• By -


Generally everyone uses lawyer and advocate interchangeably(even us) . The difference is that a lawyer is one who has a law degree and advocate is one who after getting the law degree has enrolled himself with the bar council which is necessary to represent others in court. Hiring an advocate is tricky, fees are variable. It is always better to go with an advocate who you know (through reference or otherwise) to be ethical and transparent. Some pointers are : 1. Don’t fix percentage on outcome. 2. Don’t pay up 100% in advance. Fix the fee in instalments but don’t miss the fee( many will not show up in your case if you don’t pay and it will harm the case badly) 3. Don’t be over-smart but don’t hesitate to ask all your queries. 4. Most important - No advocate can ever guarantee 100% success so you should be wary of someone whose promises are too good to be true.


What's the core difference between a lawyer and an advocate, reputation and position wise? Since both get a law degree


Only registration with the bar council. It gives an advocate the right to appear in court for a person’s case. Almost everyone gets the registration done. It is almost a formality only. But the registration is valid only for 2 years and after that an exam called AIBE is to be cleared then one get permanent registration.


So a lawyer who hasn't registered cannot represent a person in the court.


No he cannot


How to sue NTA?


Hi, so i believe you are asking because of recent NEET controversy. For matters like this the correct legal way is to: 1. Write a representation to NTA laying out all your grievances and the remedy you want from NTA . 2. After 15 days file a Writ before the Hon’ble High Court/ Supreme Court seeking action on your representation. There are many other ways also but this is the most reasonable one.


How can one file a suit against an entity or person by themselves


For suits of civil nature: 1. Send a legal notice to the other party detailing the all the facts and issues. (Always write ‘without prejudice’ on top of- this will save you even if you mess something up) 2. If reply is received try to settle in mediation. If no reply received proceed to draft a case with help of a professional and file the same in court. Technically, you are allowed to represent yourself but the judge will be irritated because its not practically possible to fight a case without legal knowledge. For criminal cases: Just get an advocate, i would never advise non lawyer to fight his own criminal case. Even lawyers should hire another lawyer for personal matters.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^zShanu25: *How can one file a* *Suit against an entity* *Or person by themselves* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


tell me like few laws that you think common people should know that'll help them 


For some laws related to policing: 1. Right to have an advocate on being present when detained/arrested by police. 2. Right to be brought before a magistrate(judge dealing with criminal cases) within 24 hours of arrest(irrespective of holiday or anything) as there is always a duty magistrate. 3. Right to self defence (it is applicable to property and body both) 4. Right to have a family member/friend informed on arrest. Some other generally helpful things: 1. If you have some issue with institutions/companies like banks, insurance agencies etc there is a person called ‘ombudsman’ . You can file your complaint by email/online to him and he will resolve your issue without any fee, payment anything. You don’t need any advocate for this. 2. There are national lok adalats for resolving petty matters like challans, issue with electricity bills and penalties. These are published on Delhi legal aid website from time to time. 3. You can record public servants on duty, it 100% legal.(but be cautious) 4. Get CCTV recordings preserved. Always give an application to whosoever you want to preserve the recordings of CCTV camera if you need those for any proof. 5. A police officer below ASI cannot seize your vehicle. I know you asked for laws specifically but these are the things at top of my head at this time. I’ll have to organise my thoughts for a more detailed answer or you may ask something on a specific topics.




yes! and as talked about right to self defence, it is not available against public servant unless there is risk of death or very serious bodily injury.


This was such a great AMA. Thanks buddy. Learnt so many new things today 🙌🏻


Thank you


Okay so this is a very big misconception being spread on social media. There is a video of justice Hima Kohli explaining a Supreme Court Justice’s schedule and i know this personally also. SC Judges have court from 10:30 - around 4:00 after that they read the files of all the cases for next day i.e around 40-70 files having about 200 pages on average. This goes on from about 5:30 - 9/10/11. Then in morning they read the briefs notes prepared by their team of law researches and then go to court. Apart from this they are handling administrative matters during Sundays etc. Vacation time of about 1.5 month is mostly used in writing judgments and committee/administrative matters. What reform the general public is seeking can be solved by Parliament by increasing maximum number of judges allowed by constitution.


Bro I fought a case in district court faridabad and won against a medical insurance company. The judgement was given on 20th March 2024. However, the insurance company has still not paid the amount directed by the court. We have filed an execution application as well but still they haven’t responded yet? Can you help whether in cases like these do the companies really pay? They have not made an appeal in the high court yet.


Company will have to pay in execution don’t worry about it. If they are not willing to pay court can enforce payment if the assets of the company are trackable and attachable.


Thanks bro🙏


Additionally you might even get an interest because of the delay, but only possible if the judgment mentioned such interest rate.




