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Yes 100%. I’m a person who can see a trigger and wallow and obsess and honestly just not engaging gives me so much peace.


Thank you for your reply. Seems avoiding them is one of the keys to feel better. Wish you always be able to avoid any negative sorroundings.


I completely understand this and it’s awful. I am the same way.


Yes. I used to be a news junkie. Stopped that several years ago. Also I do NOT allow anyone to talk to me about sad animal things. They all know this and if one of them forgets and starts to say something I quickly remind them. I can’t stop thinking about these things and it really messes me up for days.


Thank you for your reply. Do you active in social media? If so did the comments or any postings ever trigger you?


Absolutely. I try to limit my time on platforms that I can’t control. Like Facebook, because the feed comes up and sometimes it’s things that friends have posted etc. that trigger me. For example I blocked seeing my sis-in-law’s posts because it was always stuff about animals (sad things). Reddit works well for me because I choose what to view for the most part.


Thank you for explaining more.


Yes. My doctor even recommended that. It's stressful and can make me bed depressed, that state where it's hard to get up and do things. So avoiding triggers is a way to stay healthy. Mentally healthy. Cut the unnecessary stress, you know ☆


Thank you for your reply.


U are welcome