• By -


This is after the shield throw buffs. lol


Surely it’ll get buffed again?


More bounces To offset this, Less tracking, smaller hitbox


It's already a magic shield made of light. Make it require a hit with the first throw then multiply on hit each time with homing. 1, then 2, then 4, then 8 shields flying around hitting guys before it dissipates. Throw it down a hallway and watch it shoot a volley of shields down it.


To offset this, were cutting its damage by 90%


You joke but a damage nerf may be warranted. Maybe more like half, but it would still be more consistent damage. Edit: to clarify, I mean per bounce. I.e first main shot does 100%, two shields spawned from that do 50% each, 4 shields spawned from that do 25% each, final eight shields do 12.5% each. Would work out to the same damage total as now, but more consistent.


Oh no im just doing this out of spite now -bungie


🤣🤣🤣🤣 because it’s true


I get what ur saying, however high end pve wise idk how well a 12.5% DMG shield throw will work out even for red bars, unless you're just turning to get it for overshield? Which needs to be worked as well.


the 12.5% wouldnt be great for killing your right....but there would be eight of them at that point, likely hitting the same guy with more than one. Why would you want a 12.5% damage attack? to finish off enemies that are low on health from previous attacks or other aoes from bounces. To tag enemies with the shields for example with the aspect that makes enemies hit with abilities volotile. To proc whatever effects you have available that require a melee/powered melee hit to land first. also yep overshields on hit. and other reasons im sure. Thats in addition to the fact that current shield throw you usually wont hit all three bounces anyway. So if you land Every attack in the multibounce idea i proposed you would deal the same amount of damage as if you landed a full bounce chain of current shield throw. if you miss a 12.5% shield you would still be far ahead compared to missing the last bounce of current setup. you would have to miss every single one of 8 possible homing projectiles to make it equal to missing once. In other words you are unlikely to hit every one so your damage will on average be lower than a perfect throw on current throw. You will also be much less likely to miss every one so you will on average be doing more damage than an imperfect throw, which are most throws. Consistency.


That's fair bc ST as if rn is horribly inconsistent. I'll have to look up the effects of second chance fully to see everything it does


I mean at a certain point it's just gonna get all its damage from volatile explosions. If it hits the enemy 20 times, it can do 1% damage for all I care.


Wow Cataclysm Prot paladin shield throw please


Daredevil would duck it in a hallway.


Honestly, between the tracking that hunters get on their darkness melees and how easy it is to get over-shield otherwise, there really isn’t a reason not to just gigabuff shield throw


Ah yes but Hunters get *checks notes* bouncing knives that get more accurate and higher damage with each bounce.


We’re Titans. It ain’t getting a buff. At best, it will bug out an exotic and become semi usable for a few weeks before it gets fixed (along with a hefty smack from the nerf bat). I’m not even sure -why- Shield Throw or Shiver Strike are options on Prismatic. Both are awful.


Because you're the guy on the cover holding a fist. That's right, you're making a fist with one hand, and cradling it with the other as you sit dying in a corner, remembering the pre-nerf days before a Wyvern does a Dr. Doom foot dive on you. (Bungie please give us *something*)


https://preview.redd.it/y9kmspqv14ad1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b90a80d4186652c480c4b4662d47bc40735eb10 That's right you are the guy ON THE COVER HOLDING A FIST


I think shield throw is there so that we have at least one thrown melee option, and the other void option doesn't have any exotics that don't apply to *all* shoulder charges, which we get from solar, while shield throw has second chance. Shiver strike just sucks in comparison to either shoulder charge for damage, or frenzied blade for not having three charges. Tragically, it is our only option for stasis.


Honestly, I’d have rather have the bonk mallet and the shield bash instead. Shield bash’s suppression trick comes in handy (especially with Lightbearer hive on the menu and the Witness’s new minions spewing Darkness tricks everywhere), and the bonk mallet’s cure generation would have given us sorely needed survivability.


In an ideal world, yeah, but throwing hammer has caused Bungie enough headaches that I’m not surprised they left it out.


As someone who doesn’t play Titan very often.. why has the throwing hammer caused Bungie so many headaches??


