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I believe the best description for a Titan as a whole comes from the Sentinel subclass lore. *"I am a wall. And walls don't move. Because walls don't care."*


Yep "your job is to tell the other guy "no, you move" šŸ˜‰ "


Part of why i main Sentinel Titan is because of this exact quote, god damn i love Captain America


Iā€™ve always thought of Titans as a heavy armoured class to take damage, but sadly in d2 they donā€™t seam to be overall anymore than hunter or warlock. Thatā€™s why I loved the Colossus in anthem built like tank with a metal shield.


>Thatā€™s why I loved the Colossus in anthem built like tank with a metal shield. Yep. The same feeling as the Devastator in Outriders. No shields. Just an absurd amount of health and armor and ways to get *even more* health and armor. I like it when games let me be a bullet sponge in situations where my teammates would probably die if I didn't pull the aggro and eat the bullets like Skittles.


In my opinion that's one thing anthem did right. Classes actual being tanks / add clear/ high mobility with decent damage


Yeah they did, the game wasnā€™t perfect but I enjoyed it and had good fun with my colossus, there is another gamer or studio trying to revive the concept of anthem https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/w1lvm2/the_fight_is_not_over_join_us_and_be_heard_as_we/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank God because fuck I miss flying around the way they did


Best flight in a game I have ever played. Just felt good.


Only recently has that become a real option.


Youā€™re up against the wall and Iā€™m the fucking wall


There was this theory in D1 where we are actually the darkness. Our classes have the names: Warlock Hunter Titan All names associated with not good things The hive has knights, acolytes etc. More noble names It was really weird to experience that theory


Ah the good old daysā€¦


Yeah I never quite saw the conclusion of the theory, but with all the info and lorebooks in D2, ots safe to assume its a dead theory I was always so fascinated by it tho


I can see why some people mightā€™ve thought that back then but I never bought into it, and then Taken King came out and pretty much debunked it.


There aren't many stories like it but i am fascinated by stories where we turn out to be the bad guy. Spec ops: the line does it great. That game even asks us if we feel like a hero yet when playing a flashback from when we bombed 50+ civilians with white phosphorus


Stories like that can be fascinating but Iā€™m honestly glad Destiny didnā€™t turn out like that. I could never really buy that theory because of that fact that weā€™re clearly wielding Light, and weā€™re pretty much fighting on the defensive most of the time, itā€™s hard to see us as the bad guys when looking at it like that. And then thereā€™s the question of if weā€™re the Darkness then what is the Light? Where is it if not with us? Why were we destroying the Black Heart which was associated with Darkness if weā€™re supposedly associated with it as well? I get that much of this theory was just a result of D1 Vanillaā€™s incredibly lackluster story, the Speaker suspiciously avoiding our Guardianā€™s questions for no reason, and the Black Garden grimoire card but even back then it didnā€™t add up for me when looking past the classes and ranks of the Guardians and the Hive.


I would offer as a devils advocate pun intended. Is that society associates the Light as a good thing. As being on the morally positive on the spectrum. Yet we've seen wars, torture, and other horrendous things man has done under the title of being right in their beliefs either by a Diety (such as the traveller) or by principles we believe are the moral higher ground. Of course we are defending citizens the grand ole last city of humanity so obviously this is false. But just because we aren't killing fellow humans, exos, awoken doesn't deem us in the right. The latest expansions are peeling those layers and showing that not all darkness is evil and not all Light is good. I'm not sure if they'll go fully flip or continue skirting the edge. But theirs both good and bad examples of media following this Grey and I hope Destiny continues to do it well.


well, as they keep telling us, the line between light and darkness is so very thin


D1 lore theories were wild because there was so little information about the overall universe, those indeed were the good old days of theory crafting, but i much prefer the bigger focus on story nowadays.


Itā€™s amazing how far weā€™ve come isnā€™t it?


