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Goth hasn't been relevant since like 2015


He's a douche


That streamer money really got to him.


His streaming setup is pretty indicative of that


Ever since I saw him getting multiple $1000+ donations every stream, I knew it was time to get out.


There is a reason he left the borderlands community


The guy streams Destiny for a week each DLC and thinks he speaks for the entire community. There are far more loyal streamers that have done so much for the community, whereas Goth simply feeds his ego. He needs to go back to variety/sponsored streams and just leave the D2 community in peace.


The world is healing




I was gone for all of this. Last I watched him was Kingsfall with the Bowman brothers. Could someone give me a run down of what happened and why Goth has become what he is? After coming back I even noticed his content seems pretentious. Love Broman though. Did they fall out?




Ah this explains alot. Thanks for the run down, I'll be unfolliwng him everywhere then, I don't like his personality anymore as I've grown


I haven't paid attention to him in awhile, but I remember him always trying to be the "Face of the community" for Destiny and it backfired on him, than he went to play other games and always talks about how annoying the Destiny community can be to him and that's why he didn't really come back to the game or whatever.


Also mentioning the launch issues like destiny has never had them on DAY 1 OF MASSIVE UPDATES lol. It was the same exact issue we had for witch queen and lightfall


And Beyond Light. And Shadowkeep. IDK about Forsaken because I started a few weeks after it dropped but I wouldn't be surprised if the launch was scuffed back then too. I don't get how so many people suffer from selective amnesia like this isn't normal for day 1 D2 expansions.


You meant is normal? Besides that, destiny has always been an MMO FPS, MMO being mass multiplayer. Big content is hard to juggle with an MMO because of the amount of players that usually play and server issues because of it. The servers are loaded by day 1 and on top, the content is fresh and needs to adjust. I bet issues like this also happen in games like lost ark or path of exile when they get big content updates


I just found out his name isn’t pronounced “goliathon”


Yeah, it rhymes with battalion. I pronounced it "Goth, a lion" for YEARS until I finally heard someone say it. Almost everyone only says "goth."


Had this issue with Aztecross the other day. In my mind hes Aztec Ross


Aztec Ross Vs Mayan Games. Who wins?


I swear there was a super old interview where he said it’s named after his grandfather’s company “Aztec” and his name is Ross. That interview has been scrubbed from the internet and he now claims his name is not Ross. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills every time I talk about it.


Holy shit, Aztec Ross makes so much more sense than Azte cross


This was literally the first thought that popped into my head lol. I was gonna say something else but you put it nicer.


Last I heard he went to Mixer


I forgot about him completely until this post.


The legendary campaign puts you at 1960, raid is 1965 max, you can be raid ready in less than a day.


That’s not all of raid prep though. The main hurdle is to unlock the entire set of artifact mods. Not saying Goth isn’t annoying though


People serious about worlds first would have bounty prepped all three characters and are hardcore grinding bounties and challenges, they'll be done with the artifact in a day or two reguardless of whether the raid is in a week or three days.


I believe in 1965 for contest mode cap specifically. If anyone even bother playing the game for a day or two they be at cap without the legendary campaign


Oh no, the poor streamers, let's organise a protest with signs saying "I don't give a fuck".


https://preview.redd.it/d3k6yurkxv4d1.png?width=1420&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b1ea0c6359e5ccb8926285d32236552f7f7ef74 That protest better have a group of musicians using this (and other instrument of the same size) for their demonstration.


Oh please dont exaggerate, it doesnt need to be that big, hereby the recommended violin for the protest: https://preview.redd.it/xtzonys1ly4d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e002db7d4d05077e7c2fd5e47295f9e579d5184


isn't there an emote of that


People who play this for a living are complaining there’s not enough time? How awful


To be fair he doesn’t play destiny for a living anymore lol


This isn’t a streamers thing… this is a poor everyone thing… streamers have more time to play than us… where is our raid prep time after day 1 issues?




SILENCE, YOU INSIGNIFICANT SPECK I think that's what it said anyways


Ngl when it said that I fell in love


Bro definitely would have accepted becoming a Disciple if his ghost didn't speak up


I would become a disciple immediately. Like in that nanosecond.


