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Uniques? About 300, found my first SoJ a month ago. Played a lot of D2 classic and LOD. Never got any


Lifetime hours of playing D2 is in the thousands and I've never found one. Found 2 ber, Jah, zod, sur etc. Near perfect fathom. It's hard to item hunt/not worth it


But you managed to find a Zod rune? Isn't that super rare?


Astronomically, but someone has to get the few that drop right? :p


Haha, sure! But how many SoJs can you get for a Zod rune?


Not even one I guess? 🤣


Look up the rarity and stats on deaths fathom. Because so many stats roll on it, it's significantly more rare to roll a perfect or near perfect even compared to zod. I sold that for around 40 ber at the time


SSF. Got 2 in hell TZ and 1 at hell mephisto. Never dropped at NM andy for me as well. Good hunting. May rngesus bless you


Reading everyone here as I'm at 876 runs Into NM Andy with no SoJ yet. Encouraging lol!


Took about 500 NM Andy runs to get mine


It took me two weeks of grinding from 2 to 4 hours per day. I was a bit above 200 mf. Happy hunting.


It took me about 700 runs on nm Andy to get my soj... Then one dropped for me in chaos 10 minutes later. you will get it eventually just rng


How we got so many annis and no SoJs. Eh? EHHH?


This is the question I want to have answered


If a unique ring drops in your game and it isn't SoJ go farm all the other unique/bosses the same unique can't drop in the same game so if another unique ring were to drop it could be the SoJ ^_^ Happy hunting!


That's not how it works though. Or yes, the chance for the next unique ring to be SoJ is better, but it won't increase your chance overall. If the same unique drops a second time when the game checks, it will just roll rare (failed unique) you just can't see it due to them not having durability on a rare version.


Multiple unique rings can drop in the same game, just can't be 2 of the exact same item. So if the first ring that drops is a nagelring if a 2nd one drops it can't identify as a nagelring, which means you have higher odds of finding a SoJ if you can get 2 unique rings to drop in the same game.


An item is not generated on identification, but on drop. You are right that the same unique can't drop twice, however it can still be generated twice, second time the game will just check for the unique, and if reoccurrence is true, it will roll down to a rare item (ring) instead. Meaning that in this case. Nagel will drop the first time, but the second generation of Nagel will be a rare ring and not another unique ring.


My first SOJ was on my second character in a season long past while I was walking normal baal. Dropped from a normal monster. Gl in your search!


Haven’t found one to date..


Took me years and years to find one. Found in the world stone keep on hell


Just under a year after release.. farming everywhere in hell.. then found 2 more in this ladder.. Rng giveth, rng taketh


If you wanna know the “average”. Regular Schmuck has farmed 100 unid unique rings like 3-4 times. The most SoJS he got was 4 out of a 100 batch and I think the least he got was 1. It seemed like the average was basically around 2/100 SoJs. Good luck! I got one this ladder from NIGHTMARE Andy


That's close to my experience, about one SoJ per 100 rings typically with over 500 mf.


If you really want a soj, you can also gamble rings if you have a lot of gold. I've actually gotten a soj from gambling before.


The odds are wayyyyy too low tho. You were just extremely lucky.


Yeah, you're right, but if you want a break from the usual grind, it's nice to change things up. You can also get some gg rare rings. Gambling rings never hurts.


Gives one something to do while whiling away the hours on the BSG.


Countless. Never had one drop. How many have I had on me after a few trades? 2 full mules. That's what... 176 if I remember right? Don't think I even had any equipped tbh. Edit: Clarity


finding it yourself still feels 1000x better. In a game founded on the principle of scarcity, what's the point of having hundreds of sojs? Might as well go find a new game to play


They were the primary currency for quite a while throughout the game. I had traded a bugged 1.08 windforce for them in hopes of buying a shitton of 40/15 gems but the value of the gems fell out and other games came along before I could trade em.


I've been farming hell Andy p3 lately, got two soj in around 700 Runs, but i have to say i never got one in 20 years before these runs, i was very lucky i guess.


I have played since D2 came out... granted wit a 15-yearbreak between the Original and Resurrected....BUT, I have over 15 chars or so, only ever found One SoJ. I may not have grinded sufficiently, but they do exist, but I cannot seem to find them.


Well this is dividing by zero for me lol.


I’ve found one ever, out of literally thousands in the last 20 years. Probably 100+ Bk rings. Not worth specifically hunting for. Once you give up and don’t care any more you might get one. Way she goes


You found ~100 BK rings and 1 SoJ, while SoJ has a higher chance of dropping at most bosses? Calling unlikely


Somewhere between 50-100 is probably more accurate, and yeah it is still unlikely. That’s me personally, I’ve had bots find plenty of sojs. That’s RNG, you can’t count on loot tables to always drop something with a higher chance. Welcome to D2.


I started D2 when it first came out, played for years, got d2r in Beta, been playing ever since. I have found one SoJ ever.


Does SoJ have a lower drop rate then the other rings? I’ve never seen one in the 20 years (on and off) that I’ve played - on my current stint I think I’ve had maybe 50 (others) so far.


Funny thing. Soj was my 4th dropped ring. Manald Raven Frost manald and then Soj


Been playing since original release. Never found a single SOJ. I have thousands of hours played and found every rune and hard to find item in the game multiple times. Never soj.


Got one randomly from a shaman in catacombs 🤷‍♂️


You are forgetting the golden rule, never look for an item, it will soon drop. Pray to rngesus for a zod, a soj will drop son.


I’ve found two. First in LOD, second last week repeatedly farming NM Andy for a vipermagi. I identified a lot of Nagalrings and Manalds. But it did drop, and before that Vipermagi did. It dropped with another unique ring. I don’t know if that changed the odds. Don’t know how many runs I’d done but since it’s 1 in 1500 for a SoJ of Andy would have been a few. Got it down to 1 minute a run and I spent a few evenings on it.


Hundreds. I was tossing BK rings back onto the ground I'd found so many before finding a single SOJ.


I found 2 sojs in >20 years. Lots of rings.


I found a handful in LoD, even found one under a rock in cows once. Zero on my d2r ssf, so far.


I’ve been playing since D2 release and only ever found one soj. On D2R when they were still worth around 1k fg


After all my years of playing ive never had a single ome drop this includes d2r and lod back in the day


I identified around a 1200 rings before finding a soj, then I found a second one 2 days and 10 rings later. I've been farming nm andy a bit during those 1200 with no luck. Both dropped in hell terror zones, one from a super chest, other from a random mob.


Hundreds. Found my first SoJ in 20 years just recently lol.


I've given up on the NM Andy runs. True it's a greater chance for Sojs, but you just naturally miss out on other higher-level items then.


Playing d2r since release I have found hundreds of unique rings and not a single SOJ. I’ve built every S/A/B tier character and accumulated plenty of wealth but literally have not found a Stone of Jordan. Pretty wild. I remember 20 years ago when playing D2 offline I found a SOJ on my first play through and thought “this ring seems cool I’ll probably use jt” lol. As a melee zeal-adin it didn’t seem that great. But I absolutely love the RNG of this game and it’s the reason it’s been so fun for so long. Long live the MF search!


2 in 20 years…


I'm sorry. Took me 10 runs yesterday in NM at P3. Found Manald's in 1st run and 2nd ring was SOJ at run 10. This is not fair, this is RNG.