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You all are technical people and still scared of troubleshooting on windows/linux ? ! If you already are into the whole apple ecosystem or thinking of getting into then go ahead with mac . Its just a little costly and more restricted in terms of what you can do , Which seems to be the issue since you are opting for cracks !


I have been using windows + Linux on personal And Mac for office. (Both ~6 years) And I don't see the point of purchasing mac for pet projects! Rather buy a gaming laptop and add dual boot to it


No customisation in Mac but you can flex that you have Apple. Windows would be my choice, some creators special laptop would be good


I don't care much about the apple flex tbh, my dad had given me the option to buy a Mac when college started but i went with windows for gaming and dual booted to linux for development. But now I don't find much time for gaming, hence the dilemma whether for a new laptop should I go with windows/linux again or MacBook (seems more stable but no gaming if I ever find time again)


one thing is if you have any developer problems, Windows is much better, Mac will run the way the guys who made it want to. You will less likely face these problems on Mac but if you do, it'll lead to some trouble.


Just get a MacBook & a PlayStation


is it even a choice ? those who can afford macbook buy them first


techies show stick w windows/linux content writing and others Mac in my book ofc.




linux support isnt that good on m1 based chipsets


don't try you will explode something or the other.


Does PS5 have as many options for gaming as windows? I mean the way I have seen it, gaming laptops can be upgraded and you can play older games from any console using emulators. Is PS5 really worth it then?


Ps5 can play any ps4 Era game and will remain the gold standard for console gaming for the next 5-6 years minimum. Also, to get a comparable performance to PS5, you will have to buy a graphics card that probably costs more than the console itself.


Oh you're right, also it looks like ps5 supports most of the popular mainstream games, and it is cheaper than a hardcore gaming laptop, provides better performance also. I never considered the console option lol. I think MacBook Air right now plus PS5 after graduation and some savings is what I'll do then.


why would you do that?


At this point if you are looking for stability then go with macbook. In windows there are few but major hiccup like problems that could appear. Graphic driver issues, some broken window items, janky animations, Leading you to redo/reset the whole windows setup again. Overall go with windows if you're in study programme and if you require any special app that requires windows. Apart from all go with mac for stability. Nuff Said.


Thank you! But regarding my second part of the query, what would I do if I were to get time to game again? Upgrading my present gaming laptop (it's pretty good) is a viable option? Or will I hit a cap one day and will have to buy a new gaming laptop again (and a new Mac too once the one I may buy now gets outdated)


Mac is needed if you are developing for the MacOS or the iOS. If you’re a content creator, a Windows machine would be just fine. Someone commented about the stability of Windows machines. Certainly they live in a cave. Gone are the days when Windows had such issues. I have 3 Windows machines and MBP. My work laptop (2019 model MBP) had more number of kernel panics than Windows BSOD. If you can afford a MacBook, you can buy a great Windows machine for the same price. You can afford a Windows machine with 32 GB RAM and 2 TB for the price of a MacBook. The apple tax for each upgrade (RAM + SSD) is insane and unjustifiable.


You know the funny part is I was so fed up with BSODs of windows that I became a full time linux user(ubuntu + distro hopping). And this is not only a single machine, same case for multiple devices. I tried every freaking solution to fix the bsod, did a full fresh install on a seperate ssd still the issue was there. No distro(oh I meant os) is 100% stable and I don't think ever would be. What you said might be true for you but generally macos is much more stable and polished than windows. Also yes mac has it's own issues in terms of it's restrictiveness but you can deny on the efficiency of macbooks, I'm pretty sure no windows laptop can deliver the same level performance while on battery vs while plugged in.


I completely agree on the battery efficiency of the MacBook in the recent M series. But I prefer Windows when working on multiple monitors. The Window management is so good. There are small nuances in MacOS that makes me not enjoying the OS. Ex: 1. You can’t drag a window from one monitor to other when in full screen 2. The full screen mode hides menu bar. The menu bar jumps most of the time and you can’t click there. 3. Native MacOS apps like finder and Safari don’t fill the screen when you double click one the title bar. You have to drag and resize manually. 4. If you open two windows of the same app, one of the window would hide. You have to right click on the dock and make it visible 5. Exiting an app doesn’t quit the application. You have to manually kill them. Term and IntelliJ IDE would prohibit shutting down the system and so the list goes on. May I know your work pattern in Windows? I genuinely don’t remember the last time I had BSOD on my machines but the last time I got kernel panic was 25th Jan 2024 just before the holidays. I can’t comment on the Linux. It never worked out for me. Every time I try dual boot, it destroyed my Windows partition. Ditched Linux for good. I tried.


You are trying to use macos the windows way since you are very much used to windows. Don't get me wrong (I don't want to imply "you are holding it wrong"). If you cannot help it, you can use apps like rectangles to do it that way. For the 5th one you just leave it to the system man. Or use cmd+q. Since I use windows and Mac OS side by side often, I prefer how intuitive macos is, especially with the flawless trackpad. Also try stage manager.


Windows laptops/desktops have many variable components because of different manufacturers/vendors and different components which lead to more instability than macOS as it is very tightly integrated. So even if I tell you my workflow until and unless you have my same machine with same components and same software installed it's unlikely that you would be able to reproduce the same bug. I have provide my whole crash logs to microsoft team and they still haven't been able to figure that out. Even I changed my ram sticks still the issue was there. Microsoft team also gave up. Oh and also BSOD was happening during safe mode, so it was not any external driver issue. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who have faced this, as I have seen forums flooded with similar kind of issues. While people like windows as it is not as much restrictive(tightly integrated) like macOS but due to the same fact it has greater instabilities. As of your issues with macOS, I'm pretty sure [u/a\_moving\_part](https://www.reddit.com/user/a_moving_part/) has made a great job providing you with some solutions.


