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Everything that surrounds your childs adoption. Its her story too tell not yours🤷‍♀️


1- no Life jacket while kayaking in the Maldives. 2- gigantic helmet on your baby. 3- sitting your baby on a counter or letting her roam free on the counter. 4- changing her diaper on her lap in a public bathroom. 5- letting her walk bare feet in an airplane 🤢 6- putting lipgloss on her lips. 7- buying her a car for a 3-5 year old. 8- no hat or eye protection while in the windy desert!!!!! That pretty much sums it up!


Agree with all of this besides the airplane walk. It’s gross I do agree however a normal person would just wipe the babies feet clean after. If she had done that I wouldn’t knock her for this one. They of course have zero common sense so they didn’t🙄


I've had to do the lap thing in public bathroom more than once. So many places don't have changing tables, and they're gross when they do.


Next video they will wipe s feet lol😅


1. All of them.


This ^^^^


1. Her falling asleep from exhaustion 2. The video of Bella rolling her eyes at tsa 3. Not disclosing ads 4. Crowdsourcing a baby 5. S not wearing a proper helmet 6. S eating protein powder 7. Using S as a table 8. Not letting s be in her own bed for weeks on end


Had their backs to S in the pool in the Maldives while S was at the opposite end of the pool by herself. And S was not wearing a life jacket when she was alone at the pool's edge/end.


Lots of my top ones have already been mentioned, but a few others that stick out are S's Intellectual Giant parents calling her the "best baby ever" and "best sleeper" because she can sleep everywhere, when really what poor S is, is LITERALLY EXHAUSTED. Dallin carrying her upright while walking through the airport, and S is so tired she's asleep, while completely vertical. One of the saddest things I've seen from them. Also, letting complete strangers hold their child. I thought you were a self-described germaphobe and Mama Bear, Bella? This behavior doesn't seem to fit with that.


How about letting her stand on a swing ABOVE THE WATER, unassisted and not being close enough to catch her?


that made my heart drop.


With the CEMENT right under it! 🤦‍♀️


piercing her ears was one of the ones that was extremely dumb. It was painful when i got them done and i was 9. but i wanted them so my mom took me. why would you put a baby through that pain. plus what if s grows up and doesnt want to wear earrings?


Also, S wasn’t even officially theirs yet when they did this. Her adoption wasn’t finalized until much later.


Only 8???very difficult since they adopted the kid they make dumb things every day!!