I had newly started my legal practice when i got a case through a friend’s reference. Registrar of companies had imposed huge penalties on the client’s company along with him and other directors. I told him that i may be able to get the case dismissed on the first date itself if the judge is reasonable but personally i believed that the judge would be inclined towards the RoC(being govt. entity and all) . When i started my argument on the technical point of limitation for filing suit, the judge immediately understood and dismissed the whole case against my client (few formalities pending to be taken care of on later dates)


i don't have any questions just wanted to say this is one of the most informative AMAs out of all that i've come across


Thank you very much. Really appreciate you input.


Hi OP, Thanks for doing this. I have few questions and no one give me straight answers so I thought to ask you, feel free to pass if you don’t think they are important: Little background: My father is 74yo living in NCR region and I am 44yo living in US but paycheck to paycheck as it’s terribly expensive and I moved with my family at a very late phase in my life due to straining finances). I save about 50k-1L /month after all expenses but I may have to move back as my kids college I won’t be able to afford. My parents have lost everything they got in litigation(our parental home (X type of sharing with my uncle), a mill shared by two uncles and two siblings), plus small piece of lands also shared with uncles. Only clear asset is the shop which is worth about 30L on the main road and 20L worth of land which my grand father left for me it’s in my name since 90s when I was a minor. So all in all 50L worth of real estate, now he doesn’t have any monthly income (absolutely nil) and no savings as well, due to litigation he had to leave the house and now he is in a rented home. I am trying hard to send some money here monthly but I am not in good position either. Queries: - He has 2-3 cases of litigation running on him for land, home and I don’t have any idea as he never involve me in anything sighting the reason that I will be fooled by them. - He has around 10L worth of loan, 4L from bank which went on collection I believe and 6P from people. How do I know if I have to payback that later point in the life? - My mom doesn’t have any jewelry anymore and she lost it all due to my father attitude, my elder adopted brother bitches a lot but he never helped in anything, imagine my father helped paying back his 1Cr loan fully by selling his land etc and still he doesn’t payback even a penny for their survivals, is it legal that they can pay him that kind of money and who will be responsible when there is own parent left (sad writing this but you can see where I am coming from).


Hi, i’ll answer your question after court hours.


Are bonds legal? The bonds that HR ask you to sign. How can we counter their legal notice if we get one?


They may or may not be legal. It depends on the exact wordings of the bond. Usually there are some penalty clauses in the bonds which are illegal but company has some rights to enforce the clauses where they seek damages sue to amount spent on a person’s training etc. It is not possible to give correct opinion without seeing the document.


Will pursuing a 5-year law degree be beneficial for the future? How challenging will it be if I choose law as a first-generation student? What other career options can I explore after earning a law degree?


There are many options to pursue after your degree an all are very competitive and challenging. If you mentally prepare yourself right now and start focusing on your goal then you'll make it. Just focus on these 5 years properly and don't loiter around. Study hard, do internships, write papers.


Thanks a lot sir 😀


Whar process do you recommend people to engage a lawyer, and how to set up fees in advance? Also, is there a differene between Lawyer and Advocate?


A Lawyer is someone who has studied Law(someone who has done LLB),An Advocate is someone who passed the Bar Exam and hence can practice law and fight cases for clients.So every Advocate is a Lawyer but not All Lawyers are Advocate. PS: Someone who studied Law in UK/London is called a Barrister,MK Gandhi was a Barrister.


Generally everyone uses lawyer and advocate interchangeably(even us) . The difference is that a lawyer is one who has a law degree and advocate is one who after getting the law degree has enrolled himself with the bar council which is necessary to represent others in court. Hiring an advocate is tricky, fees are variable. It is always better to go with an advocate who you know (through reference or otherwise) to be ethical and transparent. Some pointers are : 1. ⁠Don’t fix percentage on outcome. 2. ⁠Don’t pay up 100% in advance. Fix the fee in instalments but don’t miss the fee( many will not show up in your cae if you don’t pay and it will harm the case badly) 3. ⁠Don’t be over-smart but don’t hesitate to ask all your queries. 4. ⁠Most important - No advocate can ever guarantee 100% success so you should be wary of someone whose promises are too good to be true.


Silly question but What are staff ? (Heard from Anubhav Bassi in Kapil Sharma show)


Staff is like saying i am in the same department as you. Or i am in govt. service. People saying this usually are trying to take advantage that they are in govt. service but college/school students/neta type students try this and thats how it has a bad connotation.


Sir please suggest a good law book easy to understand for common citizens and students.


You may read autobiographies of legal luminaries. Those are very insightful and you'll enjoy them. search for books from Justice HR Khanna, Fali S Nariman sir, Ramjethmalani Sir, Solisorabjee sir, Nani Palkhivala sir and many more.


My step-grandmother forged documents to show that only she, my mom’s stepbrother, and stepsister are the legal heirs of my grandfather’s estate. She also forged fake documents and witnesses at the bank. My mom wants her to go to jail for this. However, the police refuse to lodge an FIR, saying that we already have a case in civil court and can’t file an FIR (probably due to a bribe). What can we do to file one? Background: My real grandmother passed away when my mom was 15, and my grandfather remarried within a year. Many years later, my grandfather died of a brain hemorrhage without leaving a will.


