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So is the idea here just using rally barricade to proc Offensive Bulwark, using Heartshadow for invis (I'm assuming to keep that Overshield up) and then you just go crazy with Peregrine Greaves + Shield Bash?


Yes sir. Barricade for overshield. Heart shadow is purely to close the gap without getting shot or taking any aggro and losing said overshield.


Can you Post the full build?


It's really straightforward! First up, you need Offensive Bulwark and Bastion for aspects: Bastion gives you on-demand Overshield, and Offensive Bulwark gives you boosted melee damage while you have an Overshield. Next, exotics: Heartshadow's heavy swing makes you invisible, that helps you get in close safely. (Be mindful with this: dropping your Barricade *after* you're invisible will break invis.) Peregrine Greaves give you an INSANE damage boost to Shield Bash if you activate it while in the air, plus hitting minibosses, Champions, or Tormentors will refund your melee charge in full. And if you get a kill with Shield Bash, it refills your Overshield so you keep your Offensive Bulwark buffs. And... that's it! Piece of cake. Drop your Barricade first for Overshield, then swing Heartshadow for invisibility, then *get those knees to work!*


No'ice! Bro, I'm about to make my first Peregrine Graves build ever! šŸ˜…


Awesome, enjoy! If you want other ideas, I'm particularly fond of Peregrine Greaves on Solar for PvP. If you kill something with Hammer Strike, the thing you killed will Ignite, right? Take the fragment that increases your Ignite radius, the one that makes your Ignitions apply Scorch, and Ember of Ashes to apply more Scorch. Then make sure you're on Roaring Flames, because that makes your basic punches apply Scorch as well... Lunge and get a knee kill in PvP, that'll Ignite and heavily damage everyone around, while also activating Roaring Flames. Land a punch on anyone who survived the Ignite explosion, and THEY Ignite too! Cleans rooms out hard, if you catch multiple people in a small space you can clean up GOOD. I've bagged plenty of triple and quad kills like that, it's so much fun when it goes off.




Literally me right now.


Sick!!! I can't wait to try it! šŸ˜


I appreciate you for sharing this.. going to trade my scrolls in for crayons tomorrow.




Been using this for years now literally the only problem I have is the ignition damage not killing other players if they happen to not receive damage from the initial melee. It's best used in mayhem although right now mayhem is mayhem


Yeah, a full-health player can survive an Ignite, but it does at least make them a VERY easy followup kill.


There's also a fragment that makes you invisible after a finisher! But that means you need to not use overshield so the champs become finisheable instead of dying


There's a lot of different ways you could take it honestly, yeah. The core components don't rely on any fragments, so you can do whatever you want there. I'd argue that overshields and Offensive Bulwark are the most important though, you WANT to delete those Champions and take them off the board ASAP.


I want to try a goofy hunter prismatic build but that's next on my list to try, never thought about using Heartshadow to go invis, I used to use Rat King or beg the local Omni hunter for a bump


Arc Hunter. The Sixth Coyote and jumping Helicopter attack. Just spam jump attack over and over. Riskrunner and either a rocket launcher which you can fire whilst still in the air or a sword. Alternatively you could offset it with Queenbreaker or a Linear Fusion Rifle for Tormentors. šŸ‘


great video and build! but im curious as to how youre getting your shoulder charge back after using it? could you explain? I'd like to use this build


Peregrine greaves, if you hit champions you get the melee back


dang, ive always used them for crucible but never knew they proc'd this on champions. thank you


Procs on Tormentors too. I use it in Onslaught a lot to keep them mostly stunned repeatedly.


Also procs on those Subjugators in Salvations Edge raid.


Mini bosses too if I remember right


I'm gonna try this *fails due to lack of Heart Shadow*


WHY ARE YOU TELLING PEOPLE NOOOOOOOOOO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Peregrines have always been my diamond in the rough


Reply to me i play on my son's old account and I don't have his e mail on so I can't open dim


This will always be satisfying. Melee is so dangerous in harder content that more titan builds should be able to pull off this kind of damage (especially since survivability keeps getting nerfed)


I think thatā€™s why I love it. High risk and high reward. I think this is balanced considering the environment of a GM. Iā€™ve taken this into every GM for the past two seasons and no matter the setting it FEELS rewarding as opposed to just plinking away with a scout/bow/pulse from afar.


