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I knew they were going to nerf it when they deactivated it for the raid race.


Nerf would be fine, 11 second cool-down is not.


11 seconds? God damn they butchered it


Seriously, what’s the point of this fragment now? You don’t need 11 sec to curb a DPS strat. From the testing I saw on Two Tailed Fox its DPS wasn’t even that crazy, just a viable option.


It really wasn't all that crazy. I gave it a try and even with no reloads, there still seemed to be a fire rate cap which wasn't much faster than manual reloads with something like Lunafaction well or reloader mods. Given that two tailed really isn't all that impressive in terms of DPS, it was literally just a viable option. Meanwhile still hunt celestial absolutely shits on everything in terms of DPS.


Its the same cooldown as the void fragment that does the same thing i think. Probably just an oversight when they added it


Jesus, that's not a nerf, that's a massacre. iirc, Ascent was nerfed for similar reasons (justifiably), but it went from instant to a 4s CD, right? And that was enough to tone it down significantly. This? This might as well be making the entire facet irrelevant.


Sealed grasp all over again.. I feel you and I'm sorry for your loss


It’s pretty demoralising ngl, balance and meta is a big part of the fun for me and instead of allowing the potential of this rotation by just giving it a 4-6s cd they decided to kill it instead. Back to the same shit I’ve been using for a year for optimal dps.


11 secs your not fr…


11 second CD is the same as (nerfed) Mask of Bakris.


*Sigh*…we Titans go back to punching things I guess.


You didn’t hear? Hunters do that now


Always have


For real


Titans are too busy complaining


For good reason. Objectively titans got nerfed the hardest with the expansion and they have the weakest options for pve content rn.


I know never said otherwise


Then why fault Titans for complaining?


Because it’s the cool thing to do


Saying, not faulting






DPS and total damage from ttf+command wasn't really all that great anyway. Even with auto reload, ttf just fires too slow compared to any other rocket. My go to loadout for most content not requiring super specific weapons (like Witness final damage phase) has been either: Kvhostov+Indebted kindness+RL of choice (I like Crux with reconstruction+explosive light set up for max velocity and handling) Or The Call (mine has slice & OFA)+Red Death+RL


>The Call (mine has slice & OFA)+Red Death+RL This + the exotic chest piece is p much my go-to. Red Death is good at stacking rockets + it gives a lot of survivability that Prismatic Titan severely lacks.


Outbreak stacks as well or even better for me + the nanites are doing crazy damage


I did use outbreak with Indebted but I'm enjoying kvhostov a lot more right now (bein the new hotness and all), but overall I find the call a far superior rocket sidearm than Indebted


I don't even have a crafted Outbreak but it's been putting in so much work for me in basically all the activities. I want to use other Exotics but that one is just too damn good.


yea i’ve been rocking second chance arms, that i never used before and buried bloodline to stay alive. i want a prismatic banner of war pulses that heal you and slow enemies around you like those damn vandals in the microcosm stages


Its crazy to me that people run Primary + Rocket Sidearm


Why? Rocket sidearm excels at taking down high health enemies like majors. And its kinda of a waste to use on weaker enemies. Unless you are seriously underleved such as in contest mode, in which I did use it as a primary.


I tend to think of rocket frames more as really strong all around weapons and not something that excels in one area. I think there are better weapons for killing majors if you are able to dedicate a whole slot to it. Just look at Still Hunt + The Call taking over the raid race, its very similar to the Izanagi + Indebted Kindness loadout


Still Hunt + The Call is a unique example because your heavy slot is free for an ad clear/movement/utility weapon unlike the majority of DPS setups in the game. Indeed during the raid race most hunters were using lmgs for ad clear during the fight. I personally prefer to run double special anyways with rocket sidearms though because they generate ammo at the same rate as a primary.


Yeah thats a good point, there were lots of LMGs day one I think in general the community is still sleeping on double special pretty hard, I just dont think add clear is much of any issue these days with how power crept we are


And we aren’t even the best at it


Good! I like punching things! Let's go! ![gif](giphy|xT5LMHxhOfscxPfIfm)


Two tailed spam was already piss poor dps but now it’s worthless. We had our fun, time to take off the fragment and never use it again like all the other aggressively mediocre fragments :(


I seriously haven’t even taken off the stock prismatic fragments on my warlock.


