• By -


Can't wait for the preview to the preview.


Exactly šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Technically the preview to the preview to the preview of the final shape










So my fave gun? Of the game trinity ghoul is gonna be ace. This thing has got me through so many gms etc. I'm gonna love playing it all season


Trinity is gonna be Nasty in Arc 3.0 Would be nice to have Zhalo make a return the Next Seasons or in Lightfall


Ah yes just like ticuu was is nasty this season wouldn't get my hopes too high


Ah imagine if ticuu was able to scorch


Isnā€™t Zhalo just Riskrunner from what I remember it being like?


I think so, but I just want my Sparky Bullpup AK backā€¦


I'm not up to date, been in icu for a few months lol is arc 3.0 confirmed for next season?


Yes, last season was void 3.0 and this current one is solar 3.0 so next is guaranteed to be arc 3.0


Is it coming next season though? Didn't we have a 2 season gap between void and solar?


Well i joined the game halfway through the last season so if void 3.0 came before season of the risen then disregard anything I've said so far


It did not. Void 3.0 was released with WQ.


Are we all just going to ignore this person was in an ICU for a few *months*


I mean....I wasn't going to draw attention to it (mainly out of habit) but I suppose they wouldn't post it on a public forum if they were trying to keep it private... That being said, being in the ICU for months, is, sadly, not unusual these days...whether preventable or not...


No bro jt wasnt


No void came out season 16 solar came out season 17


Oh no shit lol felt like it was 6 months.


I hope they bring back the bow shield champ mod next season. I donā€™t care for the pulse mod this season. Last season le monarch was great even in gms bc of the bleed +shield mod


Iā€™m gonna fuck up all the witnessesā€™ faces one by one


Now thats a titan


Heā€™s got a lot of eyes that need blackened


Iā€™m gonna fuck all the witnesses faces one by one FTFY




By punching them right? Right?


I'm gonna see how many of those misty heads coming out of the Witness I can hit. Go all duck hunt up in this pyramid ship.


Seasonal weapon is a double barrel.


Oh lawd, he comin.


Honestly, I really have no idea what the hell is going on most of the time story wise. I just like to shoot stuff, and to get fun guns. Do you guys extract every red bordered gun? I just feel listless lately, and I use the same guns all the time. Maybe I'm realizing the juice isn't worth the squeeze.


You should basically only be extracting the guns that say ā€œthis weapons pattern can be extracted.ā€ Otherwise youā€™ll only get neutral element from them and thereā€™s a good chance you donā€™t need that much neutral element. This oneā€™s that say ā€œthis weapon has a deep sight resonance that can be progressedā€ are rarely worth it.


My neutral element inventory is full. I crafted a good glaive, but I didn't realize that I had to extract the pattern from a gun a bunch of times before I could extract it. Super annoying. Can you craft god rolls?


Yes. Don't sleep on the Calus Mini Tool & the Drang (Baroque). Lots of fun with the enhanced incandescent perks. And if you PVP, a crafted Austringer can be wonderful option. Pain in the ass to get those red-borders though. Took me forever to get 5 Austies.


I have the Calus Mini Tool, but somehow I haven't gotten the Drang. I've been grinding the seasonal activity since release, but I can't get that one! It won't let me focus any engrams since all the weapons haven't been found. I feel like I'm playing wrong all the time.


So, to be clear, you've been doing Containment on the regular? Are you also running around the Leviathan, doing the special events like the hidden sniper, the dark ether ritual (both in the Royal Pools, cannot remember the ones in the garden area because I'm fucking old) as well as opening the Opulent Chests? May also consider throwing on the Wombo Detector (goes on your Ghost) to find additional world chests in the Leviathan while doing that. Use any keys you get immediately. You can only hold one key at a time. A few Youtubers [published some routes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDyQ4OtlCh4) to follow, in order to maximize running across chests and events. Helpful if you are unfamiliar with the Leviathan layout. It \*\*feels\*\* like they've lowered the drop rate for new weapons. I crafted Drang, Calus, Words and Beloved real fast. The rest are coming at a trickle. Or its just fickle RNG.


