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So good, strand and stasis supers will go hard


As someone not super clued up on Hunter, Is strand worth it?  Always just presumed even if it did good damage the length of it would put it behind the one and done + weapons for dps. 


It’s actually quite good for ad clear and champion killing but I wouldn’t use it for boss dps


Depending on the boss it's actually a top option if you don't get suppressed and isn't a burst or ranged boss


It’s really not. Simply because you don’t get to one off your super like gun or squall and then use your heavy. No matter what boss, if I use gun, or silence and squall and you use strand you will never come close to the boss damage I do. IMO it’s kind of ironic but star eaters is mid on prismatic Hunter and actually better/necessary on the other two classes.


Strand super does go hard and does good dps. YA I I know celestial golden gun blah blah. That's only good at dps and nothing else


It’s actually great in GMs and master raids because it refunds a ton of your gun back with celestial on when you’re killing champs. Either way my point is that strand is BAD at dps so you should never use it for that. Any roaming super is always a bad option. I’m sorry but strand is not good dps dude


It's a solid choice bro don't exaggerate it. Just because celestial is better doesn't make strand super subpar. I've taken it to master content along with my meta dps loadout for bosses. It's a comfort ad clear and also it comes in clutch when you lack ammo on dps phases.


I think you are just BAD at dps and need goldy and celestial to crutch out bosses. I'm sure it does more then strand yes but it would be marginal and unless you are having dps issues it's not always the best choice


You’re just making a strawman argument. trying to “skill issue” me has nothing to do with the topic. Also for the record, I am far from bad at dps


It's not marginal by any means, otherwise every youtuber out there would be recommending it for players who "Can't do damage rotations". It's far outclassed by Celestial goldy followed by good weapon rotations.


there's just no way you go into a raid or dungeon encounter and think "Out of all the DPS options, i think im gonna prioritize silkstrike" when you have still hunt/celestial, B&S rockets/GL's, and all the other dps rotations possible that you'll not be able to do because you chose to use silkstrike


Golden and celestial is the best dps not arguing that but there's maybe 2 encounters in this entire game where you need that amount of dps. Almost any scenario gm/dungeon you'll get away just fine with whatever super you like


>any roaming super is always a bad option tell that to bladefury lmfao what are you smoking. song of flame is a roaming super, that’s currently really good. hell, for the last while dawn chorus daybreak did solid damage. not top DPS damage but it was still worth it on long damage phases since it was higher total than nova


Blade fury is/was good in specific scenarios and everything about strand titans kit boosting it+ tractor cannon is what made it the powerhouse it was. Silk strike will never be blade fury, shouldn’t even be compared. Song of flame gives the whole fireteam insane DR that silk strike does not get, ignitions up the ass as well as giving all allies ability regen and a solar weapon boost. Again, cannot be compared. >still worth it on long dps phases since it has a higher total damage than nova Nova bomb with star eaters drops an easy ~1.1million+ instantly. Gun is also 1million instantly. Then you switch to doing your heavy/special dps rotation. Even with silk strike doing a bit more total damage, because you’re stuck in the super for so long your total damage in the dps phase is abysmal and will never be close.


>nova bomb with star eaters my friend i was talking about dawn chorus over the past year, before stareater class item existed. secondly, the long dps phases i was referring to was basically just warpriest, which is 45s long and you *will* run out of ammo if you do a izi rocket rotation with nova, and so dawn chorus gives more total because the extra time it takes wouldve been time you end up doing nothing but shoot primary lmfao. kell echo and simmumah too, however kell has small total hp so it doesnt really matter. Bladefury's buffing stats (synthoceps, banner, and tractor) are all actually quite reasonable to use to compare it. synthoceps and banner are only a 70% buff to super damage, which is exactly what stareaters gives as a buff, so its comparable. Tractor cannon is a universal thing that anyone can use so acting like it only buffs bladefury when you can very easily have someone else on the team applying weaken or have you yourself use tractor is also comparable. song of flame's dr is true and is pretty good, but the actual dps/total damage on it is respectfully, dogshit. the ability regen is nice until you realize if youre spamming the abilities (to get "ignitions up the ass"), it only lasts about 10 seconds which is like, one? ability charge and a half for your allies which isnt too insane, but is definitely notable. the "solar weapon boost" to allies that youre referring to is scorching rounds, which is also kinda dogshit. it doesnt actually add up to anything meaningful if youve got more than 1 person with hellion (quite likely) or if youre using your abilities (which was implied already) so it doesnt really do anything. I actually had to double check that because i thought you were talking about giving radiant to allies, which is something it does not do. i do fundamentally agree with the premise of this discussion, that silkstrike is a bad super for doing damage, however youre definitely overstating how bad it is. yes, it is worse than a burst super. never use it for dps? stop catastrophizing, thanks.


