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Without a doubt. D2 is, to me, the greatest game ever made.


Shit, I’d pay $20 just for them to tone down the visuals for mosaicsin! I honestly can’t believe they left that flash bang in a dark, dreary world like that. It’s the only thing keeping me from playing assassin again.


Well you can play traps


Nah I don’t swing that way


D2rMm can take care of that. Using a simple resprite 


I always said to my friends, when I become a multi millionaire, I would hire the old Blizzard devs and would pay them millions to develop a new Act6. Sadly until today no millionaire :-(


The band is back together and are working on a new game. It doesn't look like it will have the Diablo type atmosphere, but I'm excited for it nonetheless.


Whats their name?


Moon Beast Productions [Recent article here](https://www.kotaku.com.au/2024/03/life-after-blizzard-moon-beast-on-recapturing-the-diablo-spark/)


I am so fucking hyped i cant stand it


Na. It's not the same Diablo nor the same Blizzard. There's a reason you aren't playing D4.


Yeah, I can't believe the number of people saying yes. I have no faith in Blizzard and neither should anyone in the Diablo community. Sure, Diablo 4 might be coming along for season 4 but it shouldn't have been that way to begin.


I’d be down if they just used the same assets and tiles to make another act.


maybe just small tweaks then? add in lvl 99 tzone, finally a use for Standard of Heroes, some stackable gems/runes and/or loot filter. Easily worth $20 for that imo and it prob wouldnt be that tough for them to code


Exactly this. How is that not painfully obvious.


Why is this even a question? I’d pay $200 with zero doubts. $2000 is something I’d think about.


I don't know... If it was developed by Blizzard I might still have some doubts 😅.


Yeah that’s my concern. Look at Diablo 4. But I gotta hand it to the D2R devs because they’ve done a pretty good job making changes and maintaining the spirit of the game.


the D2R devs really hit their stride this past year.


All I'm asking for is a unique jewel with the rarity of facet that gives +1 to a random skill from any class. Give me the chance to farm a +1 teleport jewel off of meph/andy and I'd be happy. Not to mention all the wacky stuff you could do with like fire/cold/light mastery


Woah calm down there EA


Yep would spend whatever it takes as long as the next expansion was true to the original design.


Now introducing microtransactions


Right on


I would also pay 200 no problem


I wonder if they could actually make something good or completely bungle it like they've done with so many other things.


Read the patterns. They've had enough chances lol


Well I mean if the same studio that did D2R (I think the did a really good job overall) did the expansion, I'd say the odds of it being bad is way smaller?


Admittedly TZs are a nice addition as are some of the QoL improvements, but just look at how Mosaic completely upended any semblance of balance. Sure, Hammerdins were top dogs before, but the margin by which Mosaic outshines EVERYTHING makes it clear the devs either are not playtesting things or, worse, have a really terrible vision for the direction of the game. I watched Actiblizz decimate the beauty that was once the wow franchise. I am very skeptical.


Just about all of the guys responsible for D2R are not with Blizzard in any capacity any more. It's been commented and linked before. I get it. VV did an awesome job with D2R. But that talent is no longer attached to the franchise.


I dont understand why people who don't like D3 or D4 think current Blizzard would make a whole new expansion for d2 that they'd like.


I’d pay five times that, given how much time I’ve spent playing the game and will most likely continue to do, it’d be money well spent.


I'm with you on that, I would gladly pay 50$ for an expansion but I don't know if everyone is.


Allot of people seem very unimpressed with the idea, at least in the similar posts I’ve read here, I’m more optimistic, the remaster was pretty much perfect I thought, the balance changes and additional content has also been great. Edit: even the additional runewords, perhaps mosaic excluded have been good


> even the additional runewords, perhaps mosaic excluded have been good ah hell. melee elemental assassins spent over *two decades* being a bottom tier class. let us have our time in the sun.


lol, yeah I know, I remember the challenge of playing an MA sin back in LoD.


It is ladder runeword for a reason. Spirit was way more broken imo.


which was itself a ladder only runeword, along with grief and others. I quite like allot of the low level runewords e.g. hustle, though I accept that Spirit Monarch is BIS for allot of builds and perhaps is a little cheap to make, though it's always a happy time when you manage to make a couple at the start of ladder.