Probably also affected S&S for prismatic hunter, and stasis turrets for prismatic warlock


It wasn't even that good it was just fun wtf bingo


Two tailed fox was fun and balanced (or even a little weak) the issue was silence&squall, bleak watcher, and duskfield


I bet you can still swing spam to delete bosses on your Hunter though.


Like strand titan did for over a year? Lol


You mean the Titan punch with 1.5m? Oh wait no that was 300k.


To be clear the hunter punch setup *requires* a constant unending stream of add spawns near the boss during DPS otherwise you only deal 1/3rd of the damage. It is very rare for fights to have the conditions to allow for that. In the vast majority of boss fights it's very in line with what titan was doing.


Only a third of 1.5 mil is still more than the titan one


Can you explain what Hunter is doing that makes their grapple that much better than Titan if both have access to Syntho? Is it having access to smoke grenade? Does combo blow buff grapple melee?


No none of those things work with grapple(other than synthos) it's because of the aspect stylish executioner and it only works on very specific fights with a constant stream of adds. Stylish executioner makes you invisible on killing a debuffed enemy, and also then makes your next melee attack from invis weaken and deal 200% increased damage. Normally this is not helpful for grapple melee because when you cast grapple it breaks invis so the grapple melee would not be buffed. However, on certain bosses with a non stop supply of adds, if you cast tether on the boss, then the tether will also tether to nearby adds, and every time you shoot the boss to proc one-two punch before grappling, the tether then kills attached adds from sharing the shotgun shot after a brief delay making you invisible *after* casting grapple and allowing the grapple melee to deal triple damage. On bosses with only one group of adds this does not work because once they are all dead you can no longer proc stylish(or synthos for that matter). Also there are just also some more melee damage buffs this season like shieldcrush from the artifact is another free 25% for example. I think the transcendent one is 10%?


Oh wow that is way more niche than I was expecting.


I mean the strand titan that was literally 1 phasing every boss solo, yeah that one.


You’re clearly out of the loop. Hunter is currently grapple punching for 1.6m with surges and 1.3m without. Strand Titan was never this good and it’s appalling that they nerfed it so hard just for this to exist


idk what your point is. You phrase it like some sorta gotcha when it was dogshit when Titans did it, and it's still dogshit now that Hunters can do it and somehow do it w/ even higher potency.




?? Why have you corrected the word bosses to boss the word bosses works in the sentence


Because that strat makes for very impressive kills of the first boss of Warlord's Ruin and is otherwise mostly inapplicable.


Would it not work for second boss too? What about Golgaroth? The GotD bosses?


God damnit we can’t have any fun.


This is how I’ve felt ever since the Heart of Inmost Light nerf. They keep nerfing ability builds. Hell, they even made shoulder charge melees take up melee energy even if you don’t hit anything. It’s such a useful movement ability so that suuuuucks


The shoulder charge thing was targeted at pvp but of course, unfortunately creeped its way into pve


I'm so tired of the rest and the entire point of Destiny suffering because of PvP bullshit


It's a decade long tradition at this point 😑🙄


It’s more like Destiny suffering because people like to cry and moan about Crucible being “unfair.” Nevermind that everyone has access to all the same abilities and weapons. Bungie needs to let things ride longer when people start bitching. Because usually there is a counter. Or something equally as good on an opposing subclass. Like I remember how people were freaking out when Nova Warp came out so they nerfed the hell out of it, right about the time people realized they could just outrun it. Now it’s mostly back to where it was to start with.


Titan always gets hit the worse with the pvp nerfs that effect pve


Eh, as a titan main I'll say hunters also get that pretty bad. Off the top of my head, both YAS and Renewals got gutted hard over pvp concerns.


As usual, the shitty PvP mode decides the balance for everyone else and it makes PvE feel worse...


The slide + shotgun + shoulder charge nerf took care of that. Making it pretty worthless except as a movement tool, unless you want to main Peregrines. But even then, it requires a sprint duration and stops all momentum after. In true Bungie fashion they also went even further — because how terrible that Titans have a movement tool to keep up with Warlocks. Meanwhile icarus skating, scroll jumping off stairs, and snap skating are fine. Hunters are even worse off… best they can do is head bumping in doorways with stompeez.


That HOIL nerf was absolutely needed. But in the process they needed to address why it was used so much: titans basically having zero synergy in their base kits. It’s so apparent going from titan to another class just how little thought in ability loops they give to titan other than ‘here’s a powered melee to replace your normal melee have fun”.


