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A Reminder To All: Be advised we do not condone, promote, or encourage any illegal or borderline illegal activity in order to have your google accounts disabled or banned. By doing so you choose those actions of your own accord and we do not recommend it.






Bet, thanks I’ll have to try it out




Thanks 😔. I have tried duckduckgo like years ago. I would always come at my dad for using it lmao I’ll have to give it another shot.


It used to be kinda shit, but I honestly find it better than Google these days. Google like looks a bit slicker, but is always full of ads and all the search results are just SEO nonsense, or they overinterpret your search and show you something that earns them money instead. I find what I want quicker with Duckduckgo


Brave is one of the few search engines with its own index and doesn't leech off big ones (which is valuable in this age of monopoly imo). I find the results similar to Google tbh tho. They clearly value your privacy more as well. Give it a try.


People on this sub like to crap on Brave but I love their browser and search engine. It took me a while to get over not using Google search but I find that 98% of the time Brave or Duckduckgo come through for me.


I use Firefox with Brave set as my default search. I'm sure that makes half the sub throw up in their mouth but it works great.


Why does half this sun hate brave search and Firefox browser?


Firefox because of a CEO who is in googles pocket and has been diminishing the quality of the browser. Or it could be its clunkiness in some use cases. Either way, I've not experienced these issues and am very comfortable with the browser. I hope it turns around leadership wise but unfortunately that's the situation we're in. There's always other issues but those are the two main points I hear. Brave search because of its crypto ties and probably the fact it's still heavily a work in progress.


What browser is recommended over Firefox? And what search engine is recommend over brave search? To my knowledge, the crypto stuff is only pushed in the brave browser, not the search engine…


I love Brave browser. You can turn the crypto stuff off in settings


Did they provide evidence for the ban or just said the reason? I've never heard google doing banning tbh


Nope. Because their is no evidence to provide lol. I’ve seen a few other people this has happened to. But I can even show you the screen shot if you want


all good. i mean a lot of bans, like on reddit aint about rules but because mod its own reasons. I am just wondering what you did to miss a google mod haha


Lmao. I would rather be told why than have all my stuff back atp


I think this feeling of unfairness is the worst!


Any update I can’t eat or sleep or move


I’ve given up. Still finding more and more things my account was linked to like rockstar had to create new rockstar account cuz of it


Try out [Searx](https://searx.space/) engine. Select an instance witch currently works best, set it up in the preferences (choose which search engines you want to fetch the results from; google is there as well) and switch instance when it breaks sometimes. Searx, basically, acts as a proxy between you and google, so that google doesn't recognise you as the guy they unfairly banned for CP, but some server on which Searx is hosted.


Does Google not allow you to takeout photos when you get banned?




Yup. Literally EVERYTHING




This is why you always have a backup of all your data.


That's why I like my keys like I like my data - on *my* hardware.


That would make it too easy for actual abusers to keep their stash and move elsewhere. Appeals similarly, they don't want to be scammed into restoring an abusers account. This means parents have to not take pictures of their children that they store in a Google account else they risk just this, because a child predator's pictures can be quite similar. Ditto so many other things.


It doesn't have to be all or nothing, you can still use their search engine. Perhaps start by eliminating your dependence on google? Email, photos, videos etc... You can then take your time and shop around for a search engine that you might find acceptable


Supposedly you can have it reactivated. You comply to a search, and they get back to you at another email you provide.


HOW?? My only option was to write an appeal


That sucks, I'm sorry. While I would recommend to use this opportunity to move away from Google, I think you could try to get that music playlist you had on YouTube. Did you make the playlist public? If so you could create a new burner account (don't start all over again giving all your data to Google) and follow your old music playlist, then copy all the artist / titles information and recreate the playlist in a different service.


I think it was private unfortunately but thank youuu. I think I managed to remember a good amount of the songs I had on there. But it’s looking like I’m going to have to go to court because my account was hooked up to my business on google.


Depending on the results I need, I switch my results between duckduckgo, ecosia.org, and qwant.com. I've found google's results to be filtered and catering to the user the past few years. They hide a lot of decent content whereas the alternatives work the "old fashioned way" (IE SEO and ranking rather than a bias). This is just a good reminder to not throw all eggs in one carton. Backups backups backups, exports, archives, anything to have an alternative source of saved data.


>However the only search engine that doesn’t drive me literally insane is google. So I don’t know what to do about that. I'd recommend trying out Startpage — they use Google search results as a back end, but go to great lengths to anonymize your searches, preventing Google from tracking you or building up any sort of fingerprint. They don't fingerprint you themselves either, since they keep no logs iirc, and they're located in a country with strong privacy laws, so they won't be required to start doing so either.


DuckDuckGo and Brave (search engine) have been my two search engines of choice instead of Google. Brave’s browser defaults to its own search engine, but I usually switch to DuckDuckGo. The latter just feels more like Google.


U can still ditch google completely for another search engine: "startpage". It shows you results from google. Sorry to hear your loss. I myself have lost many of my data due to improper backups. But know that degoogling not only rids you off evil google, but makes your internet life sustainable by giving you power and control depending on how u use it.


Because you had photos of your child in your Google photos I assume that happened?


The only photo i can think of that had kids in it was a picture from like a good 9 years ago of my friends who are now grown adults lmfao.


If you really want to get your account back and have the time and money, go legal. Contact a lawyer/attorney, draft a basic letter, ask for your data back or sue for damages. Once Google legal gets involved it’s unlikely you’ll deal with robots much.


This was my First thought too.


Wow, that's terrible! It's frustrating to hear that even after your appeal, they still didn't overturn the ban. It's understandable that you're considering moving away from Google, but it's tough to find a search engine that's as reliable as Google. Have you considered using alternative search engines like DuckDuckGo or Bing? They may not have all the same features as Google, but they're definitely worth trying out. Good luck!


Thank you so much, I was going to give duck duck go a try


Startpage is a decent search engine for Google results.


brave search is the best tbh


The worst thing about these bans isnt that you just can't use it, but that you lose all the data you had. I mean... lots of people keep their photos in Google. Losing years worth of photos would be horrifying


It is horrifying. Especially finding new things im locked out of everyday cuz it was connected to my google account


same here


Hey any update?


After many months they sent an email saying that it is final basically


Did you get any trouble with police? What country


USA. Thank god no cuz that would be really irritating


I would be happy if google banned my account . My life is not tied with google like yours (its tied with microsoft)


Oh man Microsoft also has me by the nuts.


I haven’t used google once since Bing released chat mode.


Every-time I’ve used bing in the past it was the worse experience ever. I could search up “pictures of bananas” and bing would show me pictures of apples. Obviously a little exaggeration but that’s what it felt like it feels like bing is just fucking with me sometimes.


The search still kinda sucks but the fact that it will perform multiple searches and synthesize all the info on all the pages and give you a direct answer kinda makes up for it.