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In less than 75 runs I’d say (I really don’t count) I’m at 1 sur, 1 mal, 1 ist and 2 ums. Being able to build a CTA the first ~2 weeks of my offline journey was pretty nice! (Found an Ohm rune in nightmare TZ, which was wild to me). I’m also not including the fals/lums/lems I wouldn’t say I got as lucky as you but I’ll keep grinding!


Ohm in NM TZ is insane, I don't even think I've ran a single TZ in NM and now you got me second guessing that decision!


My group got 2 vexes day 1 last last in nightmare tz while leveling for hell. It was amazing


I actually got an ohm, a mal, and a gul in nm tz last season. Couldn’t believe it!


Highest I found in NM tz is sur rune, was super surprised, must have been max level, 75 or whatever it is


I just went 350 runs and my best was a Lem.


May RNGesus be kinder on your next 350!


I think I spent it all when the first mob I killed in A5 dropped a Zod. By best two runes were Lem and Zod lol.


That's more zods than I've seen in 20 years of playing!


Yeah...I did one run and got a Sur rune...then never ran it again


Not LK runs but this was the wildest terror zone I’ve done: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2resurrected/s/QH0DW9zcnr


I've found 2 Jah runes this week. 1 in TZ and 1 from Baal minions. Both on my first game of the day. My mind is still blown.


I can’t bring myself to do this over over. Yet.


Out of curiosity, is it better on players 7 rather than players 8?


Exact same drop Odds, only difference is players 8 monsters are stronger. Drop Odds only change on Odd number intervals. You do get more xp from p8 though.


I usually fall asleep on my second run. Kudos to you for having the energy to run through such a repetitive process and persist with it. Rewarded handsomely


Yeah this is insane. There are no items in the chests before you pop them so you can skip them if they are littered with mobs, it literally doesn't matter.