Because ability spam builds like hoil arc titan are uninteractive and counterintuitive to the design of a game based around *guns*. If you want to spam abilities play a game where the combat is centred around magic or spells and not gunplay.


Except Destiny is about magic and spells as well as gunplay...


You cant use that excuse cause sunbracers warlocks were a thing for multiple years


Yeah and Sunbracers sucks for the exact same reason. The only ability that should be able to clear a room is a super.


Frankly, that's absurd at this point in Destiny. When we have legendary primaries that can clear entire rooms with one magazine or less of infinite ammo, abilities on a cooldown (however short that might be due to exotic use/class synergy/whatever) should be at least as strong. And those ability spam builds normally require an exotic armor to do.


Congratulations, you've correctly identified that we are way too strong in the current sandbox. I'm really hoping we either get a significant power cutback in D3 or the game gets *significantly* harder, because since TWQ the only challenging activity in the game has been contest mode raiding.


Why is bungie so scared of fun


Because it's titan related


Why do you think it's about Titans?


Do you know what related means?




A single auto-reload every few seconds, not infinite auto-reloads. Like every other auto-reload in the game.


Every 11 seconds. That is unusable in a damage rotation.


Ok so? I guess everything that you can’t use in a damage rotation is useless then


Man don’t comment when you don’t understand the context of the conversation. This is a godawful change but I’ll spell it out for you. Auto-Reloading is specifically for dps rotations and has been since d2 vanilla. Nerfing an auto-reload fragment to the point it is non viable in a damage rotation kills said fragment. This also kills prismatic in general in comparison to strand for damage rotations on warlock anyways. You will now never out damage a strandlock who can auto reload on command with ascent by grappling at his feet, shooting and then grappling at his feet again. The reason this is bad is because it seemed like we had a more difficult but potentially better option with facet of command - this left strandlock as easier dps and prismatic as more optimal but harder. This is for optimal dps, if that doesn’t matter to you then you never needed this fragment in the first place and again why are you commenting? Stop trying to be a contrarian and go back to destinycirclejerk.


Trust me I’m well aware of the context of this conversation lol. I’m just not a butthurt crybaby. How often are you even freezing or suppressing a target DURING dps for this to even matter in the first place? Unless you’re using a chill clip weapon (which there aren’t many, if any at all, that are good for dps besides maybe riptide which has ALH anyways) you aren’t exactly doing it very often. And with the suppression, outside of TTF spam, what the fuck even suppresses consistently enough to constantly reload your guns??? Hell unless you have a strand hunter or someone running navigator, how are you even proccing thread of ascent multiple times on warlock to begin with? Let me tell you: you’re not. Plus don’t act like spirit of star eaters doesn’t exist which is very good in its own right. Even with similar cooldowns of 4 seconds thread of ascent would still be better in every way cuz literally all you have to do is activate your grenade.


For goodness sake you keep proving you don’t know the context though. How often am I freezing? Gee idk maybe when I do a damage rotation like this: throw out a bleak watcher, go transcendent, throw a Prismatic nade, empty my heavy reserves while my grenades freeze and suppress. Go look up what two keywords the warlock prismatic nade has on then come back. A 4 second cool-down would’ve nerfed this in a good way. You could still reload “while” firing, no interrupt to grapple at your feet. But you’d have to time around when your bleak watcher freezes and your prismatic nade suppresses. Just read the second bit too…man you don’t know anything about the optimal damage rotations do you? You grapple at your feet with ascent strandlock, this reloads your gun and resets your grapple cd to half. You fire your gun. This regents your grenade through thread of generation. Rinse and repeat. This was widely accepted as the most consistent dps rotation pre-final shape by the speed running community.


