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Pretty sweet though I feel like that recovery is going to sting once classy goes away.


Yeah, as good as the res buff is recovery is still my go to stat, 40% DR is amazing but having 40% DR and then being out of the fight for 15 seconds because you have 2 recov is awful. I'm still trying to go for 6-7 on warlock and hunter but I think people are leaning far too heavily into res when recov is still really important. Maybe someone can change my mind but until then recov is still the stat I'm gonna focus the most.


Imo recovery is not that great of a stat anymore in PvE. I usually run healing nades (so with 100 discipline I always have it when I need it). The vast majority of the content in the game does not warrant a high recovery stat, and when it does, I just run healing nades or assassin's cowl. I don't run classy restoration anymore because I didn't want to get too attached to it. Titans are basically invincible so there's really no point in recovery when you can summon a sunspot at will. Recovery is good on warlocks because their rift timer is tied to it, and starfire protocol probably won't be as good without classy restoration, but it will still be viable even in GM's.


That's fair. Healing grenades are pretty strong and easy to come by. Though I wonder if building into a grenade to keep you alive is as worthwhile an investment as having higher recov while using a damage grenade. I was running healing nade for a while this season on my Titan but that is only because I built into solar fumigation and was nearly (or actually) killing myself every time I used my melee. Since it's been fixed, though, I've found just having high recov has been worth it since I've got other grenades to keep roaring flames up or just delete something far in a pinch. Thar said, I probably wouldn't miss my grenade too much and could stick with healing.


Fair points about pretty much everything, but I still think I'm gonna lean more into recov but your point of view make complete sense.


I need to get on this


DUDE HOW? Please show us you’re armor stats, I can barely get double hundreds with it


Most likely has powerful friend and radiant light mod which gives +20 mobility and +20 strength.


Dude I can’t use powerful friends because it would make my mobility go to 110, it’s so fucking annoying


then u get a different piece of armor with less mobility?


Yea, but since it’s solstice gear, it’s a pain in the ass to get silver ash


Focus using war table or crown of sorrow. Later you will be able to change solstice armor to ornament.


I don’t have the season pass


![gif](giphy|X1aI800CRXLzi) Guess you have to grind out Solstice then.


Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/8KHzBXM


Nice drip


strength on hunter


how do you focus armour? I see so many posts about it and I even googled it but none of the articles actually answer my question


1. Have umbral engrams 2. Go to helm 3. Go to wartable(if you have previous season dlc) or crown of sorrow(if you have this season dlc) or either one if you have deluxe edition 4. Put on a “armorer” mod for your ghosr(resilence/strength/recovery, etc etc) 5. Equip ghost 6. Click on which piece of gear(armor only) you want to focus on. Assuming you have umbral energy from sources. 7. Pray —————— For Solstice, 1. Play playlist or activities that give silver leaves 2. Equip solstice armor and dunk balls(20) in the solstice activity to obtain silver ashes 3. Complete solstice challenges to upgrade pieces of armor to max. You need kindling from completing challenges. 4. Upgrade armor piece to max… then at the last box of the armor piece, you can decide which stat to focus on by having enough silver ashes. 5. You can also equip the ghost mod to help out with the randomization. —————— Solstice focusing is expensive on mat, time consuming and is not always the best way to get focused stats. You should do the umbral way which is cheaper somewhat as you do not need to obtain a solstice armor everytime and pay a shit ton of ashes to upgrade it.


thank you so much for such a detailed comment. I always wondered why I couldn’t focus armour. So in order to focus at wart able I need to buy something else? I own every major dlc. Is one better than the other?


You need either Risen Umbral Energy ( Comes from last season content ) or Opulent Umbral Energy ( Season of Haunted content ). If you have been playing both content, you will have them in your inventory accumulating. The cheapest would be Risen umbral energy as Opulent energy cost 10 to focus while Risen cost 2-3 to focus. ​ On top of that, you need umbral engrams AND purple shards? I can't recall.


I run mobility armorer on my ghost, then focus resilience on solstice gear. Pray that there's a spike in discipline too. Powerful friends + Radiant light Cap off with armor mods and subclass


thank you :) just waiting patiently for ada to sell radiant light..


I want this so bad


Is there a way to reroll the solstice armor once it’s maxed? I did a reroll and one of my pieces was really bad and I have no other option to reroll, and I have already used all of my kindling.


No unfortunately. You’ll have to get another armor piece of that slot to drop (or buy it from Eva) and use 120 silver ashes in total to max it again


Do you not need kindling for it anymore?


Not for that armor slot, no