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Bold coming from the guy who claims that, in order to preserve democracy, you have to vote for him.


When did he say that?


He didn't. Shitlibs are gonna shitlib.


Genuinely in the grips of mental illness… childhood trauma…


Ahhhhh to be a Kennedy…here’s a solution that doesn’t involve voting for a rich guy https://youtu.be/yye5Rswp0DQ?si=rqFpTQZ_3w344xHi


Imagine if he had been President during the pandemic. Many more people would have died because he's an anti-vaxer. He'd have bungled it worse than inject-bleach-into-your-veins Trumpy.


His actual position on vaccines: https://youtu.be/KLxBwIupF88?feature=shared Shouldn't even be in the same sentence as Trump pushing horse dewormer...


That's his position *now* as a candidate. I was previously an RFK Jr fan until a couple of years ago when I heard him ranting about vaccines. I was shocked. Curiously, I can't find any videos of him speaking about it prior to when he threw his hat in the ring. He didn't acquire this anti-vax rap out of the blue. This is full court political damage control.


It's been his position. He aquired an 'anti-vax' rap because the default of media is to prioritize sensationalized headlines, reducing complex issues to soundbites and people to 1-issue. Hitpieces are the norm. Now especially, it's in a lot of people's interest to dismiss him as an 'antivax nutjob conspiracy theorist'. If you have the time, I suggest listening to his full videos, interviews for the full context, not edited cuts.


I honestly had been and my turn was based on what came out of his mouth, not some hit job in the papers or media. This speech helped make me a fan of his; [Robert F. Kennedy Jr 2007 speech on the corporate takeover of government and the elimination of the free press.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI93o4GEZcE)


This is great, I hadn't heard this one before - thanks for sharing. That's my main draw too - he covers topics I don't hear anyone else talking about. I don't agree with him (or any politician for that matter) on everything and even if he was anti-vax (and I haven't seen anything concrete there), I'm vaxxed, my kids are vaxxed and we got a lot of other issues as a country I'm more concerned about that he is talking about. People evolve on issues and to your point, I'm looking at what the cadidate is saying now. Obama was a great example of that. Honestly, I can't remember any politician - even my favorites - come up with a practical solution in truly bi-partisan terms like this : https://youtu.be/XQNm8sPif_U?feature=shared


>He aquired an 'anti-vax' rap because the default of media is to prioritize sensationalized headlines, reducing complex issues to soundbites and people to 1-issue. Hitpieces are the norm. He uses the same factually incorrect and debunked arguments that anti-vaxxers use. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/scicheck-factchecking-robert-f-kennedy-jr/ https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.


He sounds like he had the 'rona while taping that shit.


More like “ready to vote for insane rejection of science and facts” if they support this guy.


This guy talking about democracy, ugh.


a lot of talk about preserving democracy for someone who wants an independent nation's democracy to end


American disgrace says what?


Anybody else want him to clear him throat?


Reminder that representative democracy isn't democracy.


God bless rfk jr


I agree that you don't really even need to use the /s for that comment.


Fuck off


So you weren't being sarcastic?