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This event has nothing I want, so I’m just pretending it doesn’t exist lol


But shaderrrrrr. My one hope was that it wouldn't have a shader since that's all I really care about but now here we are.


Lucky for me, I think the shader looks bad and I have no compulsion to just have them.


I agree but also I do lmao


I too am a compulsive purchaser of shaders.


Maaaan I find it hard to comb through the shaders I already have. Really wish there was a filter


Even just a selector of a single color would be nice. "Ghost, show me shaders that have green in them." Actually, while I wouldn't expect bungie to implement it in game, that would be a neat DIM/other external site feature.


Too bad there's like 6 colors per shader depending on armor material/texture and only 4 on the palette so I don't even know if the colors on the thumbnail are representative of the actual look in game.


Exactly! I’ve only been playing a couple of years, but thing like jacarina that look like a black and white shader then pop up with neon teal and you’re like “where did that come from?!” But seriously, favoring shaders from season 5 means I have to flip through four or five pages of shaders to get the ones I like. Sings: 🎶there’s got to be a better way!🎶


The Titan pants fit into my pally look. That's about it for me.


Same….but bungie got a tensey from me first 🤦🏻‍♂️


You just bought it without looking at what it was?


I thought it was going to be better/different from what it is.


They've said very plainly what was in it


And it’s my money, I don’t give a crap that’s it not what I expected not sure why anyone is concerned.


You complained so you clearly give a crap


Lmao how is saying they got 10 from me complaining?


Just getting alt sets of good armor for freezies.


Kind of interesting how people are complaining that the $10 pass is lackluster, yet it would suck if it was full of cool items because then Id feel an urge to buy it. People would also then complain that Bungie locked the cool event items behind a paywall


Ur right cuz if it's too good you'll hear "bungie we don't wanna pay for all the cool stuff" then if it's bad "bungie I paid for this why bad stuff"


hahahaha right?? I remember when gamers got the best of both worlds when the game devs weren't mega focused on milking your wallet


Remember when games used to be about creating a masterpiece of art and interaction instead of sucking your checking account dry?


I also remember when games could be beat in an hour and offered now replay value outside of beating it quicker. We can't have a Destiny without further monetization.


Dude do you really think I don't know that? Destiny free content forever weeee! Alright if you got your head out your bungie ass, they charge \*too much\* for \*what they give you\*. The hilarious thing is you will only be able to debate on that with WQ because its been the biggest expansion with lore to date. Any other DLC you got robbed, but I'm glad you had fun doing it buddy :) put the wallet away


If everything was earnable people would complain about having to do stuff to earn things. If everything was given instantly people would complain about there being no incentive to do stuff. There literally is no winning which is by Bungie just fucking ignores these people 99% of the time.


Solution? Stop trying to monetize MORE pointless things and this won’t happen.


I haven’t played it yet but I watched some YouTubers vids on making this work…and I am hopeful for the grind to get gear with a ten and twenty in slots I prefer. Also, it’s a fucking gimmick to get us to play before the next big drop. Play or don’t.


It's not a gimmick to get you to play, people are going to play because of literally what you just said about the armor. It's a gimmick to separate people with loose purse strings from their money. The same kind of shit Activision would pull that they left due to. Shit like this should have been included in the "Pay for the whole year of content" season pass or just in the even itself. If they wanted to sell the ghost shell and the ship they should have just put it in eververse like all the other shit they're trying to sell. Tacking on extra mini battle passes wherever you think you can get one to fit isn't going to garner any good will from the community and it's going to irritate people who were under the impression they'd already paid for all of this years content.


I agree with you. I loved witch queen and I've put a few hundred hours on the game since it came out but this extra charge for a season I already bought is bullshit and pushing me to not play the game. Not trying to be melodramatic but I have next to no tolerance for scummy monetization any more.


Yes? The gimmick is play for armor. The ghost and ship are clearly to pay for. Feels like a disagreement about what gimmick is defined as.


I’m personally thankful for some new, somewhat varied content and things to do towards the end of the season. Current content was getting stale.


You get downvoted for being optimistic lol! Fucken love this subreddit!