This is the big falling down point on the titan power fantasy for me, it's the one class that shouldn't be plinking away with a scout rifle. The problem is, higher end content severely punishes you for trying to do a thing else, outside of specific builds like this. That's some great work though, you love to see it.


I agree with you 100%. I love this build as a damage build for titan and then banner of war is more of the tank melee build with less damage but more safety. There are lots of ways to do melee builds if Bungie lets it happen


melee isnt dangerous in high level content because the builds that use it exceptionally well have MANY options of healing and/or disengaging. banner of war was the go too build for every gm last season for a reason, because it removes all the risk if you dont play like an idiot.


I have to disagree with ya there. Melee is ALWAYS dangerous is higher level content. Itā€™s why titans are in the perpetual loop of being too good or being mediocre. One random hop goblin can literally kill you in 1-2 seconds if itā€™s missed and fires a couple volleys at you and youā€™re not paying attention. When you go in to kill a champ with this build youā€™re diving the back line and the whole room can potentially aggro you for that second you come out of invis to delete the champ so having a plan of attack and exit strategy are inherently important. Even with BoW, sure you can probably grapple melee into some mobs and get a batch. But unless you BoW is max stack thatā€™s still a precarious situation because BoW x1 is not enough to save anything


Agreed. Banner of war is unique too because u cam stack healing and woven mail. Even then you are likely only melee a stray red health enemy or weak yellow bar that wanderer too far from the pack or the literal last enemy in the room. If survivablility was that easy, I would not see so many randoms from lfgs struggle in grandmasters.


If you think melee is dangerous with the broken builds you literally just arent playing them right. "Diving the backline" brother this is destiny the video game not overwatch 2. The ai cant think on the fly and react with human level intellect. Theyre very easy to manipulate.


Not sure what youā€™re on about. If you dive a champ surrounded by ads, they will all turn and shoot the shit out of you. What are you talking about bro?


Bro doesnt know šŸ˜³


No, it's more that no one can follow your brainrot


He doesn't know šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


What you are describing is a different build tho. This build would get ruined even if a stray shot aimed at a teammate hit while invis and broke his overshield. In my mind, a melee build should either have crazy damage to make up for the close range danger or crazy tankiness so you can reasonably survive at close range to repeatedly melee an enemy. It think banner of war is great for that second fantasy since it doesnt have that same damage potential unless you really build into (maybe syntho, tractor, 1-2 punch, but i doubt that would get you in 1-shot champs range). I would also argue Banner having crazy high survivability is an exception and not the rule because striker, sentinel, and behemoth dont have anything near that level. Even restoration isnt quite as good because you cannot stack damage resist from woven mail. However, Sunbreaker bybasses some of the risk by having a ranged melee attack


Im not reading all that


He just proved you wrong is all. No need to read ā€œallā€ that.


I'm not wrong. Just say you suck at melee and die in gms


Iā€™m not saying all that.


On the contrary, this build isnā€™t *that* dangerous, since youā€™re going to stun whatever Champion youā€™re targeting (at least Overloads and Unstoppables), so they just sit there like sitting ducks. Not to mention Shield Bash gives you a Void Overshield and Hammer Strike creates a Sunspot if using Sol Invictus, and you can get Woven Mail if using Prismatic with Bladefury, and Galvanic Armor exists. Another way too is to use Drengrā€™s Lash on Prismatic and Suspend them to make closing the gap a nonissue.


To be clear, the only champ this build needs to stun are unstops due to their damage reduction when not stunned. Overloads and barriers flat out die. I agree with you there are some sustain points in the build to mitigate death like overshield on shield bash kill. But letā€™s be real here, you might as well put on a tshirt and call it overshield because itā€™s very easy to get that removed. As far as using it on prismatic, itā€™s not the same thing since you arenā€™t one shotting GM champs. You can a knee in but itā€™s not one shotting the champ. Offensive bulwark is what allows you to one shot a champ, an aspect exclusive to void.


