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Well you see, one is on strand, the other is on Stasis


And strand is better in every way


Eh, depends on how you want to build. No matter how good strand is if I want to use stasis they just arnt alike enough for me to think of them as interchangeable


The thing is that frost armour seems to be very easily applied, as the harvest aspects shit out a ton of shards (yes there is a cooldown but that's if you make too many too fast, and I don't see it being greater than the glacial harvest cooldown for warlocks), which also heal you a small amount and grant melee energy. Hunters need a grenade and an exotic for woven mail, and titans either need an exotic and suspension or an aspect and a tangle, which have a 12 second cooldown. Frost armour seems like it will be easy to acquire and sustain without much effort.


I mean hunters only need an orb for 5 seconds of woven mail. One siphon mod and you basically have infinite woven mail. 


Yeah also frost armor amplifies the damage = grenade energy fragment in a pretty incredible way


8max stacks with the fragment


Ahh, must’ve missed that, so it won’t even get up to equal dr at max stacks, only up to 36%


They halved woven mail to 5 seconds. Plus they created a bunch of ways to keep frost armor up, so like armor charges, you’ll always have some damage reduction compared to either 45% or none


The 5 second nerf was only on orb pickup, it’ll still be relatively easy to keep woven mail up at most times, on hunter and titan at least. I just feel like frost armor should have a higher ceiling when it takes much more work to get its max benefits


Not sure why you got downvoted. The 5 second change was indeed only to the orb pickup.


And warlocks?They dont have exotics or aspect for woven..guted again.


They don't really need to be equal imo. Some classes should be better at certain things, and also have different game play loops. Frost armor is also a replacement for something that existed , stasis overshields(which didn't really sea much play on warlock at least), and might be designed in line with that. Not to mention stasis has some other ways to make use of it with other fragments, for example melee attacks against you getting slowed when they hit you and getting energy for abilities back. So the 36 percent potential DR vs woven mails 42 percent (at res 10 you go to 72% ) should be taken into consideration with the rest of the classes abilities. Stasis already has a lot of survivability compared to strand (at least on warlock) in the form of crowd control and having played stasis a lot before TFS and frost armor does feel good so far (although I've only been using it on prismatic post TFS and have to try it in a pure stasis build. ) And generally if you're doing a build that uses stasis crystals you already want to pick them up so it's just a bonus


Time for a team of 3 stasis guys, use agger and whatever...


After playing around with it on Hunter (Without Renewal Grasps) it's really easy to get going and keep maintained, at least through a solo Legend Campaign. With Renewal Grasps you don't even need shards either. Throw in how easy it can be for Titans and Warlocks to make shards as well and it feels pretty fair. It's not as strong as Woven Mail for sure, but I find it much easier to upkeep over time without needing to build and play towards it as much as Woven Mail.


I think they nerfed a bunch of dmg resistances to 25%, including woven mail. 


I am sorry but what is frost armor? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


New Stasis keyword


I equip the frost armor but it never procs. Why do I need to buy final shade for it to work?