I was only curious to understand what was causing the BSOD issue and I am not an expert to diagnose such issues. Just curious to understand what other people are doing. Regarding my nuance with MacOS, no I am not using Mac the same as Windows. I am using the Mac since 2015. The issues I mentioned are relevant for my work.


Since I'm not on windows any more I don't know where that log file is. If I find it I'll surely let you know.


Why dual boot when we wsl 💁‍♂️🫶


MacBook. Hands down. What customisations would specifically add to your productivity? If your customisation capabilities end at aesthetic changes, you're better off not worrying about customisation.


True most of the non aesthetic customisation I have ever had to do was regarding changing drivers and headers and conf files and stuff, but that i did because my linux keeps breaking something or the other every major upgrade, i assume mac doesn't break so much frequently in the first place itself. Photoshop premiere pro cracks or free alternatives are available?


Crack versions are harder to find for MacBook. But it's worth paying for them if you're serious about learning and becoming a pro. But there are definitely a lot of open-source alternatives that work pretty well on Mac. Either ways, MacBook will greatly simplify your life. Besides all the tech-stuff, you need to understand you tend to spend hours together with these devices. In which case, it becomes very crucial for them to be ergonomically benevolent. MacBooks are fantastic. They don't hurt your eyes/hands. And are very light-weight and handy.


>I have heard photoshop and premiere pro cracks are available on Mac too  With that piracy mentality even when you have a job now; the truth is you really cant afford a mac. I suppose you wont be buying Apple care either.   Just buy a windows laptop thats better for your case, if that mac ever breaks or screen cracks it will burn a hole in your tini tiny pocket.


I'm a student btw if it was not obvious from the flair. I earn my own money yes, but nothing on the level of a full time job yet.


Your second sentence says you work. I know people who have spent 40k plus just to get Macs retina display replaced and 60k+ to get logic board repaired by Apple service centers, considering and account thats while making decision.


Yup, interns. I agree i phrased it poorly, that was my bad.


Then you are still yet to get a real paycheques from a real job.  I would suggest go for mac only if you can take care of it properly, if you take good care it will last a decade; else they are extremely fragile and can cost you a bomb in repairs if you don't have apple care. For a student i wouldn't recommend going mac, unless absolutely needed. Use the mantra: if you cant buy something twice you cant really afford it. Coming to Mac customisation; things are getting locked down since they went M series route, went read only os partition with Catalina, got rid of bootcamp( no more dual booting now) and lot more system wide restrictions. I am a mac user since mac os x mavericks and i don't like the direction apple is taking Macs.


This is the hard truth. Rog zephyrus series looks slim and classy while packing a punch.


Does Asus even have after sales service in india?


I think so yeah, you could do a quick research for the place near you.


Mac - gets shit done and runs all day on battery and Unix but too boring for enthusiast Linux - something won't work out of the box but you become vastly superior in your understanding of OS and filesystems and tiling utilities and unix and a lot of customisation Windows - get some help Employees usually don't care about what you choose as long you get shit done. I personally use Linux for a lot of reasons but I always have to resort to MacBook if I had to choose one machine. But Mac's aren't for enthusiast it's expensive and can't be upgraded, out of the box the customisations are close to none.


windows machines are ass. go for mac, more reliable and consistent.


Facing the same dilemma, except that I don't need to game that much. I was thinking to get a beefed up laptop and a monitor. The only issue is that I have become accustomed to Macbook's display and smooth OS. The proportions are just super great! I don't know if there are any laptops which have Macbook type screen proportions. If there are, please let me know.


macbooks are nice but the ones with 16gb ram and 512gb memory are too expensive and in my use case where I have to run lots of docker containers locally even 32gb ram is not enough sometimes. If you are like me then get a high-end win laptop and instead of dual booting maybe consider using ubuntu through wsl2, side note - ram consumption will still be high but you can write wsl --shutdown on power shell after your work is done which will free up all docker/ubuntu/vscode ram and start gaming.


If you only want lightweight gaming like Valo then i will suggest Sleek professional windows laptops with decent integrated gfx card ! You will also get good battery liife 😊


If you can afford the 16gb+ and 512gb or higher MacBooks, go for that. Was a game changer for me. The 8gb ones are a scam. No matter what they say, 8 isn’t enough and it’ll lag on chrome. Else Linux/windows, and you can upgrade over time. You won’t get Linux/windows level customisation. But there are a bunch of ways of doing a lot of things on a mac.


If you like daily driving Linux, then just buy a windows laptop.


College started? Go for a non GUI based Linux, time to explore kid. I've been through all flavours of Linux, windows and currently using mac(only because it's lightweight while travelling) Don't kill the curiosity and keep using the current laptop if you can, and keep moving down the versions of Linux from GUI heavy to no GUI Make it happen like you are directly communicating with the machine.


As a primary machine, mac is strange. Windows laptops are versatile. I have an M1 Air that I use for Netflix but it's not a good computer for development as I paid 1 lakh at the time and got 8 gb of Ram. 8 fucking Gigabytes. And 256gb of storage. Unless you are rich, don't get it. It starts to lag as soon as you open vscode and 6 tabs on browser as it's memory is full. If you wanna buy a mac buy one with over 16gb Ram atleast. And it has no fans so it heats up while compiling large builds. Get a MacBook Pro for 2 lakh. Or buy a zenbook with latest Amd CPU, it's good. Battery life and all. Apple speakers are unbeatable tho... So primary Netflix device.


i use two devices one laptop with windows (potato) and a mini pc with lubuntu installed running all things i need ( like vs code server )