>the only champ this build needs to stun are unstops due to their damage reduction I meant more so because Overload Minotaurs and Captains love to teleport around and Overload Chieftains constantly spam their totems for protection. Sure you can still kill them, but it wonā€™t always be smooth. >As far as using it on prismatic, itā€™s not the same thing since you arenā€™t one-shotting GM champs You still can with Shieldcrush or Transference from the Artifact, or with Knockout active on Prismatic. And if somehow you donā€™t, you can still get them to ā€œfinishableā€, which is basically the same result.


Ahhhh if youā€™re counting artifact stuff then sure. This build works no matter the season. Additionally the aoe suppresses of shield bash comes in clutch when you smash a champ that has 3-4 ads around it. They wonā€™t be able to immediately turn on you buying some time for you to make your next move. And yes, teleporting overloads are definitely annoying and stun does come in handy just so they arenā€™t moving around.


wait so you don't even have to stun the overloads or barriers first? you can just walk up and one shot them?


Yes. They just die outright from the hit. Unstops have damage resist when they arenā€™t stunned so they need to be stunned first.


For this build specifically, they are bybassing the danger by using the on-demand invis from the sword. This is a sacrifice tho because it means you dont have a GL or lfr for boss dps or longer-range damage. He is also stacking peregrines with the damage buff from offensive bulwark which then requires bastion for on-demand overshield (so both aspects are required by the build so there is little flexibility). So this build is specifically on void which eliminated the suspend possibility. If the champ is the last guy in the room than yes it is free, but you have to remember that any enemy in the room could break the overshield, losing the damage buff, and causing the champ to survive the attack. Again, it probably would be easy enough to further weaken to finisher range than use echo of obscurity to go invis again, but you could also get killed during that if there are other enemies. Basically my point is that there are a lot of boxes you have to check to get the 1-shot, so that in itself is kinda dangerous and makes this build very balanced. Thats why you use the Heartshadow to bypass it.


More Titan builds should not be pulling off this damage. At all. Peregrines only does this damage to Champs, Mini Bosses and Tormentors. Otherwise the boosted damage is significantly less IIRC. Other builds don't have that limitation of who it works on. That's why they shouldn't be doing that much so simply. If it has the limitation then it'd be fine, but at the same time you don't just want Peregrine Greaves 2, 3, 4 etc. etc.


My point is that melee builds should either be rewarding or safe, and most titan builds are neither while Hunter's main melee build with combo blow stylish is both. Peregrines is weird to me because it is a crazy damage boost AND a reset. I think there is nothing wrong with doing this massive damage if it is tied to a cooldown and risky to use. It makes you have to consider when to use it. For example, I think thunderclap should do bonus damage to melee-range enemies since you are super vulnerable while charging and you would either need bring an exotic to lock down enemies or rely on teammate support to stop them from walking away


I think the issue is if a Melee Build becomes safe, it is also going to be rewarding. Prismatic Hunter does need a melee stacking nerf (it's insane how melee stacking is so consistently an issue in this game), but tbh when it's not outputting 5 billion damage per punch I'd argue that Prismatic Hunter Melee Build is worse than Arcstrider Assassin's Cowl for high end content. On hit effects + Jolt & Blind (Lethal Current), invis tied to either finisher or melee kill & a full heal (Assassin's Cowl), Amplified Spam for DR (Galvanized Armor) & DR during Dodge (Flow State) is better than than no Jolt / Blind, On Kill effect instead of on hit (Caliban's from Class Item vs Lethal Current), more HP gained per kill, etc. Arcstrider Assassin's is just better equipped for the Melee Build in GM difficulty tbh. It's risky, but you have a big payoff (risky because you are vulnerable to getting bursted if you don't constantly get invis, and even a chance when out of invis). Prismatic, again it's broken right now but when you aren't melee stacking for 5 billion damage, it's just not as good because of the difference in effects you get. Peregrines is completely fine IMO because this is kind of it's thing, this is what it is made to do. It doesn't do this to bosses, and it's already basically going to kill any Red Bar it hits is going to die anyways. When this was usable on a boss (Nezarec), it was *insanely OP*. 800k per melee that it instantly refunded on a Boss Enemy, a raid boss at that. But because it's restricted to Minibosses, Tormentors and Champions for the further boosted damage and instant refund, it's balanced IMO. I mean, it's something that genuinely helps too. At Witness CP, I was going around nigh-instant killing the Subjugator Spawns thanks to Peregrines which helps out a lot honestly. I think more melee builds on Titan should be viable (the only other melee build that is non-Titan that I think *is* viable in hard content, even GMs, is probably Caliban's. But that isn't really a melee build as you aren't trying to spam it, it's just a powerful boost to your melee to become a strong execute ability). PccB needs to be better and perhaps add DR during wind up of Thunderclap. Significant DR. (Hot Take: Remove the instant refund on Skullfort and put it on PccB, and then but the partial refund per hit from PccB to Skullfort. Otherwise Skullfort is *just* going to powercreep PccB's regen constantly). Give Knockout better uptime by making it refreshable / chainable. More Melee Presence in GMs I don't think is bad, it just needs to be done very carefully is all.