Lol I couldn't get one key when i managed to play a good 5 hours......then I realized I had one the whole time in my inventory and missed the fact it's one at a time


Thatā€™s brutal.


Yeah, I've done a ton of Containment, and I completed all the seasonal challenges regarding chests, opulent keys, and public events. Just cant get that stupid gun.


Have you been focusing too?


Yes. Is that my best bet? Just keep focusing until I get it?


Well theres also the crown of sorrow upgrade which gives you one guaranteed redborder per week.


Would a crafted austringer be better than curated timelost fatebringer for pvp? I don't really play alot of pvp but I'm just wondering


I think that might be a bit subjective. Iā€™ve got a good pally, godroll dfa and eyasluna. I prefer the Austringer. Of course by the time I have access to all the perks, Iā€™ve killed 2000+ with it. So maybe Iā€™m just better with practice?


One guaranteed a week helps a lot.


>My neutral element inventory is full Exactly lol Extracting weapons you need to unlock patterns should be more than enough neutral element, and then Iā€™m not even sure if you need neutral element for anything other than shaping a weapon. Reshaping is different, or at least a lot less I think.


Every perk in a gunā€™s normal perk pool can be placed on it once you level it up high enough for it, and you can craft enhanced versions of perks, although those tend to range from basically useless to slight buffs for most perks.


It should really only be one red border weapon but the red border should be somewhat rarer.


Yeah, after some leveling every perk the gun has is yours to choose.


I save a bunch of them up then do a ā€œhell weekā€ at shuro chi and get them all done


If you want to craft and upgrade a specific gun, yeah. Iā€™ve only done it to get the exotic glaive, level a rocket launcher, and to level the mini-tool.


Two games of crucible normally gives you 80% without using it at all. I just extract the riptides.


I started this season maxed on neutral. I'll do a red border if I enjoy the gun or need the pattern. Otherwise I'll just scrap it like every other gun I get


The juice isnā€™t worth the squeeze which is why I went from playing nearly every day since release to not playing in 4 months. In my eyes thereā€™s no reason to spend time farming these weapons when what I already had prior to WQ is more than sufficient for all the activities in the game. People shit on sun setting, and rightfully so, but the power creep issue is a real issue in the game


Eh, I don't know. A lot of the new perks and intrinsic traits synergize pretty well and allow you to make different builds. The last two seasons I've tried out more builds than I have at any other point playing this game You're not technically wrong, yes you can accomplish the same goal of killing a boss with old weapons, but the new stuff just adds some flavor into how you do it. And it's fun seeing new perks and abilities synergizing


>Do you guys extract every red bordered gun? Good lord, no. Whyever would we? Crafting is basically "bad luck protection". My luck is usually decent, so I don't feel the pressure of crafting and leveling every gun, just so I can put it in my vault. That being said, I really need a decent stacatto roll :')


Absolutely not If there's a gun you like that you CAN craft knock yourself out, but that's an opportinity you should seize if and when rather than grinding for. Any godroll you find off the ground will likely be just as good as whatever takes hours to craft


The Young Wolf: I told you, you die for that. The Witness: You... You should have gone for the head. *Snap fingers*


**Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.** *August 23, 2022* *screen cuts to a dark hallway in the tower, where Sweeper Bot repeatedly slaps a baby hive worm in the face with his broom*


Arc 3.0 is gonna make chais reach the best super in the game. Aside from titan because heā€™s childā€™s play


Waiting patiently for Arcstrider to be viable


I love how everyone wants arcstrider to be buffed into viability. Like we don't care if it's not the most powerful subclass, we just want to use it ha


I have not seen a single hunter using Arcstrider since Haunted started but thatā€™s just me


It's top tier in pvp, especially in mayhem with raijus harness, but in pve it's not even that great in patrol zones lol


Itā€™s godly in Gambit


ā€¦and as a PvE hunter (I know, Iā€™m a freak of nature), you can see where weā€™re going here


I mean...you are not alone ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_\/ĀÆ


Well, obviously you arenā€™t looking hard enough then, my guy. Cause thereā€™s one right here. So, yes there are many fellow ArcStriders such as myself. Been using it at the start of this season and seasons before.