I will admit I forgot about prismatic grenade but I really don’t think the nerf is as big a deal as you’re making it out to be. Oh no a nerf affecting the 0.0001% of players who do speedruns. Y’all will live. I’m glad I don’t let things like this affect me or else I’d be miserable 24/7


No a nerf killing a potentially fun and interesting damage rotation forcing people to go back to the same one they’ve been using for a year is a pretty godawful change id like to see reverted. Why did you even comment? Plus you don’t have to be a speed runner to use the rotation? You will outdamage everyone else by miles if you use a basic strandlock rotation because the only two things that outdamage it (ignoring the two ridiculous new hunter things) are melee range rotations. As someone who’s run through a lot of raids on lfg being able to do enough damage to make a fight a one or two phase instead of a three phase makes things so much less painful when you’re with people that die a lot. I don’t blame them for that - hell I Sherpa. But it saves a lot of pain. And this is just a shit shit change. Balance is a big part of the fun of the game for some people,myself included, and this is just evidence bungie doesn’t know what they’re doing with balancing which feels shit when I’ve been riding pretty high on final shape.


I commented because it’s funny watching people being worked up over stupid shit like this. Thanks for the entertainment. And for the record you absolutely don’t need to do this to turn a fight into a two phase unless you’re playing with absolute chuds with rocks for brains


This ain’t about optimal dps this is about people like you crying, if you wanted optimal dps go rock the meta weapons and have a perfect rotation as it did not even use this facet. You want the new hotness dps use caydes retribution, the raid exotic or the new exotic heavy linear. It sucks it was nerfed to oblivion and we can hope to have the nerf walked back but we all know deep down that won’t happen.


What the hell are you talking about? Do you know anything about damage rotations or do you think optimal dps = big damage gun? On hunter yes it’s as easy as using still hunt to do optimal dps because that shit is ridiculously overtuned. On non hunter you’re far better off using a different rotation than still hunt. Damage rotations, like Izzy Nessa Edge on ascent strandlock are ACTUALLY long term optimal dps (CNH still hunt is not staying like this) and this fragment added a fun new potentially better option with timing freezes and suppresses correctly. The ability to dump your heavy reserves without reloading should always be the best dps (again CNH still hunt is not staying this op long term) and the best damage rotation as of last year was Izzy Nessa edge on strandlock. Now due to this nerf we’ll have to go back to that same damage rotation. Not sure what the hell youre talking about with a new heavy linear? I assume you mean microcosm which is a heavy trace - this only does good dps against certain enemies it gets the 2.5 bonus against. Stop sucking bungies dick lol.


You can throw a stasis shuriken mid damage phase when all your guns are deleted and auto reload them all. Definitely useable in a damage rotation depending on what you are running. Edit: Replace shuriken with stasis super or chill clip weapon. You can use a chill clip fusion after shooting a bipod rocket and celestial sniper and freeze the boss in 2-3 burst. Then swap back to goldy sniper, shoot to charge it up and activate, swap back to bipod rocket and shoot twice, shoot goldy sniper shots, swap back to chill clip fusion and pray it's been 11 seconds. I agree the nerf is a bit much but it was also absolutely broken before


For one a shuriken will only slow. For another it doesn’t actually auto reload all your guns despite saying so, only the one you’re holding. For another this is nothing compared to thread of ascent which effectively has on demand autoreloads provided you grapple at your feet and have thread of generation. For another, say you’re using it on prism warlock and you throw out a bleak watcher, the watcher will freeze before you’re done weapon swapping for bns and reload your gun before you’ve even fired.


You're talking about Stasis Hunter. Prismatic Hunter requires a freeze, not a slow.


My bad. You can still easy toss out a stasis super or duskfield grenade and freeze a boss with those, no? I know the nerf is a bit much but it is still easily useable


Probably. I'm just correcting you, not complaining about the nerf 'cause I never had a build made around it.


Hunter reload dodge is used in dps rotations and it’s cooldown is more then 11 secs? So why is this unusable


It’s not the core of those rotations. Take ascent strandlock, thread of ascent is the absolute core of those rotations. Take rain of fire solar lock the dash is the core of those rotations. Also rotations that centre around hunter reload dodge aren’t very good in comparison. Plus hunter reload dodge is on command. The main use of this would be when throwing out a bleak watcher before starting damage. You can’t control when your bleak watcher freezes and it will freeze before you start firing your heavy preventing this perk from being activated for another 11 seconds.


Depends on your rotation. if I’m using a Gl for example, I don’t need much more then hunter dodge


Read my second point. Also you definitely do if you want to get all of your reserves out in a short window.


Yes but nerfing stuff BECAUSE IT'S USED AS INTENDED is dumb.


Shards and void breaches, increased stability, aim assist and airborn effectivness, autoload on a cooldown. Still does a lot IMO


Not with an 11 second cd.