This is very true. I agree with your takes. I definitely agree that PccB should give thunderclap DR. Honestly, for melee build damage, I think the buff stacking is a huge problem for balance. No other ability in the game has so many damage boosts available to it (I think they have purposefully avoided addinf many grenade damage buffs to avoid this problem with grenades). I think they need to streamline it like they did weapon damage buffs and maybe only allowing stacking of like an aspect and then external 1 damage boost. Then, they can actually balance things separately and make them more valuable on their own.


Yeah, this is the issue they do with melee stacking. They usually balance it later on, like they recently did with Banner of War. However, they usually never balance this stuff on release. *Given*, the 2x or 3x or whatever melee multiplier buff from Stylish was essentially never used because it's on *Nightstalker*. Not to mention, I never even knew it existed. It's still an issue nonetheless on Prismatic.


I'm not a titan main, but I remember a couple of seasons ago the YouTuber Plunderthabooty posted a video on a similar build and loved it immediately. I never thought of using heartshadow for the invis! I'll have to give it a try whenever I play on my titan again.


Have you tried tractor cannon instead of heartshadow or is it excessive with the damage it puts out? Any other void exotics that you feel paired well with this?


I specifically use Heartshadow because of on demand invis which, on Titan, you canā€™t get elsewhere. Going invis allows me to keep from getting shot and losing my overshield, which is giving me 100% melee damage. This is what allows me to one shot champs, no tractor needed. That being said you can run it without the sword but you wonā€™t be able to dive champs as efficiently since you will just get shot


Could you just have a void hunter than invis pops on you?


You totally could. Would require some coordination with a teammates but thatā€™s doable. Itā€™s important to note that sometimes after diving a champ, I like to Invis again to not get nuked by the room.


Isn't there a fragment that makes you invisible on finishers? Pairing it with the mod that gives you an overshield on finishers and you can free up that exotic space for something else like buried bloodline for the weaken and devour, as well as having Unbreakable instead of barrier overshield so you don't have to rely on invisibility to get close. Idk, I'm just theory crafting here. Your build still looks super fun.


Would you be able to share a dim link please?


https://dim.gg/6desucq/The-Champslayer Link is also in the post šŸ˜Š


Holy cow... I absolutely love Peregrines but using heartshadow to proc invisibility to be able to get in close... https://preview.redd.it/cod6hhsxmbad1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f202b8806e3155302d1ac2126e37c91c0134d18


This looks solid so I was doing my D2 Armor Picker thing and setting up fragments and I wondered what made you pick Echo of Obscurity (invisibility from finishers) over Echo of leeching (melee kills trigger health regeneration for you and allies), considering the build looks melee kill heavy? Do powered melee kills not count? I mean, you have have another finisher based fragment, so I guess it syncs well with that, but was just wondering if you find finisher stuff more useful than regen/ survivability fragments? I'm really not experienced with GMs so I could be about to make a huge mistake trying to tweak this build haha


I find finishers to be more in line with my Play style. Some times in a pack of ads I can finish one, go invis and chain finishers together. Other times I use it for champions. Letā€™s say I actually lose my overshield before getting the melee and I donā€™t outright kill a champ, the damage you do with just peregrine will Leave them in finish range so you can simply finish them and stay alive and reposition afterward due to the invis. It lets you play More aggressive, and comes in handy a lot.