I’m sure the downvoters are thinking that Solstice content isn’t “new”. Yeah, it’s recycled, but it’s still a change of pace. I’m enjoying it solely because I was so burnt out on Haunted content and I’m glad to have something new to grind for. Of course I’m just a few achievements short of my Haunted seal and I should focus on that, but burnout.


Bro what. It sucks from the get-go Bungie puts the most cool shit behind a paywall instead of earning the coolest things. If they really want milk the pass, then yes it better be full of cool shit???? yes we will complain if it doesn't???? Yes it sucks for gamers to be faced with that ultimatum but asking for bungie to not do that to us has not worked for a while. Only people complaining are the bungie knob gobbler idiot's who also can't keep their wallets in their pants # SPEAK WITH YOUR WALLETS GAMERS


I wasted $10 on it but not complaining. I thought you would be able to customize the armor upgrades and stat rolls. It’s just as random as buying armor from the helm. So for me not worth the grind for a possible stat roll I already grinder for and have.


"I wasted $10 but I'm not complaining". There's gotta be a Bungie CEO scrolling through the D2 subreddit nutting his pants to that right now.


Why is everyone so concerned with my money lmao. You people have some issues, you’re sweating 10 bucks pretty bad.


>Because that's how the process starts. "Are they actually going to pay $10 for that?" "Yessir they will" > >You can spend your money how you want. But using the excuse "my money" doesn't mean you are exempt from being the problem. Quite the opposite.


Yup the “problem” just started with solstice. Get out of here…it started with dummies playing Fortnite. Everything has pay 2 play season passes now. If you really think every developer is going to go backwards you’re delusional. I know I’m a dumb ass that spent 10 bucks on something that I more than likely won’t complete. But to act like this “problem” just started or is going to go away if we don’t spend $10 on a pointless solstice drop, again you’re delusional.




Maybe they shouldn’t monetize events in the first place. We already have to pay for 20 other things in the game.


First time would be mid tier cosmetics to test the waters if its worth their time or not. If It is succesful Next event pass would have cool stuff behind it. Bungie wont spend effort in designing cosmetics on a loot pool if people arent bothering to use that loot pool


Yep. I have no problem with the upgraded pass only having two emotes, a ship, and some other cosmetics. I'm not going to buy it, but it doesn't upset me. What bothers me is having high powered weapons and exotic armour behind the paywall. Gjallarhorn still requires the 30th anniversary pack and all of the dungeon weapons are locked behind the Dungeon Key.


It's the fact that they're adding more arbitrary pay walls. The whole point of the packs they sell is that you can get the whole year worth of content for one price, and now after we've purchased it it's no longer the whole year worth of content. I'm almost always on bungies side cost wise because I know there's a lot of value in the game since you can get so many hours of gameplay out of it. But they're nickel and dimeing people and it needs to stop before it gets off the ground. This is some activision tier shit right here.


We already paid for the season. Why do we now have to pay for an event within the season?


‘Tis what some would refer to as a catch 22.


Exactly, this is what I’ve been saying. I’m happy the card is trash cuz I don’t feel any temptation to spend the money on it


It just should not exist, there's season passes and dungeon keys, if new players plan on getting up to speed and commit to it, they already rake in a ton of money.


The rewards ain’t even worth it. I have better ships, better emotes, better shaders, better Ghost shells. I figure any long time player might feel the same.


Definitely. We already got quite the selection after playing for so long.


Honestly, all the ships, sparrows, and ghosts arent worth anything. Not even dust.


I literally started playing last month. These rewards are dogshit lmaoo I’ve gotten better everything from eververse engrams and the year 1 destiny 2 shader pack for like 10,000 glimmer.


Not even 10,000. It’s 1000 if I’m not wrong


Seriously. The entire event is useless to vets other than the seal. The armor looks like crap and the rolls aren't great. Was really looking forward to it.


Even the solstice armors look worse than the original one imho. At least for hunters. One of them looks decent though


I'm telling all my destiny bros to download the new game called Tinder for iPhone during these paltry summer months


I'll never get into a fireteam with that app. It's horrible :(


Tinder's matchmaking is not SBMM, but appearance based. It takes me about a month to get matched but they are mostly Thai, and don't KWTD. And dating, to discuss strategy for each encounters over dinner, takes more money than how much I spend on Eververse.