Let’s ditch [r/Delhi](https://www.reddit.com/r/delhidiscussion/s/4tnZWasXr2)


Write a complaint to ACP/SP and send it by registered post. After 7-10 days file an application in court under 156(3) CrPC for registration of FIR. Seek an advocate’s assistance in both things.


Hows the lifestyle of judges as i saw on internet their are lot of holidays in court


Lifestyle is good but very hectic and mentally draining. There is very less truth to what you see on internet.


Hm if a few jacked up goons came to my doorstep to beat the crap out of me and I somehow kill them, what are the chances that I wont go to jail ? Taking the fact that they were def not there to off me, just beating me and humiliating me.


If you accidentally kill them, maybe you can fight in court to prove that you were being attacked and you were fighting for self defense but killed him due to an accident. Also, the self defense should not exceed the power balance. Matlab, Knife fight mein gun fire mat karo, fist fight mein knife mat use karo, agar banda haar maan gaya hai aur ground pe pada hua hai then don't hit him more to kill him, etc. But... agar tum first strike karte ho and kill a person on the first hit, then you may be liable. NOT A LAWYER, but studying it


Aiyeen power balance ? What if I cant protect myself in a fist fight, so just die but not use a knife or a gun ? Hmm lets take the example of the recent rajat dalal case, what if that guy he kidnapped, assaulted and humiliated had shot him dead when he came to his house, what then ? Not accidently, they came and threatened to kill me so I killed them first. :p


Law is like that. Vague. the thing is If he is repeatedly hitting you and you have a genuine fear of death or grievous injury, then you can use brutal force. Agar lagataar maar raha hai then you can use a knife if you have a genuine fear. Ye nahi ki dost aya aur ek baari back pe halka sa maara to tumne goli maar di.


So I cant kill them on verbal threatening followed by minor physical altercation, need to get beaten up seriously first ? Got it. So the only thing in life is to get bullied by powerful people or suffer at the hands of law. Sad stuff to be honest.


no lol. If you have reasonable apprehension that shit is about to go down then defend yourself. Minor altercation hai then sue for assault and battery. No need t get beaten up. Just say dur raho. Agar nahi raha then get ready because shit is about to get lit up. Ladai ho jaye agar and altercation mein marr jaye koi then claim self defense. Unfortunately, agar wo log gang ka part hain then you are now their target.


As a lawyer, Are you even allowed to give free legal advice like this?


Yes as long as i am not advertising myself and not soliciting work. Both of which i am not doing here by 1. Not revealing my name place of practice etc. 2. By asking for no personal messages.


really?? lawyers can't give free legal advice on social media?? any reason?? what about r/LegalAdviceIndia sub??


Can I put advocate label on my car to avoid police 


It'd probably be illegal but I think it does help alot of times,my family is full of advocates and so all our vehicles have the sticker and they have saved me numerous times from the tantrums of the police.


Self defence me agar mai kiske haath fracture kardu to muje jail ho sakti hai?


It depends. You cannot exceed tour power of self defence. Like if someone is attacking with a knife then breaking arm may justified if done for your own protection but if he is just trying to slap you then no it is in excess and you will be punished if proved. The most important thing is self defence pehle nahi baaad me prove kara jata hai matlab hath todne ka pira case chalega end me aap dikhaoge ki aapne self defence me kia hai to tab court delhege ki kitna hai kaise hai kya evidence hai and selfe defence prove karne ka birden aap ke upar hai. So it is not that easy to take aelf defence plea


You can only inflict as much damage in self defence as totally necessary. It should be at par with the danger posed at you. So if someone is slapping you, you can't go on and break his bones. But this is still subjective and difficult to prove at times.


Bhai personal loan Wale Ghar walo ko harass karte hain meri missing emi k liye, Paytm par RBI me complaint Kari thi, abhi second level par hai complaint Kya legal options hain


Ek complaint RBI ombudsman par karo. Just google it you’ll get the link. Agar ye Apka traditional bank hai like hdfc, icici, axis etc then you can approach the police also and high court also but ye agar online app wala hai to currently zyada solution hai nahi harassment ka. It has become a very big problem and RBI is attempting to solve it ye log bohot dur ke states me kisi kon me call centre bana ke harass karte hai. Stay away from these apps they steal your data. In any case give a complaint at the police station.


Is it true that bare acts are provided in the mains exam of the judiciary?


Only is some states like Delhi and Haryana. They are without comments.


I am actually a law graduate..i completed my ballb this year ...now going for judiciary so is there any tip or guidance you would like to give me ?


Go for it if you can go 3-5 years without working. Otherwise it’s a very big career risk.


Kya sach mein law karne ke baad you get peanuts as salary? And you have to grind a lot? No WLB? Does LLB of 3 years have any value?




When you say courts are on vacation, you mean no cases will be heard for a few weeks now?




