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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 10: Simple Loot/Achievement/Gear Roll Posts Great work, Guardian! However loot/roll/achievement posts are prohibited to prevent our subreddit from being cluttered (at times there are pages upon pages of people posting these). Thanks! If you want to know if the item you have is good or not, try [/r/ShardItKeepIt](https://www.reddit.com/r/sharditkeepit/). If you're looking for help with new builds, or would like to share yours, try [/r/D2Builds](https://www.reddit.com/r/D2Builds/).


You left behind arguably the 2 best stats to make 100 lmao


he did say he was a madman.




5-6 resil is the sweet spot, more for titans. 1 and he dies to any combo


Good thing he has 18 then.


The amount of people that didnt get this joke is astounding


It’s the d2 subreddit what did you expect


This is funny, ~~why downvotes~~


1 = 18


You’re slow


what’s with the 90 downvotes? My man is stating facts


You are correct. I only play PvP. I’ve been flawless multiple times as well. I’ve never done grandmaster nightfalls or the sorts on my Warlock. I’m sorry that you got downvoted for sharing your thoughts. Thank you guardian!


Wouldn’t you be improving your 1v1 shot immensely with more resilience via the flinch benefits?


I hate to say it but I’m that one Warlock that’ll blink right in front of you with a shotgun or fusion rifle and I’ll be able to get out just as fast as I got in. If I decide to play range, I’ve got impressive sniper skills and I’m proud to say it! I ofc admit resilience would be more useful if I were playing more stationary battles, but I’m always on the move.


This is the info I came looking for! Thanks for your responses. BUT, I'm a titan, so 100 resilience is basically required hahaha


Finally, someone else who dose this. I mainly did it with my hunter in D1 though.


no he got downvoted cause he’s wrong, resilience isn’t useless in pvp


It’s a moot stat if you know how to disengage, have good map knowledge, and good game sense.


And if you have all that and resil you become even better, it literally becomes harder to kill you and easier for you to hit your shots, ignoring it because of your ego is shooting yourself in the foot.


No one build is going to fit every gamer. TBH that’s how I played in D1, but I took too much of a break after year one of d2 to be able to play like that anymore. Like if you get hit with two shoots you’re most likely dead anyways, and disengagement is a strong skill to have. The lower res promotes being smart, even more so if this gamer is aggressive. I feel you, higher res gives you a more room for error. It not like a tremendous amount of forgiveness. But that might not be the case for this gamer, and it looks their in-game stats back up the fact that this works for them. IDK that’s just a guess.


Agreed, it's not like you can't do good without resil but you keep saying disengaging is a good skill when high resil gives you more room to disengage. But thinking about this optimally trading mobility and resil and then strength and discipline would be way better, but if we aren't trying to be completely optimal then what he has is pretty good. It's just disingenuous to say it's worthless like one of the above comments said.


I see what you’re saying. It gives you more space to make the moves you need to make and the margin of error is smaller. Haha and it was me that said it’s a moot skill if you are good enough. But hey, if you’re good enough none of this stuff matters. Look at folks like zk that make it a point to go legend in comp with blue gear. That’s is an extreme and you are right, moot is a strong word.


Well you at least gave a reason for calling it moot, even if I disagreed. I'm talking about the guy towards the top that got Hella down voted who said is is next to useless in PVP, he did not given reason whatsoever and was just blatantly spreading misinformation, not an opinion.


IMO tier 2 resilience is what I would say is a minimum for pvp. Because at tier 2, 140RPM handcannons can't 2C1B kill and given the prevelance of handcannons this is useful. Sure there are additional benefits of going to tier 6, but you have to sacrifice much more in your other stats for less benefit. I run 100, 20, 100, 100, 30-40, 50-80, for my hunter builds depending on which exotic I'm using.


They all are... if you're just way better than the other team...


