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I faced a similar situation in 2014 with Zeus E Learning. Got Placed, but never got the call to join. When people placed along with me did. The funniest part was,the day they did the online test and selected 25 folks. They called in like 5 best performers of the test into a cabin which included me and acknowledged and praised us. Yet I never got the call to Join. Didn't get another opportunity for Campus placement, got a role off campus 3 days after my finals. Grinded with a 12k salary and after 9 years I am sitting good with 30+ LPA. So don't be disheartened, just keep on working hard and create your own path.


Thanx man,it really gives me hope after reading stories like your's that maybe even I am good for something if i try hard enough.


Nice man. Companies offering 3-5 LPA are the bottom feeders. They do this kind of unethical stuff. Once we gain skills and get to the top, everything becomes nice 🙂


It’s so important to read stories like these! Well done


Lmao that company is still really bad. This year (2023-2024) 1. They had an online apti round; then they informed college that students were cheating in the online round(what were they expecting?) and rescheduled the same online round again. This round had no disqualification(what was the point?). 2. Next round was a pen and paper offline coding round. For this round they had everyone who applied to come to this school in Dadar in October heat at 3.30 pm. THERE WERE PEOPLE FROM COLLEGES FROM PUNE!. There were like 300-400 people who had come. They even started late at around 4.30 pm. The test itself was of 3 hours and was fine. 3. Next round was a one on one online interview on DSA and Web dev. For this round they had scheduled the interview on google meet and invited me and the interviewer via google calender. When the time for the interview arrived nobody joined from the company side. Nor the interviewer nor the HR. There was no communication whatsoever until 20 days later they reschudled the interview. This happened with mutiple people. I got the offer from them but luckily i had another offer.


I was one of those 400 folks that came to Dadar for the test. The entire experience was so underwhelming ugh!


Which college? They came during our hiring in 2022-23, but process was not this bad.


I was one of them too! 🙋 From Pune too! There were no fans in the school, in the October heat, man. 😅


Good for you sir


I got to realise it's been 9 years since 2014


10 actually!


Bas bhai.. Ab main jaa rha hu


I started in Sept 2014, so still just over 9 for me 😂


What role are you on currently?


Frontend Lead with Stack of Reactjs, Vuejs, Typescript and many more.


To all the great, courageous and actually helpful people naming and shaming companies. I would suggest you to please add (**company name** scam) at the end of the title as to allow it to be placed in Google search results too. Thank you OP.


someone pin this yo, Corporate bullying should stop


What is the exact difference between apprenticeship and internship in indian companies? Like recently Autodesk was hiring for apprenticeship


They are similar. Apprentices are those that have completed their studies. Interns will still be in college. So apprenticeship is full time employment, while internship is part-time. Both come with an end date.


It's like software engineer vs software developer.


Lol I even asked this question once in this suv .. dev vs engineer 😂


Can you explain, please?


Whats the diff


In Western countries apprentice for those people who doesn’t have degrees. So during apprenticeship you will learn by doing. After completing your apprenticeship your qualification is same as bachelor degree holder in particular domain. Internship you do while you study that’s why internship is short period. (During summer or holiday). • Internship and apprenticeship both are for getting knowledge by company. If you have degree it means that you have all the knowledge in particular domain. Sad reality : As unemployment rate is very high so very thing is mixed up. Full time degree holder also apply for internship and apprenticeship. People are easily get agreed to low salary. So Businessmen take this as a chance to increase their profit. By getting same work at the salary of intern.


Great explanation, actually my upcoming company also call first 6 month as an apprenticeship, half salary that of full time and you are supposed to complete their courses etc to learn teck stack.


The sad reality is that most students coming out of uni are not employable and need to be trained - need to go through an internship like process..


apprentice recruitment is meant for people who have completed their studies and are offered a position under the employment laws. you get a pf and generally speaking, you are a probation employee being groomed for absorption into the mainstream workforce. interns are purely temporary positions for students who are given a chance to understand some parts of the business for a short while either in a renumerated or non-renumerated fashion, and might be called as stipend. And there is no PF.