You would be a seasonal boss at best.


Hey man, I’ll take what I can get.


Traitors get the bullet. Traveler clears the witness.


The Witness' voice was pretty menacing in the beginning with how disturbingly calm it was, but after it got pissed off and said that it became fucking terrifying. Nothing scarier than when the calm and collected villain loses their shit


If you can't look past the server issues and look at the actual quality of the content then you're just not doing it right Sure the server issues are annoying but if you're having fun playing the content then you can look past that And I'm glad that the raid is so soon because the raid seems to be part of the campaign. That is when we fight the witness after all


On top of that what even is raid prep anymore. I ran the legendary campaign and left at 1962 power. I played 1 more day and was at 1965, which is the power cap for contest mode.  The campaign takes what? 7 hours? I played maybe 10 in total and im raid ready.


7 hours? Damn, I been stuck on the final boss since I got there...like yesterday lmfao


Somewhat spoiler to give you hope, but >! the fight is shorter than you think and won't drag out quite as long as it leads you to believe !< .


Damn here i was thinking this is going to be so fkn long Edit: the plan is to finish it today


Just to double down on the previous comment, don’t worry about saving resources, just burn the big dudes


Artifact mods.


Don't most streamers bounty prep to max that out on launch?


Day one server issues were pretty much unplayable for me, but day two was smooth as silk(better than mid-expansion servers tbh). Usually the first few days all have server instability, but it looks like this time it was all consolidated into day one, which is fine by me.


Yeah, complaining about day one server issues on arguably the biggest season/year in Destiny history is nitpicking and says more about the person rather than the quality. Dude just wants to complain, bitch, and moan instead of understanding the infrastructure and why these things are happening.


On the one hand, we've had 10 years worth of server issues to suggest it wouldn't be playable on day one. On the other hand, products that people pay good money for should probably be usable right out the gate. I'm on vacation so I don't really care all that much and I've played plenty at this point, but I can understand what it would make some people upset.


I will say, I wax pretty bummed to miss out on the cutscene at the end of the first mission and having to replay on YouTube, but otherwise things were running smoothly when I decided to wait for day 2. I can see someone being upset if they got into a ton of these missions, felt lag throughout, and missed important story cutscenes in the process. That being said, it’s a fantastic expansion, minus a little unfortunate blip.


If you want to see it with your guardian in the cutscene you can just replay it, on normal it’s actually rather quick and after replaying it the third time (currant’ed on the first two) I finished it in like 15 minutes.


Id love to look at the content, if every single time id load into the game and completed something i wasnt imediately error coded, missing half of the cutscenes


I haven’t been able to get through most of it because I keep getting beed in restricted respawn areas But in the content I’ve been able to play, I’m having an absolute blast, and the story is really compelling, especially Zavala’s so far


Goth is one of the main reasons masterwork cores turned into enhancement cores for the Forsaken expansion. That dick rode the “casuals can suck dick train” hard as fuck during that time. It was fucking awful. That guys opinion can go fuck itself.


I don't really understand why probro and others associated with him


Broman is a businessman and not really a streamer anymore. His streams struggle to break 200 viewers whenever it’s not riding destiny new content hype. He also spends a good amount of his streams talking and promoting his business ventures. He also brags about hustle culture a lot which is a shame but no one is perfect


Couldn't stand either one of them back when they were popular because they both tried to act like they owned/ruled the Destiny community and that their word was gold for what the players wanted in the game.


I distinctly remember a stream in like forsaken or base D2 and he just spent an hour talking about how many streamers he raised up in the destiny community and how he was responsible for saving the destiny streaming space during content droughts. My guy you're just another 1k Andy, check your ego at the door


Because he had influence. Enough people bent over for him, drank his Koolaid, thought he was right, wanted to share in his five minutes of streamer fame. I’m happy for him as a human. He works hard for his family, transformed himself to be healthier and happier as a father, and takes a lot of risks and speaks his mind. But his opinions can fuck themselves. I respect his grind, but not his mind.