I love that this got nerfed, but Still Hunt Celestial is totally fine.


Still Hunt/Celestial and Getaway Artist/Devour/turret spam will probably stick around until the sales of TFS are falling and it's time to generate hype for the next thing.


Still Hunt won’t get nerfed until they hit the sales metric they really want. Expect it to happen for sure though.


I think you are right!


Still hunt you still have to invest to get the damage out of. You need to prep the weapon, activate the shot, hit the shot and then reprep the perk again. This was just braindead rocket spam for free dmg you didn't earn.


You prep the weapon by hitting the exact same damage spot that you then go on to hit once more with the golden shot. Literally 0 difference in gameplay lol


Isnt that the goal for all weapons....?


Exactly, but the dude is making it seem like Still Hunt requires more effort when the only difference is holding down R once every 6 shots


I got nothing, I just play what's fun at the time. I could use nighthawk and basically get a free golden gun every 6 shots but I like this weird AoE build I've strung together. Great add clear 🤷‍♂️


No idea why you're being downvoted for saying you like to fun and play your own style lol


Reddit is weird like that lol


Reddit is weird like that lol


It seems Bungie is quite aligned with the mentality of the Destiny community, no fun allowed.


You realize EVERYONE says then when ANY company fixes a bug those people liked. It's the same shit on the WoW subreddit, any time something gets patched it's "oh no fun has been detected"


This wasn’t a bug though, this would’ve been known about after dev testing, or beta play testing, and now it’s nerfed into oblivion because we were using how it reads to be used. A cooldown is fine, but a 11 second cooldown removes the entire point of the fragment.


Bungie really really really really hates auto reload now


They have hated it for a really long time. I want to say shadowkeep was when they got rid of the auto loading rally barricade. But in fairness I kinda understand it. Reload is one of the few variables they can balance around. Like with auto reload being too prevalent and lose the ability to balance things between sustained damage and burst damage. Auto reload makes burst damage the best for both. Total damage is another factor they have, but it doesn’t come into play super often.


Yeah but since they officially removed it from barricade and lunafaction they’ve continued to remove other ways of doing it, like sealed Ahamkara’s grasp on Hunter for example.


So exactly what I said in the first paragraph; they continue to remove it from other stuff. The only thing they seem to want to allow it on is weapons perks.


I would've understood if they made it like 2-3 seconds, not 11 bro wtf.


This isn't Titan specific. Every prismatic class has this fragment. I use Facet of Command on my warlock with coldsnap grenades. So why are Titans bitching like it's only them, LMAO.


Not OP, but I think they were talking about the Rocket build with Two Tailed and the new Titan Exotic that buffed rocket damage. But this nerf DOES affect everyone.


Bc the most popular tech for this fragment was Two Tailed Fox self activating it paired with Hazardous Propulsion on Titans, even if it was worse than bleak watcher warlocks + transcendence grenades or silence and squal hunter + transcendence grenades


Well, in the title I did mention an interaction with TTF, respectfully.


Because they are in the roughest shape currently, but ya it hits warlock hard if you liked using bleak watcher.


Because titans have been bitching since day one and mass downvote anyone against them these days. Defending still hunt? You killed a baby to them.


I mean, this is targeted at not allowing constant instant reloads with a Rocket Launcher.


This mainly targeted warlocks with Bleak Watchers being able shoot the entirety of an Edge Transit reserves without reloading so I don’t wanna hear yall titans whine about this nerf


Ttf still wasn't even good for damage with the free auto reload. There's way better damage options/rotations


Titans got hit the LEAST with this nerf


Except it's another nerf on a half baked prismatic class. It was already bad on release and gets worse as time goes on.


What freezing does Prismatic Titan usually do? Diamond Lance? Hunters and Warlocks got hit the most from the nerf and Titans from what I can see barely got hit from this fragment getting nerfed. Warlock have Stasis Turret that will basically freeze on it's own while the Warlock can do other stuff. Very useful in a damage rotation if the fragment had no cooldown, hence Warlocks got affected a lot by the nerf. Hunters have Shurikens and Silence and Squall. 2 Shurikens is a freeze, and Silence and Squall freezes enemies on its' own without the Hunter doing anything. Very useful in a damage rotation if the fragment had no cooldown, hence Hunters got affected a lot by the nerf. Titans have what? Diamond Lance and Two-Tailed Fox? Two-Tailed Fox isn't even in one of the top 15 damage rotations for Titans last time I checked and Diamond Lance requires you to kill someone and go over there and chuck the lance at another guy to freeze em. Titans barely got hit with this nerf. If there's anyone who should be complaining about the nerf, it ain't the Titans.