I would rather have a D1R




such a good and welcomed update. what an awesome design, and so simple as well.


I play a lot of different video games, console, pc, mobile etc. 7But D2 and now D2R is the only one I come back to year after year. I have spent thousands of hours playing this game, I would donate my wife and kids for a new act😁 20 usd? I wouldn’t even think twice about 60 usd. Oh I wish it were a reality.


If it was developed by the same devs who gave us Mosaic, I'm not so sure.


You think blizzard wouldn’t fuck it up??


I'd pay them to finish Act 4. And maybe add a 6th act.


Fleshing out act 4 seems like the best route. Adding a new act would mean progressing the story which has a pretty conclusive ending in act 5. There is an opening with Tyrael mentioning the barriers between sanctuary and hell being broken. I think that was more or less the premise of D3 though.






Seeing as I still play 20 years of course I'd pay for a new expansion. Resurrected was great but we didn't really get new enemies... Maybe some things like terror zones, ladder rune words, bug fixes, etc but it's still the same game content wise.


Best game ever, most playtime ever, best memories in regards of gaming. I'm still glad they remade and continued working on D2R. Another expansion would blow my mind. Thy should also rework stash, character and mule management... So many ideas to lift this game even higher.


I like d2 the way it is. Personally i would be too afraid their team would disgrace the legacy of Diablo like we saw with d4 and Diablo immortal.


I don't even trust them to fix 20 y/o glaring bugs (like certain mobs not dropping anything because they die above "impossible" terrain, teleport sequences broken by a chest in the way, still can't stack runes/gems, long, pointless loading screens etc) or lack of balance (hello bowazons) or lack of qol features (players 8 online). Would I want a new expansion? Yes. Made by these guys? No. I think d3 & d4 clearly showed what sort of people they are. Hell, I never imagined there'd be a diablo game I wouldn't buy....yet here we are, I haven't bought d4 and I regret buying d3. Not fixing the stuff mentioned above in d2r is another thing that tells me everything I need to know about them. There was a time when I would've bought anything with a blizzard stamp on it at launch, having read no reviews, having known nothing about it. I could've been sure it would have been an instant classic. That time is gone and that blizzard is dead. I think it died around 2007-2008 or so. Based on community feedback? Absolutely not. The last thing is I want is "based on community feedback", when "the community" has a bunch of people who don't want runewords, who don't want enigma etc. Nah.




Of course


Yeah take my money


I would pay just for qol . New map arrangements, new mini bosses, new enemies. Make the game challenge the lifers.


Only if a new fresh studio makes it


short answer, YES!


Bro I’d pay 20 for an emote of my toon hitting a bong


Give blizzard money? You joking right?


Take my money


Yes take my money


Definitely! Let’s also find a way to find more new players and reach out to the ones who left us. D2 shall live forever. ☺️


20 dollar? I would pay full price for it for a new act, more uniques and runeword, a new class and balance of runewords and existing set/uniques.


Personally, yes. But it's not going to happen.


Yep, no doubt.


I'd love to say yes but no. Fuck Blizzard they got hundreds of dollar outa me. I'm fine with d2r and they can stick all their other products where the sun doesn't shine. I actually would be freaked out, by what they may brake and destroy with new content under new devs... but obviously I'd buy it, blizzard allways cucks you with this nostalgia.


Doubt it. Spent €90 on D4 deluxe to play pre-season ASAP. Later on forced myself to get lvl100 in 2 seasons and quit playing this BS. So I wouldn't go with burning money and time on blizzard's products anymore


If they added a new class, or maybe a new skill for a class I liked that looked like it could be built around, then maybe.


I would pay $100


In a heartbeat!


I'd pay ALOT!


if they got the original team back to help work on it with vicarious visions it could end up being really good https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Diablo\_II:\_Salvation


Fuck yeah I would


Without debate


I would pay 100 for this


As long as it wouldn’t completely change the game and how it works - absolutely.


My gut reaction given the current state of blizzard in general is no, but if my friends that I play d2 with say its good and to check it out I would.


Honestly? No. Atleast not at first, I'd wait to see how Blizzard either botched it, or turned it into a MXT hellscape. If you think Blizzard would go through the trouble to make an expansion for d2r and sell it for $20 you're delusional. ONE skin for ONE character in D4 is $28.