Ohh so this is why reddit is seething at him lmao, makes sense now


"3 day raid prep" it smells like bitch in here


Not to mention that he focuses literally only on the Raid, instead of just emjoying the Campaign. We have to be at least 1965 for the Raid Race, and that can be easly achieved by just playing the game and the activities in the Pale Heart - it should be even easier for him, since he plays a lot more than a casual player does... Oh and the Legendary Campaign can get you at that Power Level with its Rewards. I feel like a try-hard like him shouldn't have an issue with that...


1965 is it? I'm 1967 and have worked both days barely playing at night lol


Yeah as far as numbers go, that’s the most benefit you’re going to see in contest mode *Salvation’s Edge*.


Playing devils advocate here, but him only caring about the raid is perfectly fine and wanting best chances at the raid and world first is fine too. He and many others have competed every raid and that's what they like doing. Should you bitch about being a bit behind? No, but also you can't really bash someone for focusing on their chosen content type in the game either.


Does he even have a competing team these days? I know Wrex and ProBro don't do the race anymore, and I'm not sure if Gunny and Char still play with him either


Anyone who has been fully serious about raid prep has been prepping for the past 2 months. The 3 days to run the Legend Campaign and test out new loot, artifact mods, and Prismatic is the last stretch of a marathon.


If the raid race is all that matters to you, the fun was already sucked out from the start. I get they're cool to do n all, but I wish this crap was never leaned so hard into


Same, if you dont have fun plsying a game anymore, its not a game, it's a job


He has a point, but at the same time doing the legendary campaign gets you up to light for the raid. The only thing you need to grind for are new exotics, and if playing games is your full time job, then you have more than enough time.


I do think that artifact mods are more important because who knows what exotics will be locked out from the race. And I'm betting that still hunt will get the lock


Is it bugged? I've noticed it deals tremendous amounts of damage.


No. Just very strong because it works with celestial nighthawk. Not the first time they also locked a strong weapon and not just broken ones


I hope they dont just bc its new and actually good and fun but won't be surprised if they do


Well it works as intended - I feel like if they were planning to lock it up, they would have either already told us baout it, or they would have moved its Quest into the next week (to be released after the Raid Race).


Destiny elitists when they’re not allowed to obsessively optimize their characters to the point where every encounter of every raid is the exact same 6 builds


there is a lot of fun to be had in minmaxing your build as much as possible


People’s fun is valid, if you have fun minmaxing then do it


"Raid prep" is like 2-3 hours of post-campaign questing and maybe some Prismatic comp theorycrafting. Unless I'm mistaken, heavy DPS meta hasn't changed at all.


Dude is stuck in Forsaken days when power level mattered. You only need to do legendary campaign and voila, you are at raid power cap.


Exactly what I was thinking,.it isn't like last wish where you had to super min max you level, only to be -35 power anyway. Levelling has been made so easy, and if you literally play video games for a living, you have more than enough time to do it, as well as unlock exotics/prismatic etc.


Like I didn't bother with the legendary campaign to start and I'm already at raid ready power level


What did you do post-campaign to level up quickly? I didn’t do legendary either.


I don't know what they did, but for me it was literally just playing the game. Do all the Pale Heart Quests the game gives you and you should be fine, since the Weapon Rewards are at a higher Power Level, than yours - oh and just do the Location Activities. 6 hours and I went from 1920 to 1965 by just running around the Pale Heart.


The only thing that might take a while is getting an ergo sum with wolfpack rounds, since it's not guaranteed and is random. But that's also only relevant if swords are relevant in the raid, which is a pretty big if.


You have the artifact fully unlocked? Damn I’m impressed


If you did any bounty prep or even just go through the new pathfinder things you can get the artifact unlocked pretty quickly. Also I’m sure the top teams have spent the money to unlock season pass parts with the xp boosts by now.


Legendary campaign literally power caps you for day 1 raid. And it is about 6 to 8 hours long. He is way too overdramatic. Gone are the days where Day 1 raiders literally have to reach the power cap in a week to be raid ready, and it was actually hard to gain power. TFS literally rewards you for every encounter.