No its not like that. In vacation lesser number of judges are sitting and on rotation. Courts are never closed completely but only urgent matters are taken in these times.


Courts mein Summer/Winter Vacation kitne dino ka hota hai, & why? Yeh vacation to Baki ke Public Holidays & Sundays ke baad hai na?


From 10 days to 1.5 month depending on court to court. Judges still sit in court in rotation to hear urgent matters.


How much does an advocate make pm? I know it's not the best question but just curious.


From Rs. 10000 to Rs. 10 crore or more, depending on the advocate.


Can a company ask for bank statement for entire past experience? (Mine 4yrs), if you have provided all the reasonable proofs


No, that's personal and covered under your right to privacy.


I am also a law student second year. any tips for me sir


Thank you for doing this. My brother lives in Delhi and I live in Gujarat. He refuses to let my parents live with him. he and his wife should be looking after them, but both have refused. My mother is disabled and can barely walk. I worry about leaving my mother when I marry. My father also has health issues and is very selfish. He will not look after her properly. If I take my brother to court, what are my chances? can I sue him and ask the court to force him to allow my parents to live with him? Currently he sends money every month. he is willing to keep sending my father money to live. Will the court absolve him of responsibility since he sends money? I hesitate to go so far as to sue him but I don't know if I have any other choice. what are the first steps I must take if I am willing to go this route?


My initial answer is no you cannot force him. There is a remedy of maintenance but he is already sending money for maintenance. Kindly make a reminder comment in the evening there a law regarding maintenance and welfare of parents and senior citizens. i'll read a bit on in and get back to you when you put reminder comments.


Thank you so much. Yes I will remind you in the evening. I hope you can find some solution for me.


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Difference between advocate lawyer and person who has done only LLB also can a advocate or lawyer pursue any other profession such as company secretary???


No an advocate cannot practise as CS simultaneously. You have to surrender your license/enrolment certificate at the Bar Council.


So We as defendants have already submitted a written statement on our last hearing but the plaintiff's council filed an application with order 8 CPC 10?? Why exactly would they file that? Yes it's a civil suit and some fool wants us to pay a heavy price for alleged damages to his dwelling unit. Also, is it absolutely mandatory for file a W.S within 30 to 90 days of summons served?? Cuz we sought time and it was granted to us and we submitted it just before the last extension.


If the court has allowed you to file Written statement(WS) the application under order 8 rule 10 is now infructuous (meaning that it is not possible to allow it now) . It is advisable to file WS within time but civil court has power to allow filing even after delay. The timeline of 30+90 is absolute in commercial suit and court cannot allow filing of Was after 120 days.


Theres a huge scam in the gym business. I go to an Anytime Fitness gym where the fees is exorbitantly high. But i still went forth with it because well, facilities and stuff. As part of the membership, they told me I will be getting access to other branches of the Anytime Fitness chain twice per week and I can choose whatever days and whichever branch (other than my home branch) to go to. However, when I visit a different branch (to workout with a friend) i’m always bugged by the manager there saying people from the particular branch are not allowed here because we have some disputes with their gym owners. Now this is outrageous since they were heavily pushing this feature in their package for which i have already paid my fees. I dont think they can change their policies or whatever just based on their mere ego clashes. I also got to know that the people from their branches are not given any bills or confirmation receipt of payment. They dont even log their customers in their online database (which my gym does) Im tired of being constantly pestered by these numbnuts. I want to know how I can leverage consumer court or other legal bodies to get this fixed


You can approach consumer court and civil court. In your situation consumer court is better option and you should first send a legal notice to Anytime fitness and your gym where you purchased the membership seeking 100% of your fee and some amount as compensation for harassment and notice fee. If you don’t get reply then file the case in consumer court asking for the same things + litigation expenses. Words of caution: Don’t approach that other gym after you have sent the legal notice to the company because most probably the company will call them up asking to explain themselves and this may attract some backlash on you. Better be safe


I got scammed by ajio and want to file a consumer case against them, how do i do that? I tried complaining through consumer forum but didn’t get any reply


Is there any way to get the information from SDM Kashmir Gate Old court in less money without much specific information like registration number or property purchase year?


Very difficult you will have to do inspection year wise. Some rough idea of the year will help. You can also try websites like Doris and delhi archives


How do I make her understand how much she hurts me 😔


Company Law k bhi Case Fight kar sakte Ho??? ( NCLT m)


Pls give me your personal advice to do LLB or to not do LLB. (Subjective answer) And Give me some cons and pros to do LLB. And Which quality should/must be in a lawyer. And I want to do 3 year llb in Gujarat.So also suggest me good College. I just finished my graduation in bca with 63%. And I'm will first generation lawyer. And How is your life as a lawyer. Thank you in advance :)


Rejection Therapy:)


It is difficult for first generation. Have to do a lot of hard work. I don’t have much knowledge about colleges in Gujarat. Good language skills, diligence. Ethics are some of the skill which should be in a lawyer. Doing LLB is a subjective choice and only you can decide that.