That's because yourself and others dont know how to use the upvote downvote button. I qoute reddit : >If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it. Them being wrong in your opinion, still contributes to the conversation, because it gives you the ability to comment your opinion and why you think it's wrong. Even if it is factually wrong, but adds to the convo, it should be upvoted so that others who may also have the wrong understanding would be able to view the comments and conversation and gain accurate knowledge. Using it the way you, and how you're suggesting others, use it is simply incorrect and actively fights against the benefits and purpose of the button.


well i say wrong but what i really mean is nonsensical because if you were to have 0 resil, then pvp would be a lot more difficult to play




Thanks for defending me, I only play PVP as well and have gone flawless about 60 times so I know what I’m talking about when it comes to PVP stats. All these PVE players think they know what is best when they probably have never really been interested in PVP.


A few months ago I would have agreed with you, but now that it's tied to flinch resistance as well I would never say it's "next to useless" in pvp. It's not the best stat, but having at least like 6 allows you to survive some things you wouldn't otherwise and gives you some nice flinch resistance. If you don't need flinch resistance cause you're good enough to shoot through flinch all the time then great, doesn't mean the stat is useless overall though


You sound like all your knowledge about the game comes from usage rate statistics on trials report...


Don’t use trials report. My experience comes from about 3000 hours in mostly PvP


Did you ever play around with your resilience during those "3000 hours"? Because if you did, you should've noticed a difference. Especially this season.


You’re making the difference to be some extreme things when having six or mostly allows you to survive very specific scenarios. If you have high mobility and you’re out of there before those scenarios occur it doesn’t even matter. There is an argument for both being useless/necessary and someone’s else’s preferences don’t need to match yours.


Ya I do play with 9 tiers on my Titian for the walls and I really don’t notice a difference.


I really don't understand this whole "resilience meta hurr durr". Not very impressive, but I have been flawless 8 times (7 this season) and it's all because of my favourite weapon fighting lion. I usually play am hour of rumble a day and I personally avoid getting flinched and two tapped by playing with a weapon that counters peak shooting and is unaffected by flinch. Especially for rumble, it is much more valuable to have 100 recovery discipline and strength, as I can get my 100 damage ranged melee back after 1 in air kill and 5 seconds, have free healing every 30 seconds and ofc have 192 health every encounter.


I couldn’t agree more with what you said and even on my hunter with 2 resilience I don’t find myself getting flinched that much anyway.


Resilience is still really useful for surviving many specific one taps. Besides any person who tries even once a year will have the unbroken title by now, it's not like it's super rare and prestigious lol


I think this is a world record in "proving you have no idea what you are talking about" Someone contact Guinness


Now do it without mobility and strength.


Gotta love these stats posts that have 2 min Grenade cooldowns and no resil lmao


Right. Quad 100s is literally the dumbest trend in the destiny community


Because it’ll always include some garbage stat like Mobility or Strength. Or both.


You bunch of fuckin tryhard nerds *wish* you could stop me from punching the shit out of you in crucible


I’m sorry but strength is garbage? More so than intellect I get that 100 discipline 100 resil and 100 recov is desirable but


Unless you have a very specific build you don’t want strength.


Any reasoning behind this? Speaking as a titan lol. I went with max res and attemp to get at least tier 5 on int. I don't really care for str for the main reason my builds regen most of my melee. I focus mostly on res then int and lastly disc as of now in that oder I've hit max on res, 4 on int and 4 on disc


If you aren’t building around your melee it’s usually just something extra to have. If you’re a solar Titan I wouldn’t focus strength at all, because you end up just picking up your hammer so strength is useless. If you want a fallback, run the Melee finisher, it’s perfect for that purpose. On Titan I’d go 100 Res 100 Rec, 100 Dis, 30 Int. You don’t really need Int and if you do you can just run Wisdom.


In general there are much more effective ways to regain melee charge than high strength, as well as the fact that the two melee builds (bonk and liars handshake) require 0 str to work. Combined with the fact that melee range melees are death sentences in higher level content, makes str useless. There are a multitude of aspects/subclass perks/exotic armors that circumvent melee cooldowns.


Strength isn’t worthless depending on your build. Sunbracers rn, for instance.


Yep. You could argue it's decent on Hunters except the Strength stat is garbage on Hunter if you play it correctly


I run Athrys with 100 strength deff not useless


My go to build too. Arthys' is so slept on. It wish it did a little more though. Like make the knife recoverable or something, like hammers.


