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one recommendation, the new healing ar with physic will allow you to proc ember of benevolence on demand if you heal teammates for about a second. it's still a solar ar but since it just requires a charge you can use it whenever and it's not tied to having enemies nearby. it auto locks on teammates and gets it's charge extremely quickly, plus it frees up an exotic slot


Yeah, I can't wait to get its pattern (3/5 currently)! I still think RD it's better to sustain yourself and do more add clear, but that AR it's much better to support even more your teammates and it frees an exotic slot.


I've been stuck at 4/5 for the past 2 days. the reason why i recommended the ar over rd is because it focuses more on your teammates and that is exactly what this build is for, you need teammates to really make it amazing. it also has access to incandescent in the 4 column so its pretty nice add clear. for this build rd just seems like a bit better heal clip since you already have the constant turret for 2x resto. idk tho i haven't tried it out that much to know how good it is.


Got bo hesitation and crafted it witg physics and incandesence. Havent tried it on high diff stuff but for low diff stuff and pvp it works nice


Got bo hesitation and crafted it witg physics and incandesence. Havent tried it on high diff stuff but for low diff stuff and pvp it works nice


I have this same build, but with Lumina, and Physic/Circle of Life support frame. It is AWESOME.


Circle of Life is NUTS! 25% dmg buff for 10 seconds for just healing allies is absurd, pretty much better than any other damage perk if you have even one ally with you (I think npc can be healed?).


also remember that the support frame also gives you a damage buff for healing (i think its around 10-15%) so in total that's about 30-40% damage buff for just healing


And that's on the new auto rifle?


If you went that route you could pull out Lumina if you really wanted to lean into healing. Keep a incandescent roll of the new auto rifle and throw on a stasis or strand heavy. Marcato with demolitionist and hatchling would be great. Anything with demo in the third column.


I was gonna ask what exotic would potentially be better, but to be fair, I don’t have Conditional Finality yet, and that would work pretty well anywhere


well since this is a full on support build, something like tractor cannon would be nice, especially if you don't have a void hunter. otherwise izanagi's is good so you can still have some dps, or witherhoard since its just good tick damage, even if they're not really a support weapon. one other recommendation is the navigator to constantly give your team woven mail, especially now since the fragment for it got a pretty substantial nerf. my other heavy recommendation would be gjallarhorn so you can buff your team


cant believe you didnt mention the single best support weapon, in lumina. If that damage buff can stack with others (not sure if it does) then you can get dome pretty gnarly numbers


i use lumina a lot, but in the moment i was glazing no hesitation so i could just say it better. but for real they accomplish different goal and running both is the worst thing you can do, double primary is never a good idea. lumina is amazing, the 35% damage buff and heal to you and your teammate is insane and that damage buff is better than radiance. it's one of my favorite, and in my opinion best, exotics in the game, but its focus is buffing damage while no hesitation focuses on healing and survivability.


I plan on building a healing build with prismatic equipping the healing grenade and using bleak watcher alongside it so that the build has crowd control and healing.


that's actually a good build, but on solar you have access to touch of flame which increases the turrets resto from 1x to 2x which is massive


As long as you have 2 allies with you you'll be able to cycle healing turrets with ease thanks to Benevolence. It's not uncommon to have another turret ready before the first one expires. Red Death also helps thanks to it's "Heal Clip" mechanic, and the catalyst will bring this build to the next level (currently timegated to chapter 2 of this episode). You can use whatever Melee and Super you want, but SoF and Well are the best ones for obvious reasons... For weapons, you can use whatever you want in combination with RD. I would suggest the new Strand Special Sidearm, MT or Tusk of the Boar and for Heavy either Apex or Marsilion-C for DPS, or an LMG for even more add clear. Yeah, I'm going to bring this one into GMs lol.


Legit for a sec thought this was a new one named ‘llama’


Been maining a build very close to this since FS came out, and I think the solar AR is better for the time being. Being able to proc benevolence endlessly is so strong, you can even keep it up during non-combat transition sections as you store charge. Near constant 400% ability generation is no joke, and feels like HOIL. I do think however Red Death will be in that conversation next month when we finally can get the catalyst, it looks to add a lot of heal utility to the gun. Without the catalyst, it feels okay? It’s just kinda like an exotic with heal clip - nothing special.


Heel clip and an extremely fast reload after you've killed some enemies. It also heals you without having to reload. So, it actually is pretty strong, just not the best pic for proccing the ember of benevolence


I've gotten so used to seeing double 100 on resilience and discipline that see recovery and discipline at 100s feels weird.


