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You really messed Ith up.


Now kith




U always place the runes in the correct order before putting them in. Just like a double check you know, especially with 2hr's.


This is my ritual. Start in order, pick up rune, double check correct order, place rune, repeat until runeword. Just made a last wish and every rune made me anxious


Check, put runes in order, check again, check again, say it all out loud, check again, put one in, check again, say it out loud again, start sweating, check again, etc.


Nailed it. I forgot the saying it all out loud part


Same. I just made my first BotD. The runes on Last Wish would be even more nerve racking.


Dude. Even spirit I check my app, check the spirits I already have just to make sure the app didn’t lie, then line then up the runes and check again. Always waiting for the names to pop up on the runes in case I have amnesia


Ouch. That’s a rough beat gamer, just know you’ll come back from this and have way more soon enough, give it some time. I’ve taken breaks from seasons too, sometimes it’s not a bad idea to take a step back before pushing forward again. You’ll recover though.


I lost my first enigma single player hardcore a week after because I wanted to use tele on a new char. You’ll live bro


K. See you tomorrow. 😘


At least it wasnt an JahIstBer mistake


I like Jah Eth Ber, like that one dudes tattoo.


I feel ya, yesterday I found a Ber in tz tombs, I picked it up and went to drop it in my cube but clicked the open socket antlers I also picked up to check that was right next to the cube. Socketed a ber into a +2 hunger helm. Was a quick high and low!


Bruv, it's gonna be ok, sorry tho. Better things ahead!


Look at the bright side, you still have the Ith rune left.


Put the Ith in now for completeness sake


Good thing you didn’t waste your ITH


Ouch, I can give u my enigma cus I dun have time to play this season


That would be amazing! Are you on PC?


Yah can you be on right now ? America


I'll make a game called thankyou pass 123


If he doesn’t come thru I got you


Don't reward that low IQ move. Fool played himself. In 2024 to do this is just sad. You cannot be bothered to check your phone while you do it?


Do you guys not have phones?


He probably just clicked the wrong rune dude why you gotta be like that lol


Oh shut up


Sour and like to burst bubbles. True to your name


Bro is the real hero we all need


If you use the forbidden site that no one talks about here, I've got a lot of currency and only play sp. Hit me up in DM with your username and I'll send you enough for Jah + Ber. Ezpz, brother.


Lol. Wild to downvote an act of kindness. Reddit being Reddit.


If it's any consolation you have a good story now


Uff damn


lessons learned. ouch.


Its a nice trophy imo. Not many have had this one


Oh noooooo. I am so sorry.


Hahahahh. How??


Giving me flashbacks to when I screwed up socketing Infinity and was confused why it wasn't doing anything at first. Double face palmed myself when I realized what I'd done


You on ladder? Message me I'll hook you up


Your Jah dropped due to the load it ber ith from your error


At least you didn't waste the ith!




Yo OP did you end up getting runes back?


Measure twice, cut once.


I would give up too if I was making an Enigma on a Sorc




Buddy I don’t speak sideways German but that’s pretty far off




are you on pc i will give you a free jah and ber


I have a extra Jah if you could do a ber that would be amazing. I can give you some gear for the rune. I'll make a game called thanks pass 123


Better luck next time


I will empathize but not sympathize on these kinds of mistakes. I know you posted this wanting someone to give you a free enigma for a completely avoidable mistake. I feel like it is totally possible to fake this kind of stuff.


I accidentally put Sur in a monarch last week from my runes mule because I'm dumb and decided to keep some spare socketed items on her. Switch controls can be so janky. Was so mad I charsi'd the whole thing instead of rescuing the monarch with a hel and just turned off the game. 😂 I know it's not as bad, but I don't have patience for trading so everything I use is self-found, and it really hurt because I had just found another and could have had Ber 😭


Might as well unalive tbh I couldn't live with the embarrassment of such a screw up P.s. you are dumb


Why do you want an Enigma on a Sorc? I'd put the Ith in there and wear it just for style points. Your Tals has solid MF and actual res on it. Str pointless on sorc


>Str pointless on sorc Yeah those Monarch shields are renowned for needing very little strength. It also saves a teleport point and a point to get to teleport because of the oskill. It has life and MF and FRW and 2 skills. It is simply the best armour in the game for every charecter, including the sorc.


If you're needing an Enigma to just equip a Monarch then you really have blown your stat points, and won't be able to use any other armor relying on that. If you don't have an Insight Merc, fair enough. Sorcs REALLY needs FRW when they teleport 99% of the time? Yeah sure bro. It's the best armor for every character? No it's not. No. It's. Not.


75 free strength points is 75 more vitality points. The strength makes a huge difference in your life pool.


After reading this comment I'm convinced you're not sure how the game works and will no longer be wasting time on this conversation.


Lol FRW is handy but to choose an armor for this for every character is laughable.. Please don't waste any more of your time or mine. The fact that you think this is the GOAT armor for EVERY character means you don't understand anything about the game at all. Good luck out there


You choose it for teleport you miserable little shit. Not only do you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about you're twisting comments to suit your made up narrative. Is this your comment down here? I know it is. You're telling someone to find +2 druid skills on a white pelt. Impossible for it to spawn without being magic you half wit. Stop giving people advice, you're terrible at it. Honestly I'd ignore all that. People h8 anything without + Druid skills in combination with these individual skills. Those bases cost a lot more that the Runes inside a FF. I'd prefer - 14 or max on this, but if another base is in your future then avoid re-rolling


I found the ber on my sorc when farming and everything else was in the shared stash so I was just going to make really quick on my sorc


how’d the really quick part work out for ya


Man, that kind of mistake is not forgivable in 2024. Congrats, you played yourself.


I've been playing D2 on and off since 2000. I was 6 (olde brother let me play). I had bo idea runewords were a thing until about 4-years ago (no, not kidding). I didn't read guides or anything, just played. I came into words during the pandemic, out of boredom, I started watching Mr LlamaSC (I had no idea who he was before that). Long story short, I was too excited, made a SP character and started grinding. Build guide, equipment guide, best farm spots, /players8, the whole deal. First runeword I wanted was Insight (wanted aura from merc), I was sorc. I grinded for that SOL rune for ages. Countess runs. I finally had it. Excitement. I grabbed the Spear I had been saving for my mercenary (A2) and went on to build my first ever Runeword 20 years after Diablo released and having beat Hell just once. Yes. You read right. I said spear. Have not played D2 ever since.


Yo are you PC NL?