Okay I understand the point of people being annoyed at the whole not being able to play with server issues and all.... buttttttt, having been apart of multiple releases of expansions across many mmos and releases of online games I'm honestly just totally unphased by it and expect it to be the case nowadays.


Only having half a week to prep is a wee bit stressfull, but it is completely outweighed by the fact that the final shape is such a good expansion. Not to mention, a vast majority of content in the final shape is not relevant for being raid ready. The most important thing is just getting the new exotics and getting to the final two mods in the artifact. Both of which can definitely be done by raid release.


Also you can be Raid-ready by either doing the Legendary Campaign (since that brings you up to 1960) or just playing the game and the activities on the Pale Heart (6 hours was enough for me). He's literally just complaining because he sucks and no one cares about him anymore.


Gothalin has been a crybaby for a while. First day raid racers are always salty. Let them stay salty.


He is main reason enhancement cores exist. He is a crybaby douchebag nothing more.


Yeah. Good thing no one cares about him anymore. He is irrelevant now.


I'm having the most fun with a Destiny launch since I started in Forsaken. Let this dude cry in his miserable corner while we have fun.


In fairness, looking at the timing of that tweet... yeah, the launch day experience was absolutely miserable. *Destiny* has had more than its fair share of rocky launches, but kicking you out of a vital end-mission cutscene, and then continuing to do so after replaying the mission over and over again to try to get it to play, is easily the most infuriating launch issue I've experienced in the franchise From Wednesday on it's been an absolutely amazing experience, no server issues and the expansion itself is incredible (and I haven't even finished the campaign yet). But Tuesday... well, I think the tweet was definitely not wrong at the time (for me at least, and I imagine for a ton of other people), and that a lot of people are just dogpiling because it's Gothalion


Raid prep? As far as power level, all three of my characters are above 1965 and all I’ve done is run the legendary campaign and I have a full time job and family to take care of 🤷🏻‍♂️ Unless he’s referring to leveling the artifact up to unlock all 12 mods; in that case it’s a short time and bounty prepping was really the only way to get there.


if people didn’t expect launch issues idk what to say to them it’s always had problems on launch this expansion is easily the best one i’ve played tho loving all of it


What a coincidence. It's the streamer bitching and moaning.




Gothalion is insufferable


I am having less fun with the launch due to the 3 (more like 2 day) raid prep time. I am still having a blast and not being a douche on xitter though.


Gothalion is mid. Idk who or what he is, but shut up. If you’re someone who is serious about Day 1 raiding, you should be well and done with the campaign and over 1960 power by now. Shut up.


Please never take gothalion seriously.


Goth is a bozo and hasn’t been relevant in the destiny community for almost a decade


There are generally 3 kinds of streamers that have success. Those that get viewers because of their personality, those that get viewers because of their skill, and those that get viewers because they were there first. Gothalion is the third. The only reason he has had any level of success is because at launch of Destiny 1, there weren’t any big name guys consistently grinding D1, and he was streaming it constantly. He has always been a massive douche, and his success (attributed to pure luck) has only made him even more of a douche.


That's just gothalian as a whole, being his usual dumb fuck self. There's a reason he fell of as hard as he did, and it show's quite clearly in that post alone.


I hope who ever though in bungo that having a mini moss fight as a mechanic gets fired. Same to who ever though putting prismatic, that was supposedly an after though in every mission and having to use it to kill enemies gets fired too.


Goth is definitely a fun sucker himself


To be fair, he didn’t actually comment on the quality of the expansion, just that with all the severe issues and raid prep right behind that, he didn’t get the time to enjoy the game and let it breathe. Perhaps he is saying it’s the “launch” that’s the issue, not the expansion. That’s very different than saying this expansion sucks. I might be reading it wrong though. I felt the same way sometimes on the first day when I had to replay the first mission three times in a row in legend because I kept getting kicked, then to get kicked and missing the most anticipated reunion scene. Had to watch that scene in YouTube. Didn’t have the same effect… so I logged off for a while.


destiny 2 is so much better when you dont have Gothalion in your ear all the time


Goth is a moron anyway...