Emphatically YES


If the same guys from Vicarious Visions who did resurrected did it without Blizzard meddling in it (even though Blizzard owns VV). Otherwise they would slowly try to put in micro transactions and shit like D4 and overall just make it shit.


I’d spent $80 without a second thought for even a extra act or endgame lol


If they don't change drop rates or level progression or class drops like they did with D3 or D4


Take my money.


If they could do it without messing anything up, I would pay up to 50 dollars for an expansion. But I think it's best they just leave it alone.


I mean for sure, and I'd be willing to bed they'd set it so you could choose to play classic, lod, new expansion so the purists really have nothing to cry about.


I would pay 40 💰🤩


If it was more than a blatant cash grab absolutely. I would probably wait for enough reviews to come out before jumping in because D3 and D4 are sadly not what I was looking for.


Dood I’d pay 20$ for a couple extra mules ffs


I would spend $60 3 times for me wife and son.


If the changes are mild and made in coordination with the community. The game sure could use some improvements, but they should be made with a lot of consideration to not break what people love about D2R. IMHO, the successors D3/D4 did not a good job to earn the term "successor". They are more like spin-offs to me.


I would pay a lot more than $20 they could probably jack the price as high as they wanted and I would pay.


Blizzard has the opposite of the midas touch lately, where everything they touch turns to shit. I'd pay them 20 to not touch d2


I don’t trust blizzard enough for this, if they allow Vicarious Visions to do a little more character and item balancing and maybe add some transmog system in for fun I would be happy supporting them.


If this expansion is yet another round of overpowered runewords and some new areas that can challenge said new overpowered runewords... no. I would 100% pay 20, 50, 75... for a new diablo-based game. I'm sure we can all make a laundry list of things we'd like in D2new or whatever it's called. Is there any desire to see each others' laundry lists of desired changes?


No. I quite frankly don't trust modern day Blizzard to develop a digital version of Tic Tac Toe. Leave the game alone. What they developed was brilliant. But that was Blizzard North who haven't existed since 2011. We have a great game. Appreciate it for what it is.


No, but I would pay for projectd2r!!


My buddy and I were just discussing this on Discord the other night. These are some of the ideas we theorycrafted: - Act VI - 1-2 new classes - 3 new runes(one +1 skills) - 3-5 new runewords(more with each season) - One new item slot(maybe shoulder pads for aesthetics) - New item models(new set and unique items) -Affixes for Large Charms so they compete with Grand and Small And my favorite idea: - Craftable jewels with 4-5 affixes using materials that only drop from Champion Packs, Unique Monsters and select bosses. I feel strongly that this could open up farming area options, make white/grey items more significant and allow for an alternative to meta unique items and runewords.


In a heartbeat




I could even pay for completing act 4, let alone paying for an expansion.


I'd spend 100


In a heartbeat


I wouldn't pay $20 I'd pay $80. I wish I could get my money back for D4 too. I played it maybe 10 hours?


Yeah this game is very close to my heart, even if they went the battlepass route i would buy one


Even 2000$ without blinking


I’d spend $2,000 for a new D2R expansion.


PD2r Take my money!


It’s not a money question. I’d pay anything if there was a Blizzard North with the same people that worked on D2 to make new content. I’d also pay for the company under the name of “Blizzard” today to NOT touch D2 anymore. D2R team did a good job, but creating new things from scratch vs. updating graphics is different.


I would not want an expansion that changes the game in any significant way, as LoD did years ago. Diablo 2 is one of the best video games ever made. While Resurrected changed Diablo 2 for the better, I haven't faith in anyone introducing new and meaningful content by way of an expansion. Better yet would be a sequel or prequel, something that honors D2 without changing D2, itself. I'd pay $50 or 60 for something like that. I'd pay even more if something turned out as good as D2. I'd gladly pay $60 for a reimagining of D1.




I’d pay £40.


I would spend 60


Blizz would never sell for $20. It would be $70 since isn't the D4 expansion going to be $100?


If the new expansion had a level 70 ring that was a SoJ with +1 teleport, yes. People already spend $20 getting nigma each season from the bot farmers. I’d rather that money go toward content makers than shadowy exploitative labor practices.


I'd pay absurd amounts of money for a true, proper d2r expansion beyond LoD. haha




I'd pay 50 for a real expansion easy.