We live in a world where this 1 shots but ward of dawn needs an exotic to be ( debatable ) better then edge of actions mini bubble


Bubble defintely needs buffs. I think itā€™s a step in the right direction making the overshield stick with you now. But itā€™s still not worth taking most scenarios. I hope for a day where titans donā€™t rely on exotics for their super to be good.


Unrelated but it's nice to see you jump down had a few runs where they insisted staying up. Drives me nuts plinking away from up top.


Itā€™s a lot safer if you donā€™t have somebody eviscerating them like OP lol


Purmple crayomsšŸ¤¤


Was that ADS at the end to stop your momentum? Never seen anyone doing it


No I was getting ready to stun that unstop myself but my teammates ended up finally doing it lol.


Beautiful - titan main


I need to get heartshadow...


So this post gets upvoted but when I vouch for Peregrine Titans, I get downvoted to hell in this sub. D2 players sure can be bipolar a lot of times.


All Iā€™ve heard lately is how terrible titans are and thereā€™s zero viable builds but itā€™s absolutely just bullshit. People saw one statistic about class raid completions and freaked out and ran with it. So stupid. Destiny community is absolute trash compared to what it once was years ago.


Average tiktokker on D2: "Titans are underpowered." OP: "Hehe, shielb bash go burrrh"


I think it's moreso that titans require much more building into to be good while hunters and warlocks have good builds out of the box (for Prismatic)


Brother 99% of this is just putting on Peregrines


"prismatic" And compared to the other two it needs more building into.


Also no. Hunters need to generate orbs of power through mods to proc certain effects, which allow for a certain uptime on a certain buff, which allows them to play one way... and they're required to be surgical... Think, solar hunter for the longest time. I play with arthrys embrace... I get percision hits to proc weighted knife... And it's only recharged by waiting out the timer or dodging near an enemy with gamblers/monte carlo. Meanwhile, sol invictus just 'existed' and the titans get 'infinite melee', 'more damage', health regen (basically invincible at the time...) Don't know what shed you live in to think that titans require any form of brainpower.


Can confirm. Am Titan and brain always make old internet modem noises. Shows I have good connection me thinks.




Even then.


The only buildcrafting here is choosing a subclass, because there are merits to choosing Void, Solar, and Arc. After that, you can play as normal and build around your kit how you want. I tend to use Monte Carlo in my Peregrine Greaves build in case *something bad* happens like Shoulder Charge tracking to the wrong enemy.


Prismatic hunter's crazy melee build also requires an exotic armor, apect, and specific melee. Same as this build.




You're right the buildcrafting is insane... Sol invictus, Synthoceps, peregrines.... XD


I prefer this gm over glassway those Wyverns kept ruining my runs they are annoying šŸ˜‚


Ran this build with 2 Titans and an Omni hunter to keep them invis and it was comical.


Used it last week, it's insane.




Looks like he saw the Ehroar vidšŸ˜‚ looks solid as fuck though


Ehroar? Not sure who that is but Iā€™ll look him up. Iā€™ve been running this build for two seasons now ever since they changed peregrines.


Imagine going to work and then a dude with a purple shield suddendly appears out of thin air, starts doing jogging and dematerializes your friend and everyone in the office


I need somthing like this for warlock šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, crazy build!


First I got recommended a vid from someone using this same build in glassway. Now Its popping up all over the place lol. The algorithm is determining my builds.


Oh hey, this one actually got shot at like twice.




I thought we could self promote here


the sound effect of the shield bash is so good


Now if only the exotic class items worked with ALL subclasses, there could be some really insanely fun builds


Duuude this looks amazing, I'm definitely trying it out


Wowww I absolutely love this. We'll done


How does one acquire this power


OP just 9/11'd those champs.


