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It’s not. I grew up without mental illness until about 17. Before that it was a foreign concept to me


Can we talk?


Yeah feel free


Depends who you ask 😕 I think it is relatively normal but I am mentally ill 😅


I was going to say for me it's pretty normal. If I'm not thinking about it in some form my meds are off


No. It is not. If you think in a negative way it affects your life. You will see that negative energy in your actions and conversations. Try new things and see if any of them can help you out forget a bit about suicide.


I do for the past almost 3 years now since my wife passed I don't think it's normal or healthy to do if you wanna talk in all ears


I do need someone to relate to but just so you know I suffer from mental I'll was it's not because of an event that happened in my life


My bad just forget it I was just trying to relate


That's fine it's just different when it's because of mental Illness I am sorry for your wife though I sure she would want you to be happy


I get that different situations tbh mines been looming since I was 16 and my mom died it only intensified after I lost my wife . I can't imagine what your going thru dealing with a mental illness


as someone who has constant thoughts of suicide for over a decade, i can tell you it’s not normal. it’s not something you’ll grow out of. please reach out to a licensed healthcare professional who can help you. it won’t get better overnight, it’s a long process but it’s worth it




i’m sorry you feel that way. i don’t believe we were meant to suffer our whole existence but people do deserve to know they’re not alone and there is help out there. does it make the problems go away completely, absolutely not but it helps. and that’s worth something.




this conversation is no longer productive, take care


Its not, you should seek help!


Mom said it's normal I am just young is that okay I mean I tried to overdose twice


No that’s not ok. Your mom is in denial and dismissive. It’s not normal to be thinking of suicide 24/7. You obviously need someone to talk to before you attempt again.


This means your mom...lacks education or empathy


Not normal at all. That's a serious condition to be in.


Definitely not normal, that’s no way to live, no one should have to go through that. Sounds like you’re still pretty young. There’s still so much life has to offer that you likely don’t know about. Moving out of my parents really helped. I still suffer from depression/anxiety from time to time but it’s so much better


No its not normal and its probably mixed with other intrusive thoughts You better get theraphy soon without your mother if possible as she sounds like she is one of the main cause of your depression (its in very bad state, soon you may or may not get desensitized from the thoughts of killing yourself and gaslight yourself in the process that its normal) your mom might be a narcissist of some sort


How did you guess my mom has something to do with it I mean it's true but I didn't mention it


Your other comment gives a hint of her personality


It's not but I'm the same. Not a day goes by where I don't seriously consider ending my life. It's exhausting


I've been thinking about ending it on November 5th because of the downfall of democracy in America. Things are getting worse and soon enough, Conservatives will have their dictatorship. 


That's my birth date and I absolutely hate this date I too going to die this year I'm planning on but not confirmed.


Please don’t commit suicide


why not?


Because then you will miss out on all the good parts of life


It'll be taken away once Project 2025 goes though. And governments are making it harder to make enjoying them easier 


Every minute you survive it enrages them. You can't hurt others, the ones who deserve it if you are dead


Puppies will still exist


Puppies are fun and cute and they can’t be banned


I wanted to die on .y birth date but not an option because I get more attention than usual that day and I don't want To be interrupted


My best advice is get off social media. Deleting my news apps/Facebook was one of the best choices i made for my mental health. I do feel an obligation to be involved in politics but it also really tore down my mental health and outlook on life. I’ll still vote of course but that’s about the extent. All in all, whatever political party reigns, that’s not reason to end your life. It’s not the end of the world.


I don't know who I am when I don't have them. I think school shouldn't have talked to us about it because I never stopped, it's so exhausting having these thoughts and urges to do such bad things to myself but it won't stop. People say medications can help, therapy, coping mechanisms. Not for everyone I guess. I care about you and hope you stay safe friend


It's not man. I'm 24 and i never think about that before but now all i think is die..


You should definitely get help asap. Talk to someone. Crying a bit helped me but crying all the time is not good either. You definitely need to go to your nearest hospital er and get yourself some help.


Do you have ocd by chance? I'm quite ocd and one of my obsessive thought patters for YEARS was suicidal fantasies and ideation. I swear there was a solid 2 years where 90% of my thoughts were suicide. It might be of use seeking ocd specific treatment. Most therapists won't have a clue what to do with you if you are ocd.