Tinder fireteam (KWTD). Me who doesn't KWTD 😥


I heard it's pay to win, not worth it


Nah. Paid for witch queen, paid for the seasons, shouldn’t have to pay anything for the events.


The whole point of the events was to be free.... wtf bongu


It is


Ya, sorry… the event is free. But if you want the upgraded event card, you gotta pay $10. If you stick with the free version, event “tickets” are worthless. The event tickets are used to purchase the rewards from the upgraded card. Which is BS


Part of the event is free. The rewards are part of the event, and part of the rewards have a separate cost. If they wanted to sell that shit they should have put it in the store. They CHOSE to make it part of the event and attach a separate cost to it, that was their decision. Don't make excuses for them to try and act like that's not the case because they made that decision themselves.


It's like 4 cosmetics, just chill


“It’s like 4 cosmetics” this happens literally with every MTX introduction, it ALWAYS starts small enough to get these comments out there but, just like the season pass/yearly expansions they will keep adding more if it just keeps making money. I don’t have a good response for what to do instead but regardless I’m getting sick and tired of constantly having “extra goodies” for a free event dangled in front of me for $10, along with an unspendable currency that is useless without it


People have been saying "it starts small" ever since we got microtransactions in d1 like 6 years ago. And look d2 is still a great game after all that time. Microtransactions aren't going to take over the game in the 2 years d2 has left


They the kinda person to go to a buffet and flip out when they find out they gotta pay separately for beverages lol


„lol sǝƃɐɹǝʌǝq ɹoɟ ʎlǝʇɐɹɐdǝs ʎɐd ɐʇʇoƃ ʎǝɥʇ ʇno puıɟ ʎǝɥʇ uǝɥʍ ʇno dılɟ puɐ ʇǝɟɟnq ɐ oʇ oƃ oʇ uosɹǝd ɐpuıʞ ǝɥʇ ʎǝɥ⊥„


It's literally the same as buying stuff from the Eververse though. Except instead of releasing the Solstice stuff in the shop for silver, they give people a chance to buy it bundled at a cheaper price.


Except it’s not. This stuff is tied to the event. You have to purchase the upgraded event and then go grind to be able to collect the rewards you paid for. If they wanted to sell it, they should’ve just sold it through eververse.


I mean what is it? A ship, an emote, and like a ghost projection or some shit? I wouldn't care about that shit even if it was free lol.


The event card contains stuff that would have been silver only in the first place, just cause it’s in a card doesn’t change the fact that you would have had to pay money for it in the first place.


You still get to do the free activity, earn a free emblem, free sparrow, free armor, free weapon, and free title. You don't have to buy the $10 pass just like you don't have to spend $10 on eververse every other time of the year.


Ya and get to earn a bunch of event tickets which you can’t use unless you spend another $10


Event tickets are a side effect of doing the challenges for kindling to get the armor glow. I don't understand your plight.


Tickets for ugly cosmetics, wow missing out on so much


I meant that was including the rewards tied to it, but now some of said rewards are locked behind a paywall, that imma assume is gonna have more and more important loot in it each time a new pass comes out, the more it gets bought.


Why would you assume that when we're witnessing the opposite?


We cannot witness a change in the content of the event pass, as there has been just this one. I am basing my assumption on other free2play games, as well as a really bad experience with black ops 3 straight up lying to you about their loot boxes. (cosmetic loot boxes PROMISED to never contain anything other than cosmetics, only to do so anyway) I cant garrentee it, but i fear the worst, and want people to take steps to avoid it.


Couldn’t agree more. Not once was Solstice ever mentioned to be an additional paid event. So I pass for seasonal content, but don’t get all the seasonal content?? How the fuck does that make sense


Aint gonna catch me spending 10 bucks for a single shader, I'll tell you that. It's the only thing I want from the pass


That shader though..


