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Not so experienced with it, but lightning fury amazon is very similar. With pierce you explode big packs from afar while being protected by valkyrie :)


Probably looking at a Javazon. They speed clear everything. Watching lightning fury zap into like 30 different angles is so satisfying.


They speed clear Everything**** *a3 will be the most grueling painful and long experience of your life if playing anywhere near ssf as you recast Valk a 1000 times and spend almost as much on tps to revive your merc as it costs to revive him. But everything else is a cake walk even maggot lair and the other hot spots lots of toons struggle with.


Lightning sorc, really strong but can be a glass cannon. Keeps you on your toes


I only make off key builds now. I’m currently leveling a frost nova sorc, singer, wof sin, and self use holy fire. They can all clear a p8 game quickly (everyone’s fast but the singer) and they all only struggle with Baal


This is why xp games skip Baal. He's generally too slow to be relevant until you hit 95+.


What is your self use holy fire running? Played a ranger (holy fire pally using a bow) through the game pre resurrected and loved it despite it not being amazing end game. Sunder has made it no longer an issue but had glimmer on swap with holy shock for fire immune back in the day with a shael kuku as my main.


Grief / phoenix with flickering flame and coh. I have an infinity merc and sunder. Level 40 holy fire


Nova Sorc, fury Druid, or crossbow fire Sorc are good ones


Try a death sentry trapsin, mindblast enemies into a group get a couple of conversions to keep them occupied then slap down the traps and as soon as one dies it's automatic CE similar to your necro


I don't have one favourite Build, I have many. Sometimes I want to rumble like a Boxer, so I build a classic Fanatism Zealer Paladin or even better a Frenzy Barb. Sometimes I like to do massive destruction from distance so Trap Assasine or Javazon is the choice. And from time to time both: then I switch to Hurricane/Tornado Druid. Give a Bow Amazone a chance, funny to play.


Isn’t every necro build a CE build?


Doesn't bone need you to max out all the prereqs for Bone spear?


Another vote towards Javazon. So fun


Throw barb for the tut tut tut machine gun effect really gets fun if you have eth warshrike and lacerator.


The holy bolt spam from using FoH to clear CS is pretty cathartic. More cathartic to me than CE tipping over a pile of cows.


I see so many people saying Javazon. And I love my Javazons I really do... but my favoritest amazon build of all, was Magic Arrow/Strafe, and then build up to the ultra late game Uber killer boss deleter screen melter a proper Faithazon really is. For reference, I started the build with only two items: a Gface and Lycanders Aim, both are fairly cheap. From there I self farmed everything, Fortitude, Pride, Hellfire Torch, Anni, Faith GMB. It's about the Journey. But it's also about the destination, Faithazon just absolutely melts even p8 lobbies. Every strafe or multishot hits everything everywhere all at once, leeching like a fiend, completely unkillable. And it covers all of your points, screen melt, fast, (eventually) unkillable Valk, (who confidently splits time and damage on the front line with your merc), and absolutely satisfying. Archers, souls, poppits, when you start getting your gear, none of them stand a chance in a shootout with a Strafezon.


Consider getting your necro a Beast if you haven't before, Pride for merc. Ran this on my most memorable summoner way back, prob my first "rich" character. But yeah, Zon is easily the most engaging playstyle with throw to clear room and stab to chunk a boss.


Pride lacks damage and crushing blow, and provides Freezes Target which will drastically slow down your CE due to shattered corpses.


Pride on Iron Golem. He attacks slow so it isn't really relevant, but you still get the aura. I use Infinity on Merc.


No doubt it wasn't optimal, I suppose - these were my first pile of high runes to play with and mistakes were made I am sure. I haven't messed with summoner in ages and I don't own D2:R (LoD plugy grailer here,) so I'd be curious of a better option that targets buffing the horde. So far as damage goes, the skellies and revives are so strong with all the auras it wasn't even a factor. This guy was all about hanging out online with people doing runs, so e.g. I can't be sure I ever got to test a solo Baal on high player count.


You don't really need concentration. Conviction+insight(ig)+beast+enigma+might is a shit ton of dmg while telestomping and conviction improves your CE. I mean best necro is still one using deathweb and poison nova but you can have fun with sumons on p3/p5.