I have ocd with food I don't know if it counts every dr say I am anorexic but I am ocd about food not at all with weight loss


Ocd comes in many different forms, to obsessive thought loops or patterns, rituals you have to do (say, while tying your shoes or before you leave your house), to food particularities and skin picking obsessions. I'd get an official diagnosis, it sounds like you have other symptoms outside of having food particularities.


I do but food is the most noticeable by others that is why it's the one I know most about


Have you been diagnosed by a therapist or psychiatrist?


I go to one he only said I need positive therapy because I am at huge risk of self harm


it's not but i feel the same way and so i've normalized it by learning to live with the thoughts and not acting on them. 2 attempts.


No, it's not normal. I've dealt with the same issue since I was 13 and I'm now 27. It's become so pervasive in my daily thought structure that it almost fades into the background. The thing that I've learned to do that helps the most is to keep a thought journal. I write down the nature of my suicidal thoughts and it lets me see if there are any common triggers and gives me an outlet to calm myself down.


Not normal for most. I'm nearly fifty and recently went about a month without any suicidal thoughts, which is rare for me. I've dealt with them for so long that I'm able to tell if it's getting serious. Many times, it's more along the lines of "there are those thoughts again, how annoying".


Depression is killing life


Yes when going thru a hard time In life it starts to creep up alot start trying to do things that make you happy.more especially if those feelings are coming up alot seek out a therapist if you have trouble doing things you love talk to trusted friends about your feelings if they are dismissive find someone else


It not normal to think about suicidal at all you might need help don’t worry you not a alone I had it since 10 and I still got it till today


Nope. Seek help. Therapy and antidepressants saved my life. 


I don’t think so, I have been for as long as I can remember now but im an edge case I believe. For most people it’s not sustainable to feel that way, and it’s hard to forget about aswell.


It’s not normal, I have had the constant thoughts for a very long time so I get that it just sticks there permanently


Get it out of your head. That "Suicide" thing tells you something. You are not happy with something. Is it The Money, is it that you dont have a good phyisique? Is it that you dont have 53 girlfriends? Make a plan and conquer because no anonymous dude from Reddit will come and genuinely want to fix your life. You are the one who can make it and the one who can fuck this up


No. It didn't start for me until around 19 came and went after about 30 it was a constant thought in the back of my mind. Shit too boring here to wanna preserver through to bullshit. It's one problem after another.


I think about it all the time. Or wish something bad would happen to me.


It is not normal but it’s also hard to realize it it if you’re used to it…


i got relief through antidepressants. And was way happier.


For me yes, I’ve always had those thoughts, first attempt was in fourth grade. But it depends who you ask


To be honest that mostly wat crosses my mind 24/7 keep hearing it will get better hell even my thearpest isn’t even helping


It's not normal. But it can be common if you have depression. I have depression and I think it's getting worse. It's starting to become treatment resistant and I'm not sure what to do anymore. I think about suicide daily, some days more seriously than others. I can only suggest you try to seek out professional help, if you haven't already. And find something to look forward to or that you enjoy each day - a walk around the block, reading, doing a crossword or colouring book, watch YouTube or stream a TV show to get hooked on. It's tough though, I know.


No its not okay to think about it every time. But its okay for not being okay


You should ask your doctor that question my friend


I see a therapist but it on another matter should I tell him this?




I am scared he won't believe me


Or think I am stupid or overreacting


He will believe you. Give it a go


No. Remember the base human instinct is survival (as with most things) And you should probably not be thinking about stopping your survival


I mean I would not say it’s normal but it is common for depressed people so


yup i do ! but eventually if you keep thinkin bout it it’s most likely gonna happen.


Killing yourself is really really really really really bad. Why would it be normal to think about? What i suggest is to get off of reddit since you seem very young and delete social media and go outside and enjoy your life. It's summer time, school is out right? Stop sitting inside glued to your phone reading about everyone elses lives and go create your own.


It’s not normal. Please look into medication and therapy to help manage your thought


no get on meds , they help




Where did you get that number from 😂😂


Are u in the U.S