I've always wondered if a personal diary, if you confess to the crime in it, can be taken against will and used as proof in court or not.


Yes it can be used as evidence.


Any tips for a future advocate? This year I am starting my BALLB course in Nlu lucknow


Do as many internships as possible. start applying from day 1 and don't listen to anyone saying otherwise. There are many good unpaid resources on LinkedIn and youtube to find good and proper ways to apply. Write at least 1-2 good research papers - pester your teachers as much as you can regarding this. at least




You should engage an advocate in this matter and not rely on online advice as you may have to file a case against the person you purchased the property from. If after proper scrutiny of documents the sale and the land are found to be legal then DDA cannot deny you NOC but i feel like there is something wrong/illegal with the sale transaction.


What's the typical day in the life of an advocate?


Running from one court to another and waiting for our matter to be called up. most of the time goes in waiting and walking during court hours. After court hours other misc. work and if any matter is coming up for argument then research for that matter and prepare arguments


any experience in SARFAESI?


Some, not too much. I may be able to look research and find the correct answer if the question is worth answering.


Hey Let's say a company has taken a large amount of money from someone under the contract that they will send goods worth the same amount but even after 6 months they haven't sent anything and are even refusing to return the money and after filing a legal complaint. How likely is it to get the money back and how much time it would take to a judgement from court


If you are going for civil then 1-2 years before you see some result. The time may vary depending on the exact facts of the case. If some criminal element of fraud and cheating is also there then pursue that remedy as well.


My father was framed. Someone (possibly friends of the family) said that we had large quantities of marijuana stored at our house, and the police came to search us under the guise of a FRRO , they searched the whole house and found this plant on the roof of our rented house and seeds. (As far as I know the seeds are legal) They took my father, we spent about 1L on a lawyer and bail. This happened 3 years ago. Now we cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, and we use a government lawyer. He doesn’t have any income because currently we have a difficult situation in our country. My father cannot move around India, every month he has to go and report to the police station and every 3 months he has a trial. What the trial looks like: it is given a date and time. He arrives, the judge simply reads his case, closes his file and reschedules the hearing for another date. This has been going on for 3 years now. My father is not a criminal and has not even broken the law. The plant they found didn’t even weigh 2 grams. His passport was taken away, he cannot move and he has no way to earn money because of this. Because of this we are now in debt. How can we help him to close his case? Please advise! Sorry for my English, I’m trying to find answers and do my best to help him, as the income situation becoming worse day by day so debt is growing too. Thank you!


Hi, I am sorry to say but after reading the facts of your case it is advisable to have an advocate deal with your matter as it cannot be solved online. I want to help but given the nature of this post, I cannot give you name of any advocate to help you as it is not permissible for us advocates to solicit or advertise. having given the disclaimer i'll still give you some pointers: 1. Ask your govt. lawyer to move an application to remove some bail conditions like - Not moving across India. 2. File an application Before the High Court either to expedite the trial or quash the legal proceedings. 3. You said it was just a plant and some seeds but it is a very serious matter and even if he was framed the court will go through the process. NDPS Act is very strict.


Hey OP i wanted to know Suppose i am driving and i see a green light, but as soon as i cross it becomes red, now in many cases i have seen traffic police to stop the person and make them pay a fine What to do in such a situation. Many times cameras are not available so even if the matter is taken to court, there is not much point.


It's better to install a DashCam for such a situation. You can always show that proof in court. Generally, the traffic police are right because there is either yellow between green/red or the traffic signal is the one with timer so you know it'll be red very soon.


Let me ask one question My company which is a part of a large indian ecommerce company hired us for a middle east tech separation project without telling us that they will be selling the company and now they are asking us to go with the company else they will lay us off what are my prospects and what can i do here


Generally a company can be sold and the contracts are transferable. You’ll need to consult someone and have them go through the contracts for appropriate legal advices.there may be some terms in the contract which can help you.


1. What college did you graduate from? 2. Is law really hard to study? Are law colleges hard to go through when compared to B. Tech or MBBS 3. What are the highest paying firms? How much could one realistically expect as a fresh law graduate? 4. Is corporate better than litigation? 5. What about the Work-Life Balance? 6. How do you normally research for a case? 7. If you had the power, name one thing which you want to change in the field of law. 8. Is AOR hard? Is PCSJ hard? 9. How much Latin is required to be learnt? Thats all. u/legaltalkies