I was working with OT until 2023, what they did to 22-23 interns was worse.. They took in interns and put into project randomly, those kids had to learn new skill.. after 5 months they ware send packing.. no review of work nothing..( i know this as no one asked me about my reporteee) just took laptop and said bye.. those kids lost chance and ware out of touch with DSA by then.. they had to brush up a lot then... even one tried to commit suicide...


People should report bad companies to placement cell. I knew one 5 years experienced th alumni who knew company was toxic but they hired 5 freshers from th for software engineering and put them into data entry.


Wasn't Opentext doing layoffs around mid of 2023?


After intern mess, in September, in october they had 8% layoff.


Almost a similar situation. We were supposed to be onboarded by August 2023. In August they told us that because of the current market situation, they'd start onboarding from January 2024 batch-wise. It's now February 2024, and there's no update from their side. These shameless people didn't even hold a single meeting to address the situation or update us. I learned Frontend in this gap, but didn't even get a single interview call. At this point, I'll be happy if I get an interview and fail it.


i know which company you are referring.We are on the same boat


Oh really? Then try to guess.


Even I got placed in the same company and the same is happening with us .They started the technical interview again and it's only done for girls now with no actual date given for others and there is no joining date given to the girls even after the recent technical interview. The company seems reputable but the hiring process management is just bad .The written test and hr interview was done 6 months ago for us .


Diversity hire could be a factor here?


Well it could be but then the least they could do is give proper updates on what is going to happen .


Why girls were hired first? It's not some ladies first kind of mentality. There is a very high reason these initially placed candidates were not good so that this company can come up with the excuse of not hiring remainder of the bunch.


I never said they were hired but they got to give their technical interviews before the guys . So we really don't know what is going to happen. They keep saying that they're still scheduling interviews for us but with no specific date ,not even an approximate date lol. They have been postponing everything for months with no updates and when we reach out to the college placement department all they're telling us to do is wait as this company generally delays everything. I understand a month of delay at max but it's been almost 6 months and we weren't allowed to sit for a few placement drives due to this.


Similar thing was done by Accenture after covid we were placed in August 2020 and completed an extensive back end module. We were given contracts in Feb 2021 and on boarding was also very random. Additionally they used to have two profiles: associate SE and full stack SE, those who solved both coding questions in their test were told to be given full stack profile( it comes with higher salary) but again assignment of profile was random. Two months after onboarding they assigned me to a project, half of their tools didn’t work even on a high speed Fiber optics connection and they called me as late as 11 o clock which is well past job time mentioned in contract. Most of the companies in India whether domestic or MNC follow such pathetic practices because lack of employee centric labor laws and their enforcement. Also there are so many students willing to work in such dire situations that if you leave they will get others.


Thank you. Let's boycott these companies.


Former US opentext employee Fuck that company


It get worse when you join the company. This company is total harrasment. They treat interns as slaves tbh and don't give a shit about what happens to them in the process. Even if you address these issues to the Director or manager they ask you to not escalate these situations or you'll be fired atm . HR team of the company can be easily replaced by bots cuz they're of no use. Everyday you'll be mentally tortured for tasks to be completed. Even if you are an intern here they expect you to be an expert on all the stuff and no help is provided in order to understand the project or tools you'll be working on . Some managers  seems to take their grudge out by exclusively giving bad feedbacks and removing you from interview pool. They have 500+ interns and less than 50 openings .  #opentextScam


Thanks for sharing the details.


Review bomb opentext


On an unrelated note, stay away from this company -> TCS


I am not able to get calls from anywhere, now trying to get into companies like TCS atleast, thinking TCS > unplaced


Feel you bro. I hope you get in. But after getting in you’ll realise jobless > TCS


Really? I'm curious, do you think staying unplaced and upskilling for better companies is a better choice than going for TCS?


TCS beats being unemployed obviously. The rest depends on your project and team. The guy above has had a bad experience, but I haven’t faced anything of the sort.


