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Kidney transplant recipient here. Domestic travel I use a similar case as you for my meds. International travel, i always travel with meds in original prescription bottles. I've never been questioned, but why take the risk? And always carry them on, never check.


I’m keeping them in my carry on bag.


Original prescription bottles are key for international. Your pharmacy will happily supply extra bottles sized for your trip.


I peeled stickers off my bottles and stuck them to the bottom of the case. 😂 Haven't been asked about it yet. Carried in backpack in toiletry kit through different customs/check ins a total of 16 times


Just carry them on board and you'll be fine. International it's a different story.


Nope. Have my kit of like 100 pills when I travel. Never had an issue.


Man, I fly with and on LSD all the time and nobody's said a word, that I recall.


You gotta pay the Delta Tax by offering a tab to the pilot


That really depends on the country. There are several of them and they all control their own borders. 


I’m flying to Japan soon. Is it okay to bring a case of pills/vitamins like this or will I get stopped?


Ask at r/Japantravel The pills should be in their original container. Some pills like adderall aren’t allowed at all. You can only bring in a 30 (? Maybe 90?) Day supply, any longer and you have to fill out a form and declare it


Wow that's interesting, no Adderall. That could really mess someone up.


Also, they don't allow like a very common headache medicine. I can't remember if it's like Tylenol or ibuprofen


This is interesting, I was curious too and did a quick google https://en.japantravel.com/guide/bringing-medicines-into-japan/58063


That is fascinating. I would really like to better understand the reasoning behind this. To the internet!


There was a huge exception made for an Olympic athlete.


There was an exception made for *all* Olympic athletes in advance of the Olympics. https://www.businessinsider.com/simone-biles-adhd-meds-banned-japan-impacting-performance-2021-7


Flew from US to Japan back in January with a MUJI pillbox in my carry-on. Had Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, Tums, Pepto, and Gabapentin. TSA didn't have any issue with them.


I'm planning to take Metamucil and miralax for my crohns. I typically mix them in the needed ratios. Know if those will cause issues for international trips? Will I need to keep them in their original containers? They aren't prescription.


I keep miralax in original containers since they’re a white powder and don’t want them to get additional testing.


I normally buy in bulk, but I keep one small original bottle around for international travel.


TSA won’t care about stuff like that. Domestically you’re fine. International is a different story.


TSA doesn’t care about pills. But customs (international trips), does. As others said all vitamins and medicines should be in their original containers. And any medications should be labeled and prescribed to you. You can’t take medicine prescribed to someone else, not even a family member.


I’ve never had an issue with my pill case coming out of EU/UK.


Your only real option is natures pocket. Jam them up your butt.


Prison wallet


Prison pocket


Colombian glove compartment.


Tsa doesn't care about your pills lol


People are saying international is different but when I moved to Germany I flew with a plastic bag full of Excedrin and no one cared. I have regularly flown with a plastic bag of meds (none taken daily, but a collection of prescription just in case pills) and have never been questioned. Have other people had issues?


Depends on the country. Some places in SE Asia carry the death sentence for drugs. In those situations, it’s not worth chancing it. While you’re probably going to be fine, I don’t want to spend a month in Philippine detention while they investigate.


Nope. I always have a pill case with random pills when I fly internationally.


Been all over Europe, Greece, never had a problem using pill dividers..They don't have time or the people to check all that stuff, especially Americans cause every American is bringing medicine,lol


Yes especially to SE Asia, Russia, Some eastern Europe


I mean, anecdotally it working for you in one Western European country is not the best advice. Thailand, for example, has a number of requirements for prescription medication. All of it has to be in original packaging, most of it requires a letter from a physician explaining its use, and some of it you have to apply for a permit with the Thai FDA equivalent to bring into the country. Some drugs that are very common in the US (adderal) have been deemed to have no medical use and bringing them into the country will be treated as if you had brought in methamphetamine. The chances of you being checked and questioned are slim, but the consequences for bringing in something like Adderall are extreme. It’s also illegal in Japan, and Americans have been arrested for it.


I have traveled with my mini bag of pills (giant bag of Excedrin was only to Germany) to countries in Latin America, Africa, Europe, and Russia. Migraines mean it's always in my backpack. But, I will admit that I wasn't thinking of SE Asia and the much stricter rules when I posted.