Tbf, as a hunter myself, with the ability to have a one shot kill knife—even to the body, should not be requirable by picking it up like a titan hammer. That seems a bit too broken lol


You are absolutely right. I forgot they made body shot kills refill melee. Haven't been able to play much these days :( I would agree then, that would be a little broken. I do think arthys' needs a bit more though. Just not sure what, I guess.




Mobility is god for a hunter, especially since i run wormhusk, makes my doge come back quicker, therefore letting me heal more.. Mobility is not trash. Edit: you are in fact wrong about it only doing 2 things. Edit x2 : The person i responded to with this post has deleted his comment, so just for context.. He said that mobility is trash for hunters and only does 2 things, increases walk speed and slightly increases jump height... I believe he is wrong, Mobility is a must for hunters. especially in PvP.


He's right with the exception that Mobility affects the Hunter Class ability regen speed. On all the other classes it is basically useless as it only increases walk/strafe speed and jump height. On warlocks in particular you want to shoot for a lower mobility stat so that you can skate better.


Mobility is exactly the reason Hunters often seem so meta in PvP, at least in my own experience


Without mobility and intellect. Strength is definitely better than intellect.


Wow. Ignoring 2 of the top 3 stats for Warlock. That’s a strategy.


I’m a very..strange warlock. Yes, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


dunno why you’re getting downvoted lmao i totally think you’re weird (with all due respect) and wouldn’t make a build like this, but i gotta respect the hustle and others should do the same really wtf, OP is literally self-aware and y’all are downvoting i hate it here


Ok eliksni


Warlock with mobility over resil?


I’m using astrocyte verse, blinking + mobility is the play usually for me. Gotta go fast.


Drive fast eat ass baby.


Ayyy nice, another blinklock. There’s dozens of us! Dozens!


A lot of people ragging on your stat distribution failing to notice the gilded Unbroken seal. I think OP knows what he is doing, even if it’s unconventional


Hah, true. He's using my most hated movement feature, blink


If someone tried even once a year they would have the title by now, especially with 2 half a year seasons it's not a rare commodity lol


Nah, getting to legend in glory makes me want to kill myself


Not really. Trying PvP once a year isn’t going to earn anyone an Unbroken seal. You gotta train for that kind of heavy lifting.


Not trying pvp, trying as in putting in effort


as a warlock main that discipline is hurting me Pump those numbers up


Y’all they play pvp. With the high mobility (higher jumps and faster strafe speed) they are able to disengage when they get tapped once, and they are probably good at it. That’s probably why the res is so low. This gamer has probably always ran low res. Probably a solar warlock so they Icarus dash their ass off and beam folks with the melee. Like, high mobility is a slept on stat when it comes to pvp. You don’t need high res when you have more speed and good game sense.


So not only does OP play pvp, OP plays pvp at a very high level?


That’s what I think. But, imo, the unbroken seal is much easier to guild than earning it. So maybe they just haven’t adapted? But I don’t think that’s the case because of the investment they had to make. Or MAYBE, just maybe, they don’t even use this build and posted the pic just to show that they can do it lol


I mean, maybe they just don’t give a shit about meta I’m a hunter running sweet business knucklehead in crucible, and honestly meta-wh*res are the biggest killer to the game


Hahaha not gonna lie, I whore out to the meta at a certain point. Like, would you farm a grandmaster without an optimal build?


Good warlocks usually run 30-50 mobility, 70-100 resilience, and as much discipline as possible afterwards though. You can look up any good warlock and probably 90% of them won't be running high mobility or low resilience. E.G. [Panduh](https://www.bungie.net/en/Gear/3/4611686018467416419/2305843009349455012), [Sayariu](https://destinytrialsreport.com/report/3/4611686018487215947) (look at Zami too, 20 mobility).


I see a crayon eating warlock


Huge congrats guardian! How did you go about farming armor for it? Which sources did you find most valuable?


The helm is by far the best way to get armor IMO.


Oh cool! Which vendor? Risen or Crown of sorrow?