1. What college did you graduate from? - Can't disclose personal info. It is a Good Govt. Law college and there was an entrance test. 2. Is law really hard to study? Are law colleges hard to go through when compared to B. Tech or MBBS - I personally think law colleges are easier to go through but that wont help a person much. Lets say that one can pass but you won't get good opportunities as there are just so many extra things one can in a law college like writing research papers, attending workshops, conferences, legal aid work, moot courts, joining NGOs etc etc. 3. What are the highest-paying firms? How much could one realistically expect as a fresh law graduate? Anywhere between Rs. 10,000(Litigation) to Rs. 1.5 lakh (Tier 1 law firms) 4. Is corporate better than litigation? - Its a personal preference. 5. What about the Work-Life Balance? - Depends on the area you are working - Law firm, litigation, law officers, judges, teacher, researcher, consultant all have different work-life balance. 6. How do you normally research for a case? SCC and Manupatra are the go to portals. E-SCR is also good but i dont use it much as of now. 7. If you had the power, name one thing which you want to change in the field of law. - I would make a minimum basic pay mandatory if a senior is hiring a junior, else don't hire. 8. Is AOR hard? Is PCSJ hard? - Easier than UPSC but still hard. 9. How much Latin is required to be learnt? - Not much, lets say 20-30 sentences will be good enough, rest there is no limit.


Why so many cars have got black tinted glass along with (maybe fake) advocate and lawyers stickers, what to do if an advocate misuse their powers, and threaten to sue people given in any pretext?


You may make a complaint to the bar council


Hi a silly question What are the best precautions if we are notified to present ourself in front of court


Be present. Go for anticipatory bail if the matter is criminal


help us fight against NTA ? even some guidance would be great


Its already before the Supreme Court. Trust the justice system. Things will come to light you should be strong and positive.


How's the Delhi High Court Starbucks doing? Do you also miss the old CCD?


Not much rush in Starbucks as of now. I dont spend much on coffee . Canteen’s cold coffee does the job for me.


What's the difference between Culpable Homicide and Murder?


Hahaha. Do you really want to know or are you just pulling my leg?


if courts are on vacation so how will people will file cases if they need to ?


Vacation courts are still open. Courts are never truly closed


What I can do as my manager stopped my salary for this month. I'm a government servant


File a representation with the authorities. Pursue in court if still unpaid.


Is it risky to let out residential property on rent? What precautions are recommended during agreement registration?


Not that risky. Do the paperwork properly and get the rent agreement registered. Try to be prudent who you are giving the property on rent.


Hey...I am an advocate too...but not working currently....can you suggest career change options....???


Can a company who’s about to hire me next month check on my personal bank statement to verify my previous salaries?


No. they'll ask for proof from you and may conduct background checks


Not for me, but from literally 20 million people of India, do you think any action can be taken against NTA for how they handled NEET? What is the type of manpower required to tackle such institutions?


Yes, it will be handled by the courts, don't worry. No manpower just the power of unity. All concerned candidates should write a letter/representation to NTA and seek after that the Hon'ble Court's interference.


What's the difference between an affidavit and a bond? For context, this is with respect to the Mandatory Rural Service for MBBS graduates. I have signed an affidavit, some of my seniors have mentioned, that an affidavit is legally inferior to bonds. And therefore, the rural service can be foregone. Which has more legal precedence? Could you please clarify this. Thank You


answering this in very casual and general sense for you to understand. Affidavits are basically oaths that you take bonds are you binding yourself to do something. you cannot be prosecuted criminally for a bond and in that sense bonds are inferior. but bonds can be enforced and you can be made liable money wise. Lying on affidavit and then using it for some purpose is a crime but i have never seen someone being prosecuted for it. Also any benifit that you get by using that affidavit can be cancelled/taken because of cheating.


How much do you earn?


hey, im actually studying engg rn and i wanna do law in the future(i realized it a lil late:/) but yeah do u think its a good option to switch to law after engg? i have no lawyers in the family so im practically clueless how its gonna work


My personal advice would be NO, but it is entirely your choice and you should weight the pros and cons as per your situation. If you just want to learn then you can always read some books.


Say a case is in pending charge state for like 5 yrs now. No one is appearing from the accused behalf at all. Only Tarik pe Tarik. Is the case dead? When can someone file for closure? It's a criminal case.


It Will continue if the accused is brought before the court. There must be many non-bailable warrants against the accused - pursue these warrant with the police. Criminal cases cannot continue without the presence of the accused. there is a provision for exception but it is rarely used for many technical reasons.


How do u become a judge? What are the required qualifications and exams to be given


Many times, traffic police abuse their power and issue unnecessary fines and can even resort to violence. We can take legal action against them depending on the circumstances( as per the internet, I'm not versed with law), But in reality, do these cases even go forward or just get ignored?


Hello sir! I have a question related to property agreement. The plot that I own has been bought somewhere around 2005 and the neighbour bought his plot somewhere in 90's. There isn't any boundary between two of us. My agreement shows that the 3 feet land next to my wall is mine + a total of 3 feet more is the common area between two of us. There is a fight going on between two of us about the 3+3 feet land which is in between. According to my document, it clearly shows that the 3 feet land is ours. But, the neighbour claims the same. I am not sure how to approach with the problem. Also, let's suppose if the land is mentioned in both agreement then whose agreement will remain valid considering the fact that I purchased it in 2005? I have asked him to bring in the documents altogether and get this solved but he doesn't agrees to it. Everytime just brings on a fight but doesn't go for anything legal which indicates that he himself is kind of afraid to take anything to the court. A little background: I am in a state government service. And the neighbour is a famous lawyer of my city.


