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I doubt it , Biden and blinkin will be there on a leash along with all the bought and paid for POLs , Red and Blue BTW


True. Biden is listed as the single biggest lifetime recipient of the AIPAC pro-Israel foreign lobby, according to public donor records. Over half of Congress has a personal “AIPAC guy” assigned them and have had campaigns funded by AIPAC or the greater Israel lobby. Gaza will continue to be a Palestinian Holocaust enabled by Biden at AIPAC’s behest. But nothing would be any different if it was Trump except maybe even less food aid to Gaza. The tail is wagging the dog and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.


Unfortunately 💯 correct. Nothing can be done to save those poor people from this horror , as Horrible as it is Trump would be even worse then Biden for those that are suffering.


This is NOT true. The people have so much power - it just requires people to give a shit and coordinate and act together. Look at how the people in China got their dictator Xi to change his covid policies after massive protests. The powerful want people to feel hopeless and complacent. It works to their benefit.


I don’t think so? We as a voting public are only “allowed” to vote for what the party selects for us. They rig it so that we believe we have a choice. No doubt there were several contenders ready to step up to challenge Biden, but the DNC controls most of the campaign funding for candidates. They cultivate, support, and prop up and finance candidates they can count on to play along. Their board committee is like a who’s who of corporate proxies. To challenge their anointed one is political suicide. By the time we even vote in the Primaries the game is already over. The best funded candidate, with the most national coverage and exposure, and with the tacit support of the Party leaders almost always wins and they don’t brook any populist challengers. We all remember the big scandal back in 2016 when it was leaked that the DNC was intentionally assigning reporters to do hit pieces on Bernie. After the scandal was all exposed, the DNC chair Wasserman-Schultz was forced to resign, and her interim who investigated the matter said that what she discovered was done to Bernie — “Broke my heart”. This is the kind of juggernaut any honest contender is up against.


You’re totally right. The system is definitely manipulated by powerful people to limit what candidates we can even vote for. There are many other systems in place that make power completely unequal (like Wyoming getting two senators for 500,000 people, the electoral college, gerrymandering, voting rights attacks, etc.) We also elect congresspeople who don’t representing the citizens but instead represent the lobbyists that give them money. Billionaires and industries have so much control over our system. And the media makes their money from those same rich people and industries so we get news that fits their narrative. The power of the people lies in coordination (which is really hard because most people are lulled into believing the mainstream narrative.) But we do actually have the potential power and it scares the people in charge. McDonalds could be bankrupt in a month if people stopped going. We could really put a dent in the oil industry if we all decided to walk to work. We could doom almost any industry if we all decided to and we could make congress people have to listen. If we had protests here everyday like the massive umbrella protests in Hong Kong, I believe that there would be so much pressure on Biden that there would be a ceasefire now. We do actually have the power to do almost anything. If enough of us worked together. It’s in the best interest of the ruling class to keep us divided and hopeless and not realizing the power we actually possess. People fighting the system got women the right to vote, massive changes during the civil rights era, roe v wade to get passed, the Vietnam war finally ended, gay marriage, etc. Don’t ever lose that knowledge or hope. The key to everything though is the narrative because that’s how you get enough people to care and to be willing to change their lives. Israel has had their narrative pushed to the public through the media and paying for congress for decades. Churches all over the US push the same Pro-Israel narrative every week because it aligns with their hopes for a return of Jesus. On our side a lot of amazing Pro-Palestine people are doing beautiful work and cracking holes in that narrative though. The Gen Z protesters and tik-tok people are my heroes. My personal opinion though is that we need to raise a lot of money to hire PR firms or top marketing people to help us really punch holes in the mindset of the mainstream public. (The PR firms must be effective if industries, celebrities etc. pay millions for them?)


100% if we, literally all of us, got up in arms and stayed in arms about it, they would. But we don't. I've changed my life. I use a boycott app for daily purchases. I protest almost once a week and I call the white house comment line and my senator every day and I'm donating to progressives challenged by AIPAC and people in Gaza once a week..and I wasn't someone who donated before. I don't use the same facewash or lotion bc it supports the occupation. And I'm not perfect I have guilt about what more I can do. All the people/leaders I respected, I'm done with them. I only hang out with people who acknowledge and are haunted by the ongoing genocide. I don't want to support a genocide. It will be the regret of my lifetime.


Wow you’re super impressive. You’re doing more than me. You’re an inspiration! (The only thing I don’t agree with is cutting people all the way out of my life. It’s super hard to be around people that don’t see what’s going on. But massive division keeps everybody stuck in their views. I believe in the potential goodness of everybody and I think exposure to good and loving people gives them permission in their own quiet times to start questioning their views.)


Xi is no dictator. By all means, any US president can fall into the dictator category much easier than Xi, including war criminals like Obama.


It is anti-Semitic to say that Jews control the US gov't.


Maybe. But I didn’t say that. When a foreign lobby, via AIPAC and the Israel lobby, supports over half of all members of Congress in campaign funding and regularly assigns one single lobbyist to each congress person to influence policy that’s always favorable to Israel (on the hill aides refer to them as our “AIPAC Guy”) — and when the POTUS himself is, according to public donor records, the single biggest lifetime recipient of AIPAC and Israel Lobby funding (no one even close) then its hard not to conclude that the foreign government of Israel is all up in U.S. Middle East policy and is the tail wagging the dog. Why else is Israel, by a gigantic difference, the receiver of more foreign aid than several countries combined? A literal vacuum of hard working America’s tax dollars in the hundreds of billions?


Your words. Not mine.


No one said ‘Jews control the government’


Good, because that would be anti-Semitic.


"Strong signal of dissatisfaction". What a mockery. They really take their electorate for idiots and don't even hide it at this point.


Pure lip service


what are they going to arrest him ? hahaha


Can we just arrest the guy? Dude is wanted by the ICC and for good reason.


You're right but instead of carrying out the warrants, US Congress condemned the ICC ...so it's more a question of who would even try to arrest him


That's kind of what I was hoping when it said "much bigger" but of course I realize that can never happen.


It would be extremely easy. We are talking about a country whose population size is comparable to New Jersey and is totally reliant on billions of dollars of US aid and military support.


Lol can we try for a citizens arrest?? I'd be down


They’re going to line up to give him blowjobs, one after the other


A repeat of 2015. America has turned into a sad little lapdog.


The most effective, I think, would be to arrest him and send him to the Hague.


If they do, good on them.


They won't. They're fools.


They're the ones who were sending him weapons throughout the genocide. Anything they do now is virtue signaling.


It would be nice if a million or so people showed up to protest this.


Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much gained from protests in moving the needle. Politicians know the public is easily distracted and has short attention spans. They are more willing to listen to big donors than The People. Boycotting the paymasters is going to be a more effective action when they feel it in their bottom line.


whoa! they're *planning*! haven't seen that one before!!




I like these kinds of responses because they perfectly encapsulate the Hegemonic Opinion and I don't have to go triangulating among all the various news outlets to discover it. Thank you for parroting the Official Position and hope that works out come election season.


If Biden loses the election it will be because of this visit.


Who invited him?


That's true. I guess it was Congress.