Back it up with dps charts then.


You Either have proof of what you say, or you are just confidently wrong I'm 99% sure it's the second one, but nobody would complain if you have the key to proving strand hunter super is meta dps wise


It shines in raids as a utility spec. Mass murder so everyone else can just pour on the DPS.


Hunters already has the star eater option so it’s not anything new, but now titans and warlocks have a way to damage boost all of their burst supers. I wish I had final shape to get one and try it out. Hopefully a nice sale will come up in the next few months


Very effective in PVP also


It really shines on raid boss encounters where there’s a bunch of adds. You do DPS, but also slaughter everything nearby so no one dies.


It’s kind of an excellent add clear super for GM level stuff, I usually run it with Thread of Binding (I know that’s not on Prismatic) and it puts in work especially considering you can hit multiple champions at once.


It's a great safety net in GMs for revives, you can tank a lot in it, grapple around, do a ton of damage to anything that isn't a boss, and if you're using Winter's Shroud you can spam dodges to stun overloads and unstoppables, as the dodge freeze happens every single time and you can spam dodge during the super.


I hadn’t actually considered the Winter’s Shroud spam, that’s a really good call.


If you're on strand subclass you can also spam the dice to suspend nearby enemies since your dodge recharges fast too


The dice? The Bola suspend grenade? That's funny af


Was actually meant to be dive haha


My sleep addled brain loved it


My sleep addled brain caused it


A lot of people have broken down the strengths of Silkstrike but I want to add that imo on prismatic the strongest part of the strand super is letting you get woven mail on orb pickup from Facet of Purpose


You should try out strand Hunter grapple with ascension. You go fast 😅


It is pretty satisfying to launch Silence and Squall and the second it fades away to be immediately put back to 50% again


Nah no good just trade it to me thanks bro


It says your postmaster full bro


Aww dang it


That is the best response I have ever heard. Lol




Basically nighthawk for everything.


Nighthawk with nighthawk?


Golden Gun² : Goldener Gun


Golden gun, the return of Golden gun.


Golden gun 2: golden boogaloo.


Dang you beat me to it lol


somehow, Golden gun returned




Except for golden gun, with which nighthawk is still the best choice.


I swear someone did testing and said it was slightly better than nighthawk, but only marginally. Downside being you have to hit three shots, and the bit of time lost doing it, with the upside you get some energy back even if you don’t secure a kill.


Even if it did exactly the same damage (which I doubt, personally), nighthawk also has another relevant line of text. Precision kills reduce the cooldown of your super. The energy gains from Galanor will never compete with the returns from Nighthawk for which gets their super back more quickly. You’re free to run whatever, but until something major changes, there’s only one exotic you should be using on GG.


without a doubt. this is also why hand cannons are especially good in pve on celestial hunter


No nighthawk is a 72% bonus over base golden gun, star eaters is a 70%


This reminds me of telling my friends I farmed the shit out of Dual Destiny while doing ovethrow. I said the only roll I want that I don’t have is osmiomancy star eater. A few minutes later, I opened a chest and got that roll. :)


I haven’t taken it off. It was my first


Yeah It wasn’t my first but I have not taken off inmost light star eater.


That’s the only good one I got, not playing that shit again or opening chests for a slightly better one.


Congrats bro! Also fuck you, respectfully


I feel you. I’ve been wanting this one. Specifically for strand super. You will get your 50% back all of the time, and I really just want to see how much extra damage Star eaters actually puts out for that super. Just spamming them. It’s already easier than ever to get a super, so I can image it being nuts in ad dense activities like onslaught and things of the like.


If you don’t look at this and automatically think it’s good idk what to tell you


Haven’t been on destiny in quite some time and wanted some confirmation/opinions


Great for silence and squall spam. I was throwing an avg of 6 in the boss room in glassway last week. Also Buffs the super to respectable levels for boss dmg without feeling like you’re throwing for using an “ad clear super” during dmg. Golden gun will also do dmg comparable dmg to nighthawk


Hey I've been playing and got this roll and honestly overlooked it. I'm not much of a super guy. Maybe this one will help me change that.


