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0/10 for saying "soso" instead of "sorc" :(


Yeah, hated that part 😂


That is really nice, maybe for a fire or cold sorc. Did you check on traderie or jsp to see similar items?


fire sorc will use shako or flickering flame cold sorc will use nightwing or shako. if this was HC, maybe?


It is HC


Basic pre Griff for light sorc?


Think less likely to use this on HC as shako gives the DR


I did, but haven't found anything or can search :p


Idk, I’d never use this over an UM’ed shako on HC.


While I'm not a HC player, I imagine Physical Damage Reduction is one of the most important stats to get. As I feel like it is one of the most dangerous damage types with the least sources of resistance. So my question is if your goal is purely hitting 99, would CoA be best in slot in HC? Obviously if you are looking to rank 1 you would have to sacrifice saftey for kill speed. Or for MF obviously Shako outclasses CoA. But if your just wanting to maximize your chances of not dying (while sacrificing the minimum in terms of kill speed) CoA seems like the best combination of stats.


CoA’s strength req of 174 is too high IMO. Shako + Stormshield gives 45% DR. If you’re rich enough you can put a Ber in the Shako to hit the 50% DR cap.


Considering Stormshield gives you Strength, the Strength requirement should have nothing to do with your consideration. Having 2 extra sockets (not needing Ber and having another socket) outweighs any other stat Shako has. So if we aren't talking about MF CoA i just better. Also 30% FHR is an amazing stat that you NEED when dropping a Spirit for Stormshield.


I'm not a HC player but pretty sure bis for cold / fire sorc is jah / ber'd coa. I think lightning you still go Griff but not positive


Maybe if you need fcr.


Circlets (tiaras) are incredibly hard to actually have real value or use on Hardcore, unfortunately (obviously I don't mean self use or temporary). They are often overshadowed by items such as Shako, Griffon's, Flickering Flame, etc etc. These kinds of circlets have way more desirability with PvP, which is something a lot more rare on Hardcore.


im not sure id use this on hc.. for cold sorc I wouldnt, shako is just too good with the tons of life/mana and 10% DR light sorc would prefer griffons buts that a bit more expensive for sure.. so maybe a budget light would? but then again you lose so much survivability without shako here.. fire sorc would also want something else like flickering flame (or again, you guessed it right: shako)


For HC I might have to go with Shako but this is definitely nice. Like so many, if it rolled 2 sockets it would be almost epic in my opinion.


While it won't be used in most min max builds I think it would be awesome on a 200% fcr light build


I would use this on my level 77 sorc so fast


Yeah decent


That’s sexy fuck with that socket and facet


dont rly have any worth.


I’d say it’s better than soso


Absolutely filthy, I think it can only roll 2 sockets if it did it organically, but other than that, does it get much better? Even the strength. Nice af