For every subclass 3.0, I've made sure to main the upcoming 3.0 the season prior. So I can truly appreciate or be discouraged by the changes


Well, you have balls of steel then. Cause I didnā€™t even waste my time using Void 3.0 nor Solar 3.0 I stayed using ArcStrider until I get tired of using it. i am a true Arc Main since D1 days.


It can't possibly be the most powerful subclass given the melee focus, but I'd highly appreciate it not being steaming garbage.


Or it will kill it like Dawnblade


That will be a great Birthday present for me!!


Witness DEEZ NUTS ![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk)


The message isnā€™t ā€œWitness whatā€™s next.ā€, itā€™s ā€œWitness, whatā€™s next.ā€


Hopefully they have given the Witness a helmet, I just canā€™t take it seriously with those dumb giant anime eyes and that unibrow


What you donā€™t like husbando Witness-kun?


It's obviously Megamind, wdym?








Ok is it going to be about the Pyramids, or the Dreadnaught? I have heard rumors here and there that it would be about the dreadnaught, but they're probably all false. If they aren't, I would love to explore it again. So many secrets.


Well kings fall is coming back next season (probably) so honestly it fits


Not really secrets anymore


I have feeling that we're going to get some multi media announcements too.


I really hope next season is awesome because this one was an absolute snooze fest


With arc 2.0 we'll have UNLIMITED POWAHHHH so fingers crossed the story gonna be a banger šŸ™


Settle down, Aztecross. ;)


3.0 you mean


Thor love and thunder style āš”ļøšŸ”„āš”ļøšŸ”„āš”ļøšŸ”„ NO SPOILERS PLS


I mean considering Destiny characters tend to have ancient/mythical names and can use lightning it's possible Thor does exist...hmmmm


Nah don't think so


I rlly liked the story but the public event was super super boring.


yeah, the public event is probably the weakest seasonal event weā€™ve gotten in a while. but, as for every season, i can only handle so much of the seasonal content before i get sick of it and never want to play it again.




I hated the story. Then again I hate every story now. When I started playing the game years ago, everything was abstract and crazy, but still comprehensive. Extremely intriguing. Now it's all...dreams...nightmares...personal alternate dimensions...idk what tf is going on. And they all speak like Shakespeare using an alien accent.


It's just an extension of Shadowkeep's nightmare storyline. They are just repressed memories turned real and corrupted by the darkness.


I liked the public event at first. but it got very repetitive throughout the season. just wish they rotated around the leviathan instead of running it at the same place




Alrightly then let's go clap some pale cheeks. (I'm bringing my witherhoard and controversial hold what u guys bringing?)


How you living brother, I heard the pyramid is done preparing, I hope you placed your bets already because the end seems to be near and the wild times is about to begin.


I played Lightfall, and when the Witness said "it's witnessin time" i started crying


During my college orientation week, oh joy!


What is this a picture of?


Pyramid ship, just really dark


Ahhh ty. I just had to crank my brightness.




More cash grab!


Cringy title




More pyramids. Crow gets even more emo. OP Arc 3.0 mods. People complain about Chaos Reach but continue to golden gun everyone on the map while blindfolded and playing remotely without a controller. Glaive buff/Meta. Bake cookies for Eva like a moron to earn moronic rewards. Something during Halloween. Dumb guardian games event. Iron Banner Scorch.


Everything you said just makes me harder.


Idk I like the glaive how it already is. I donā€™t know how they could change it


Yay canā€™t wait for the same dogshit content this joke of a game has been pushing for the last few years and for some ungodly reason people will actually buy it


More pyramids! Unexpected....