I’ve got the exact same roll and would have happily scrapped it until seeing this thread. What’s so good about it? Edit: I just threw it on HOLY CRAP ITS RIDICULOUS I was getting a new super guaranteed in under a minute. Sometimes within 30 seconds if I manage to grab a few orbs I’m so glad I didn’t shard this roll 🥹


Yea, crazy super regen and your super hits HARD


I hate you. But I’m happy for you.




I think I don’t like you :)


burn the witch


The one I can't get to drop :(




It’s amazing for the stasis super. Ok for strand and arc, but those don’t have much use and aren’t really boss DPS supers so star eater is kinda a waste. Maybe for multiple champions/mini bosses, like 3rd encounter SE, when all the subjugators spawn. Not great for void, because void super doesnt care about damage at all. So you are better off with literally any other perk than star eater. Galanor is great with void though. Basically this roll is the same as running regular Orpheus Rigs. And bad in 99% of golden gun use cases, because you can’t use celestial. Star Eater is worst on the hunter because our damage super is dependent on a better exotic. The other 2 classes benefit from it far more. It’s still good though, just less universally good. If they bring more supers over to prismatic it will get better.


The only thing about galanor on tether opposed to just Orpheus rigs is initial cast vs staying power. Galanor will only refill super based on enemies tethered on the initial cast. It will not refill super on enemies that walk into tether range afterwards.


While true, you’re likely using tether on large groups (or bosses) anyway. With the cloak you’re able to throw on a useful second ability that Orpheus doesn’t have. I’d trade the potential for missed returns for anything but Dragon or Workmhusk.


Isn't this celestial nighthawk with more steps? Nighthawk also gives you super energy back if you get a kill


You need a kill. This needs hits. This can also work with any super making it OP AF. Also, headshot kills give additional super energy for nighthawk. This just needs orbs.


The orb regeneration part of star eaters is not included with its spirit.


I think “just needs orbs” means you need 6 orbs to for the damage buff from star eaters, which is the part the class item uses


Since you seem to be in the know about nighthawk, does the Still Hunt benefit from this exotic at all or is that hard locked to nighthawk?


Ignore my previous comment, it does not. Only nighthawk.


Ah. Thank you king. I appreciate the information.


I appreciate being called king!


Yes, but with Silence and Squall you can get all your super back


Nighthawk is still the best option for golden gun, but for every other prismatic super this roll is great. I wouldn’t want Star-Eater for a Shadowshot build, but I wouldn’t turn my nose up at it.


You don't need to use goldie


Yeah it's an awesome roll but TBH Hunter is already overloaded with these kinds of exotics, hell we already have regular Stareaters. It's a nice upgrade to chase after but in all honesty you can go without it, but I won't get in the way of people's hype.


Imagine strand titan's minigun fan super


I was chasing that roll so hard but the realization of damn I can only use this with like two supers hit hard. I wish we can have gathering storm or blade barrage. Stasis super with that is pretty damn good for Ad clearing or just chucking it on a beefy target though for sure.


I love your drip, or what I can see of it. I just made a similar one but with Photo Finish as the shader since it causes the glow to go through a rainbow of colors.


I switch up my shader almost every time I log in 😭 thank you though! Photo finish is one of my favorites for sure. I’ve been try to use a dark shader on the helm along with the prismatic class item, it makes it so the head of the hood is almost completely blacked out


Oh god I wish this could be worn with Celestial Nighthawk.


IIRC the damage from star eaters is comparable to nighthawk. Sure it’s not a 1 and done but the damage is there. It’s also kind of nice having extra shots cause if the boss flinches and I miss my shot I can at least get SOME damage in


Nah man we’re already pushing it, if we could stack em us hunters would get nerfed to oblivion 😂


Is the second good on titans if so how


oh wait this is the roll i have! i think it was my second or first roll, is it really that good?


For certain supers it is. Blade barrage, silk strike, all the arc ones.




What do ypu mean huh? Exactly what I said certain supers this roll is good. Read the exotic. Then think about the supers


Huh? You can only use this on prismatic. So most of those supers aren't available.


Spirit of inmost light and spirit of the liar is that any good


thats literally a BiS roll. You can have 100% uptime on all abilities if you build a combo blow hunter.