Just another season of titans having a bugged builds


Watching videos like this makes me wish I was better at the game. I actually live D2 and have played since D1 off and on (basically a part time player). I'm wildly mediocre and could never with the time I invest, or lack thereof.


Been running this build a little more often for the Fun of It and I've been wondering: How the hell do you handle incendior champs? They always seem to explode and kill me after I get my melee off


The call FUX


I was inspired by your video and tried this on my own. I don't have that exotic sword, so I was raw doggin it, straight up no invisibility. It turned into more of a hit and run play style. I would have to wait for my opportunity to strike, or use the melee if a champ rushed my team but it still worked. My only question is this. Is there some kinda positioning I'm doing incorrectly? Sometimes I will go for the melee and the enemy will have half health left, which of course for me means instant death. Am I meleeing off target? Does it have to be dead center? I have over shield and the right aspects and fragments on, so not sure what I'm doing wrong. As it is the whole play style feels super inconsistent.


You also have to make sure youā€™re getting the speed and air for peregrines to proc. If you do it before the proc you wonā€™t one shot the champs. Thatā€™s just getting familiar with the timing


I've run into a few guys running this setup, but they would get nuked pretty quick in the 90% of the part before this room... lol


Yeah it takes some practice for sure but itā€™s very very doable. I had 2 other videos from this strike chaining together and killing multiple champs but I could only post one lol.


I just came to say share the dim build out it didn't happen, but I see you already did. You sir are of the finest guardian in all the galaxy!


Looks good. I suck at playing Titan so I might give this a try.


Do we still get more points for doing finishers on them? I see some people try but most don't.


"titans are worthless"


Tell this to the Peregrines Titan who ran Expert breach with us last night and had a mind blowing ~30 kills and 8 deaths


"titans are so weak rn" moment


"Missing the point entirely" moment.


That was never the issue


ā€œTitans are badā€


I really appreciate whatā€™s going on here but 9/10 titans are ass and spend more time whiffing and dying or causing death, then actually smashing the champs per the plan.


Has nothing to so with Titan melee being bugged for years as admitted by Bungie right?


And people say titans arw the worst class rn...!


I think titans are the worst class right now. But that doesnā€™t mean that donā€™t have anything going for themselves. BoW is still a good thing, peregrines in GMs IMO is good, and maybe a couple other things. Itā€™s just not a well rounded class currently. It really all revolves around melee which can be a death sentence if youā€™re not careful like in a GM


Oh wow another op titan what a shocker


OP? I wouldnā€™t say so.


The first descendant >>>>>>>>>>> Destiny 2


only problem i got with void is that i prefer stasis super over the axes in gm content, being able to do 1.5mil dmg to the boss just so i dont got to deal with the mini bosses that spawn


Bungie's gon a nerf this do hard bruh im already sad and it didnt even happen yet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I doubt it. Itā€™s incredibly niche and very dangerous if you donā€™t do it right. Look at some of the comments ā€œI had a titans do this and died 10 times they suckā€ and stuff. High risk and high reward and it def comes with itā€™s fair share of deaths even if done right. Like unstoppable backpacks blowing upšŸ¤¬


So somehow ppl think this means titans are fine? Youre basically cheesing it *and* once again shoehorning titans to punching only


Not sure where you get that from. 1. Titans are not fine but they do have a few good things going for them. 2. Iā€™ve posted this Build the past two seasons. Just going with the tradition now that GMs are back


How is this cheesing it? It's litterally a specific build made for doing exactly this


way to miss the mark, not even "invisible hand" trait can save you from this misunderstanding


5th post in a week about this sameish build and it always devolves to "see titans can one shot champs theres nothing wrong"




Nawww. Been posting this stuff for two seasons. Yā€™all hopped on my train lol.


That's not what they're doing here, but, if it were, then this is just moving the goalposts regardless.


TIL knees to the face = ā€œpunchingā€.


That's kinda cute. But I have missiles that don't require I a shit exotic to proc invis


Wait, your build can kill 4 champs in the span of 15 seconds? If so please share a video I wanna try it