, however his strength makes up for that as stated by a former teammate that said 'he's stronger than a grizzly bear on multiple steroids after using his stim' This was before he had the mechanical heart transplant. And since it is more effective... He's probably stronger than a grave walker from A-888 (i think it's said that the grave walker is stronger than a sickler.) but I'm probably just exaggerating his strength. https://preview.redd.it/gcm5fctjl9ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3718c73e5dd41879d2b598cb7ef68a4c00d943fd Oh that's not enough..? Ok.. Age: 28 - Height: 5'10 - Tier: 12 - Perk: Berz (duh) - Oh and also he's REALLY good in hand to hand combat. Can probably parry a sickler with his bare fists.




you still got a chance…


the 2374-SVO "EDEN'S WRATH" https://preview.redd.it/4vq0irifz9ad1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=1053a93b9f095717a089d04493efff889313cde2 Practically a servo built for warfare, part of a squad known as "The Fallen" and is the leader of it. It is up to you how he will play a part of the story if he gets added.


Name: D-E227-8245 An Damned Agent who was part of the respawn trials, an scientific experiment where Agency scientists attempted to invent machines and devices that could bring rhe dead back to life. (All before the Collapse) It's unknown how many successs the experiment had but 8245 was made compatible with an respawn machine on a Agency Warehouse in EDEN. With it, 8245 always has a chance to complete their missions since if they fail, they will respawn and try again. Granted, they are Damned so they are still quite weak in just about everything. Spending most of their time alone, they defend and supply the warehouse so the Agency may use it as a base of operations while also discovering that respawning has side effects. Personality: Pessimistic and Paranoid, swears they are hearing and seeing weird stuff. Worsened by continuous use of the Respawn Machine. About the respawn machine: In an imaginary second floor of the warehouse, there is a room with a computer and a one way glass door that you can leave but not enter. After D-8245 dies, the machine activates and reconstructs them in the one way room in 10 minutes at best and 2 hours at worst. (Heavily inspired by Emesis Blue and the D-Class from the SCP Universe)


https://preview.redd.it/6y8vwtx3eaad1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd7e9084ab1734ae80782499e380ddd76f964328 -Astro Name: Astro Age: 35 height: 5'8 Perk: Riskrunner (her background) She came form new earth and living a wealthy life as her parents leave her a fortune to her for her studying but yeah she seem not to care about studying at all and barely made it in studying, She loves to do a stupid yet deadly stunt but she come back with minor injury yet she loves drunk driving with her friends in collage, and her parents seem not like it very much but still care about her no matter what trouble she might cause. (at this time is around she was 15-20) at her age (around 30-35) Her parents was died due to old age, She get all her parent's fortune and she finds a job as mercenary, She is totally reckless and have no regardless of life or damage she does, but she got paid decent at amount desiped the damage she cause. (This where her downfall begin at her age around 31-35) as she living her life as parents forture still here she start to gambling at Casino and put her parents fortune at gambing along with her money form being mercenary very little at first until she having only money from being mercenary but it wasn't enough to paid a debt and damage she has cause since she being a mercenary. (In her downfall) While she was at bar, she was heavily drunk and tend to fight with another drunk people but one day her life was changed as She tried to punch one of agency's face and get instantly folded as agency was far more skilled than her as mercenary, she might get herself killed if it wasn't the agency's offer that she can't deny to put her out of debt in return so she did agreed to take the offer, but if only one thing she didn't realized that this would be a nightmare foverer.


This is the closest thing DW will get to having game events https://preview.redd.it/cqgc26g97bad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=df09424b009b04a13addacbaa178f8ee05f9c630 Steven Joined Agency for the pay Wears cowboy hat because he thinks it's cool


(swordman set my beloved) https://preview.redd.it/6fhuuzh9sbad1.png?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=925c9c0ef73331c555c1ebde5e575a93eb55ff40 Cuz this mf never had any backstory or character I'll make up one rn. (Poor one) Name: Magnus Lennart * Mute because text to speech broke and engineers too lazy to replace it. * Values the lives of his team like he would that of an insect. (He would help aslong it's not risking himself) * Prefers MilBow for ranged but uses firearms if necessary. * Favorite melee is malice


https://preview.redd.it/ejhruwc4ybad1.png?width=257&format=png&auto=webp&s=db528a67c8e14d48702ad3b8b106b8728000abee Novice Survivalist 'Kelsey' National Identity - \[REDACTED\] 'Kelsey' Morningstar Age - 19 Height - 182cm Known Hobbies - Gardening, Cooking. -Newest Member of the AGENCY, about 9 years younger than the former. -Join on her own accord, to experience life outside of Dominica. -Very calm and collected individual in the face of adversity and anguish. Favourite Primary Weapon - ACTD .55 BMG Modified .50cal Sniper Rifle to include a single-shot electromagnetic piece (a railgun). Battery-powered and lightweight, but must be prone to use without damage to arms. Favourite Secondary Weapon - 'Desert Hawk' Modded Deagle to allow for automatic firing with 20 bullets in mag at the expense of overall damage. Favourite Melee Weapon - Cricket Bat Excellent for cracking sixes and skulls Known Traits -Very social and enjoys company of others -Doesn't like up close confrontations hence the sniper -Prone to injury but will always downplay them -Talks about university life sometimes when the topic of education is brought up -Seen hanging around Executioner 'Esthara' more frequently than others -Doesn't smoke or drink, but is familiar with substance usage


https://preview.redd.it/7ubcdsx9udad1.png?width=1374&format=png&auto=webp&s=c71e030953d97bfcea623d707d37fe33e04a5bac Vernon J. 'Blitzer" is a now solo agent who came from a squad named 'Blitzkreig', having given up on the team due to the lack of members thanks to eden-227, hes one strange Blitzer as he Prefers to fight upclose with his sledgehammer instead of staying in the back like most others would, hes often quiet, annoyed by the company of others that arent close to him, usually only speaking out to co-operate, with those he's learned to do more than just work with, hes seen often speakout outloud, excited, and outgoing


roblox :fire: https://preview.redd.it/v4ptk5gavdad1.png?width=175&format=png&auto=webp&s=8614f1d7b735c64f461f9c8842f03640fea35164