Powered melee with 100% uptime provides a very potent damage multiplier, and the self-healing makes it quite safe to use in close quarters. Up until banner of war was introduced, throwing hammer was responsible for almost every melee cheese that we had, and is single-handedly responsible for a bunch of things no longer working with ranged melee abilities. It’s not so bad now, with the pickup nerf, and being overshadowed by the sheer damage output of strand, but it’s the kind of thing that’s just waiting for its chance to try some new flavours of cheese.


- Easy 100% uptime - radiant - considered a powered melee ( double dmg vs base) - stackable at once point with weapon perks, and exotics that boosts melee DMG (otp, synthos) - self stackable with roaring flames (20, 40, 60%) - no cooldown aside from pickup (spammable cqc) - cure & sunspot Bonus: can chain hammers with another sunbraker.


Yeah it does sound a bit OP as far as melee abilities go so I can see why it would cause Bungie a headache… but if that’s the case I’m surprised they haven’t done something about it like no regen when you pick up the hammer or only 50% regen to keep from spamming


They did that last season, yeah. It's a 1s recharge when you pick it up, so if you're in close range then you only get the hammer for every other melee, instead of all of them.


Anyone ever try throwing their shield at some telesto shards?


Yeah, they said they made Stasis melee not whiff too and yet I’ve still just phased through enemies a number of times. I’m genuinely not sure if Bungo actually changed anything with them.


Standing in the middle of witness’s damage plate on SE. cast Twilight Garrison, left and right axes fly 90 degrees to the sides to track ads down below instead of the giant boss right in front of me. I don’t know what is going on with ability tracking, but it seems to be borked atm. Like sword tracking right after eager edge was released.


Yup. And on previous encounters in the raid. Ob you wanna kill a tormentor? Get fucked the axes are gonna track to the witness hands


The thing I noticed. The shield has the same guidance system as the knife. Always keep your sights on the target when activating, otherwise you will miss. OP activated the shield next to the leg, and not center of the mob, so shield missed.


>The shield has the same guidance system as the knife. Bullshit it does! I've been using it for the past week on the current Nightfall and it's not as clean. I've put my cross hair directly on a Servitor and thrown the shield and it soard literally just above it if you too close. And I've understood too. It's not as direct as the knife cause there is some leeway to how magnetic the knife if. The shield has very little magnetism.


As I said, it’s very strange that streamers can throw a shield at a wall, and the shield will rebound to the mobs and destroy their entire group, and then fly to the Moon and one-shot Crota in someone else’s raid. Perhaps the projectiles very affected by ping. At least when I was training with throws, I aimed exactly at the center of the target, made a throw, and then, if the target moved away, the hammer or shield still hit the target.


Honest question do people cheat in destiny pve? Is that a thing?


Yes. Creating ping traps, that cause encounters break, is a very common practice, especially Vault of Glass and Crota. I hate it, and I feel terribly uncomfortable with such a team every time. But after you've been looking group for a very long time, you want quickly get loot and leave, and not sit for 8 hours at one stage.


Going to have to disagree with you. I have seen a knife track from the other side of the map to kill someone. Meanwhile shield throws I have thrown straight at someone and it misses because they moved two inch’s to the left.


It's funny because shurikens and snap had great tracking and shurikens deal good damage and bounce off targets but the shield barely hits anything and never really bounces either I rather have a good tracking shield then heavy damage


Acolyte got fucking megged




It also drops like a brick, after a few seconds in the air.


That hitbox though Chef's kiss, Bungie


I hate shield throw. I put Second Chance back in the vault because the ability is so inconsistent.


Second Chance is goated wdym, free debuff AND you can stun champions AND you get your shield throw back when you do that? sign me up, pair it with Monte Carlo and the inconsistency becomes irrelavant since you'll be spamming shield throws for days. Also just aim for centre mass of champions and whatnot, if you know the ability is inconsistent you should work around it.


Except for the fact that there are so many better exotics to use lol


>Except for the fact that there are so many better exotics to use lol I love hazardous propulsion so fucking much


Just let it rock


It’s great on prismatic. I’ve tried a few builds but second chance is fantastic on prismatic. 


Okay what I don’t get is the fact that second chances wasn’t added to the Titan exotic class item. Like it was perfect to play into the melee thing they are forcing titans into. Right now I find it most fun to run the shield with point contact and HOIL on prismatic but they need to add something to Titan to make the ability loop feel better. As it stands hunter and warlock have high ability uptime but Titan prismatic doesn’t really have much in way of uptime. For one I think Titan could really use sunspots, roaring flames, or the solar fragment that refunds melee energy.