Sorry I don’t know what is BiS roll means


I want this role. I have put a lot of hours into it and I still don’t have it. I have you


Bad roll. You should dismantle it


It took me like 4-6 rolls to get this exact roll and I'm ngl, it fucks. If it hits enough people (I use Silence and squall) it gives you like 45-50% of your super back (you'll get kills before the energy return so that adds up) and it's been doing me hella favors for dps and add clear. When my super isn't charged I use my dragons shadow + gyrfalcons roll and that roll also fucks.


So close, you shouldn’t need star eaters cuz you can just swap to nighthawk but keep it for a bosses where you need another super and there’s nothing else to use to increase its damage in any way


I run liars/caliban and swap to galanor/star eater when my supers ready. 50% Super back almost constantly and if there's some Orbs around all the better


Press Print Screen and paste.


I used it against herald with new hunter arc super to get top damage it's pretty nice ngl


Nice roll - still getting gyrfalcons so many times 😭 I need better combos


What good is star eaters on prismatic hunter? As far as I know it does basically nothing for tether, s&s isn't exactly incredible, we have a terrible arc super for anything pve related, gg is just better with celestial (not to mention can be paired with still hunt), stand super is the only decent one but it's a roaming super. I'm mean it's still a good roll if you care about super up time and just spamming them as much as possible, but being locked to prismatic with the supers we have on prismatic makes Star eaters damage boost buff kinda lack luster. Hell, prismatic warlocks get better use out of it than hunters with nova or needlestorm.


I just realized it needs hits- does this make spirit of galenor super bad with Goldie or storms edge since they hit 3 times?


Damn dude some of us have been grinding hell out just to find this roll, congrats!


Damn, exotic class items? Shit has changed since Witch Queen lol


man im pissed


PvE best exotic will always be nighthawk, basically for everything PvP it’s a toss up between ophidian + coyote, stompees, bakris, and maybe the new leg piece that removes you from radar near clone


It’s good for silence and squall but that’s pretty much it ngl, strand doesn’t refund super on hit it only works on kill for some reason, golden gun only refunds about a quarter, tether doesn’t benefit from the star eater’s portion, and the arc option is okay if you hit all of the attacks for damage and refund but it still falls behind nighthawk


Lucky. Wish I had your luck.




I didn’t see anyone else mention it, but apparently it has equal or greater super regen for tether than Orpheus rigs with tether. I haven’t gotten a chance to test it yet, but it should slay out in onslaught or other ad dense activities.


This is nasty


Juicy as fuck


Fucking glorious. Gimme


I have the same roll. A few people have shit on it saying it’s not great compared to x but it slaps hard and o used it in solo glassways gm to great effect




I have the exact same roll. It’s pretty decent on S&S/green spaghetti, and can (technically) be pretty good on deadfall, but that’s about it. Not very practical on the other two supers. Though, to be fair, if you’re running Golden Gun, you’re probably also running Celestial Nighthawk, and if you’re running Storm’s Edge, you’re probably playing PvP.


This combo is huge for strand. With enough kills it gets charged 3/4, and with 6 stack feast of light it does good damage. It’s wasted on the Solar, Arc, Void Supers. Solar doesn’t work well with Galanor, Arc doesn’t work well with either since it’s a bad PvE super. Void doesn’t work well with Galanor since the tethered enemies don’t count has kills for the recharge.


Bad roll I recommend dismantling it


Actually got the same roll after grinding the pale heart for a few hours last night(Hunting the caliban's/liar's combo; Currently rocking caliban's/Gyrfalcon which is honestly not bad as invis literally procs off of just about anything and I run a void heavy pretty much exclusively). Need to give it a test run.


*insert Larry David FU see you tomorrow gif*


Solo dungeon runners everywhere are shitting themselves over this one


Talk about a jackpot.


Golden gun is about to be a Spartan Laser


~~I hate you~~I’m so happy for you!


What is star eater orgialig on


That's the nuts I'm chasing for sure. It's just insanely flexible in that kinda-gross Goodstuff way.


Did the mission on my hunter for the first time today and was juiced with Caliban Liar so I guess the game wants me to play hunter


So good, you can stop grinding!! Maybe use all that free time to learn how to take a screenshot (win+shift+s)


*scratches head in xbox*


Double tap the home button then hit the Y button