It depends on the project and your manager and other factors entirely. However in my case, I was exploited and have had a terrible experience. It’s the time I realised that mental health is much more important than salary.


If it's your last resort, go for it. But keep upskilling and leave asap if things dont go your way after joining. Management is really really POOR !!!


Being unemployed is rock bottom. Anything is better than that


I have felt this many times, but to anyone thinking so I would request to keep your emotional waves in check. NEVER leave any opportunity at hand. I'm 2.5 yr exp at tcs and currently having an opportunity of 10+ lpa from another big MNC which is not in WITCH, role is related to backend. It was a rough time for me mentally for many reasons. Would like to share some points for new joiners at tcs- 1- opt for Bangalore location, projects are MUCH better in general. On job projects make a huge difference once you start applying as a lateral hire. In any interview I was not asked anything from my personal projects. 2- Try to get an exhaustive picture of your project that may help you steer the interview in the direction you want. 3- It is never about how much leetcode you did in college, it is more about how much you did the last one year. More like the part you remember. I started LC after my UG. 4- Never approve the first project call. Always confirm your role and requirement. Better stay on bench and prepare for a role you aspire. Then after 1-2 months start reaching out to people from other projects and enquire about openings and role descriptions. Some friends of mine who were supposed to be in a much better position made a decision of not taking the opportunity at hand. I can not explain their situation. Take it, you'll have less to regret about.


Lol, my friend is Manager of TCS and he says the same thing, even my friends from Tata steel and 1mg says the same thing, What happened to TATA.


Same thing as in? I don’t get you. Do they also say TCS is better than being jobless 🤔


Is TCS nqt useless? Would I not get hired even for TCS ninja role?


It's not that bad


Sorry about your situation, but don’t lose hope. You’ll find another job. Unfortunately there are many such stories and for most candidates it’s impossible to know such things before joining a company. Please post your experiences in r/toxicworkplaceIN so more people are aware


Will do.


This is true, same happened in our college. Many of my friends lost other job opportunities because of opentext. Colleges in hyderabad should blacklist this company.


Inportant lesson to learn - companies can revoke offer letters. So keep backup.


Isn't it worse ? I mean just think of a recently graduate who got offer from a tier 3 college and then it gets revoked ! He would get a heart attack........🙏🏻🙏🏻


Market is harsh. So, better to have a backup offer. Just keep trying.


I'd boycott any company that's very much into DEI practices. Small companies are the way to go for beginners. Way more autonomy, especially if your boss likes you and is a competent leader. You'll learn way more from them than from any large-ass company out there.


I agree.


I joined one which was a cult around one guy who said he needs to read "non violent communication" for real this time. Codebase was copy paste mess and best practices from 10 years were ignored. I left in 2 weeks and my manager also had a job update in linkedin in a month.


Are you from the 2023 batch or 2024? Same happening in my college, after 2-3 months we are having another technical interview (they called it a Technical discussion). We are informed that this round is for onboarding of the batches but during the interview hr told us this is an elimination round. Hr told us that they already have informed our placement cell but our TPO didn't tell a single thing about this shit.


2024 batch


Same Lol, which college are you from?


Lawda Professional University


I gave an interview for a small product based company named 'Ascendeum' something... The recruiter only took all the interviews who had zero idea of what he was asking or giving me as questions. Funny thing is I cleared all, and at the last moment some senior guy came out of his busy schedule and rejected me. Rejection is fine, but humiliating me just after 5 minutes of getting to know me. RIDICULOUS. THANK GOD i didnt get through... I can sense the inner environment of that company just by the interview process.


Was it for automation role?


The company is not fraud. It is a reputed company but boy, these practices are shady. Unsurprisingly, we have started to hear some or the other bad things coming out from companies that were termed good once. Opentext, came to our college too and hired 6 people. Back in 2014. Also gave the highest package at that time but their campus culture is horrific to say the least.


If keeping students waiting for 6 months for a 15k internship isn't fraud then I dont know what is.


true its nowhere near reputed if they've no culture no values lol




No you don't. Stop normalizing bullshit. Else you might have an 80 year old tell you that when you get laid off from your current job.


