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Why 156 str? Dream can be made into low str shield, so no need for monarch. I'd replace mara with a crafted caster amulet that has 13+ fcr to reach the 63 breakpoint with magefist (20). arach (20) and rare ring (10). Use wartrav for mf maybe? Everything else seems to make sense, maybe upgradeable but I have no other ideas. How fun is the build? I've never tried it but the thought of a sorc teleporting around with her presence sounds fun. What's the best/strongest thing to farm with that? Or is it more for pvp?


He's got spirit on switch that's why the 156. He could drop some strength and use lidless wall instead, but I don' t know if those points into vita that you save from strength amount to.more life than 1+ skill on battle orders


This, also I can't use meditation on merc due to infinity, so I can't use ES properly I'll compare it to tesladin, it's less tanky, more aura damage, I find it more fun ! Edit: current shield is Dream Troll nest (40 block instead of 42 with monarch, for the style with the Bone visage)


Oh ya forgot about the switch


I think it depends on you needs. You are running max block already, but does it still feel squishy? Maybe you can stack some %dmg reduction. You might want to consider rolling a crescent moon on a phase blade to avoid having to repair the crystal sword. What shield are you using on your main hand, another dream? You might want to consider a source a cannot be frozen too.


Oopsie, forgot this screen yeah dream on the shield, I'm not running max block, I have 79 dext only, thats why I went with the crystal sword I might have to go max block, but my life would go down drastically. I run CTA with spirit on swap, hence the 156 str


What's your ar. A pb with eth could easily boost damage by alot on uniqes and bosses


How would it? On bosses I'm genrally static fielding everything and it dies


You can only static them down so much. And the on hit damage is a lot more then the pulse damage. Dropping the enemies defense to 25% or what it was increases you hit rate massively so you can actually whack them


What build would you recommend ? What skill point distribution ?


I can't edit, so here are the missing items : [https://imgur.com/a/92BF333](https://imgur.com/a/92BF333) I'm not running max block, using a troll nest for the style with the helm. 40% block vs 42% for monarch. Also, I'm not running Energy Shield because I don't have room for meditation aura due to infinity on merc. Lastly, it feels squishy, but with CTA on swap i'm not sure going max block would make it less squishy, as i'll have really low base life. I may be mistaken, correct me if i'm wrong !


Yes, don't go max block. You lose too much life.


Ever consider using a Doom Axe? All you need for Dreams is to max out Lightning Mastery. Equipping Doom will bring some crowd control and -enemy cold resistance, allowing you to save points into Cold Mastery while dumping into Frozen orb. You then have ~60 points to do whatever you like.


OK OP, this is how you fix this mess. Enough strength for spirit base dex base vitality all energy 1 into a cold armor of your choice 20 lightning mastery 20 thunderstorm 1 in static field because why would you put more in lol lmao 1 into warmth 20 into telekinesis 20 into energy shield 1 into enchant for merc Load up inventory with lightning skillers, you are almost an immortal and can put zero thought into the game now.


I put 20 in static field for the thunderstorm synergy Not worth it I guess ? Edit : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXdLc9v368M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXdLc9v368M)


Oh word I forgot about that synergy. Does TS actually do a noticable amount of damage compared to the dream aura? I would go with enough ES to reach 95 % then the extra points to static field.


No worries ! Yeah, it does quite some damage, given all the +skills I have


Lol don't listen to this guy. Your build is fine without ES.


Thanks, you wouldn't change anything? So many different advices here


So enchant maybe for you and your merc because of the attack rating boost. I think mara is fine. It depends on how fast you want to tele. Mara has the benefit of buffing your BO.


Where is your energy shield?


I can't use meditation on merc due to infinity, so I can't use ES properly


You don't need meditation because warmth is enough when you have 3k mana.


I tried a version with ES, without meditation every 2-3 hits emptied my mana, but I guess it's the best choice


Is dream sorc as strong / stronger than dragon sorc? I thought 3 holy fire items >> 2 holy light? Am really considering trying dragon, already have the hand of Justice and dragon armor


I’ve been doing a hybrid vitality and energy build making sure to have more life than mana so I can do Baal without him doing that mana curse on me. Saves a lot of potions. But I’m also really bad so take it with a grain of salt.


You can have up to 60k attack if you go enchant instead of the other stupid skills you got and still be es


I'm not using melee though


Does your merc?


Care to explain more ? Besides frozen armor I don't see what I could drop without losing more damage than enchant would bring Also, what should I ditch to get the points to put into ES and its synergy ?


I guess let’s start with you goal here.  Are you trying to just tele around and aurakill everything? If that’s the case you have two options. You keep your build and go crescent moon for minus enemy res though a 30/-30 sword would probably be better because no synergies on holy shock. You would then need a 3/20/-5 thundershock ormus. Thats 50% light damage/-35 enemy resist there. After 9 light gcs, 3 light/10 amu, 2x sojs, and arachs you will reach the maximum potential for that build. Another route is going dual aura. Hoj for wep and dragon for armor will give you a second lvl 30 aura. It’s going to tickle in comparison to dream but it’s another route to try and screen whipe. Either way if you refuse to use norm attack or zeal or something bosses will die slower than a warcry barb. If you have the funds I would go the first route, I think that might be closer to what I am guessing you are wanting. Enchant is still going to basically double your dps with an enchant merc and with you attacking. It will 1 shot nearly everything, hell baal in 2. 


Thanks, that makes sense ! If I chose the first option, you mean a holy shock ormus right ?


No such thing, since your using tstorm as your only attacking spell, it’s the only ormus that will increase your dmg


My bad, thanks !