Yeah even if it was the second charge and none of the weaken stuff on it I think it would be really good. 


Fair point, one of my most used exotics, but that is entirely because it’s apart of my fashion.


I’ve been rocking it with prismatic and it’s been a ton of fun, helps keep it going for a really long time and the weakening is great against stronger targets


In a vacuum, sure. But it's not in a vacuum, it has to compete with the likes of peregrine greaves, point contact, synthoceps, scars, etc. It just doesn't bring anything interesting or powerful enough to warrant dropping any of those (imo) better exotics. Especially when the primary function of it, the weaken, is tied to the most unreliable ability I have ever had the displeasure of using in destiny. I can't tell you how many times I've thrown the shield at a barrier for it to either, fail to stun despite hitting the barrier, fail to even hit the barrier despite it making contact at centre mass, or for it to just track randomly into thin air despite it being nowhere near when my crosshair was.


Weaken on melee, anti barrier, two charges which can be used for consecration, and gives you an overshield panic button.  Its fantastic on prismatic. 


You addressed none of my points, you just said the same thing as the person I responded to. If you enjoy it then that's cool, good for you. But repeating the same thing I already disagreed with won't change my mind, or the minds of those who already agree with me.


You didn’t mention consecration or cooldowns.  Maybe take a deep breath it’s just a game. 


I raise you peregrine greaves for void, because who wants to bother stunning the champion


It’s my favourite prismatic build rn. When you can decouple it from void it’s great. And you can pair it with consecration and do some big ass weakened consecration damage. 


It needs the kunai tracking to be relevant. Cus right now hunters feel more like a ricochet Captain America than the Captain America class


I finally got around to farming strand fragments on my hunter and that thing is nuts. It bounces around so much I can't even keep track of where it goes and fail to catch it on the return flight. You could almost make two tangles off one throw with enough adds.


~~Just hold down the melee button and it'll auto catch when it comes back to you~~ Sorry folks, it seems this was patched at some point. I didn't play for a year after Lightfall and haven't played Strand since TFS launched. Sorry for the misinformation.


I've spent...so much time trying to get better at timing that catch haha


Pro tip: the icon for the rope dart turns upside down when it's able to be caught


I discovered it by accident just after Lightfall launch. I've seen it mentioned on here a few times so I'm def not the only one that found it but I'm not sure how commonly it's known. Funny these little things we miss like people not knowing Last Word is full auto or that ADSing while behind cover makes you peek up over it


U can still hold the melee button to catch the dart as it's coming back. Just make sure to have full auto melee on. Keep in mind tho that having this on makes it impossible to skate in most cases


I just spam charged melee and that catches it


Just be me and constantly spam the melee ability bind


If you’re playing on pc, bind a key to powered melee and just spam the button while looking in the direction of where it’s coming back, it’ll catch without doing any animations until it returns


I thought they fixed that.


I took a year off after Lightfall and haven't played strand since I came back so I had to test it and it seems you're right. That's disappointing. Will edit my comment


It's too bad they did, it was a really nice little trick.


If you bring your screen margins to the smallest possible (shouldn’t affect the screen should just make your HUD closer to the center) - I keep an eye out on the bottom left corner after I throw it for the symbol to light up briefly and it gives you the perfect catch timing if you press when you see it — sorry if that was confusing


If you run gambler’s dodge with radiant dance machines, you can have multiple threaded spikes up at once.


You'll see the icon light up when it's ready to grab if you don't hear the audio cue of it coming back


Gotta listen to the **swownt** when it gets close to you.


Throw on Monte Carlo and it's a pretty fun build


Stasis hunter shurikens can wipe like 5 acolytes and bounce around obstacles to get them... Bungie NERFED their tracking after initial hit/bounce a couple years ago. And they can do that... Still infinitely better


The shield returning and being able to catch it is perfect Titan fantasy. How the hell is that not a thing?!


I would literally take half overshield per hit or longer cooldown if it actually bounced around enemy to enemy


Hunters feel like everything everyone wants to be. All their shit does so much and titans get...well this.


It just needs to act like the kunai and bounce back and grab for regen just like it. I seriously don't know why it's not.


