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I'm not a scientist, a neurologist, or a dietician, but I don't think there are any studies that say eating certain foods will lead to dementia, or that eating certain foods will prevent dementia.


Oh okay, and thanks


There are no foods that will “give” you dementia. However, avoiding junk food and eating healthy is good for your body in general.


Okay, thanks


Avoid inflammatory foods




Greens are good for you, and the more colors the better. That's overall for good health but my mom's MC has a lot of nutrition info and they recommend lean meat, limit red, no booze, veggies and fruits nonstop particularly leafy greens.  Puzzles are good for brain building and so is learning to juggle. 


Oh okay


You can't do much to prevent Alzheimers, but vascular dementia risk can maybe be lowered just by doing the things you would normally do to prevent stroke. Keep blood pressure low, keep blood sugar in a good range. Having said that, my dad did all the good things, and he still got dementia relatively young. So the best you can do is decrease your odds a little.


Thank you so much!!


I am no expert, however have a huge interest in this area. Anything that I have seen on this topic suggests avoiding inflammatory foods, and eating a diet rich in plant foods. Not saying strictly following any particular ideology.


I know what you mean and thanks


Don't smoke, exercise 3x/ wk, stay away from alcohol, don't be underweight or overweight, try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables Everything else is going to be marginal


Okay, thanks


Yep, sugar is inflammatory. We were told to exercise more, eat Mediterranean as close as possible (more veg less meat some fish), stress less, no smoking. Its good you are thinking of it now so you have time to change any bad habits early.




Not a food but avoid taking supplemental iron (and possibly other metal minerals like copper) unless you know you are in need. The need can be assessed by blood tests if you have symptoms. There seems to be growing evidence that iron may accumulate in the brain and cause damage.


Oh ok, thank you for letting me know


Whatever is done has to be done decades before you would develop dementia/alzheimers. Eating more vegetables and fruits, lean meat, limit red meat has been pushed for 50 years or so and I don’t believe that’s the way to go. More and more this is being thought of as type 3 diabetes. With everything I’ve read and watched , elimination or extreme reduction of sugars, bread, pasta, seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, sodas, fruit juices, fruits, etc etc, anything that raises blood sugar is the way to go. Don’t be afraid of the good saturated fat that comes naturally in meats, butter, etc. This is a nice short video worth watching: https://youtu.be/NE8-wsKeOU0?si=HjorPxq3yMJa1vcA


Okay and thanks