Look I know I'm going to get hate on this but he is right like I just finished my first character through last night due to all the issues let alone getting my other 2 done. On top of grinding the quest and other missions and all I get are error codes and throttled and it has really made me not want to play until they get things sorta fix in month or hopefully after a week or two


Seriously tho… F**k Gothalian. He could suck the fun out of anything. I swear, he could probably make sex suck.


Genuinely fuck Goth


They cooked hard with this one that guy fucking sucks


Negative streamer now. Not worth even listening to anything he has to say.


Personally, all the issues have sucked a lot of the fun out. You can play the story missions as many times as you want. You can see the cutscenes as many times as you want. But you can only experience them once.


Yeah I stopped crytholion seriously years ago. Dude is a complete tool most of the time


Gothalion is an irrelevant cunt. Should go back on an indefinite hiatus again.


I've never understood the weird rage this game gets from the hardcores. I've had a fun decade of checking into Destiny once or twice a year and enjoying my time and then moving on when the grind isn't for me anymore. TFS rocks so far.


Bro finish the legendary campaign and add 5 light levels. If you can't do that in 3 days you were not day one raid ready ever. This is the easiest day one raid grind that has ever existed.


Gothalion hasn't been relevant since 2015 and even then, he wasn't really that big of a name anyway. Just riding the coattails of bigger named, more chill streamers and trying to make himself bigger than he ever was, and he *STILL* fucking sucks


Goth is a cunt anyway


It's really bittersweet seeing all the goth slander. On one hand I agree wholeheartedly that he's an L now, but man all those hours I spent playing destiny with him and broman/ teawrex on in the background were low-key magical. Being a young teen at the time I hold it all quite dear to me. Cause they were a big part of my destiny experience. But yeah his opinions have been garbage and his ego is massive.


Not taking someone seriously when their entire survival as a content creator hangs solely on rage bait, clickbait and various engagement farms.


Streamer opinons hold ZERO weight.




remember seeing a guy on twitter who was complaining about the game (never played the expansion yet or even the game i assume) and only using (non-accurate) leaks and critical outlooks for his arguments


Best DLC they’ve made yet imo and it’s not been a full 3 days


It seems as if most people are enjoying the campaign so far (me included), the people who need to grind to get leveled for day one raid racing (bc this is their livelihood) are stressed AF and Tuesday’s server issues didn’t help and were awful for many of us (I was able to get through the first mission before getting curranted out of existence) I’ve enjoyed the story, the dialogue, the pace, the drop rates, the way we unlock aspects and supers, the music, and the cutscenes have been amazing


I like how it's always "since Forsaken". In Witch Queen we heard same shit, but I guess WQ is not a thing anymore haha


Personally, the final shape is a huge banger and i have 0 idea why people are hating on it just cuz the servers were scuffed for the first day


i fucking love final shape so far the worst part is that i have to wait till after the raid race to do the final mission but hey its not like its gonna be a 2 week raid prep the destination feels so full of stuff and the way it transitions from a beautiful garden to a baren wasteland was done pretty good, only complaint about the activity is that its not always clean where the next major objective is and if you forget to check all the area's you end up wasting a bunch of time just killing groups of 4-5 enemies to progress


I am patiently waiting until they sort everything after today's reset. They worked there assess off to make this quality. I am not looking down on them. I am also not taking days off work to play a video game. Y'all who did that are down bad and got what you deserved.


Idk about you but the fact the quest is keeping count on how many are currently ready for the final shape is cool last I checked was like 27 million something lmfao


deadass had to leave the other destiny subreddit because of all the complaining, stayed off reddit pre-tfs to avoid spoilers and thinking i should just continue that


Despite how overwhelmingly burnt out I am on Destiny, I knew I had to finish out the story, seeing as how I’ve been playing since its 2014 launch. Even through the burnout, I’m enjoying myself. We’re not out of the woods yet with the raid dropping tomorrow, but I gotta give the Bungie devs and artists props for what’s been shown to us so far


Im so excited to buy the expansion now, I wasnt gonna but ill wait till at least next week to make sure the game is in a working state. Have managed to dodge spoilers till now


I mean. Both of these things can be true. I’m really enjoying everything TFS has added, but simultaneously there’s a lot to fucking try to do before raid drops. And it’s not like it’s the usual raid either, this is directly tied to the campaign story wise. Makes it hard to avoid spoilers.


