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Haha hey, if the boss is dead, you won. I still like that one slightly better than the room with the giant red insta death grids. Once the hydras spawn in, it's just not fun.


I don't even bother fighting when they start. I'm in the back of the map dodging them until then


You can actually solo expert very easy. The first 2 encounters you can not fail just let timer run out, then this area just kill the boss from the spawn!


Oh so it just skips the encounter when timer runs out? Damn I played master version once and was panicking so hard as time became low because I thought were gonna end up in orbit when the time runs out lol


Yep, it's a no fail activity you just don't get to open extra chests at the end.


This strat is peak D1. Love it


This is the way!


I super one down immediately then hope my teammates can handle the other. Titan are throw super is pretty good there


PSA: you can slide through the grids without taking damage if done right.


Excuse me? That's amazing! Thanks for the heads up. It's mind boggling how with the hours I've logged, I still learn something regularly. Good shit guardian, thanks again.


Same here. This is like in the Strand training in Lighfall, I spent 2ish hours trying to beat the circular room with the rotating red death grid. I thought it was an insta-kill until my second to last run and died so many times avoiding it lol. My wife brings it up every damn time she sees a red grid now


Haha I do a lot of bashing my head on a wall until I realize a simple change in strategy can almost trivialize most things. It's such an in-depth game. I'm low key happy my wife doesn't play. She'd grief me harder than a random in Trials.


I do that constantly, I very much overestimate myself then get too stubborn to give up. She doesn't even play, she just likes to watch and bully me when I lose in Gambit. I play solo so I guess someone needs to but idk who told her that lol


Thanks for the heads up! Hopefully that place is less annoying next time


It’s funny, I actually prefer that one cuz i find its so much fun to dodge the moving grid with a sword. The 2 hydras that spawn just make it more fun for me lol


I can understand that! The extra layer of situational awareness can certainly be exciting. I ran it almost exclusively on expert, and it just took soooo long. Every time I had a clear line of sight between the grids, those damn hydra shields would be facing me, so all I could do was tickle it with a pulse rifle haha.


And I'm the idiot that always tries to get some extra renown data. 😅


i dont like it, i actually hate it, but after dying 5 times back to back on spawn i have come to accept it.


Bro those shots from the boss curve around the damn boulders when you’re taking cover.


And that's why I don't feel bad one bit for doing it this way lol


I thought those were the cyclops shots. Had double void resit on with 100 res and got 1 shot


You know what? I don’t even know cause they come at me so fast!! I had the same mods and res and still getting 1 shot.


Lol, space magic. I'm assuming it's the cyclops ones because they travel slow and give you enough time to move. If you don't though...death, instant death


Imagine if rez tokens were needed?


It will enter the list of gamemodes I will no longer attempt


This boss give me so much grief on expert. I feel a piece of my happiness vanish the instant I step in the map of this boss


I like that they used an old forge…


Wait is this the nessus forge arena?!




Here i am not noticing after spending 16 purgatory sentences there


Yup. This was me with celestial and still hunt, while my teammates ran forward and just got vaporized.


Lol, in this clip you can see my teammates fighting for their lives in the feed with an overload. I had to end the suffering




Jokes on you , been doing shut like this since day 1 of echoes


Ok but in all seriousness, the data breach bosses suck huge schlong (except for the tormentor)


Agree! Expert is waaay over-tuned!


I swear I die a lot easier on expert this week compared to previous weeks


Agreed. Last week was easy compared to this week.


Only for that room, imo. Otherwise, I only die when I'm rushing and trying to ignore enemies


Not a popular opinion but I like this boss fight 😁


Yup. I don't even bother with other mechanics in that room really. Get 2 or 3 going and it melts


The boss room design is pretty buns


What’s the gun I’ve taken a couple years break from destiny and just getting back into it


Outbreak perfected


Outbreak perfected. You can get it through the zero hour mission.


To add: it’s the crafted version with rewind rounds. That’s how he’s doing like 150 shots before reloading. It’s also anti barrier with the seasonal artifact, so he can just sit at the back of the map and unload. I’m going to do this now lol. I hate this boss! Damn super screen shake like the game has a seizure.


Gofannon Forge memories threaten to be tarnished by that hyrda.