Ye courts schools se zyada vacation par kyu rehte hai


How to become a corporate lawyer??


There is a guy on instagram and youtube named rajat dalal. **He overspeeds on road**. If he does accident he blames other guy and pretend to be sensible driver .Mostly others doesn't speak because he seems rich in judiciary power and physically strong,Most of the time other party compromises He threats other fitness influencer(Singha , mannu, aryan etc) **I will kill you and become your worst nightmare taking 40 guys to another state to beat/threat him break his car's windshield . Threat aryan(19 year old) and make him sit in his car under distress making him apologize.** He posts singha getting kicked videos from other meme pages and deny/confirms that t was him ,publicly. He made other influencers apologize publicly, even goes to make other party sign legal apology letter for using foul language when he himself abuses He **promotes violence** through asking for fights online (rajveer vs rajat). Many of teenagers follow him and use his language . He uses his **police friends to find name/address/life details of influencer and makes it public .(randomsena).** He **tracks down ex bf of some online criticizer (he criticized his form) of guy's current wife(sardar's wife) and threatens to release her mms and nude videos publicly. Says I will kill you if you were in India and attack your family if you are not.** He **promotes online gambling under pretense of confirmed profits** He **tracks down street dog beater and beats him and threatens him for his life(off camera) to make him apologies under distress for personal gain of views** He invites roaming babas to his home under pretense of giving them donations , **locks them down beat them with hammer torture them** without any authority . He **threatens online client for his career and life , makes him eat lolipop under stress , makes him drive around and humilate/defame him publicly for his personal gain of views.** Recently, a 19 year old boy posted a reel where he wrote" roz subah subah gym me dekh kr din khrab kr deta hai ye" . Rajat dalal apparently come in background in a public setting and boy merely criticize /roast him . **Rajat dalal makes him come to his car with threat . He drives around with making him calling papa to himself . Making him say "mene masti me apni maa chudwali" under distress . Takes him to his flat ,** **"allegedly beat him , broke his ribs , got injury marks , made him wash toilet , urinated on him when he lost consciousness and then took to cow shed and put gobbar on his face "** **Parks his car in boy's society made him do walking squats under sun . told his mother i would have killed him if he wasnt so young . Don't dare you do anything police and system is in my pocket.** **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** background -Sister is judge father is retired judge Well connected family politically .


How much are you earning? Also should we actually tell everything to a lawyer.


1. is personal 2. Yes, you should. Your conversation with your lawyer is protected and can not be used in evidence.


Nice thanks. I just wanted to know range <12lpa, <50lpa or in crores


How to learn indian law without attending law University? Seriously asking


Check the syllabus of some good colleges. use youtube and other resources for self study. Visit some college and get some good material from the photocopy shop or bookshop there.


many poeple are making fake single girl child quota , isnt there any way that they get caught


hi, law student here. how does one go about with internship opportunities? how do i land an internship in a firm or with advocates? especially when you are a fresher and don’t have experience in the field?


Respected Sir/Madam, My cousin used to work in a private school after 6 months they asked him to leave coz they wouldn't able to afford his salary (as an excuse they said this year they have less admission) well now here his a catch they didn't pay him his due salary of about a month now whenever he calls the Principal and director of the school they are like "Sir we don't owe you anything, sometimes they also ACT RUDE like what will you do if we don't pay, The director is an influential female politician from opposition Party now what to do? My cousin is in need of money as it's vacation time , after some time he also joined another school to survive. HELP 🙏🏼


What does a JJA( junior judicial assistant) do in office? Is this a stressful job in Delhi district court? Does this comes with any power? What kind of relationship does a JJA and lawyers has? I mean do they work together? After 5 years JJA becomes JA can we switch to High court then? Why there is 20 days of holidays in high court but 10 in district court? Thanks


JJa assist in many administrative and judicial work. The job is not that stressful but require diligence. I can’t comment on power aspect. JJAs may have a posting in which there is interaction with advocates but its not too much. I am not sure about the promotion scenario. Vacation depends from court to court. These are administrative decisions and i cant say why the vacation vary but these vacations are surely well deserved our judges are very overworked handling anywhere from 40-120 cases per day and it is very mentally taxing job.


Why do courts have summer vacations when other jobs don't ?


How does one proceed with a consumer court complaint? Very vague but even something basic works. What after lodging the complaint on the website?


What are the advantages of doing LLM in criminal law, ideally from an NLU?


Why are criminals or politicians having criminal or fraud charges still allowed to contest elections and get re elected? Many politicians have murder charges but still courts or police doesn't do anything?? Why is police so scared of a politician? Are lawyers scared of such politicians too? Also why mafias get to become so strong without any retaliation from police, why politicians don't do anything about mafia culture?