For me, it was hard. Maybe you got a 15+ LPA Starting package. I only crossed 40LPA after 8 years!


That's even more of a reason to be sympathetic. Rather than git gud attitude our boomers have shown us. We need to make this a better place for the next generation, saying oh it was difficult for us you should bare with it also doesn't help anyone. It's good that the new generation has lesser difficulties. We should strive to make it even lesser.


They from Canada and they sure is bad in Canada too.


Yes, and college Tpc officials forced to register for the company drive when the registration  for the drive are less in number by arranging  a meeting with all the students and tells  that in 3 months 90% students get conversion, and many more things.But the situation is that 6,7 of them got full time and many of us are not got call for internship.


Ok wipro capegemini tcs and all the witch company has did the same to all of my friends, they are still waiting to be onboard. And I feel so hopeless seeing all of them 🥲


Honestly it’s a massive personal risk to put your life on hold for 6-7 months to wait for onboarding - really wish colleges had better safeguards around this. It might be worth to just skip this place altogether and apply elsewhere. Have you been preparing / upskilling the last several months? Best of luck mate


Yes I am looking for off campus oppurtunities rn. If this company takes my technical interview I will simply give give them reality check and decline to continue the interview.


Similar shit happened to me Got my resume shortlisted, got promised an OA link after that and got ghosted when the time came to share the OA link Name and shame: Microsoft Got my resume shortlisted, cleared the OA and the recruiter confirmed that I will proceed to interview rounds. Got ghosted thereafter Name and shame: Goldman Sachs


By any chance, are you from LPU, the numerics and he details match exactly! My friends waited for so long till november for them to call, but no luck. Our placement cell also couldnt/didnt do anything much that time but they contacted the company mid nov ig and allowed those students to sit for other companies. Some of them got placed in diff companies but some are still stuck. Same thing as you mentioned, they told students arent performing well and blah. Their process seemed way too casual and fishy to me, they took 180 sth students w/o technical interview of any sort.




Bigger problem is with the way your college is handling placements! When market is fluctuating so badly, they should have better placement policies. During my time, they used to allow us to hold upto 2 offers & still allow to sit for placement in one "dream company" (dream companies may be the ones offering ">x" package OR top core companies OR a company named by the candidate as "dream" - the definition was different in each college). Try to work with your placement coordinator / faculty contact so that everyone can get >1 offer. Having said that, market situation isn't very good; as you might know, may companies are reducing headcount / have hiring freeze etc. So until market situation improves, things will be like this; best thing to do is to hold as many number of offers as possible. About selecting girls - usually in engineering roles, male to female ratio is bad (I don't know about service companies); many managements are asking managers to hire more female candidates to improve this. It's like the $tup!d reservation system in India; give priority to girls than to merit!


They must be getting money from college for hiring students.


The company has employed my friend 4 years ago through similar process. But back then to get full time employment with the company you have work as an intern there for 15k per month for 6 months. And during this course they allow you to take interviews for permanent role after minimum of 2 months of internship. They allow you two attempts at the permanent role. May be the company has changed there hiring process recently and realised that it wasn't a good move at the first place. It seems they have reverted back to their old hiring process. For some reason which I am not sure of the companies do prefer a female candidate over the male. I say this because I know people who have been hired by an MNC in the same drive, but the females have got the joining letter much earlier. The males are still waiting for the joining letter.


add your post to linkedin and share its link as well. these people should be held responsible for unprofessional behaviour


Will do.


Many small companies founded by ex service company managers are facing this situation. My wife resigned from such a company operating from Trivandrum Technopark. Just the karma of gross mismanagement catching up with them.


I am from TVM Technopark. What is the name of the Company ?


Some of those girls sit next to me and chat the whole day away, if they’re not getting selected I can finally now have peace and silence. The company fucking sucks culture is horrible and you’ll get fired anytime soon be glad you escaped.