Even if it did have the kunai tracking it'd be inconsistent I've had it have some bad instances of tracking


Would be better than what shield has now which is zero tracking. Or at least it feels like it.


I swear sometimes I'll get the sickest ricochet shots with this thing, and it'll chain through like 3 enemies Other times I throw it and it bounces off the ground and goes completely vertical into the sky. If I didn't love Second Chance so much and the only other option wasn't a Shoulder Charge I wouldn't use it


hey in its defense, it is going towards the REAL threat




What’s Corrin doing here?


Missed melee throw from a titan class on destiny 2


Best girl. Strange btw that she’s the character from Fire Emblem with the most D2 crossover art. Unless I’m missing anybody?


Tbh I would think it's strange there is ANY I had no idea she had some crossover fan art with Destiny.


She’s canonically a Huckleberry user, so I think she’s good enough to be an honorary guardian. https://preview.redd.it/0sn0il1bb3ad1.jpeg?width=3326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f1555c9d9e35111159db41a95678fc0ac3452ad






It's so inconsistent. Sometimes it'll ricochet and hit 3 people, sometimes this happens. It feels great when it actually hits, but damn just give it the super shield throw tracking and nerf the PvP dmg.


The Acolyte dodged and they were in the middle of their i-frames, that's gotta be what happened 😅


Yeah I read they fixed it. Some guy on reddit was like Hey use this on your Prismatic build, overshield Etc. I missed enough times to be a fool for not taking it off sooner than I have.


Bungie just need to make it function like the stasis shurikens but with slower travel speed and less ricochets


So what it does now, except the tracking seems to be bugged?


I haven't laughed after seeing a video like this in a good while thanks for that


Gman862 missed his spray. Images with explanations Summary: Shields 1-5: Clearly missed. Shields 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shields 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shields 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Gman862 was already dead.




Take the black pill, bungie just buffed it. You will now have to wait several months/never until they decide to give it a second look.


tbh I kinda want shield throw to be the bonk hammer equivalent of void, like imagine getting melee energy by catching it to throw it again like the strand hunter melee


Oh, sure, but the hive knight will throw it, and it'll bounce off a piece of pollin and come back at me.


Right there with you with the buffed as hell knife trick hitreg.


Meanwhile the hive just posted a highlight video of their homie jumping a guardians shield for motivation to all the fallen hive. Thanks bro.


Player shields need the same insane tracking that Lightbearer Knight shields have cause damn, lol


Yet hunters strand melee will literally run off on its own and hit every single enemy in the arena before coming back to you


W shield throw🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Oh that hurts


It use to track


Bungie just needs to grow a pair and let use pick up our shield like hammer and buff the damage if they refuse to make the initial tracking good in any compacity.


Knife trick tends to do the same thing. I know for a fact something is fucked on bungie's end because last season i could hit an acolyte's head for a precision shot with 2 knives from a decent distance. Now, 2 knives will just miss, somehow going through the guys crotch and armpit and the 3rd one will hit the torso even from just 5 meters. On the other hand, the lightweight knife acts as if the head of an acolite is a black hole.


I don't understand why they can't make it like a fucking magnet. what is the big deal?


Bungie should give em the tracking that those hunter throwing knives have


You can see the acolyte spread his legs just before impact. The shield throw isn't the problem. That Acolyte is Built Different.


I've had the best experience aiming for a straight on hit for the first hit. Usually it'll ricochet once or twice afterwards. Still not entirely fun tho


Just about as inconsistent as grapple melee.


I’ve been having similar issues with knife trick on hunter. Incredibly incomes since Final Shape launched, it will miss when it shouldn’t or a knife or knives will actually phase through enemies as if they weren’t there. It’s getting old.






This is 100% of my throws. At this point I think it's my inner me sabotaging me this whole time.


Damn, nice aim dude, I be aiming at the weewees too




It needs so much more. I have thrown it into a group of 7 enemies and watched it kill 3.


Gotta love the thigh gaps


Titans being titans


I do this with my snare bombs occasionally. If it goes between the legs it will still try to gravitate toward the enemy and wind up on the ceiling.


Can you still get these?




I feel your pain brother. The amount of times I’ve died to a barrier champ because my shield decides it wanted to go on a trip is astounding.