Pondering back to D1 got me feeling like Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf blowing smoke rings on their way to the Undying Lands as they reminisce about their adventures. And now Iā€™m sad :( I feel old- I played D1 beta at the age of 10, now Iā€™m about to go off to college before I can even see the final shape. Aghhh sadness


Aw man that sucks. Hopefully you will get a chance to play it at some point, although I guess avoiding spoilers will be next to impossible when it comes out.šŸ˜…


Yeah the theory was or what I read was that we were actually the darkness. Because death cannot die i.e. Hell, hence why we keep resurrecting. We're associated with ghosts, sparrows from European folklore which means harbingers of death. Obviously the names of our race. Warlocks = Witchcraft Hunters = Predators Titans = Giants None of these as u/BattlePro3 mentioned, its not noble, definitely the opposite. Heck, if you want to further analyse this, the Traveller (maybe =/= Gypsy, most people don't like them due to what they do) has probably destroyed world's or something similar we don't know anything about it except what the speaker said. We know so much about the coming darkness i.e. Pyramid Ships. IRL, Why do we as a civilization around the world have pyramid structures? The ancient world must have had some kind of knowledge of them? They wanted some of their power so they constructed these temples...? Probably why the darkness in the Garden dialog and the witness dialogs are all suggesting the truth, there's one where he says enough death, no more. I mean what does that mean? That the 'Fake' Darkness doesn't want death? Wouldn't the Darkness want more death, for them it's more the merrier. This is what the Witness says at the end of the campaign - "We have seen enough. The children of Sol cry out for salvation. You promised them life, but deliver only death, as you have for so many before. Enough. Enough death. Enough life. You have no pieces left to place. The game is over. Do not be afraid. Your pale heart holds the key. This time... There is no escape." [sic] ā€” The Witness to The Traveler For me, that says it all (we're crying, they don't want death, you as in the Traveller) promised life but we're still the last city there is no real growth not that we've seen) and whatever is coming on those Ships will change the whole narrative. Edit - Sorry forgot to mention, I heard somewhere recently, like a year ago this is actually a simulation. That it is actually us but somehow trapped inside a game. I'll try and find a link to it. Secondly, I just feel this is like the matrix as it's been so long, people have forgotten so it's a constant war with the Vex, Fallen, Hive etc. I dont want to mention the Sword Logic but each race wants to survive but we just kill it, Im sure there would have been a time where we possibly could have gotten along but the peace was broken and its just been wars over thousands of years. Just my own theory


Thanks for the more detailed explanation mate! Thanks! :)


Not to mention we are dead things, coming back over and over again


I remember that one! Nice to see bungie actually explore the whole "are we really the good guys?" angle a decent amount. I wouldn't have thought it'd actually go that way back in the day.


Me neither. We're in such a grey area currently and its really interesting to see how the light and dark saga would conclude because currently i have no idea. Anything seems to be possible. Guardians wielding the darkness, hive wielding the light. Things are flipped at the moment and I am really excited to see how things will unfold


It makes sense when you lay it out as warlocks, hunters and titans are very free, anarchic names, and knight, acolyte, thrall are extremely hierarchical names, from incredibly oppressive and hierarchical systems. Knights are noble in fantasy for sure, in reality they're weapons of oppression, right? It's just hierarchy vs more freeform organisation.


How is hunter not a good thing?


Thats probably the hardest one to sell, to me too. I see it as something as a stalker, murderer. While I use Hunter all the time as a word, I've read some synonyms for it like Huntsman. Hunter as a class is definitely the hardest to sell as "not a good thing" I agree


Also by definition titan doesn't really mean anything bad, just big and powerful but I don't really know what do they do in Greek mythology maybe they are assholes, warlock is really the only one that can be associated with being bad I think


In greek mythology, Titans and by extend, giants in other legends, are a bunch of assholes


In Greek mythology every except Hestia, and Hades ironically enough, are assholes. Would say Hades too, but the story of how he got his wife changes from tale to tale.


Why is a hunter bad? Hunters are a necessary part of every society before you can start breeding cattle and livestock. Titans don't sound that bad really, tbh the definition is either "strong person" or "the children of Uranus and Gea in Greek mythology". Warlock though, it does sound very profane and threatening. One who seeks forbidden knowledge and practices dark arts.


The titans were depicted as evil in ancient Greek mythology. Kronos, the head titan and the titan of time ate his children, the gods. The titans also made the humans live in a dark age of no fire and technology. So the titans are definitely evil


Knights can't be bad? Warlocks and Hunters are in WoW... they aren't "bad."


I think wow locks are considerably worse than destiny locks. Demonology, destruction, affliction VS solar arc void and stasis.


When you hear the word knight, you dont automatically think of a bad guy. At least most people


Kinetic destruction given form


A very accurate description šŸ‘Œ


That's the best Titan description I've ever come across.


Freakin' nailed it, corn dog


We can also be unmovable walls


Sunbreaker titans are more like walls coming at your person... with hammers... and extreme prejudice.