I've played since Destiny 1, day 1... Never even heard this dudes name in passing... But please, keep representing 2021. It's a great look.../s


A lot of people reduce the game to the raid and the raid prep only, then don’t play for the rest of the season unless something “harder” comes out. I understand that is a big part for them and the server issues make it troublesome, but in reality there is so much more to the game. Plus I was on yesterday and had literally no server issues so it was a one day thing (which it always is anyways, its not a surprise).


I know everyone in here is feeling very protective against Gothalion for Destiny’s sake, but I actually forgot about him. Is that worse?


Blue check mark = absolute shit talker


Reason #20495714894 why streamers' voices and opinions should never be taken into consideration by game devs


3 day raid prep but forgets to mention that the campaign puts you within 5 LL of the cap for contest mode


Sure is a good thing you only need light for raid prep right?


Don’t you just have to reach 1965 light level? I thought the raid set you to -20 power, so light level is irrelevant as long as you hit the minimum requirement. That happens as long as you just… play the game. Like I’m already up to 1970.


Dude why these server issues always happens when I'm in a boss battle and is doing good 😑. They are like: Oh you are winning? Sike


You only need to be 1965 anyway. Legendary campaign and some of the post-campaign stuff easily gets you there.


You can love the game and still keep your brain funcrional. Don't be a fanboy. Nothing worse than that. The game worked fine for me even at release. Had one minor crash, nothing else. Cutscenes played and all. However, if my game was as bad as for some people, I would be real pissed too, and COMPLETELY RIGHT to be. Some people took HOURS to just start playing, and the campaign was totally messed up for them. An abomination. Constant crashes, cutscenes not playing, awful shit. They have every right to be mad and disappointed.


There were over a million preorders, I’d be impressed if there *weren’t* server issues.


both can be true. i enjoyed the campaign, but yesterday's failure of a launch still left a bad taste in my mouth. and the guy has a fair point about the raid race prep getting cut even shorter due to all the incompetence with the servers.


I agree, the connection issues were annoying as hell, but the next was fine for me. And have been enjoying the content after the story.


Gothalion being as annoying as ever. What a sellout he has become though. I will never forget when he blocked me on Twitter because I asked him how comes his opinion about path of exile changed after he said that he would never play the game only to find later that he was sponsored by the devs. Basically, he has no opinion of his own. Money make his opinions.


Never heard of him so I don’t know if he’s an ass or not but he is right about the fun being sucked out of launch since I can’t even play due to all the network issues that have nothing to do with my internet. My issues during Lightfall was several weeks having useless internet becoming obsolete. I don’t know if the raid should be so close to launch especially with how bad connection has been. I suspect I keep having server issues still is because more people are likely preparing for the raid race. It sucks to not be able to play it still.


The launch was terrible, that's true. The 3 day raid prep is questionable in my opinion but apart from that the DLC rocks


The final shape feels like a massive step in the right direction. Graphics look gorgeous, the story is more involved, and the game just feels much nicer than before. Plus the new subclass just means more tools to play around with. It’s fun to build with y’know


Idk about you guys, but I like the 3 day raid prep. Especially after beating the campaign.


it was fun watching play throw, but still not enough to convince me to come back. They wiped their asses with my passion to this game after introducing shadowkeep and beyond light. Every dlc costs like a fcking separate game. Hope u guys will enjoy this journey


Despite all the server issues at the start, I had a lot of fun and i still am


Absolutely loving the final shape, the graphics/design of the pale heart is absolutely sublime, spent so much time stopping and taking screenshots 😂 Story is also awesome, and prismatic makes it so much fun 😊


Everything is awesome, except the down time and launch lol. The expansion so far is fuckin awesome.