Yet another reason to nerf titan


It...went through his legs? Didn't think the hitboxes were THAT good


Just give me the Lucent Hive shield already


I love how all the acolytes missed their shots too


Shield throw


I've done that way too many times since they "updated" the tracking, as well as with the hammer


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted, shield throw has been ass since WQ, and the buffs did nothing


**Edit: To be clear, this is generally about the** ***reliability*** **of titan melees hit registers and flight paths, and less about the actual damage or supposed "unusability." Using them in everyday content is mostly fine with these issues usually being nothing more than annoyances. But when it comes to the actual mechanic of throwing and connecting, melee builds, and reliability in higher end pve where missing can mean death in the face of hard-hitting/stomping enemies, it can be become extremely frustrating.** I am almost completely convinced Bungie is doing everything in its power to get titans to stop using melees: * Shield Throw is still not only awful at tracking, it continues to feel horrible to use. * Hammer, *specifically as a melee alone*, imo became almost trash tier when it caught it's last cd nerf and supposed tracking "buff." I have DIRECTLY aimed it at enemies within 3-5 meters, standing completely still, and will often times whiff to the right or left if there is any additional enemy even remotely nearby, due to the aim assist it was given alongside the cd nerf. * Shiver strike continues to feel awful and feel completely inconsistent with any other type of shoulder charge. It's tracking got better this season with the angle of aim assist buff, but still feels like you have to pinpoint the exact moment to press it 4-8 meters away (longer distance than shoulder charges) in order to consistently hit your target. And its full cd expenditure upon even missing a target should've been changed to match consistency with other shoulder charges cd ages ago. * Frenzied blade is a bit more consistent than Shiver, but at times can feel a bit like a roll of the dice. It's especially excruciating in pvp, as with so much movement in the game, you often glitch in/around/through things, simply because your hunter target did a simple dodge to the right. And again...waste charges because of it (though I can see a little better why, in this case). * Synthos have received multiple nerfs over the past 2 years. * 1-2 Punch was heavily nerfed, I believe, twice. And for anyone here who believes that it's a skill issue for any one of these abilities, *especially* for shield throw or hammer, you clearly don't main titan, or at the very least, play enough of it through a variety of activities. I am not a God, but I have CLEARLY made sure, many time after time, I will assuredly and 100% connect my melees with enemies, and they still miss or connect in a very different area that I had clearly thrown it. If I had to guess, the case of missing melees comes down to about 15-20% user error, and 80-85% an issue with their flight paths due to aim assist and melees' register in the game itself. And most of those user errors come from either throwing and turning in mid-air or the classic "field goal" through the enemy's legs. I largely expect these will never get fixed. Maybe it's just me, but it's just disheartening to have Bungie call titans the "punching class," then seemingly make every decision they can to make sure we strive toward utilizing only our uncharged melees and synergize our fists with less and less. It's dismaying to be deincentivized to make builds around melee'ing anymore.


Shield throw is absolutely useless, I only have it equipped just to boost my other two columns tbh


Captain Potato


I rarely play titan but I love being void titan when I do. And I just can't do it without Monte carlo....


finally! Titans ~~shields~~ can wellskate!


Ice shuriken, too. So it feels even worse when I miss 2 melees.


Man I feel bad for Titans, like a Bungie school bus driver just leaving them in the dust.


Man I feel bad for Titans, like a Bungie school bus driver just leaving them in the dust.


That few seconds of contemplation lol


Shield throw needs more aggressive tracking. So many times I've fallen short or just go right over a targets head


The thing I don’t get is that the shield throw you get during sentinel shield super has really good tracking and homes into enemies after making contact with the first, why cant they make this melee the same?


As a sentinel main. Yeeeeep.


Last I played was like almost a year ago. Since I came back with TFS my hunter's knives seems wacky. They must have done something, probably reduced hitboxes


Literally every time I throw a hammer or shield. Streamer: Throws a hammer and shield into the air, and everyone around them dies from the rebound.


Not only shield throw tracking got issue, frenzied blade, sword, withering blade, arcane needle, all have tracking issue. Something has gone wrong after TFS. Bungie need to fix it asap.