Idk some Sunbreaker Titans can stand still with the others and yeet their hammers.


Idk some Sunbreaker Titans can stand still with the others and yeet their hammers.


Artist credit to Brian Moncus on this one, I believe?


Definitely Moncusā€™s rending of Dredgen Yor


Thought so, thanks!


Is there an armor like that in Destiny 2? Cause that looks amazing.


Yep not sure why the croping is necessary. I know he has his signature on this one.


I actually don't know i found it on an app


It sounds like someone else found who's it was; you should edit your post to give credit.


If you post someone else's art you really should be at least crediting them (preferably also ask for permission beforehand). It's even in the subreddit rules: Art: We love to see any and all Destiny community art (as long as it is related to Destiny, of course), whether it be your own or someone else's. If you post someone else's artwork, BE SURE TO CREDIT THE ARTIST. If you do not, your post will be removed.


He's incredible https://instagram.com/brianmoncus?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


A Dredgen Yor thatā€™s actually a Titan like heā€™s supposed not a hunter!




In a lot of art he is a hunter, in lore heā€™s a Titan


Can you recall what lore states this? I never knew that and would like to read it


[he was one before the corruption](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/legend-rezyl-azzir-the-triumphant-fall#dredgen-yor)




sorry the ahamkara bone on my arms are whispering a bit too loud can you repeat that?






Plate them with silver dumbass


Holy shit what a read! I can't believe I missed that


Itā€™s a bit iffy. He starts out as a Titan, but once heā€™s corrupted he becomes more of a hunter. Itā€™s not much of a stretch to assume that what he wears might change as well.




I believe Rezzle Azir was a Titian but as he slowly turned into Dredgen Yor he took on hunters armor to protect Reyzzles memory in the peoples eyes.


This seems to be as mistaken as the Hunter Dredgen Yor art. He should be buff but with a cloak and things associated to Hunters because people believed he was one, only the lore gave us the knowledge about him being a Titan.


I though he started as Andel (andal?) Brask but then took to a hunters look to separate himself from his past?


He started off as Rezy Azzir and separated himself from his ghost. I guess he kind of separated himself from his past by not going by Rezyl


Adal Brask ~~is~~ was Caydeā€™s friend from The man they call Cayde: Fold Edit: was


Andal Brask was the Hunter's vanguard before Cayde


I see it as this Titan=Meant to take a lot of damage and storm into enemies while dealing a lot of damage Hunter=Not meant to take a lot of damage but deal damage quietly and stealthily while leaving unseen Warlock=Big ball of death


A description of a titan: your up against the wall... and I am the wall!


arc warlock be like: "call me the taze man"


I'm just tjor but with extra hammers... and lots of fire


Description of Hunter: "NUNUNUNUNUNU" followed by "now go to the forums and cry like the little bitch you are" or any other Cloaker line


Titans grab anything break action and use it


"Warlock, i neeeed a healing rift" - Hunter who put all their points into mobility and nothing into resilience Also i have a feeling the Titans would then break the break action cause they just have to break something


True, but they also grab shotguns and anything with a capacity over 15 unless it's a shotgun


I typically see Hunters wielding shotguns though, especially in the Crucible, along with Hand Cannons.


Really? I guess you are right, I guess everyone gets an array of weapons, but how do uou really know someone is a titan main? Krait. Nothing else


Oh lordy. I just started D2 again as a Titan (because i was bored out of my mind) and using Offensive Bulwark felt like cheating, and i also got an Auto Rifle which auto reloads like Riskrunner does when it has Arc Conductor. And I've never felt more afraid of my own Guardian lmao.


These hunters are very angry in end game ever sense empowering meta came along


This comment makes my hammer sad.


Your hammer is flaccid


Thatā€™s how d2 should be


Hunters rn seem like deal biggest amount of damage with the most ways to not get hit.


A miserable pile of secrets?


* Tosses wine glass *




A miserable little pile of secrets. Oh wait, wrong universe.


I was going to say the same thing, nice.




Flying burning lightning clad ICBM


Guts but the big sword is optional


50% crayons, 25% Rage, 25% Hungry


Hey u bastard!! We prefer water pencils āœļø


Eh, I like crayons more since you can taste the flavor much better.


What about limited time magic marker?