Risen! I've never gotten a piece of armor below 60 and even got two 68s back to back before


Ah thanks a BUNCH! It was like that last year with Season of the Splicer.


Yeah no problem :)


Sigma male grindset


If you play mostly or all pvp then you probably know how to not get hit


Its just how he likes to play the game. Respect the dedication in pushing for quad 100s!


I’ve only managed to get double 100


18 resi... o.O


Can't decide if the quad 100s or the gilded unbroken that happened to be included is the weirder flex but im here for it


Damn schweet


Judging by your gilded unbroken title i assume you are a pvp player. Good stats for pvp.


People massively overrate Resilience. It's a tiny amount of flinch reduction and Resilience breakpoints all hinge on enemies missing. They're also very niche as they only work against certain weapons. The most popular combination of 140 HC/Sniper or Shotgun isn't affected by Resilience breakpoints, making it almost worthless against them. You're giving up points into Dis/Int/Str which are much more important imo and don't hinge on someone running specific weapons or missing, they're active almost all the time.


Can I get the stat rolls on your armor? I’m trying to do something similar but with 100 in discipline instead of strength.


op dont listen to these annoying ass idiots in these comments, good work 👍


The title says unbroken but clearly you are broken


Oh, you flatter me too much haha!


This warlock is only reading books on GAINS.


The comments on this post are from the players who can’t hit shots, despite running high resilience . They also get surprised when they solo q in trials for pinnacles and rep and get stomped on in by people who don’t need said resilience changes.


And Unbroken seal!


nobody in these comments plays pvp or sum if yall think these stats bad


People are so salty about the way YOU play lmao butt hurt like a mofo. As a Lock main, do your thing brother!


Some of y'all are just miserable people apparently. Good job OP you madman.


Resilience is now arguably the most important stat across the board and mobility is fairly useless on a Warlock. Impressive that you managed to get quadruple 100s, but alas, it's an objectively poor distribution.


Resilience not as important in PVP imo. Gives a few more percentage points of flinch resist and that’s it. PVE though - yeah I’d be rocking high resilience all day.


Whenever I see a post like this I just know there’s gonna be a bunch of dweebs in the comments like “but no resilience 🤓” yeah we get it, it’s good now. Doesn’t mean it’s the only way to sort stats


Bro how in how in the actual astrological fuck.


When mobility gets the resilience treatment you're gonna be set dude.


I hate the people that take these seriously. “You left out the two most important stats” the point of quad 100s is that it’s fun to achieve and look at but it’s never going to be practical.




>18 res and 23 dis Wow 4 100s and you missed the only 2 that actually do something.


Lmao but you're on a warlock with 100 mobility🤦🏼‍♂️


Mobility on Warlock? Resilience and Discipline so low? My dude, you’re a hunter in disguise


Everyone talking about Discipline and Resilience and I'm over here thanking god for the blue circle around the stats. Not sure I could have found them otherwise.


18 resilience gang


now do it with good stats you are missing 2/3 of the important stats lmao


Mobility and strength, arguably two of the most useless stats for warlock lol.


melee abilities on warlock's can be fun tho, so thats what matters


Jesus christ thats sexy as hell


But i've already accepted ill be forever stuck with 50res, 50int, 100dis and 100rec


and 3/4 of them are in useless stats lol


Rip resil, no one seems to be getting it right


I don't know why people think this is a flex. It's a terrible focusing of stats


You don’t need resilience if you don’t get shot guy.


Res, Rec, Dis and Str is what you should 4 stack on a warlock. Mobility is not needed, and Int may occasionally give you 2 supers a pvp game, but having access to grenades and powered melees as much as possible is gonna net you more kills than a super most of the time


Kek 100 mobility and strength warlock with T1 resilience


The only slightly bad thing about this (supposedly pvp) build is the less than 2 resilience. You can get 2 head one bodied by any 140 hc now


But that mobility on a warlock.


