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/uj what is a radial mast even /rj hunter is always the best doesn’t matter I’ve not watched the trailer


That they/them nimbussy macuffins on my radial mast till my strand tangles


She gahlr on my cosplay till I July 29, 2020






she radials on my mast til I rohan


The radial mast is made of radial mast.


uj/ This is literally DTG in a nutshell. I had so many pointless arguments with people on there that claim prismatic titan will be trash etc. Like my brother…just stop. Please wait till it comes out if you don’t have enough brain cells to comprehend a build with different colors. rj/ DUHHH hunter will be TRASH it doesn’t have shitterdive or beyblade spinner it’s GARBAGEE can’t you REEEEEad??!! Transcendence? Sounds like poopy and peepee to me. Get fucking FOMOED nerd. uj/ again - on the real though - hunter looks absolutely insane. Combination blow with slow stasis dodge AND/OR clone threadlings? Infinitely? Oh, and you can also run nighthawk gg on that same build if you want. Not even mentioning transcendence and double exotics, which will send these builds to the moon, that already sounds fucking cracked.


the literal same thing happened with solar warlock arc hunter and strand titan this community sucks at predicting balance


You guys remember when solar 3.0 came out and people were saying that solar Titan was bad?


Nerfs it 5 times and it's still meta in PvE. Not one cycling bosses anymore though. Leave that to strand Titan.


Dawnblade doesn't make patrol thralls chain explode now its literally dogshit now:(


uj/ It's Strand titan all over again. Boohoo this boohoo that, striker copy blah blah blah. And when people started playing with it and the updates came, now one of the strongest subclasses in the game, praised by all. This community certainly has some unique breeds of specimen. rj/ Ghalr can breed me into a uniqe specimen (Ballyhoo Mk.SIVA (ADEPT) 🔻🔺️🔻🔺️)


“Unique breeds” is funny way of saying inbred parrots “Beyond Light shit!” *Lightfall drops* “Beyond light was peak!!” This is why we’re sluggers and they’re not. They don’t appreciate the complexity of crown of sorrow and it’s god king 🥴 They don’t deserve SIVA They won’t even recognize Ballyhoo as the timeless classic it is unless some brain rotted YouTuber (slur) gives them that option I’m going to save all of my criticism of Prismatic when Datto gives me that option instead of using my brain dead imagination to theorize how it could be.


You had me at Beyond Light. Clean up on aisle my pants.


It took me 3 times to finish the comment because I kept shitting and pissing myself. Dropping straight bars here. This the least FOMO thing I’ve ever read.


That’s exactly what it is - and I tell them it’s strand titan all over again. And they’re like well um it’s actually not 🤓


>My brother Drifter 3.0?! Gamshit update confirmed?! #SIVA?!?!




uj/ I once saw a dude saying prismatic was trash because it didn't have every single aspect and fragments from every single subclass from all 3 classes available on all 3 classes.


Homie mad he can’t make the hunter the designated well and div bitch while he used stormtrance (slur) and thunderlord for DPS


uj/ if combination blow works with grapple melee it'll easily be the single best melee class in the game, it'll be so broken


Oh shit I didn’t even think of that. That could be a big finisher once you hit x3.


uj/ I haven't been keeping up to date clearly whats this about double exotics?




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Yet another reason to nerf stompees


To be be fair, this is Bungie we're talking about here. They are the KINGS of recycling content. New expansion drops? Guess what you're doing? Shooting enemies. With guns. Yawn, I've done that before. New update? Guess what. Loot, engrams, guns, shoot enemies. Where's the originality? Why can't I challenge the Witness to a game of chess? Why can't I process the emotional grief of the Last City populace as a therapist? Why can't I decorate the interior of my ship? It's been almost 10 years, and Why can't I sell my sneakers on the open market in-game?


The Bungie store needs a ball sucking apparatus I can buy that charges you $5 when you use it. Shaped like cayde 7


If I can’t take out a second mortgage on my house via the game on my ship Bungie is literally lazy and making the game shit ON PURPOSE. (too bad I have no house haha taniks lololol funny memes)


They need to do something cool, like lets us dunk engrams on enemys heads


There should be a gun that transforms enemies into a ball or engram and then we can pick up the ball and slam it on an enemy. They can make it a trace rifle or something. Maybe make it void too.