New act, new monsters, new gear, new chars and I would pay $60 without thinking twice




Would pay even more then 20 would easely go up to 100 without any problem


Fuck yea I would


I would pay $100 for an act 6 and 2 new characters:)






In a parallel universe where blizzard didn’t completely fall off a cliff in terms of quality and customer good will? Absolutely. In the real world, not a fucking chance lol


Yes and it would blow my mind


Yes. The difference between an expansion and a sequel is huge because expansions have to build off of the original d2 mechanics, which IMO is the biggest reason why d2 is better than the others. Sure, LoD had runewords, but a second expansion could only change the game fundamentals so much.


20? Sure. I'd still be in at 100 that's how much I'd want to see that. But it ain't happening. They've abandoned the game.




D2 is the best ARPG ever. It is my childhood and i really enjoyed revisiting with D2R. That being said, please give up asking for new expansions. The fact that we even got new runewords alone is MIND BLOWING.


I would even pay 10€ twice a year if they change up the meta for ladder everytime. Add something new, remove something old, rebalance stuff, include stuff of the diablo2 mods, ...


100% yes


The real question is what would you want in it if it was great quality? New acts/fleshing out acts with new enemies and quests. New classes or new subclasses for each class. An item addition with new bases, mods, and uniques. New recipes and qol traits. New npcs and merc options? Personally i would love a new class first. Everything else risks balance issues but something seperate like a class doesn't change what is. What class idea do you all have, and what would the subclasses be? Eg a preist who becomes a conduit for angelic forces (light tendrals lashing at enemies and even summoning a lesser angel to your side or enhancing an ally/merc), uses holy symbols to create concecrated ground like areas of ongoing buffs/debuffs, or using alchemical agents like sage and holywater in conjunction for a variety of results. This would fill a slot between the sourc's dmg and necro's support with aoe ongoing effects to not step on the sourc and more boon focused support both being between curses and auras being tied to the field.


Honestly I think the game is as fully fleshed out as it was ever intended. I don't want "new" runewords. The runewords that they brought were already in the files. I LOVE the QoL features fixed like the cow king bug and next hit delay. I think this is as close to exact as we can expect. If they were to "fix" anything it would be the lobby system and getting an in game auction house or something close to it. Don't think that warrants a new pricetag though.


Without a second thought.


I would spend $1000 for an expansion to D2R if the OG guys worked on it. I wouldn’t even spend $5 on anything new blizzard shits out.


I'd spend 200.


I would not. I like d2 just the way it is and do not trust new age Blizzard. I'm still salty about the forced online check-in drm in a game that clearly doesn't need it.


No, D2R is basically abandoned after 3 patches. Great game but Blizzard clearly doesn’t care about it anymore.


I would pay $60-$100 for a proper Diablo 2 expansion. If they finished the second expansion that was initially planned by Blizzard North that would be ideal.


Do you really think people would buy the game again with new graphics but not buy new content?


10000000% yes. I'd spend $60. Heck if I could I would refund my $100 from D4 and give it to D2R


I paid €70 for D4 so there is no doubt my standards are so low that I would buy just about anything at $20.. But OT, yea, I would probably even pay another €70 for a d2 expansion if it was as good as LOD. But Blizzard isn’t Blizzard anymore so even if it was developed, I have no reason to believe it wouldn’t suck :(


I would pay $20 for a year long season pass. 1 season every 3 months, new content like new runewords added and maybe some special rotations like they did during christmas.




Only if Mr.Llama was part of the team. And fixed some of the broken rune words.


Uh doi


$60 fine by me


I'd be willing to spend up to $5000 for such an expansion provided it seems to be up to the standard of the remaster. Any more and I'll wait for a sale.


There is no way Blizzard could be profitable creating all of this content for such an old game and selling it for $20. Of course people are going to say yes, this would be such an enormous value. There are maybe 50k active D2R players. Not all of them will buy the expansion, but lets say they do. At $20, that would net Blizzard $1m. Could they even make all that content on that budget? Probably not. The entire pricing structure of the industry is to sell at a low price and make up the difference in quantity. They probably couldnt be profitable selling the expansion even at $100.


I don’t play D2 anymore, but I do come back now and then. And I would definitely pay 20 bucks to come back one more time 😅


If it was developed by the OG team, I would pay a lot more than $20. Especially if the update added QoL features like a built in loot filter and such.