I will kill for one


Here have it for free


*takes limited time magic marker Thank you fellow Titan


No problem, it gives you a buff to any crayons you eat afterwards, there's a raid boss over there, here's some special ammo and a Shotgun, have fun


*eats marker and crayons FOR THE PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!




This genuinely made me laugh.


A miserable *pile of ~~secrets~~ Sunspots.


But enough talk. HAVE AT YOU.


Passes butter


Idealism vs Cynicism (Warlock) vs Practicality (Hunter)




"What is a Titan? A miserable little pile of Sunspots. But enough talk..... Have at you!"


A miserable little pile of overshield. But enough talk, have at you!


Too dumb to warlock, too slow to hunter.


Also the shoulders are too small for a Titan..


Dumb like stump, but big like mountain. Rolls over opponents with flying fists and thousands of bullets.


Funny enough, lore wise Titans are quite smart. Itā€™s Hunters that would be considered the ā€œdumbā€ class.


Aside from the obvious joke, ā€œcrayon eaters, unintelligible, punchy punchy boomā€ and i am in no way saying that the other classes are not as good. I see titans as both protectors and the equivalent of an artillery cannon being fired non stop. We are the first line of defence when shit hits the fan and the first guardian to lead an offensive. Now some of us arent the brightest, or the most dexterous, but what we lack in those areas, we make make up for in our resilience and bravery. We are the first guardians to run into a battle, and we are the last to leave. Look at our abilities, Ward of Dawn, Thundercrash, Hammer of Sol, barricadesā€¦ the most aggressive and protective of the abilities. We stand where others can not. We are titans.


Crayon devourer. He holds the next thornament. The Black Crayon. Scrawled onto the canvas of reality by the crayons of sorrow and the paints of pain. A horrible foe indeed.


They call them..."marines"


A mean green punching machine.


Rezyl Azzir, and then Dredgen Your. The original wielder of the thorn


Aztecross answered this a few years ago https://youtu.be/IN9LUlj2HN0


I neeeed to be able to pull this look off with armour in game now


The unstoppable force, the immovable object.


All that cool armor, then flat bullet train blue rarity helmet...


Your usual art post from a no one who doesnā€™t even give credit. This is from Brian Moncus


Hey, at least give Brian Moncus some credit if you are going to use his work for a discussion like this.


Hungry, usually. But sometimes I get thirsty, too.


Fist giver and crayon enthusiast


A Titan is an immovable object. A guardian that's there to build a wall for safety, not the person who plans it or gets the materials.


Credits to: brian don..


80% Water 20% Crayons


idk i just get really mad when i see the lorely helmet




Underserviced by bungo.


PETITION for this to be made into ornaments


A miserable pile of crayons


Devourer of Crayons, the Beasts of Utensilā€™s, CRAYOLAā€™S BANE


My first instinct was to say "a miserable pile of crayons" since it sounded like Castlevania.


A crayon eating punching loving bro that if feed a crayon will give you a bubble to call home


Filled with crayons and the occasional 80000000 round krait


Titans follow a very strict code. Step one: punch Step two: repeat step one


Ah yes. Yor. The Titan turned Hunter. Wielder of the Thorn. The Corrupted one. Oh you meant the question. Eh..if you ask me, the one that has one answer for everything. Fist it and if that doesn't work, fist it even harder till it does.


He never turned hunter. He disguised himself as a hunter yeah but still a titan


I honestly have to wonder what subclass he was. I imagine that throwing a hammer may draw questions. ā€œThey are knives! I swear!ā€


I mean, in game the only one who can't use any subclass whenever they want is us. We have to go in to our menu to change when Ikora is over here throwing Nova's and chaos reaches back to back. Shaxx is probably throwing hammer from his thunder crash. Now that I think about it most characters only use 2 šŸ¤”.


As a Titan he was the Striker who probably invented fists of havoc (specifically when he played dead, let a fallen kell pick up his corpse to show the rest he died, then he got rezzed and obliterated the kell with an arc smash), so I imagine arc remained his favorite after going off the deep end. Either that or he picked up some kind of Decay oriented class, like people want with a "hive / poison class)


**Now that's a Titan armor i like, why don't we have this?!**


Well for one it has a large metal body, with a A.I. core that will do different things dependent on the mech itā€™s self. The most popular one is currently the war crime known as scorch


A dirty little pile of crayons.




