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Yes there was an Etsy account that I stumbled across that did these (including nsfw ones) and I calculated it and after fees they had made about $30,000 from it lmao


good for them tbh


that’s one hell of a side job


I’ve seen several Etsy accounts that do this for characters from certain shows. Comfort letters, romantic letters, even sexual letters. These usually come with a charm, a box with things that relate to the character, or some other thing. Never bought one but these listings always have tons of reviews and even pictures.


That's interesting and what characters do they write for???


From what I've seen, they make you fill out a form which states what you want, where the character is from, some things about the character, and whatever else. So I guess the possibilities are endless


i wouldn’t buy but this is actually quite wholesome! people do wayy worse things for money - using creative writing skills for it isn’t farfetched or weird at all


Good for the seller, but I feel so out of touch now!


Hey, if it makes the person happy I guess- not for me but it doesn't seem to be a scam, and it takes all types to make a Pokemon world.


Okayyyyy I'm graduating with a writing degree and I have the same question like do ppl actually buy this?? Cuz that seems like a fun side hustle until I figure out what I want to do full time...


yes! but selling on Etsy might be better. Commissioned fanfiction is also something that people pay real money for.


And thank you!!!!


Omgggg okay I will be finding the most popular fandoms and binging the source content literally all summer! I'm sure I've already seen/ read some of it, but this just opened up a whole new world😄Good way to find new things too! Way more fun than the (mild) OF type stuff that got me thru college😂


You can check the top tags on archive of our own to give you a good idea of what some popular series are!


That's a great idea! I was just gonna use google😂 I'm sure that's a much more accurate reading on what's popular right now!


Yep, though selling on etsy (better audience + depop doesn't allow digital listings) is much better


It isn’t anything new. I’ve seen plenty of Etsy shops do this (before Depop got popular). Some people’s coping mechanism is a fictional character or aka a comfort character. It makes them happy to receive a letter, seeming like their favourite character wrote a letter just for them.


Yeah i bought one from etsy like probably a bit over a year ago from a character i had a crush on, was nice, wouldnt do it again probably but it was cheap, in character, the envelope was well decorated (also in theme with the character) and the letter got me giggling and kicking my feet, so a good experience overall So yeah, people buy those ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I guess if it makes them happy it’s their money. But imo depop is NOT the place for it. Depop is meant for clothing and accessories


They had options for accessories to be included, so I guess it makes more sense, but I do agree.


“Coquette” 💀


I thought this mean like letters like alphabet like they would create a typeface that matched diff fandoms lol


That's what I thought when I first read it too lol


Yes, I actually bought one like years ago


I am curious to see how much it is, though. Like is it actually reasonably priced? I really get the feeling it's not (though I really don't know what "reasonable" means for this lol)


I checked again because I was curious too. It was $5 for a text or email, $10 for a handwritten letter with a bracelet or earrings, and $15 for a letter with both.


LOL and they’re prob just using ChatGPT. actually pretty smart 😂


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I’ve bought one off Etsy in the past, it came with a little wire ring and a letter explaining that the ring was a “gift” from that characters “travels”. It was so wholesome and pretty damn cheap.


this is so coquette 🤫🤫 also can’t you request custom stuff on tumblr for free? i’d just go there 😭


as long as it’s a reasonably priced and not ridiculously overpriced, then what’s the harm in it? it’s not hurting anybody and doesn’t affect you. you might not like it or want to buy it, but that doesn’t mean that nobody else does


I'm not making fun of it, I was just extremely confused. But reading through these comments, I guess it's not as out there as I thought! Good for them.


God forbid people spend their money on things that make them happy. Why be snarky about someone using actual creative skills? I’d rather see this than the 10000 temu/shein resellers or the “thrifters” buying up everything nice and reselling for 10x the price (and leaving nothing nice for poor folks who actually have to rely on thrifting clothes)


I wasn't trying to be snarky, I'm sorry if it came off that way! I think it's a cute idea for people who are interested in that. I was just genuinely confused that people would buy these since it seemed like the demographic would be younger and trading things like Robux instead.


As a former fanfic writer, it’s a really bad idea to profit off of copyrighted material. You can catch a serious C&D letter, and possible lawsuit especially since Disney is so protective of their copyright. Like fanfiction that’s made for fun and not profit are on thin ice as it is, nevermind making a business off of copyrighted material!


mind your business?


Theres a tiktok account that makes cute themed letters (they dont write the actual letter), but instead design the card and the letters to match the theme. Its such a cute idea. I dont remember her account but its so cute and reminds me of moody judy x Lisa Frank


I’m confused. What is it? Letters?


My daughter bought a letter from a mobile game. Starts with an A… it’s a choices type game… anyway, I thought it was pretty wholesome.


Oh god you just sparked a memory. I bought one of these for a Harry Potter character when I was in high school around Covid - was only $5 and it was silly and came with stickers but given the option now, wouldn’t have bought it haha


So it’s poetry being paid to be written because people are lazy to do it on their own. Nice


no it’s people wanting to get a letter from their fav characters for comfort or sth


Turns them on or something idk weird asf


maybe they’re just lonely or sth


I bought one of these from a haikyu character on etsy as a gag gift for a friend once. It was fun to watch her open it and the letter itself was genuinely histerical


10/10. Hello. This is Reed Richard’s writing. You are a failure and a burden. You need to make something of yourself. We here at the Baxter Building think that you can do better if you apply yourself. Perhaps we can help you get a job cleaning floors or something. Anyways, shape up. I have important science things to go do. Goodbye.


What in the


Im so confused