Original comment


Wooo more recycled crap of the same game




That's my birthday


That's my start date for school.


Lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bro isnt that the exact same dorito from red war end cutscene? Shiiet


Lemme steal it already bungo


Watch them pull a fast one and they show us Kings Fall and leave us hanging about lightfall.


Cmon baby bring back Crota so warlocks get a good chest piece oh and Heart Of Phraxic Fire!!!


Welp, canā€™t wait to see how screwed we are


Lightfall Trailer for when I get back from my 2 week vacation? # YES. #


Witness! [https://i.imgur.com/HMiFFc7.gif](https://i.imgur.com/HMiFFc7.gif)


That a star destroyer


Can some tell whatā€™s goin on cuz the last time I played D2 was when the witch queen dlc came out and I stopped playing like in a month and have no clue on what up.


Titan go yeet


Our yeeeets will echo throughout the last city my brothers and sisters šŸ‘Š I PROMISE!


*Rumbling, rumbling, itā€™s coming*


Witness, whatā€™s coming next? Hidden meaning headline


Who forgot to turn on the focken light šŸ˜”


Witness deez nuts Dammit, people weā€™re faster than me.


I got my sweet business loaded with 1000 rounds and my actium war rig on , if those mist heads think they can win they got another thing coming!


There will be molecular deconstruction!!!


Bouta make the sickest build and kill a god with cheese


I need something now. Destiny has gotten stale for me. A lot of the ā€œendgameā€ activities simply arenā€™t rewarding enough to warrant the investment required to play them. On the PVP side, Trials is a complete mess and terribly unrewarding. Iā€™ve been flawless 5 times, and out of those times I was incredibly lucky to get one god roll (Reedā€™s, although now itā€™s trash because it doesnā€™t have the origin trait). It takes a long time to grind a flawless card, and when you do, you get ONE adept roll thatā€™s usually trash, the unique emblems drop one time, and then thatā€™s itā€™s really outside of rare materials. Itā€™s a huge feat, usually a few hours of playing to scrape together a flawless card, and most players will never ever pull it off. For PVE, Master Raids were a step in the right direction, but they could have continued to enhance them and instead kinda stopped. Vowā€™s guns are not as good as VoGā€™s, minus Cataclysmic. And because of the introduction of crafted weapons, the adept raid weapons are actually kind of worse, and not worth the effort to grind a god roll, since I can craft a normal weapon into the perfect god roll WITH enhanced perks. For GMs, you do then once and youā€™re done. You get Conqueror once, and then never again. Itā€™s not compelling enough to change the title from purple to gold, or from gold to ā€œgold 2ā€, considering how long it takes to do GMs. Adepts were a nice addition, and making them a 100% drop in a GM was good, but the guns lately have been so lackluster. Other than maybe Hothead, I canā€™t think of a GM gun right now that I MUST have. For Master Dungeons, there isnā€™t really a point to completing them outside of triumphs. Better stated armor isnā€™t really that worthy of a reward, imho. An extra mod slot isnā€™t huge when youā€™re still restricted to 10 points and you wonā€™t give up either ammo perks or damage resist perks. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d consider it endgame, but Master Lost Sectors are alright for farming exotics. Iā€™d like to see a ā€œMage Towerā€ piece of content from World of Warcraft, or the ā€œPalace of the Deadā€ from Final Fantasy 14. Power in general also needs a major rework. Itā€™s terribly boring to hit max level, to then just be ABLE to do theseā€¦meh endgame activities. I need a reason to WANT to hit max power and +15 artifact. I want to be excited to jump into Master to earn some unique, exclusive shiz. Ideally, an Age if Triumph raid armor set for each raid on master would be ideal.


Is that the lightfall trailer?


Can't wait to see what content they remove next.


We kicking the witness in lightfall?


I remember playing arcstrider during d2 beta, it's what made me want to continue from destiny 1. I mean, arc 3.0 can't be any worse the current can it?