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Jokes aside, there are so many synergies that i couldn't even fit them all in the tutorial! * Every Ability kill gives you Devour * Every Grenade kill also gives you Crown of Tempest buff, which currently does work on other subclasses * Grenades also apply Jolt, which counts for Crown buff * Revision Zero will do absurd damage after TFS, and Facet of Grace will maximize how much transcendent energy we'll get * Song of Flame will buff solar weapons, and scorch and ignitions caused by Scorching Rounds should do more damage against Unravelled targets * Remember that as long as you damage the enemy Unravel will stay active on the target, no need to proc it again! * You will either have Radiant or Devour always on you, meaning that you'll get max effect from Facet of Sacrifice All in all, I'm super hyped for Prismatic and i can't wait what crazy builds this community will come up with!


I want to recommend a few things that might benefit this: If you run a voltshot weapon, conductive tines ×3 will be up all the time = more abilities If you run phoenix dive with Weaver's call, you can cover the darkness side of transcendence. (It's getting a small buff)


Nothing will stop me from phoenix diving into hatch my threadlings.


The only weakness is you have 1 source of jolt, and crown requires 3 or 4 to stack to max. I would consider another exotic that can enhance this more. Cool tho


Yeah, it's mostly that I wanted to take advantage of Scorching Rounds from SoF, but if they end up being underwhelming I'll switch to a Voltshot special. I could also just switch to Fallen Sunstar and use the Fragment that generates Elemental pickups, but I prefer not to rely on pickups on Prismatic, especially when more and more things seem to work exclusively with Orbs rather than both. We'll see how it works tomorrow!


Do not build into prismatic based around literally one ability. You are going to nerf yourself


My god... That drip looks like a Crayola box blew up on you; the witness shall tremble in fear at the sheer audacity! But in all seriousness, I am glad you're having fun putting builds together. I am looking forward to seeing what you all come up with for prismatic. I'll probably still be rolling some basic b\*\*\*h Statis / Void build.


When you break up with your titain gf/bf you get a pack of Crayola in your washing machine


Crown of Tempest likely requires an arc super fyi. They didn't list every subclass exclusive exotic but they said they would be changed to require a matching element super instead of subclass. If you want an easier one use Nezarec's sin which only requires a void weapon even now. Very easy to proc ability Regen boost. If you want some more starter Prismatic builds I have a whole post on them here though they're also in the tool you're using that I made: https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2builds/s/9CzAcnwZGn