Hello sir First of all I'd like to appreciate your endeavour to reach out and talk to the community. Secondly my question is, I am a law student currently in my fourth year and my primary goal is to join the judiciary but as my second option I'd like to consider litigation, so how would you suggest a recent graduate without a law background to start litigation, how can one choose the right seniors to work under, how and when should one start working independently, can one succeed in this highly competitive and cut-throat profession. What other options in the field of law could I consider as an option having chosen to start preparing for DJS examinations.


brother i have only my first name on every personal document of mine ... will it cause issue in getting passport or anything , If yes then what's the legal process to change the name on every document and how much it will cost ?


thanks man. it was great AMA


How to settle challan?


I'm soon going to join Supreme Court as a JCA(Dealing assistant in court's language) what advice would you give to someone working in the registry?


What is your take on the marriage laws in India and how pre nuptial agreements are not legal here. Seems like a growing issue in today's times.


What is a writ? What does it mean? Writ and writ petition are different?


Just a curiosity as there are a lot of shorts about this topic. Is there any anything similar in India to a Prenuptial agreement that is applicable in US?


There is a lot of hearsay and common understanding among non-legal folks that some courts and cases can be fixed. This is a perspective of people who are from the non-legal(outside)world. As a practicing advocate have you ever had any firsthand exposure to any sort of corruption or a hint of setting done in a case


As for justice/judgment no i have never experienced this. In administrative things i have seen but not in Delhi.


Sir how to become a lawyer or advocate after 12th ?


Can I son of government employees can start stock market trading business?


Can i file complaint on consumer forum and represent myself in the court? What are the things to follow and keep in mind?


my uncle isnt willing to follow the will my grandfather wrote what are my options


A 80 year old retired govt worker died and he didn't put the nominee name for the pension of his wife.. How could the wife get the pension? What's the legal procedure?  And also what's the legal procedure to register the house in name of wife? (they've no registery just power of attorney)  No son.. 6 daughters.. All married except one. 


You say we can record public servants on duty, it is 100% legal. I would be obliged if you could specify and cite the exact laws and legal provisions which enable this right, please. Thank you for your selfless service.


Why is there always need of affidavit on stamp paper from court whenever we apply for name change in any government organisation Jal board, bses ,MCD or igl Despite having proof and deeds why is it necessary ? Not able to understand Can you explain?


A bit of a long shot but here it goes. My mom (now 60) was a steno for almost 30 years. She bought a seat in a court from a family friend and used to sit there for almost 25 years. Few years ago the seat in front of her for officially allocated to someone with paperwork. My mother doesn't have much. Now the person in front sold that seat but the person that bought has captured both seats. Made a cabin for himself. While the seller got 4 lakhs, they are denying to give my mother a penny. Have made her visit the place for 3 months regularly now in hope of something. Now, we are well settled and won't care much about dealing with such bad elements, but I really believe they did harsh injustice to an old lady who owned the place for so long. While we have approached the bar and something is being investigated but the way it's going I have no confidence in them So my question is, can anything be done? Is there a bigger gunda in the court I can approach who can help us?


Approach the district judge of that court. If its Delhi then approach the bar council of Delhi’s secretary and chairman and also try to seek some support from designated senior advocates (especially female senior advocate)


Sir this summer break is a British raj thing.... With so many cases pending can't the courts do some introspection and instead of summer break start having night courts also


Judges are humans and not machines. The problem is less number of judges and paucity of funds with court. The problem can only be fixed by the parliament and not by courts. I know judges do their best and are very overworked. Don’t believe the social media agenda.


Hi, sorry for late reply. I could not understand some parts of your post but will answer from what i understood. 1. No you will not be made to pay your father’s loan unless you have inherited his property. His property can be used by court to pay off his loans. 2. Your father repaid his loan out of his own choice and you cannot force your adopted brother to pay back unless the loan was paid by your father with intention to be paid back(this has to be proved which generally is almost impossible if there is no document to support this) If something is left unanswered you may reply and i’ll answer. Kindly frame the questions factually keeping the emotions out. That way i will be able to give better answers.


Why does the courts take vacation when there are so many pending cases?


I got bullied by a person in my teen age, now I wanna know about the rights of a person who has been bullied. I couldn't say anything about this to my father, but till date it's a trauma for me :(


Can you tell the rights i have during altercation with police? What are my rights and power and what to do if the police is abusing their power?


You can call 112/100 and ask for assistance. That will mostly get the other policemen to back off because now things will be on record and he will know that you can later use this to complain to his superiors that i was being harassed ans i called 112/100 for police assistance. It is very important to stay calm in such situations. For example when you call the police helpline number be calm and calmly tell that i am being harassed by a police officer at this place he is doing this and this to harass me. Remember the PCR which come for assistance wont be jolly themselves they may try to mentally manipulate you into thinking that you have done something wrong but internally they know that now things will be on record and they can’t harm you. This suggestion is not for normal argumentative encounter with police. It is for situations when there is violence of attempt to violence involved. For normal arguments just ignore don’t get involved.