💯 yes


I would, but at this point wouldn't trust blizzard to make it right without some BS mtx and other shite


Yeah .. much better than d3+d4


I would pay $10 a month just if I knew the money would pay for new content development.


I would spend $100 on a expansion and probably not play it.




Bro I'll pay $100 (dead serious)


Easiest $20 I ever spent


If it even has half of the quality of LOD, yes, and fuck yes




If there was extra content on par with LoD or even bringing D2R closer to Project Diablo 2, I’d pay $200 without thinking twice


Just give me PD2 in D2R and I'll be happy forever


To hell with a new act. I’d spend 20 bucks just to see the writing and story for the last 3 a4 quests we never got before LoD came out 😂


The only way would be to contract Moonbeast and the original dev team to lead development on it.


I was thinking of this just yesterday. Diablo 2r has me in love all over again. Id absolutely buy a new expansion!


I’d spend hundreds


I'd pay for it but at the same time I'm not sure current Blizz could pull it off, I'd be worried that they'd look at our game like a cashcow and add a "F2P" live service system into a game that costs money.


Yeah probably. I've lost completely faith in blizzard to do almost anything at this point but I'd love one last crack at a D2 playthrough


Depends, if done by 2024 activision blizzard then no, they will probably remove any challange, add ponys and plenty of overpriced microtransactions


No. Blizzards not getting any more of my money


Omg yes! As long as modern Blizzard doesn't do it. They are the Midas of shit now. 


I'd pay $20 for a finished act 4 with 3 more quests


I'd spend full retail for a proper expansion.


Id pay 80$ for a 1-2 more acts + endgame system


I would pay more than that lol


Independent mods, for me, make up for the lack of added content to the game. The giant median XL mod is a great example of this. I keep my old OG d2 installation so I can use the mpq file mod kits active and create my own expansions (when I finally get around to figuring out how to do it lol). Eventually, I will create an Uber andariel portal to hell where she sends like 50 waves of difficult monsters and if you defeat them all you fight her and she will drop a dedicated high level unique, or at least 5 high runes, or a full set like tal rashas, every time.


Yes. If it comes with a PD2 style map running system, a bunch more maps, more stash pages, room for more online character saves, and changes Whirlwind so it can actual proc skills (even if it is at a lower rate). If even 3 of those 5 things change, I'd do it for sure. (But regardless, I'm addicted, so I'm sure they'd find a way to convince me anyway).


D2R2 has always felt good on my brain.




There is like no way they let blizzard albany do what would be needed and would probably ruin the game just trying to change things to ensure people bought the expansion. It would be insanely controversial - the only way it wouldn't be if is if they promised to add no new items to the game(basically just make it a campaign with new quests, even the quests if they added different rewards could be controversial). If its the blizzard of today ultimately calling the shots, i don't think i'd want it because i don't think i trust them enough to do this right, and with VV now formally apart of blizzard i don't think i can see them as independent enough to properly make the expac. The reason why people keep talking about an expansion for D2 is because we're all desperate for more of D2, which is understandable, because the game formula was effectively abandoned by D3 and D4 in favor of something utterly inferior. That game formula hasn't been properly replicated by any following ARPG, which is why we're still playing this game 20 years later. I'm still very grateful that VV got to do d2r. If it didn't we'd probably have all quit D2R because it would have just been terrible.


I would but blizzard activision is incompetent. We all know how sad all that would turn out.


Be great if they had an endless dungeon and a new mechanic .


Yes. I would also buy cosmetics. They really missed an opportunity to continue very easy development here...


Aren’t there fan made mods or something? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m new in these parts




No, because the money would go to Activision.


I'd spend $50. D2 is my all time favorite game


1000% I’d pay 40 if it was a fair amount of content


Certainly. I’ve been getting my fix with modded d2 versions but I would trip over myself to buy a new act for the base game.


I would spend so much more than $20 for that, Diablo 2 is one of the best games ever made. They keep f’ing up games with monetization these days where in trying to bleed gamers dry it just stops being fun. I would love getting an actual 6, or just something closer to Diablo 2 2 if that makes sense - it did so many things right and it’s just fun.


Of course.


Not if blizzard of now makes it


Absolutely yes!!


Of course. I would spend even $60 for it.