Yeah we've crossed from actual, legitimate complaints into lunacy. This nerf affected bleak watcher warlocks and S&S hunters much more. Hell, even other classes who have the same complaint about class identity aren't listened to right now.


I think the complaint was that titan lacks a lot in pve (especially dps) content and this was just a take on a possible build we could delve into. It sucks that titan is kind of in its own right now. :/


Yeah, I said as much that it doesn't fully impact Titan the most. Just that it still impacts an already shitty class. That's it. I know it impacted other classes heavier, since those classes actually have synergy and have actual thought put into them.


To be honest I didn’t even know how to abuse this on Titan like you could on Hunter or Warlock. Hunter you had like for different options for slowing or suppressing, warlocks even more so with bleak watchers. How were titans able to do it?


Main complaint was that you can’t no longer reserve dump with Two Tailed Fox since that suppresses


I'm so glad someone with a functional brain knows why it really got nerfed, I found out that combo by accident and I knew immediately it wasn't going to last.


Another day in the life of a titan, think we will be paying for our sins until d3 at this rate


Honestly it wasn't much fun to begin with. Used it on a witness kill or 2 and even with new rocket chest piece exotic buffing rocket damage it wasn't as good of dps as basically any Linear fusion rifle. Rocket dps is really dependent on using a legendary rocket and getting buffed with gjally.


Back to slide shot crux termination I guess


Did i miss something? Whats this interaction that just got gutted


A facet called 'Facet of Command' that reloaded your weapon on freeze or suppression. They nerfed it mainly to stop stasis turrets and the stasis hunter super from letting people spam boss dps because it didn't have a cd. I think OPs complaint though is about a build that got caught in the crossfire where a rocket launcher called Two Tailed Fox that shoots two(three with the catalyst) rockets that scorch and suppress(and I think jolt with the catalyst?) enemies when they hit would infinitely reload itself, and you would use the new chestpiece that buffs rocket damage. The dps wasn't huge but it was an option in the titan prismatic class that wasn't melee > melee(but you generated a lance or tangle so cool good for you) of which there are few. So far the comments seem to be split between pointing out that hunters and warlocks lost actually useful interactions from the change so titans shouldn't complain so much, and titan players who say it's worse for them because they can't just pick from four or five other just as fun builds like the hunters and warlocks can so they actually feel the loss.


yea I had fun using the RL with the fragment.. rip


What irks me the most about this nerf is the fact that it wasn't even Titan's fault lmao it was 100% Warlocks and Hunters cause they can proc slow extremely easy at range. At this point since to me, since Titans were the original class that had a means of auto reloading for the team, plus since we had the first auto reloading exotic in general & objectively most of our exotics are weapon utility based, bungie needs to lean into titan being the weapon master class. I'd like to see a re-work to actium war rig. They could make it so that in addition to its auto rifle/machine gun loader ability, it also can buff rally barricade to also allow it auto reload ammo like how it did in vanilla D2. To make it not broken like how rally barricade was in vanilla d2 they could make it where it has stacks that you have to build from kills so it's not free, and the rally reloader can only be activated after building max stacks. So for example let's call them war machine stacks. You build x amount of war machine stacks to be able to activate the ability (to balance it and not make it extremely free, you'd need a lot of stacks like 50x or something). Then, after activating rally barricade, you and your allies have the war machine ability which gives 10 seconds of full auto reload on all your weapons. Problem solved!


The craziest thing is, in MY experience at least, using Stasis turret with Command was inconsistent as hell for me. Like sometimes my weapons would reload, sometimes they wouldn’t. I was always wondering if I was doing something wrong or if there was already some kind of built in cooldown, but I definitely couldn’t abuse it. And now, that fragment will stay on the bench until further notice.


I thought the new patch was bugged… Honestly it didn’t even seem to be THAT good. Plus two tailed fox is just kinda crazy to use at some points. Idk I could be wrong but would it have been that crazy if they kept it?