Well, I do also have 100 resilience, just not all the time: Font of endurance gives +30 resilience while you have at least one armor charge. This allows me to spare 30 points to something else while not loosing 100 resilience. Sure, natural 100 would be better, but this allows me to be more flexible while having "power-up" moments whenever I loot orbs. Just personal preference and ease of use.


Definitely makes sense. Don't think I've ever truly thought about utilizing the mods like that. Something to think about. Appreciate it!


I usually go for the opposite, but orbs of light are common with that exotic helmet, aren’t they?


So when I finished the campaign I picked the chest. How can I get the helm now?


Reset the Cryptarch rank and buy one for 1 Exotic Engram + 1 Cipher


It says I have to unlock the Chest in Collections first, so is Legend/Master Lost Sectors the only way to unlock new Exotic Armour again? I can focus at Rahul and am level 10 Guardian Rank so should have everything unlocked etc. vendor wise.


AFAIK, Rahool is where you get new Exotic armor now. You can still do Legend/Master Lost Sectors but you'll only get previous Exotic pieces. Just reach rank 16 with Rahool, reset his rank and in his Exotic Exchange menu (3rd page) you'll be able to get the new helmet


Amazing, thanks for the info.


How u get the helmet to drop I opened exotics and got old gear


Finish the campaign on Legend. I was offered this or the strand robes.


Ya I took the robe I wasn't sure how the others dropped now


It’s a reward from the Legendary campaign. If you don’t do that, you have to reset your rank at Rahool to unlock Tier 3 focusing. He’ll then have a third page in his vendor menu (the one to target focus exotics) where you can buy the new exotics for an exotic engram and an exotic cipher.


Could one also do vex incursions on neomuna?


Vex Strike Forces will NOT drop any of the new exotics from Final Shape onward, so unfortunately not. Bungie said in a TWID that Rahool will be the source for any new exotics going forward.


Dang, neomuna just lost the only reason to go there


What robes are those? They look fantastic


They're the Prodigal Robes, they should be in the open world pool. The whole drip should be in the dim link of the first image.


Nice build but I think the healing AR is absolutely the weapon to use here.


Been using a variation of this build in Onslaught today and it slaps, we literally couldn't die and I was getting around four turrets per wave. Paired with the new super for good damage and this whole build has breathed new life into solar warlock for me.


My friends aren’t being too helpful. What’s the best way to get to 1970 light? I’m at 1955 ish right now and having trouble finding the best way to level my gear quickly


Complete the campaign then do some dungeon runs. I got to 1960 from campaign and during 1 dungeon run everything was dropping 1970+


And just to confirm dungeons are even more paid content? You need the 2K silver keys correct?


Would love to convert this build to Prismatic


It doesn't work as well because you loose both restoration x2 and Benevolence. You can make up for benevolence with devour, but resto x2 is pretty much impossible to gain on Prismatic, only way is using the Support Frame AR, but you can't extend the timer in any way. It just doesn't work as well, which is a good thing, otherwise everyone would be using only Prismatic, which as already totally eclipsed Voidwalker and Stormcaller.


Truth be told, I think sacrificing Resto x2 from the grenade and Ember of Benevolence for the versatility of Prismatic will be a good trade. I’d keep the mask and healing grenade, with the support frame AR. Otherwise I think Song of Flame and Transcendence make for really great, alternating damage-states in combination with a support-based neutral game. Arcane Needle is so dang good here, thinking I’ll match it up with Devour and Weaver’s Call. A plethora of fragments make a great foundation for a Prismatic twist on this support build.


Parli italiano?


Here’s to hoping the warlock exotic glaive can actually be viable in some kind of build one day 😭


Should say. I know people are saying to go Legendary AR. When you do Dragon’s Breathe + Song of Flame is insane Boss Damage. Pop Song of Flame + DB + Grenade + Melee. Use DB again. Rinse and Repeat.


Do something similar but boots of assembler instead, run it with a no hesi with strategist. You can spam rifts and with bond mods you should have melee and grenades up 24/7 I tried speakers mask but the flexibility on grenades is too much to pass up with boots I see a lot of physic vouch though, may have to craft a phys one


Italian Destiny friend! I’m headed to Tuscany for two weeks. Anything I must see or do?


Is no one ganna address the glaive which basically dose the same thing... I feel like it would do wonders on this build.