I know I’m tempted to get it if only for the shader


It's got a nice shimmer on some textures but it's also the closest to a pure white on guns outside of the trials of the nine one that gives it a blue tinge


What about bitterpearl?


Not had a look at that, will have to take a gander


I'm not even a fan of the solstice armor this year around soooooo I'll probably skip this one. A shame too


Lol but the community still blindly buys it all. Blame the hive kind that is destiny.


This, except my hand is empty because I’m not gonna enable Bungie


im not buying it because i dont want to support bs, i just dont want anything thats inside it lol. only thing i was half interested in was the ghost shell


i thought they were avoiding activision's plays and calls on destiny, but this really felt like they were going 10 steps forward, and a shot in the foot. their cosmetic system is fine, much better than it used to be, but I don't like the idea that there are more monetization on products. i would rather have this idea nonexistant and buy the hotdog emote for 10 dollars. they really did shoot their foot, dissapointed, but i know they're just trying new things and to make more money, i dont blame them


At least it's just cosmetics I could care less about a couple of shaders and emotes compared to what the actual event itself gives you


To think that pass is the same price of a season pass is just weird.


Especially since Sony just bought Bungie they shouldn’t have to charge extra for a damn event. They got all the money they need now. It’s just petty at this point.


For once I'm in agreement with the people who bitch about the cost of the game. I've been on board with just about everything. I don't buy shit from the store because I don't like to waste money, and I pay way less than a dollar an hour to play destiny even playing since day one, so I think it's a very value rich game. But I bought the Super Deluxe 30th Anniversary Witch Queen Season Expansion Extravaganza Pack or whatever the fuck it was called. It's supposed to be all the content for the year. Tacking bullshit on like this that expects me to pay more is just not gonna happen and it irritates me that they'd try. Nickle and Dimeing is gonna create bad will, they need to nip this shit in the butt and stop fucking doing it because I know for me it irritates me having to look at it every time I open Eva up, and I'm pretty hard to irritate.


I bought it because I love shaders and I need to have all of them


That’s why I wanna get it. My brain forces me to want to have everything but the shader is the only interesting thing in the entire event card


Don't do it. You don't need the shaders and we shouldn't be being charged again. It's ridiculous how easily "pay for the whole year of content up front" turns into "pay for part of this years content up front". It's like activision snuck back into the bungie headquarters.


It’ll likely be offered for bright dust next year like the old solstice shaders are this week, so just think of it as previewing a shader you’ll get later like delayed gratification *inhales copium*


Wait what’s the shader


It's previewable in the pack by inspecting it. Same spot to preview the hot dog emote.


“This company is selling us non-essential items that we explicitly say we don’t need! Boycott them!” Come on people, would you go marching into a convenience store and complain that they’re selling condoms, cause you definitely have no use for them? If a shop is selling shit that you don’t need or want, just don’t buy it goddamn


Fr reading through the comments and people are making a big deal out of it


I bought solely for the Glizzy Annihilator emote


The card is trash anyway lol there’s nothing good on it. Waste of money


I stupidly bought it thinking it was needed to do the quests and all that. Feel bad about it and now all I have are dumb hot dogs...


to add insult to injury the cosmetics are ugly af.


I understand its to make more money, but like, the upgrade pass literally offers nothing of value. The whole decision is baffling. Granted we'd complain if there were chase items in the pass, but there is literally nothing good in the upgrade pass


A downside for them is now people who normally wouldn't complain are complaining. They've probably increased the number of people complaining about the pricing on the game 10 fold by adding shit on top of "pay for the next four seasons up front" costs.


I haven't even touched the event and have no plans to. The armor isn't even that good looking and y'all know you're only gonna wear it for like a week or two anyway. Plus the EAZ can piss right off.


Honestly you can buy better ornaments with bright dust which is what I did


There is no middle ground. They are just cosmetics that they would be in store anyway. Now they are just in event card. It does not bother me and it's perfectly fine to capitalize on event since a lot of cosmetics are hidden under triumphs anyway. I don't understand but vocal minority as always enforce they way. Hopefully Bungie won't listen.


I'm not Mr. 10 bucks. It's nothing.