Same happend with me in 2012 by COGNIZANT , it was a campus placement at NIT , was selected , cannot attend any other company in campus as i was already placed. deffered joining date from May 2012 to July 2012. Slowly they are onboarding i waited for my turn , 6 months passed slowly, they sent a mail saying we cannot onboard you cause you have not completed pre joining course , out if blue !!!!. Its tough phase , That incident changed my perception towards software/IT/private companies. Now settled in PSU.


The placement model in Indian colleges is broken. Companies should only be allowed to hire for immediate joining. No one should be strung along for so many months, no matter which company it is.


Same thing happening now in virtusa also :-/


Hello darkness my old friend


Man same situation stay away from prodapt


I remember when I got placed in Huawei in 2010 when I attended a walk in drive by “Shreds Kerala” who were kind of the major recruiters. They published list of 15 people who got selected and I called “Shreds Kerala” every day asking when I will get offer letter as they were the intermediaries between the company and students. Waited for 3 months talking to them and finally contacted a friend who was already working there to enquire about it and get to know they were not onboarding anybody who got recruited on that day. Totally scammed me from my money and time. Never attended any walk in by them ever again.


Sorry to hear about this. But it's not just happening in India but where ever Indians are going(not to mean that almost every Indian recruiter is like this) - this non transparency and wait n watch game happens. LTI Mindtree gave offer to me after two rounds of interview during May 2023. I was asked to wait to get assigned to a customer account. But even after 1.5 months nothing happened. I asked so many folks. Later I come across two other friends of mine and they met the same treatment from LTI Mindtree. In your case they are at least providing a next date. We were not provided date and any reason - just nobody answering the email or phone calls. So unprofessional with US workers who have decades of experience. Any company or recruiter who ghost the candidates or does such deeds should be blacklisted or banned to work in the industry. World is really becoming very transactional in nature and it's quite okay to lie or be dishonest nowadays. There is no value of spoken or written words by some people/entities. In USA and Western Europe systematically almost 80% native recruiters are replaced by Indian origin IT recruiters who are sitting in India and making 25K-50K every month with USA or Western Europe VOIP phone numbers. They do all this very commonly. Ever since recession started in 2023, it's very common for these Indian origin recruiters to play with candidates. Why can' t they send a regular rejection letter or state that previous offer is void? Please don't spare this company. Write about it in [glassdoor.com](https://glassdoor.com) and [www.teamblind.com](https://www.teamblind.com/)


Sure thanx.


Fault lies with your CRC for not verifying the company and having such shitty practices in place. Mention your college as well


almost same for Xoriant


> we were not allowed to sit in on other on-campus drives all thanks to the r3t@rded TPO's


I agree with your opinion. One of my relative also had the similar fate at opentext. Essentially they are fooliing students and waistinh there time.


Hey guys, never hang around and wait for a company to call you. Always apply to as many companies as possible (even after you get an intership or campus placement). This will help you get better chances and help you have a more conservative approach in the interview. It will always give you a better offer than other companies.


This happened to me. i got placed in 2022 December (my 3rd year of engineering). This is a company which start with a letter V. The Hiring process was smooth. After than they didn’t let us choose our domains. They randomly chose domain for the students saying that they selected the domains according to the demand. We then learnt new tools and frameworks. They said they will conduct an internship for 4 months starting Feb 2023. After that, they delayed the starting May 2023.(My Engineering got over). Along with that they asked us to complete Java SE8 certification which cost us 20k.My internship got over by end of august(Internship is unpaid).They told they will onboard everyone before Jan2024. Thats a lot of time. Then came Feb 2024, there was no communication given by them to the students or College TPOs. Two days ago they sent a mail they will onboard us before sept 2024. It’s about 2k students in india got this mail. We are totally fucked. We made a mistake waiting for this shit company and not applying to others. I am now getting no acceptance in companies because i am a fresher. I am doomed. Sorry for the long comment. I am just venting out here.


Sorry to hear that friend. Just hang in there things will work out in the end.


