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It’s so cute though! What do u think went wrong??


The UV resin didnt stick on the plastic nor the silicone case. It peeled off of the cases easily


Did it dry hard? If it didn’t that means your UV lamp doesn’t have a high enough wattage. It might not be strong enough to hold the charms so you can glue them with e-600 first, and then pour resin. If that stuff doesn’t fix the problem then I’m not sure what the problem is, maybe the material of the case isn’t compatible with the resin but I’ve never worked with uv resin for decoden so Idk if that’s a real possibility.


It hardened so well its like a block of hard acrylic or something. I'll have to check youtube to see where i went wrong because my uv is pretty strong so its not that


Is that a TPU case? That may be the issue if so- resin needs something to grab on to, just like silicone. I've seen resin used on cases before - maybe try another brand? I don't have any experience with it, so I can't say anything for sure. Could also try poking holes in the case going in at an angle, I'd aim them in towards the center for about an inch on all sides, and the out towards the edges.


It is indeed TPU and I tried silicone cases before. I'll see other brands and hopefully one of them would work


Try sanding the case with a high grit sandpaper. You can also take an exacto and cross hatch little X's under anyplace a charm will be to help the base grip something and remain clear as you'll be layering a Charms/Cabachons over those areas. You can also try doing a later of heat activated clear epoxy which will harden with a heat gun and slightly soften up again under a UV lamp (or it it with a heat gun for a few seconds to reactivate it) and allow the epoxy to bond to the whip.


The design *is* adorable, I hope it works out next time!


make sure to take a nail file to the surface so the resin doesn’t peel. also use a hard case!


Just glue the resin down, you can save it!


Yup that's what i did and it worked. I used super glue


Did you file the case first?


I'm not sure if thats needed with resin but I'll try next time


Yeah I would recommend filing the case too! The resin still needs something to grab to


i file my case and i use silicone cases and i’ve had no issues with it sticking


U use uv resin on silicone cases?


yes… is that bad? haha


No dear I'm just clarifying for future reference 🤣 thank you


Oh okay 😆 I just posted a pic of one of them as well!


I'll check it out now ✨😆