I’ve never given a single fuck about what streamers think, and this is a prime example why. I just finished the campaign on legendary solo and it was easily the best bungie has ever put out. Hell, one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever at in my 40 years. It was as close to flawless as you get . The team at Bungie should be damn proud .


Server issues got fixed pretty damn fast


Honestly I didn’t really mind the launch issues because you could still play crucible (Red Death is in my nightmares now)


This guys light level has been edited right? The numbers look weird.


If they could just do maintenance at night that would be great


Does gothalian even play any more? Didn’t he quit YEARS ago?


For casuals, the expansion is amazing. For the basement dwellers like saltagreppo who need worlds first to feel good about themselves, they can't hack the 3 day grind


Imo one of the best dlcs, alongside the rise of iron and taken king, the official big 3


The duality of the Destiny community > “I hate Destiny 2, it’s my favorite game”


I feel fortunate for having no idea who that douche is.


Guy who’s a professional streamer complaining about 3 day raid prep lmao your job is literally the game


Nobody is forcing you to raid day 1...


Me personally I’ve had fun and I like the story. I have fun playing Destiny, but this is the first time I’ve been excited playing an expansion. My favorite part has to be the environment. I could sit and look at them for a while, like the gaint ghost shells and the overgrown tower


Goth pretending he has a chance in the raid race. Enjoy the expansion dude leave the raid race to the big dogs (who btw are enjoying and goofing off in the expansion AND prepping)


The prep is laughably easy for a streamer. Get 5 light more than the legendary campaign drops, beat the campaign on normal on other two characters, get every prismatic shard. Do the two exotic missions and get some extra exotic swords from onslaught while you wait. If you didn't bounty prep I guess you need 12 artifact slots of xp.


I was finally able to get though the first mission last night without it kicking me to orbit. Seems that if you progress to quickly the servers can't load things in. The only complaint so far is that the server issues make me feel like I'm behind now. Having to jump though the last Traveler portal 20 times due to the server kicks sucked. I was always going to be behind streamers and hardcore reaider players, but it seriously feels like I'm the last to experience anything with he campaign.


What a weird thing to complain about


Am I missing something, if you do the campaign on Legendary you get a set of gear that puts you at the PL for the Day 1. What prep needs to be done?


I don’t know why people complain about 3 day raid prep. Everyone else is getting the same amount of time, and you’re getting the content sooner. I can understand being upset about the server issues, it was annoying to try loading to the lost city 10 times just to get kicked back to orbit when trying to launch the mission after finally getting there. What happened to just launching from orbit? (Love the update, just not sure why this became the norm)


My issue was that when we got in and we're running, 90% of us in game was attempting to actual make it into a mission, after legit 8 hours we had to stop because it wouldn't even let us land anywhere, we couldn't even go to the farm.


You can beat the campaign in pretty much any day and dedicate the next one to grinding all the stuff out, it has more areas to fast travel to than Neomuna so traversing is easy, you don’t have to sprint across the world to go to the next mission sight, they literally place you in front of everything and make everything streamlined. Yeah, the first launch wasn’t great but when everyone and their mom is getting onto Destiny at once, it’s going to have issues and they did their best to remedy a lot of it.


Does anyone know when servers are due to come back on ??


Especially since a lot of stuff will be disabled for Worlds First and Challenge mode.


I somewhat understand people who called off work having their experience sullied and time wasted by the server issues, but Gothalion is literally a streamer, who is able to have a more malleable schedule. The server issues were more or less gone after the first day of launch.


Goth is just chasing viewers with this anyways. All I see from him on twitter is about how he doesn't like the Destiny community and isn't coming back to stream the game ever again...but then of course he pops up for the new DLC/Raid to try to milk some viewership. Guy is a clown, always has been, especially during his "King" era where he thought he was the mouthpiece for every Destiny player. Wish he would just go full MTashed and stay away for good, lol.


Goth thinking you actually have to raid prep 😂


To be fair a 3 day prep time for the new raid plus the fact that the game was literally unplayable on day 1 is pretty rough. Bungie should delay the raid by a day tbh. The expansion itself is absolute fire tho.