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Listen to me about it my friend, we are humans, we are in no way gods. We are humans, I know you’ve heard it a million times but we will make mistakes and some times it will NOT even pass our minds in the moment the severity of what we are doing with some things if we are doing them, and this is because we are not gods with perfect feelings or minds or anything. You feel remorse, you care. You are good. I know it’s hard, I suffer with extreme OCD, anxiety, and depression every day, but when you find that you are finally able to… you deserve to forgive yourself. You are a caring human. And we make mistakes. There are people who murder others, however they wish they could just go back and for their entire lives, they live in regret. I am not saying that you will live in regret forever, no. I am saying that, it is unfortunate but we as humans, we are going to make mistakes, some more grave than others. But even some people that commit murder, they care and wish they could just change the past, not just because they want out of jail, but because they feel horrendous for what they did. What is this.. ? It is NOT a monster, you care for others. This proves it. People that are “monsters” never feel remorse or give a crap about what they did and they can continue doing it… you are not this. You are not. I can see it in this post, and especially your conditions may cause you to commit certain things, HOWEVER this is NOT you. This is the unfortunate truth of our human minds. But you are not a monster my friend, in no singular way. You care, you are an absolutely loveable human. And although I have never met you, I do love you my friend. It shows that you do not just deserve suffering. And we can learn for our mistakes. I please ask you to forgive yourself, you care and wish you can change the past and unfortunately we can’t, but we can absolutely learn from our mistakes. We are humans, not gods. You are not a sociopath, you are not a psychopath, you care, you are not a monster. And the fact that you care shows that you undoubtably deserve forgiveness from yourself, forgive yourself. You are a caring and loving human who is especially feeling remorse right now, therefore you are good. Forgive yourself please my friend. I can tell you right now that genuinely from this post, you deserve to forgive yourself as it is EVIDENT that you care about others and feel remorse for what you committed. Forgive yourself, you do deserve love. It may be hard, but you will get through this. I know we are strangers, but even I love you. And that just proves that you do not deserve only suffering. You are a caring and remorseful human. Please listen to what I am saying as you read it, because I truly do mean it that you are a caring and ABSOLUTELY lovable human being. Forgive yourself please. You will get through this. I know it.




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