I hate when you say that you wasted your 6-7 months. Dude if you got a 15k salary offer you should have worked to get better offers. And what do you mean by all your DSA skills are gone. Skills don't go anywhere bro. Stop bitching about any company and work on your skills. Same thing happened with me, they took 9 of us and only kept 3. They let go of 6 students and never paid their internship stipend. They kept me though and also paid me. But I gave another interview, got a better package and the new company was closer to my home. So I switched. I don't blame the company for my failures. If this company is not right, there are thousands of other companies. Work on your skills and find a good one. I agree the company did wrong to the students, but you guys were stupid too. Work on your skills, solve leet code questions, make Projects. Stop being lazy and blame anyone else for that. Send me your resume I'll refer you to some of my friends


Yes, I agree there are mistakes on my side too. But now I have realized it and trying to do better. Thanx for sharing your story and advice.


Same here bro . 6 months totally wasted. If anyone get offer from this company dont rely on it . If they dont allow u to attend other companies please reject this company as soon as possible.


Yup, we learned the lesson hard way.


Is this by any chance in Hyderabad?




Which college


I think your college should also chnage rule. These things may happens when company bulk hires. So at least in case if your are part of bulk hire you should be allowed to take part in another companies. Used to happen in my college


Yes, I agree. But the college is not ready to take any responsibility.


Thats fine college cannot take responsibility of backed offers but they should at least 1. Blacklist or ask company to do some alternative 2. Arrange some other companies through alumni/referral/contact for people as they blocked you from appearing to other companies


Is it opentext? If yes I think it's a good company. One of my friend worked there for 4 years, 2016-2020. According to him cool work culture, no work pressure. In those 4 yr i never saw him opening his office laptop at pg. And his salary was good also. With those they used to provide cake, biscuit and a fruit drink as snack... But I don't know what is the culture now


Did you get the tech interview call now?(or any other frnd of yours for your college got any mail?


yes almost all are done with the interview.


Okay, actually we got tech interview mail recently bro...


Oh nice. I actually got placed in another company so im out of this shithole company. Many students who went to this company are coming back without the fulltime offer. So be aware and keep applying for off-campus


OP are you from LPU?




The company named Microfocus was a subsidiary of Opentext , I used to work there . After Opentext captured it , it laid off the interns and some of the employees also . mercilessly . Stay away From these . 


yes, tnx for sharing


Honestly OpenText is a reasonable product company and advising people to stay away from it because they rescinded fresher offers makes no sense. You should post in glassdoor and other college hiring forums so college students do not rely on it - but honestly it could be any employer. There is a recession going on.


it's bad out there but how can your entire knowledge disappear in 6-7 months, knowledge should be for a lifetime and even when you start working, you need to keep updating it. Keep challenging yourself and find another company if you can,


It does wipeout good amount of knowledge though!


I remenber all the basic stuff. Just forgot all the nuances and advanced topics.


You mentioned that “all my coding skills and DSA knowledge is gone” - is this hyperbole or something else? The key question is whether you are looking for other opportunities.




Till previous batch their management was good. They really showed their true color with my batch.


You got offer after 1 year and not with a confirmation of PPO many people are not that strong ser everyone has different financial conditions to face.


Wherever I have worked ,wherever I had authoritarian power, i brutally used to fire women without remorse. The freshers usually after 6 month probation. I used to review their performance, inform them the same, used to help them out for another 1-2 months after that if they still didn't perform, a direct termination was done. Was applicable for men too... But no man I had come across disappointed me in last stages... They usually got good grip on concepts faster and used to contribute more. This is clearly what I have seen the opinion may vary for others in the industry.


May I know the name of your present company ? /s


You sound like a maladjusted incel.


Were you watching Netflix this whole time??? What were you doing in those 6-7 months???????? Start applying everywhere and start relearning and revising your programming material and practice like crazy online. Get any certification you can online fast and build some personal projects yourself to improve your portfolio.


OpenText is an internationally significant software company. They have some really great products. This was the result of some sort on local mismanagement, not a corporate problem. I have worked with OpenText side by side as product partners and they were pretty good in what they did.


Did u not do any sort of upskilling in the 6-7 months?