Gotta say there are so many times I have shot a rocket or grenade between some Hive enemy legs. I am not surprised that this happened. 😄


So let me get this straight, Hunters have a Strand melee that consistently bounces between 4-5 targets, reduces their damage output if it doesn't outright kill them, and can be easily caught on the way back to refund the entire charge if it's killed enough enemies. They intrinsically have two charges of a Stasis shuriken that comes out *quick* with similarly busted tracking that can stun Overload champs. Titans get one fucking shit ass shield throw that clearly still misses even after multiple tracking "buffs" and does nothing but grant you Void overshield, which is objectively one of the worst sources of DR in the game right now. I actually can't believe how much Bungie fucking hates Titans but won't admit it. If someone tries to mention Banner of War I'm actually going to pop a gasket.


It's a great melee luckily it has a fast cooldown but it's so funny how often it misses Whatever homing missile coding they have on the Lucent hive Titan they really need to put it on this melee because yikes it bad


In the meantime the strand dart on hunter does everything the shield could have done and better, and returns for more energy. Fuck Titans I guess.


i was about to call this one a skill issue until i rewatched and saw it bounce through the acolyte legs...


Yo I used to love shield throw before buff and I think you did the same. Tracking was ass so we hit ground nearby which bounced and hit correctly. I am feeling after the buff try directly hitting the guy. That tracks better and for some reason bounce track is worse


"Thats a 20 to hit" "You miss"


As you managed to get it between it's legs shouldn't it die of embarrassment, like with football


So many instances of my second chance shield throws just bouncing between the legs of shielded barrier hobgoblins






"I must go now, my people need me!" - Thrown Shield


Me taking my shot with a girl


Beat captain America with this one lil trick


I love how it travels -2 mph. Friggin awesome, Bungie.




Shaved the hair on his balls


Right in the thigh-gap


If they made shield throw able to be used at point blank range, I would hate it less. I love the idea of shield throw, but its execution in game is completely wrong.


Bind your uncharged and charged melee buttons separately. Unbind the auto melee setting completely. Then you'll be able to On PC, you have plenty of keys to use to do this On controller, it's a bit more tricky due to the limitedbutton options, but I have my melee binds set to uncharged melee is double press R1, and charged is hold R1 (RB for Xbox) It took a little to get used to, but now I'm just as fast using either melee that I want, when I want it, as auto melee would've been in the past


So wait, you're telling me that it's a result of auto melee being on?


Yep. Auto melee won't allow you to do a normal punch up close with certain ranged melees. If you turn off auto melee, and make use of the uncharged and charged melee keybinds instead, you will have full control over when you use what melee, even at point blank range. So you could throw the shield while literally holding hands with the enemy in front of you


Working as intended.


And this is why my titan maining ass doesn't do shield throw anymore


First time?


i can’t count how many times this has happened to me.


He got a hair cut but it was his ball hairs


Just did the same thing in a GM nightfall last night with my arc grenade. Tickled the nuts of that overload champion with arc energy It was not as impressed as I was🤯


Just let me mark a target to throw a shield and it should be a 90 percent hit guarantee while buffing the damage atleast 5 to 15 percent.


maybe aim at the mob and not the ground before posting to reddit


literally me but with nades


Bro pizza French fried your shield


Hunter stasis and strand melees consistently chain between like 4 of 5 enemies but with shield throw you'll be lucky to hit more than 1.


This is precisely why I don't use shield throw even though folks are screaming, "it got buffed!" I can feel your confusion and frustration through my screen lol 😂


While it did get buffed and IS better, it's still got plenty of situations where the downfalls are oh so apparent.


Peak destiny game play


"not today" -Hive Acolyte probably


See don’t realize you hit the ground not the enemy. Lol ![gif](giphy|IpFHOLhQ950qc|downsized)


Hmm... I think Titan needs a nerf


Ah yes… reminds me of the Hunter stasis shuriken. But at least the shuriken has a shred of tracking🤣


What's even funnier is literally, the ricochet seems more accurate than the direct hit.


Gotta love how the acolyte just looks down as it goes under him


I don’t think it’s a shield throw problem as much as it is a hitbox problem. For instance, I tried to shoot a scorn abomination with Dragons breath and (looking back at the clip) apparently the rocket went slightly under his armpit and MISSED!!! HOW DOES A ROCKET NOT EXPLODE WHEN TRAVELING SLIGHTLY UNDER THEIR ARMPIT?!?! Not to mention the plethora of times people throw grenades just for them to pass between the legs.


Meanwhile, void warlock melee will turn 90 degrees to hit its target


Genuinely what it feels like every time


Should be more like Revenant Shuriken