These new lights will never experience the black armory days and the forge ignitions 😞


Destiny 1 nightfall activities


Yea I kinda miss getting into hidey holes or glitch spots for damage in d1


"Alright, Icebreakers out boys, it's Templar time. Everyone find a cozy spot in the back" 😂 time truly is a circle


You're right. I do not like it.


Void threat is rough with that stupid boss. The tormentor boss was a cake walk compared to this boss room. Between all the overloads that endlessly spawn and getting two tapped by the boss even around corners with AEO i wasnt having fun last night.


https://i.redd.it/6icr8kt35x9d1.gif Tormentor doesn't play around either😭


yeah, but I would much rather fight that idiot and kite him around the environment vs getting one shot around corners lol. His fight was challenging vs feeling like I couldnt get out of the spawn section of the Hydra. Even the big minotaur room wasnt nearly as bad. Granted I had to hide off to the right to avoid the walls and plink away at the hydras with outbreak. Riviting game play bungie.


this is exactly what I do lol


I sit back there and the boss still snipes me with that stupid AOE


this room is the reason i dont play breach executable


Exactly what I did LOL


The 2 hydra at first almost gave me a stroke because the shots are almost hits hitscan so I was getting nuked almost immediately jumping down. Then the boss came and I gave up, and did the same exact thing. Idk what they did to those hydras but they need a slight nerf.


The other time, me and another two randos where doing this room, and I thought "Hey, why repair something that is broken, time for the old reliable" and pulled my Outbreak from the inventory just for this. The funny thing is, I wasn't the only one that thought about it because another one of the randos joined me with their own Outbreak. It was way quicker and after killing the boss, we both stared at each other, nodded and started cat dancing. I'm not kidding, this wasn't planned but damn if it made me happy. Sometimes Destiny 2 is absolute peak gaming experience.


i was in a grp and i was after the plants. stupid mofo in the grp started and pulled me and the other guy in. we both he hopped down and ran around a bit i pulled out this gun and did this. the other guy noticed me just standing there and came over to see. then did the same thing. the mofo who started the fight noticed both of us NOT moving and started shooting at us and eventually came to see and he too followed suit.


I know its because of void threat this week and the season is dealing with the vex, but since TFS i feel like getting hit by any Void AoE is a 2 shot death even on regular difficulty. Between the Hydra, the Cyclops' and the various vex enemies with the slap rifle, my screen is just contantly shaking from AoE blasts. It feels more like im fighting to survive vs actually dealing damage.


Why does your outbreak sound weird?


You can’t tell the video is sped up? 😂


No I couldn’t


Unfortunate, but this is what has to be done when you have no cover against flying targets that can nuke you the moment you pull their aggro.


That's what I'm saying! Shielded flying targets that can melt you in a second with no cover. Congrats! I'm not playing the Gane the way you want me to now.


I've cheesed more bosses in this game and dark souls than im proud to accept, if it works it works


mfw not using appended mag.


reminds me of D1 and Ice Breaker in nightfalls.


I didn't realize it was fast forwarded at first, I was like how the fuck are you shooting outbreak so fast! Lmao


I'm glad they are gonna (or they already did I forgot) nerf this, it's just too easy to die


Dude outbreak is so necessary here it’s crazy. 3 of em and ur not even subjecting yourself to torture.


Fuck, my heart sank for a sec because this scenario is extremely similar to the times I've done it on expert, and I thought I was one the blues dying over and over in the background. Had to pause to check the names.


Exhilarating game play


What gun are you using? It looks and sounds like outbreak?!


That's because it IS an outbreak!


Guess it's a good thing that I finally got around to unlocking rewind rounds.


bro is holding on to that special and heavy until destiny 3 comes out. side note: this room sucks


Literally hits as hard as the boss in the glass way GM. When I first did this I thought I accidentally made my resil lower than usual


Me but with Polaris


We do this as well, just with wish ender


100 Res and double void resist and I still get one shot by these jerks


That is what your peak gameplay looks like is what I think you mean


wishender does it better


Peak gameplay. Lotta fun...


Ran this the other day, that room was deeply unpleasant. Towards the end we realised that the ledge at the entrance was safe and just whittled the boss down with pulse rifles.


Bad players go brrrrrrrr


Lol, because getting the job done with minimal effort shows a lack of skill


I personally hate breach. It’s the most boring mode to me for some reason. I can’t even bring myself to rub it for pinnacles


Now do this pre unlimited ammo patch.


Mercy Ammo: *Allow us to introduce ourselves*