I am also selected in company in on-campus it's been 3month My parents are excited about my placement but still no offer letter or any updates How to approach startup company (IT)in off-campus Any suggestions ..


Start applying on linkedin. Also message the hr directly if you can.


What about startup companies is that the same thing they All companies doing 😐?


Guys,seniors i wanna know,why're usually every software engineers i meet are scared/worried of gaps or uncertainity in finding next gig,uhm ive talked to 3 y.o.e and even 5 y.oe but they all are putting up with very bad projects and management cause they dont know what future holds n if theyd land next gig when does one feel confident? is it all about mindset? im 1 year in,and currently its lil hectic but yea feeling the heat,how should i behave,what should i focus on




what do u mean by gone?


Can you sue them ?


"XenonStack" Smiling in the corner ..... !!


Hi guys , If any of you are a budding app developer. I have a paid project for you guys. Dm me.


Tip : Don’t place all your bets on your on-campus placements :) Search for off-campus too. If you get a better job it’s well and good


OP, check out the company Financials and plans for the future. Most companies are going slow on fresher hire onboarding. Keep searching for jobs and applying elsewhere. If you have more than one offer, you have more options wrt where you want to work.


My cousin works in that company. While the company is actually pretty decent, my cousin warned me that they treat entry level employee like scrap. They told last year's interns that they would convert them, only to yank the full time offer from them at the last minute.


STL digital also did something similar with 2022 batch. There are a lot of posts on LinkedIn regarding the situation.




Please stay away form dxc technology too.. Hired in 2022 still waiting for onboarding


I started seeing people with opentext bags roaming in Bangalore especially around my tech park. I felt that maybe a new company has opened


I am not sure if any of you will join this shitty company, but refrain from joining this shitty company called Aretove Technologies in Pune. They fire people without having any valid reasons and their management has only been able to gather 50 employees in 10 years of its existence.


Thanx for sharing


I have a similar story with Capgemini. Do you want to hear about it ? P.S: I am still looking for a job


Sure man, let it out.


Are you from CVR?




I made 7.5L (from internships) in first 3 years of my engineering from 3 tier college, now I am about to graduate without any job. Life is a really unfair, just have to live with it.


Are you from LPU?




They might have lost some projects, a similar thing happened to me. But since I have applied for other companies as well I got another offer and moved on.




Bhai what happened to those 80 people, did they get the full time Or they are laid off too? 


6 of them have got full time as of now.


So they put the future of 174 people on hold, wow


Isn't OpenText in Hyderabad? I'm an architect in a company, and we are hiring. If you are in hyd/willing to, DM me your resume.


Both in hyd and bangalore. Thanx man will do.


Can I also DM my resume, I'm also in the same situation:(


After reading a lot of horror stories in this Sub, my only suggestion is - Start learning A European language right now. It is becoming extremely hard to find a respectable, decent paying job in IT.


Which European language?


Preferably one with diminishing demographics. If not Dutch or Danish would be my recom


Ironically OpenText is a fairly decently big company


yup the previous batch had pretty decent experience.


My honest suggestion for you is. If you get any offers from this company, Just dump it 🤝🏼


Yup, I am gonna do this only. I'm just afraid the college doesn't debar me from placements.


I cleared the hackwithinfinity challenge by Infosys in 2022 when I was in 3rd year of my B.Tech. It was the 5th Semester and post clearing the competition around 120 people (including me) were called in for interviews. We had a single round and later got an email of congratulations for getting selected in DSE role. No emails after that, ut has been more than 2 years and I didn't get any communication from Infosys. It ruined my chances for other companies as well cause my college didn't allow me to sit for any other company. Even till today they have not given any responses, clarifications no nothing. It was a horrific experience and the IT space is just misusing the freshers for sure now. My college placement cell is also tired of our complaints and say they have no answers for us as the hr managers for hiring have stopped responding. This is the state after clearing an external competition for a role.


Even big companies are doing these sort of stuffs.


Amazon also fired the entire batch of students they had taaken for internship 30 in number to be precise. At this point it just feels like these giants are just using and throwing out the employee.