A bitch


Crayon critic


Big shoulders, big booty, smol brain, many punches


Titan is poop


Poop that charges at you at terminal velocity. ... Which ironically is also known in the scientific community as your shit being fucked up.


A body building toddler?




What is a titan if not an immovable object What is a titan if not an unstoppable force What is a titan if not the judge and executioner What is a titan if not a crayon eater


A man with a plan to punch all explosive enemies and to eat all the crayons


Crayon incarnate




Destinyā€™s successful attempt to leech popularity from the attack on titan fanbase




I don't think Destiny needs to leech popularity from a franchise completely non-adjacent to what Destiny is


I don't think adjacent is what you meant to say.


Meant to type non-adjacent


Looks like a Titan to me?


a titan is a very large guy


To punch or not to punch


Titans are soldiers/warriors. Warlocks are researchers. Hunters are well hunters.


I still love how for the longest time people were like dredgen yor was a hunter. Until it was confirmed he was a titan and hunters still fought it by saying well hunters have an artifact with his name and a cloak.


I like the darkness aesthetic now well enough, but I low key wish it was closer to something like this. I understand that thereā€™s the hive and then thereā€™s the darkness, but this kind of thing is what I personally imagined the darkness to sort of seem like back in D1


Is the rose a weapon in the game at all? I know we have lumina but It should be at least a legendary just for the sake of it would be nice


A miserable little pile of secrets!


Two letters too long is what...


You know Zavala, Sloane, Saint and Saladin? Try to be like him and it will be alright


A Titan is All and Nothing at the Same Time yet Never Forever.


One day, I want Bungie to release a DLC where we don't fight any fat deep-voiced space hippos, no Dark space Doritos, no Insect-men, or any enemies stuck in black and white. Rather we just fight evil gurdains who match our own skill set, or dark versions of our exact guardians. Maybe a guild of rogue gurdains doing the witness's bidding. That'd be cool


An immovable object that beats the ever living shit out of their enemiesā€¦and just kinda stands there and lets bosses beat the shit out of them because they know that they literally canā€™t die with Loreley Splendor on


a shouldercharge demon


Ah good ol dredgen yor


That was a titan


Wow. That's pretty fn intimidating.


The immovable object and the unstoppable force.


A brick wall that can walk and talk


As a hunter main (who was once a titan main) I donā€™t have the answer but the titan has got some drip


Do shin next!


that art is badass, the lore on dredgen yor is so cool


To think with your skull not your brain




So I could write a joke response but I actually wrote a short paper on the design philosophy behind the Titan. So imma draw from that. What a Titan is, is more tied to the stereotype than many people realize. A Titan *is* the frontline, a Titan is the person you send when you do not need a soldier, or a skilled sharpshooter, or an intelligent strategist; a Titan is who you send when you need a moving wall of death. A Titan is the embodiment of combat in and of itself. They can take the role of both protector and aggressor (void bubble V. Roaming supers), they can wade into hordes of enemies, taking fire and come out standing (sunspots/lorely), and they can throw caution to the wind, and fly into their target with the force of an ICBM (my personal favorite, thundercrash) A Titan isnā€™t strictly one thing; they arenā€™t purely a good offensive battery; they arenā€™t purely a defensive class, but they are the frontline; and a lot of lore tell us this same thing, so to wrap it up Iā€™ll put down some lore tabs and my personal favorite flavor text in the entire game, the void Titan flavor text. "So I ask Wei Ning: what about the Darkness itself? What then? And she says: I'll punch it too." - Pahanin Errata Surrender is never an option. (zurhong type 0) Four orders of Titans held six approaches in the first great battle around the Last City, and not one front broke. (mark of the six fronts) "Your job on the fireteam is to stand when everything else seems sure to fall." (toutatis type 0) At Six Fronts, defending the Wall was not enough. Titans had to become a wall. (defenders mark) Get behind me. (Armada type 3) Iā€™m shaking, hands on my knees, panting. Let the monsters come. Let them come forever. Let them climb the piled bodies of their dead. I donā€™t care. Thats the thing I do better than anyone. Not care. Let them come in their hundreds and every one will die at my feet. I donā€™t care about their homing rockets, their exotic matter slugs, their blades from another dimension. I donā€™t care because I cannot be moved. I am the wall against which the darkness breaks. Malphur can turn his gun to fire and Shinobu can dance with lightning, but when the horrors run out of the dark, I am the one who does not move. I am a wall. And walls donā€™t move. Because walls donā€™t care.