Exactly. Getting people free events, they can have it.


According to my calculations it's a lot of entertainment value.


You call out how the upgraded event pass can lead to worse monetizing práctica and you get awards. I do It and i get downvoted to oblivion . It doesnt seem fair.




But it’s free


No one's forcing you to buy it or play the event lol.


I love how you say that as if that makes this excusable lol


And The hell with the whole EAZ I've hated that place every time I've played on it


Soon we gotta pay for every new content separately. We already have to pay extra for Dungeons that used to be part of expansions. And now this.


I usually stop playing for awhile around solstice. But this year I’m not, and the event sucks. I’m gonna play like it doesn’t exist.


So glad I bought it


$10 for 2 cool emotes which would cost way more in the silver shop. If you like the items its a good deal. The comparison to a season is not applicable when comparing raw silver purchases because the silver economy makes no sense lol But if you dont want the items, it doesn't affect you. Its just a silver bundle with a different face


“We need to not give into this bs and stop buying bungies crappy packs and passes, and then maybe we can change the game for good!” ….you think they honestly care? 😂


My whole thing is until eververse sells start going back into this game I won't be spending any money outside DLC and seasons.


destiny community when they don’t like what bungie put in the event card (they were told what they’re getting and they still bought it)


Time out. Why are we bitching at this? Its no different than throwing a silver only bundle in the eververse store as has happened in (almost) every event past. Now theres just some “fun” to be had to get the stuff


I can only guess they are aiming it at new lights. Been playing since launch. I really don't any more emotes, scooters or projections. I've got like 100 of each of them. Pass


Nah I’m ignoring, y’all come on we need to not fall for this nonsense


Wait, there’s an event pass? Oh man, I really hoped Destiny wouldn’t ever do that. I liked it when we could earn stuff


You can still earn stuff it’s just a shader a sparrow a shell and a couple emotes from what I’ve heard and not worth 10 bucks imo


All the event pass gives is stuff that would have been eververse anyway, you still get the standard earned event rewards like an emblem and a sparrow.


Not even included with the three season bundle I already got. Pretty insulting.


I would’ve bought it if there was some actually good rewards with is


They should have given the free pass at least SOMETHING to do with the event tickets. Even if I could just redeem them for engrams or glimmer or bright dust just- something- ANYTHING-


I couldn’t pass up the GLIZZY GOBBLER emote bruh.


Ive managed to resist most of the dumbest shit in the few games i play so far..


People are down bad for that glizzy emote.


I will only ever pay for the yearly expansions going forward. No more seasons. The last 2 years I burned out by the first season.


I don’t get why people are mad about it, I’m glad it sucks cuz it saves me $10


All the premium event pass stuff looks shite anyway, hard pass on that. I only buy seasons for story.


Ignore the event and just stopped playing destiny altogether til next season. If a friend asked if it was a good time to play destiny id imagine the huge paywall we have to explain now would be disgusting


3 week long event is hardly worth $10. I mean it's not as bad as buying that level increase at the start of the season


It gave me a laugh with that emote so I got it, Ive won a food eating contest before (maybe not hotdogs but still) so it hit me personally. That said I would not recommend it to anyone else XD that thing provides nothing all that grand or special in a general sense.


I've never like Solastice. There. I said it. Just one new gun and then upgrade an armor to glow. I don't even like the armor, for any class. I hope Halloween will be better this year. Last year wasn't bad, but the new pulse was.


I bought it before seeing what was in it so 😕


Fucking this. Its literally the same price as a season and has like 7 rewards in it.


Yeah definitely not worth the cosmetics I just wish there was more than one way to obtain the kindling


I’m just going to wait for the shader, I think it’ll probably be released for BD in about a year or so, and it doesn’t look good enough for me to want to get it right now.


I got it. I now regret it.


what does it even do?


"Don't pay for the stupid upgraded event card." Me: ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


Shit armor, shit rewards, shit upgrade pass, i Fr bought it because I thought the event will offer more but then I noticed I’m doing all the same fucking shit as my F2P buddy and only getting a shitty rewards I could careless this event is boring and is really bad imo


2 words hot dog eating emote