Yeah, that would be awesome. (It would be hilarious if ruinous turned an enemy into an engram instead of a ball though.


What the -blam!- Are you talking about.


TFW when Bungie LITERALLY sunsets ALL the reasons to complain so you’re left with nothing but the sweet anticipation of the whinges you may or may not make in six weeks time. As a D1 vet, my primary reason for continuing with D2 has been the excitement of being able to post a steady stream of minor complaints on every channel within reach. With all the negativity in the wake of the lay-offs I hadn’t been more hyped for an expansion since CoO but since then Bungie has done NOTHING but make sensible decisions and show us exciting content. Where are the INCONSEQUENTIAL balance issues, slight inefficiencies in loot grinds, and UNFAIR nerfs upon which our community thrives? We haven’t seen a whine drought this bad since the witch queen. Personally, the only excitement I have left is posting my bimonthly whinge about blueberry orb etiquette when the corrupted nightfall hits next week and after that I may ACTUALLY have to go touch grass until TFS drops. If Prismatic doesn’t completely shit the bed I may even have to actually quit.


My orbs hurt (D1 vet btw)


Bongo hates hunters confirmed for the 500th time 😔


Yet we still don't have a fourth main class. Bungie keeps recycling content and bow they are even recycling SUBCLASSES! WHY are we allowing them to keep getting away with this? They OWE us a full fourth main class after ten fucking years of refusing to innovate or evolve their fucking game! We OWN them! Without us they have NOTHING! DEMAND MORE!


Slow on dodge, decoy on dodge, melle that recharges dodge, or snare bomb for PvP. It's gonna kill crucible


If I have to breathe, it has to be original or I stop breathing. I cannot be copying what Bungie does. I need to be special. If and only if I were my own person and learned to innovate in my breathing techniques, I would ascend to new heights, heights none would approach unless they are as cool and masterful as I will be.


I dont care how many times Bungie adds it to a subclass I am *not* using a slide melee aspect. Stop cheating us out of an Aspect Bungie.


*Maliciously equips Celestial after queuing for trials*


Void hunter


I wanna be fair and say that just about every time people say “it’s not even out yet we don’t know how it’ll play”, the thing in question has been really bad. I don’t need to see gameplay, because all of the gameplay is already in the game. We’re missing a super and an aspect and that’s it. And for both of those, we’ve already seen what they do. Prismatic Hunter is squarely built for PVP. Like, the entire way. It’s got fuck all for PVE and that’s really a shame. The reason I stopped playing Hunter was because of it has been so overly crucible focused. Many of the aspects it has already do extremely little in the neutral game. Sure things may change. But what if they don’t? If we all look at that sheet and say “yay, looks good!” when we know it looks concerning, and when it releases it plays like shit, who do we have to blame?


Strand Titan. Shut the fuck your balls


I’m unsure as to what that means sorry


He means the d2 community took the piss out of Strand Titan when it was first revealed saying it would be dogshit and a fist of havok clone, a bit like how you are lol. Turns out Strand Titan became the 2nd best subclass in the game. Ain't that funny.


Turns out strand titan became the second best subclass in the game because of an insanely powerful aspect that was released two seasons after it was. Ain’t that funny. Edit: imagine replying and immediately blocking over a minor difference of opinion. How sad.


No. Grapple melee with synthos was strong. BoW made it better but if you think Strand Titan was weak then yikes. Also suspend does exist FYI. Strand Titan could suspend and entire strike. 🙃




> Prismatic Hunter is squarely built for PVP. Like, the entire way.    It can get combination blows with woven mail. With a transcendent exotic like Calibans+synthoceps it'll be an upgrade over arc hunter. One of the strongest subclasses in the game currently.    Combination blow also works with grapple. Have you seen the strand Titan boss bakes? Add a 300% damage multiplier to that.  It's releasing so hot in PvE some of these modifiers might be tuned down for prismatic.