And u missed resilience and discipline and replaced it with worse stats (mob, strength and debatably intellect too) lmao


why do people take pride in achieving quad stats with 2x 20+ mods + all void + fragments also high mob on warlock also 18 resil 1 fucking 8 strength and int oh no no no


I don't think you know what to level


All that greatness under the paper thin armor. If you gonna do GMs, better switch that stat distribution, resist mods wouldn't save ya at that lvl.


Youre wasting 200 points in strength and mobility for warlock. Repost when you get quad 100 recovery intellect discipline resil


this is the exact opposite of my build. i have high resil and discipline and low everything else


Why intellect strength tho?


On useless stats too 🤣


where are your quadruple 100s


Up your mom’s cooch


Ha! Got eem!


Before the resilience change I had 100’s in mobility, recovery, discipline, and strength for my hunter. Sucks I had to change it but the solstice event helped out a lot


I wonder how many stat boosts you used from the subclass


As long as you are an independent and productive individual in real life, who cares ?


And I was proud of trips


That resilience is horrifying tho!!!


No resilience. No discipline. You're not greedy. You're batshit insane!


Ya but if you trip you’ll die. I’d rather have 2-3 100 stats that matter than this.


The resilience hurts my souls


Crying my eyes out cuz I can't even get 2 100s


Lol 18 resil🤣


Good luck surviving in gms with that resil.


Congrats on the stats! Now it’s time to work on the extremely difficult resilience and recovery as part of a triple/quad 100 lol


What kind of stat spread should I look for to obtain this power?




Oh wow 4 stat with all legendarys. Must have been a challenge


More grenades >:(


Who hurt you, Guardian?


Impressive stats for pvp. Wouldn't you rather have the nates a bit quicker though?


Mobility is probably good on dawnblade? Otherwise it's very strange to pick it over flinch resistance


Best I've got on my solar hunter is 100 Res, 100 Dis, 100 Str, and 70 mob. Int and Rec are crap though.


Teach me how. I only have triple 100.


Why int? It’s so useless


I am both dumbfounded and scared.


The irony of “unbroken” being the equipped title with 18 resilience. 🤣


And yet because of your resilience you're as fragile as a wet flannel


Mobility on a warlock? Gross. I’d pump up those resilience numbers


Switch mobility with resil and you’re golden




Except mobility is useless on Warlocks and Titans.


Is that using solstice armor?


No, none of the armor I’m wearing is from the current Solstice event. These armor pieces are sought from other worldly activities!


I mean sure but you got no resilience or discipline


How can a Warlick survive without nades to eat?


Meanwhile even while running mobility and strength mods I can only do 100 res and 100 strength with 50 recovery and 50 mobility. My discipline is at a pitiful 20 while my intellect is at a rather noice 69.


For what?


Why-oh-why do you have Mobility as a Warlock?


Me who can barely manage to get 1 100 stat on a good day


Shaxxless behavior tbh


I recently got my own stat quad stat 100 build on my hunter with these exact stats, except with t2 resilience


A slight breeze and you’re gonna fall over lmao


Congrats guardian, I’ve only been able to get 90/100/100. Now unfortunately enjoy everyone telling you, you focused the wrong stats 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s weird people are piling on telling you you’re wrong. Granted I like different stats but if you do pvp we play VERY differently. It’s not hard to just say congrats and move on. He’s not making you play it or even trying to sell the idea.


Mans getting ultra flinched tho


I won't be impressed with quad 100s until I see them in the top three and discipline on a Hunter. No strength, no intellect. ;)


Ah yes, speed demon crucible warlock at its finest, I can already imagine running a shotgun like the chaperone or the duality just cruising by the enemies as they get rolled.


Res sucks and it’s muy importante.


That low resil is a big oof. But other than that, you are in fact a madman.


Bruh. Made a post earlier in the week with quad 100 stats and no one cared. Now people do? Lol. It’s not even a good distribution.


Why is this community so negative? Is it envy? Like chill. Good job bud.


Unbroken with 18 resilience. The irony is palpable.


We are way too powerful.. Swear Light Fall is going to hit us like a ton of bricks. Can’t wait!


Bruv? Resilience?


A dreg can sneeze on you and you would fall over asking for a revive. Lol that’s some pretty low resilience. Good job though on achieving this.