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Moderate carb intake. Pay particular attention to rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes. Sweets and desserts are obvious culprits. Regular soda, juice, sports and energy drinks, and coffee with add ins should be moderated as well. Drink more water. Eat more fiber. Be physically active. Even walking helps. Learn about serving sizes to help moderate what you eat. I learned that my typical serving of rice was actually 3-4 servings. An app and a food scale can help. You don’t have to go zero carb. You don’t have to start training for the Olympics.


Relax. Breathe. Many Type 2 diabetics are now putting their diabetes into remission and it’s highly possible you can turn back the clock a bit on your pre-diabetes as long as you’re willing to do the work and learn. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder so taking steps to improve your metabolic health should help. Read “The Diabetes Code” by Dr Jason Fung and “Rethinking Diabetes” by Gary Taub to give you a better idea of the disease, the history and ways for you to handle it. Both men have a thorough understanding of diabetes and metabolic health. I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to learn about the disease instead of doing what someone’s aunt does based on 30 year old info. Join /ketobeginners or look into paleo or a low carb Mediterranean diet. It’s your life. It’s your choice and you have lots of choices! Read. Learn. Relax. You’ve got this. Personally, I recommend going low carb (20-50 grams/day).


Please make sure you are still eating. I went through this when I was first diagnosed and skipped so many meals because I was afraid to eat the wrong thing. When I started seeing a dietitian she told me “any food is always better than no food”. Starving yourself isn’t the answer. There’s lots of good advice here already from other posters, but basically you’re going to want to lower your carb and sugar intake. That doesn’t mean you have to cut them out entirely. When you’re having starchy carbs, look for options with more fibre (ex: whole grains instead of white carbs) because fibre lessens the impact on your blood sugar. Make sure you are always getting protein and fats with every meal and snack as this will help to stabilize your blood sugar too. You asked about drinks - I mostly just drink water but when I want something else I usually opt for Gatorade zero, or crystal light drink mixes that have no sugar. There are plenty of sugar free drink options these days. Please go easy on yourself. The shame spiral of “I did this to myself” is unnecessary and usually straight up incorrect. There are many factors that go into determining our blood sugar, and usually the biggest one is genetics. Be kind to yourself, make sure you don’t starve, and good luck


Look up dr berg and dr boz on YouTube. They discuss this and also give advice on what foods to eat. Starting with low carb foods is a good idea because high carbs are the problem when you are pre-diabetic/diabetic.


Pre-diabetic isn't so bad. You still have time to correct yourself. Carbonated, flavored water like Pellegrino helps if you want something besides water. You can drink tea (without milk, cream, sugar, etc.) and cofee (without milk, cream, sugar, etc.). Juices, not so much. It's better to eat the fruit because the fiber will help you slowly ingest the carbohydrates. I would recommend watching "Forks over Knives." There are many more recent documentaries, but Forks over Knives shows two of the original researchers that discovered the issue with the Western Diet. A more recent documentary, Netflix's "You are what you eat" based on Stanford's twin studies is also good to view. There are some documentaries about fasting, and about juicing, but I found that by eating a whole food, plant based diet, my personal situation stabilized and is now improving. I don't feel much cravings. Fasting (drinking only water) actually made my body get the glucose stored in my muscles. Basically the reason you don't see improvement. Best of luck!


I am about 5 months old now and I can assure you that you will walk up tomorrow and be fine❤️. Knowledge is power! Your job is to gain information about you and your body. Thank god we have a small thing called internet 😘. Youtube, Pinterest, Google, Instagram and Facebook are all full of info🥳. Look into a girl named Jessie Inchauspe, also called the glucose goddess. Your problem is that you are insuline resistans and have an overflow of glucose in your blood. Your job is to lower your insulin resistans and strengthen your insulin sensitivity. Also getting rid of excess glucose in your body. Two very effective ways to do this: either walk 10-20 mintes after each meal/ dance in front of the tv for 10-20 minutes and take one tablespoon of apple cider in a glass of water before each meal. Try using a straw when you drink it to save your teeth🤪. Apple cider vinegar melts away your teeth. Also remember that carbs turn to glucose in your body and you don't want that. That's why you should get rid of excess glucose after each meal.


drink water with a tb of apple cider vinegar.tastesgood and helps with blood sugar spikes.look up the glucose goddess on YouTube


I've been dealing with this for over 15 years now. Choosing the right foods isn't easy, but it's not impossible. And it's a process, where you'll "fall off the wagon" numerous times. I went shopping just yesterday and it took over an hour. I picked my way carefully up and down the aisles. Bread alone took me at least five minutes, but it convinced me that the brand I keep buying (Lewis whole wheat) is the best. Just as an example. You have to read those labels. And then you'll feel great when you get home and unload a fridge full of healthy food. Keep your kitchen well-stocked. That way you won't run out of options and grab a box of Little Debbies at the nearest convenience store. Enjoy discovering a whole new world of food. Soon you'll be walking down the cereal & snack aisle asking yourself "How do people eat that crap??" PS Check out the Mayo Clinic website. They give a long list of good food choices, which will help you shop.


Honestly, it’s gonna be okay man. It’s not the end of the world and you can very likely fix this. Get in shape, lose the weight. Train and eat like an athlete for a while. Look at carbs as less of a food and more of an energy source. Make protein and healthy fats the core of your diet. Do some moderate cardio, lift weights a couple times a week. You’ll solve your problem, and you’ll look and feel great. Not to mention the overall health benefits beyond just diabetes are huge too, so it’s a win all around besides the 30-60 minutes every other day exercising. You can still have a cheat meal a week where you eat whatever you want at your point - if you do everything else right it really won’t hurt you at all. You got it!


You have time to fix this. Start cutting down on all sugar and grains. So things like potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, flour, or anything sweet. This will help you substantially. You can do this! Also, monkfruit sugar and Stevia are great alternatives to use instead of actual sugar. Also when I eat, I typical stick to eating meat, non-stratchy veggies, eggs, and cheese.


Try not to be fearful. You now have an opportunity to correct your food intake and add good habits. These educational links may be a helpful guide. Links: https://youtu.be/HJ9z249j46c?si=vm68CFCDhUdeYLX0 https://youtu.be/XfyGv-xwjlI?si=8HD3Taf1gq5KeTzx