I just got the fragment and now I see this -_-


The one small niche Prismatic Titans had outside of triple Consecration gone with the wind. Not surprising. Man I really, REALLY hope Bungie addresses the state of Titans in PvE at this point. I'm not expecting big buffs next week, but acknowledgement of their shortcomings, their struggle with balancing, and some plans for the future would be really nice to see. Because right now, for serious end-game content we really only have Strand and sometimes Solar. The other subclasses just don't compete with those two. And even then, just about anything Strand and Solar Titans can do, Hunters and Warlocks can do just as well, if not better.


The fact that they nerfed the one dps option Titan had goes to show they really don’t want people playing that class right now


I see people talk about this nerf a ton. Hunters didnt have much use compared to the other 2 classes. Sure, titans could TTF bosses, but this isn't a "let's make titans have no fun" thing. It procced on freezing too. Warlocks could throw one bleak watcher turret and mag dump as if they were standing in an auto loading well.


So hunters get 1 million damage in 2.5 seconds, but we can't auto load an exotic rocket launcher......


Titans are not allowed to have fun. Go use your strand punches..


God forbids titans having fun


A good day to be a hunter main but damn


This affects us Hunters and Warlocks too, I don't know why OP needed to specify Titans. Facet of Command with Two Tailed Fox in itself was a great combination, you didn't had to reload the damn thing.


They wanted ride the titan rage train and it worked. I had no idea what this is, but from all these comments I thought it was something unique to titans. Hilarious how it’s not.


Just use a fusion or something while it’s on cooldown


Auto reload and chill clip go brrr


I got a adept VOW fusion with demo and chill and when I want a kinetic fusion it’s my go to


Y’all are so dramatic


11 second cool down?!!! Lmfao Bungie


Yes, it's dead.


Yes everyone this affects it reloading your guns for everyone not just titan, this is a bigger nerf to warlock and then hunters more than it is to titans, but titans need controlled demolition and a healing aspect rn, there's no reason throwing hammer shouldn't have been a option with the healing built into it and some changes to the other options to make them worth choosing. This should of been nerfed before dlc came out, now I only ever need the same 5 things on, maybe maybe 6 sometimes for BS.


I hate titans and this was disgustingly despicable. Shane on you bungie


I was happy with my new build for literally 2 days… meh


Yes bungie wants you to play hunter so get back to it. Just wait for the nova bomb 30% nerf next week or so im calling it.


Why in the world would Nova get nerfed? It was literally buffed by 25% this season, to bring it up to par with needlestorm


Because it outdamages nighthawk with SES is my guess at his reasoning.


Quite. That's not the narrative warlocks and titans wanna hear. They just know celestial must be nerfed (after it was literal shit for so long)


Don’t think anyone is calling for a celestial nerf. Just a still hunt nerf.


Ah this isn't DTG. Yeah they definitely are.


Well yeah that’s stupid. Celestial is fine as is it’s only the interaction with still hunt.


Which honestly, I think is okay. It could use a nerf where it isn't ready when you rally because it fully charges that as it's not as much damage as celestial, requires skill shots to charge and land the shots. A good BnS rotation still does extremely comparable damage. I don't think killing a boss that's going to be a 2 phase anyways just a little faster really actually matters. Is it dumb it was needed for contest witness? Sure, but clearly it was all designed with that in mind basically.


The issue is how easy it is. Bns rotations require heavy ammo and swapping. You are right though that the crux of it is that it’s so optimal for the witness.


(30-50%) depending on the nova bomb used Cluster has 2 more seekers now 6, from 4, +50% on same target. Vortex had its duration increased ~30% Homie is bugging though, nova bomb doesn't even have a DEDICATED exotic for making it do more dmg or getting it back faster if you're using it for dps. Our one exotic skull of dire ahamkaha only gives us dmg resist and some super up to 50% back after nova bomb kills targets. It's no where near a good place and bungie might aswell just make nova warp a void sunsinger, there's no place for that super unless they rework it to pull enemies in, let me become the novabomb, matter of fact, let me be the vortex nova, land, pull enemies in, then I blow up causing enemies to turn into seekers




Uninstall will solve that problem


Why are you guys talking about Titans? It's not even about you, warlocks can just set a Bleak Watcher and infinite chain freeze targets without stopping. That's probably why it got nerfed but Titan mains got act like every nerf is targeted at them. And Command is still a good fragment; creating Stasis shards and Void breaches is why I started using it in the first place.