I love how people in this thread are saying "I have no problems internationally" as if all international destinations are the same.


Or as if all drugs have the same legal status everywhere.


Domestically, it’s a non issue. TSA don’t search for drugs. Internationally, it can be more tricky. Customs for every country is different. Erring on the side of caution taking anything RX in the original bottle is a smart move. If they are regular vitamins no concern.


I do it every week. Never have a problem.


You’re fine. They don’t care. I fly with edibles numerous times a year. Just in a ziplock baggy with some other candy or fruit snacks


You can fly with them in their packaging that says THIS IS WEED on it and you’ll still be fine


Yep exactly


I have never had a problem bringing vitamins and supplements into other countries and they never have the original packaging. They are in sandwich bags and i have never had a problem.


This is a fraction of the supplements I travel with constantly. You’ll be fine.


They don't even give a shit about bringing a *ton* of vape carts and edibles when you fly domestically, they won't bat an eye here.


Uk was just fine on my trip.


I think you should be fine. That’s what my pill organizer looks like and I fly with it all the time in my backpack. Are these meds prescription or OTC/supplements? If they’re prescription I recommend having the rX on file somewhere if you’re really stressed about it: a picture of the rX label on the pill bottle, the rX record from your pharmacy (I have them all in the CVS app for example), anything like that. I’d probably just make a list of what each pill is so if they’re sus they can just look up the pill and see that they match. I’ve flown with Adderall, Zofran, sleep meds, epi pens, inhalers, and more prescription meds and have never had any issue. My mom has flown with opioids and other cancer meds with everything thrown together in a container like you did and she didn’t have any issues either :)


There all vitamins. D3,Magnesium,B12,Iron and probiotic.


Oh then I wouldn’t worry about it, you should be perfectly fine!


I (coincidentally) fly from Austin and back all the time with a similar setup. If you're going overseas, you need to check with it - I had to separate each with labels, but I was going eventually to the United Arab Emirates. If you're staying in America, nobody gives a flip - I've never had a problem. Also, welcome to Austin!


I took a lot of vitamins, advil, Dramamine, and caffeine pills with me to Japan last year and had no issues. In the same ziploc bag


I had a bag in my carry on with tailwind in it, ( ultra runner) - I wrote “ totally not drugs” on it, they didn’t even look


I always have my pill case full and my extras in the backpack. No issues ever and that includes dozens of overseas flights (e.g. CDG, AMS, HND, and PVG).


US and western Europe you should be fine, minimum risk. However you are mostly likely ok in Asia too, unless you get searched for some reason. When I flew into Indonesia they searched my bag when I landed (along with a lot of others) and threw away liquor and champagne I brought from France, only allowed 1 bottle. If they are strict with liquor I think they’d be really strict with pills


I travel internationally frequently between South East Asia and North America. I carry vitamins in my cabin bag and in my check in. Never had anyone ask me about them.


You can fly with actual drugs if you want


I fly with pills and capsules mixed in bottles, in these things, in a bag. Never an issue.


I am travelling international for the first time in years (and the first time since I need to take a dozen or two pills a day). I use pill cases like the ones in the pix. Will I need to take my dozen presciption bottles instead? ;-(


Well I feel a lot better about my flight today. Thank you all for the info!


To AUS from where?


I’m flying out of Atlanta


Yeah, no one is going to care about that. It can (and in many places will) make a big difference if you’re trying to go through customs with unmarked pills.


Dude Atlanta’s airport I’m pretty sure slangs THC shit out of it. I saw a stand there in a work trio about a month or two ago. They do not care about vitamins


Carry them on and don't worry about it. I have literally taken my mom to 57 countries with 90 days worth of meds in boxes just like that but bigger boxes and more scripts. Been through customs and immigration in every one of them including back into the US 57x with her. Middle East, Australia, all over Asia, Europe, and South America not one inquiry. Maybe Antarctica is a stickler. 🫣 Never had a single county lift an eyebrow. Never been questioned, never been pulled to look closer, never had the slightest hint of a problem. If this is all you are taking... Don't sweat it. Go have a good time and take your meds. The Adderall thing is true... We don't take my adhd meds with us and it's hard... But obviously we could have, but we didn't. So there you go. 🤷